"Since the beginning of time, the world has known strife. The history of
is essentially the history of war. One of the earliest of all historical records, a Sumerian bas‑relief from Babylon (ca. 3000 B.C.),
shows soldiers fighting in close order, wearing helmets and carrying
shields (James Boice, The Last and Future World [Zondervan], p. 98).
There have been almost non-stop wars ever since."
- Steven Cole.
True Awakening includes realising we're
modern products of
an ancient spiritual degradation:
from prehistory through to the new age our
original spirituality has been obscured from our minds.
all the pretences of genuine spirituality we live on a
spiritually retarded planet.
Nature isn't progressively evolving
to a higher level of life. Nope, if anything it's devolved.
In numerous and diverse ways people are utterly confused
and frankly degenerate: chasing their own tails or led by fools.
A great many are pig ignorant and/or completely naive as to what they're
really into and there's loads of gross and other nasty nutters larkin about
with throngs of spiritual retards hitchin a ride on the sparkly new age
bandwagon taking them to the Nth degree of
For example:
some years ago a book arrived on the new age scene
setting 🔥FIRE🔥 to the minds of many spiritual juveniles who
live after the flesh; who desire the temporal things of the world
before accruing the eternal verities of Spirit.
It's called "the Secret."
Back in the day I "resonated" with "the Secret."
Now I grieve at self-empowerment theologies;
and (as it happens) Spirit grieves along with me.
premise of "the Secret" is that our core nature is essentially good.
"Progressive christianity" embraces the concept too - an example of the
new age
creeping into all areas of life. It's the law of attraction (distraction)
taken to the
usual absurd degrees by terminally deceived people believing we are as gods:
cosmic beings creating our own
reality. We CAN have ALL we desire.
But "the Secret" should be retitled
the Damned Lies
'cos it's +positively+ brimming with 'em.
I glanced through a copy recently, in a charity shop of all places,
read a few words and was instantly appalled at the blatant falsehoods
spreading like 🔥diabolical wildfire🔥 throughout the earth.
The Secret denies humanity's core nature as revealed by Jesus
Jesus said, "there are none good but GOD"
Man's conception of goodness
deviates every inch from God's View.
The Secret criminally reverses and/or distracts from the truth
of our common spiritual situation. It's a selfish, soul dangerous
abuse of cosmic energy and an insult to the true Divine Supplier
A lotta folks don't like to consider that we aren't
naturally good. -For sure we're born with instinctual moral
goodness, but it comes packaged with great evil.
Mercifully - for the most part -
the good finds the greater expression.
However, the evil still persists and it ain't
something to ignore or embrace (via "shadow work.")
It's to be Repented of via humility and a changed nature.
We all embody evil to greater or lesser degrees.
Everyone is conceived within and
born into DEEP spiritual darkness.
Our hearts and minds are currently WIDE OPEN
to spiritual deceit, delusion and no little peril. We have the
opportunity for Redemption but as we are (sans Christ) our
core nature deviates every inch from Divine Goodness.
This wasn't always the case:
mankind was created good.
We were meant to live forever
with everything needed provided;
but something's gone terribly awry:
throughout history BILLIONS
have literally DIED, and a HUGE
proportion quite HORRIBLY.
The reality we all share is not an illusion but a lot of the stuff in it IS
Reality is a co-created historic and contemporary
actuality we've inherited and unwittingly acquiesce to.
The common tragedy of existence begs some serious questioning:
What's with all the terrible wars?
Why the historic urge to kill,
conquer and wanton destruction?
What about all the congenital
infirmities, terrible illness and
the wide variety of disease?
Why the predatory instincts of nature?
Why on earth does natural life
hunt, KILL and feed upon itelf?
Why must we grow old and DIE??
In a world obsessed with Raising our
Vibrations why are they so low to begin with?
What are we Rising Up to?
Why aren't we born RIGHTEOUS and grow naturally into
a fully integrated and harmonized spiritual awareness?
Why does it take a lotta mistakes and great
desire to even begin to be correctly informed?
What happened to estrange mankind
from honest-to-goodness D I V I N I T Y ?
Why the absurd spiritual ALOOFNESS;
the baseless CONCEITEDNESS;
the unmitigated arrogance;
the-nose in-the-air pretentiousness;
the rampant narcissism;
the pride and the prejudice;
the nonsense and nonsensibility?
Lookin around there's only one conclusion worth its salt.
Wrestling with the root cause of the problem most of my life,
in recent years I came to a breakthrough in understanding:
true Spiritual R E A L I S A T I O N
we are a fallen race
living in a fallen world.
This ain't no psychological
conclusion but spiritual cognition.
I see it's the case and it's real serious to boot.
The Fall is the only logical spiritual explanation for
the abiding perception of the wrongness of all life.
Masses of people go on about wielding truth nowadays.
Truth is all the rage; but actual truth is
largely ignored or vehemently spat upon.
The truth is we are spiritually
retarded beings divorced from Divinity.
You can stop up your ears to the truth but you'd be
doing yourselves - and everyone else - a profound disservice.
The fall is the >SCHISM< David Icke
talks about (with no little distortion)
But David is blind as to why the
>schism< occured (just that it did)
As a new ager into some incredible quantum ascension stuff I could intuit
higher spiritual science. We know that material sunlight is intimately essential to the existence of earth's surface lifeforms; in
an ideal reality light informs nature how to grow and develop
harmonically; but one of the most astonishing things I've come to
realise is that light
can be fallen state and exploited to within an inch of it's eternal
We know about lasers and holograms an' stuff;
with the right know
how light
is pliable and can be
programmed with quantum data both true or false:
Human souls ((RESONATE)) with
the surrounding light frequencies:
right now we're living in a SEA of fallen light -
dragging the indigenous world down with it.
Life is affected right across the board:
the earth is FALLEN.
the holistic fields of
nature are DEGRADED.
The flesh too;
our pineal gland
(T H I R D E Y E)
is compromised.
The "inner light"
people go on about?
Fallen light manipulates human intellect; covertly bonds
with our psychic faculties and subtly alters our psychology: inspiring
vain imaginations, lofty concepts, high ideals and instilling billions
with subjective misinformation spuriously
objectified as reality.
Much like "the force" the fallen light
surrounds and penetrates all living things.
But it ain't generated by all living things
just >absorbed< like so much - negative osmosis -
For millennia mankind has co-created cultures
and religions from data formulated by fallen light.
As like attracts like fallen light attracts
a WIDE VARIETY of fallen light substitutes.
The law of attraction in action!
we're fallen state is such a relief because it puts everything
into perspective and levels the playing field. No one is better,
greater, more successful or enlightened than anyone else. In the
latter case the very
opposite is the truth: so called enlightened ones
have only gone
and RISEN to more rarefied levels of delusion.
Post the fall mankind retained varying degrees
of psychic powers now
used for vanity, personal
gain, egoic pursuits and frivolities. I've been involved
with new agers and hindu gurus most of my life and - in cognizance of the fallen
state - it's incredibly silly to be gadding about as latter day
embodiments of an ancient spiritual subversion: acting as if we're
significant, lording it over temporal kingdoms and spreading
quasi- numinous poppycock all over the shop. There's
nothin' Spiritual about any of that, or what any of us do to be honest.
Humanity soars on apparitional wings to lofty heights of
imagination with no basis in reality. We believe they're real but our
beliefs are commonly sourced in compromised metaphysics.
Thousands of generations have lived an incrementally
fragmented spirituality far removed from native Oneness.
Life is Koyaanisquatsi (out of balance)
Spiritually, mentally, socially: it's totally out of whack.
You can dress it up nice and pretty but that's how it is.
There are religious connotations endemic to the fall I can't avoid,
nor will I attempt to. I'm leaning hard on those connotations.
When we see the fallen nature of life we're concurrently
guided to the authority of christian Scripture and what they
tell of our spiritual condition: real serious like.
All historical and current spiritual aspirations and/or occult
obsessions arise from our fallen nature and are replete with
the grandest delusions exploited by tenebrous spirits
using mankind as their hands, feet and mouth.
The fatuous I AM proclamations hordes of criminally pretentious spiritual
novices make their own are without true insight and are - in sooth - impudent and
stunningly blasphemous self-assessments before the eyes of Spirit.
A truly repugnant amount of high blasphemy
proliferates in self-exalting new agers, for which
I've become vociferous about rebuking 😊
I'm sure a great many of 'em haven't a clue what
I'm talking about or what they're doing wrong.
The new age effectively placed blinkers upon our collective eyes;
the masses are in active denial of Spiritual truth. Instead of facing up to, and accepting, the terms of the Divine through Yahshua/Jesus Christ they hide away
to co-create fanciful belief systems born of fantastical fallacies:
gods and goddesses, Atlantis, Lemuria etc ETC
Firmly ensconced in material and conceptual
comfort zones they hear only what they wanna hear,
preferrin' havin' their ears tickled and their auras
INFLATED like gaudy balloons.
Scripture tells that in the last days
people will be turned inward not Godward.
It's a catch-22 situation:
"Going within"
to ascertain if something is of the truth doesn't
reveal the truth because if you're not of the truth
to begin with you'll only attract more untruth
The very law of attraction in action!
The default mind of mankind is many levels below where it
originally was, and those professing enlightenment aren't genuine.
Man's archetypal relationship with Divinity is drastically severed:
life is so off-kilter
even L O V E seperates us.
"Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow.
For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that
appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will,
we shall live, and do this, or that.
But now ye rejoice in your boastings:
all such rejoicing is evil.
Therefore to him that knoweth to do
good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin"
I'm in my 50's now and becoming
all to aware of the transient nature of life.
I'm young at heart but my youth is well and truly over.
We all have to endure getting old unless
we die or get RAPTURED OUT beforehand.
for all the high intellect so many
are stuck fast in a whole world of
resounding IGNORANCE.
which, as a youth, I embodied to the MAX.
the FREEDOM we know is an ILLUSION.
We're conceived within and born into spiritual darkness - alienated from a God
who created us to LIVE FOREVER.
Everyone is evil to greater or lesser degrees (Luke 11:13)
The worldly, sensual love we enjoy and so many pontificate about, ain't Divine Love and the truth is
always true whether we "resonate" with it or not.
We're a spiritually fallen race who
can't comprehend the holiness of God.
Yet, amazingly, God still loves us
despite our incredibly stoopid ignorance.
He Graciously and incredibly lovingly,
provided a most merciful ETERNAL Lifeline
right back to Him - through JESUS CHRIST
People really don't care for genuine spirituality, they
prefer sensuality and the material riches of the world.
Jesus was offered all the kingdoms
of the world IF He knelt before satan.
These days not only the kingdoms of the
world but the entire universe is on offer 😈
The universe this; the universe that:
THAT's all I hear from naive new agers and sappy mystics alike.
The CREATOR of the Universe gets short shrift (John 1:1-5)
None are acquainted with the Spirit of truth; they experience sentience
through a core fallen state nature billions fall
for hook, line and stinker.
The universe ain't conspiring to ingratiate our every material and spiritual desire
according to our terms:
a lotta people really oughta pull
the sugar
coated thumb out their mouth and grow up.
The truth is the universe doesn't do anything for anyone:
the universe is a creation meant to show
mankind how AWESOME the CREATOR really is.
Regardless of how many
earth type planets are
(supposedly) discovered, life doesn't happen by
due to providential chemical and electrical
The touch and breath of Almighty
God is needed to create
material life.
God is not the universe: the heaven of heavens
cannot contain God - much less the universe.
Astonishingly ((GOD)) is so incomprehensibly <<INFINITE>>
He stoops down to behold the heavens (universe)
- Psalm 113: 5-6
a wonder to consider that God created an entire universe yet
saw fit to
create material life only on this planet. That's how unique
precious we are and how high the stakes are for our souls.
Such realisation is astounding enough in itself, and
can come a
bit of a shock - given all the "starpeople" channelings and at
gnostic/new age/luciferian cosmologies - that they're all lying imposters
spreading grandiose numinous lies
we're renegades
in GOD's Universe:
spiritual reprobates in a constant position of disobeying GOD.
We think we're so Divine; but in truth we're rogues
with no capacity to follow God at all. We walk as creatures
with the audacity to stride along contrary to the Will of God.
Everyone is inherently carnal; we're born pagans coming
into life living after the flesh. We don't have the natural
ability to walk according to the Spirit and Will of God.
The carnal mind is enmity with God:
"it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can it be"
The Great I AM that isn't you
says to be carnally minded is death but to
be spiritually minded is life and peace.
The harsh truth is the flesh is corrupt; death dwells within, along with a mass of astral illusions multitudes love to wallow in. When God looks down He doesn't say what fine children we are, whether we're Alan Watts, Eckhart Tolle or "Sadhguru"
If we could see ourselves the way GOD does (sans Spirit) we couldn't stand it.
All fancy-ass new age theology is a corruption of Scripture.
We can't ascend new age style to the "fifth dimension" with superfoods, yoga posturing, psuedo-science or developing psychic abilities. We can't self-love our way out of the fallen state, not on human terms: such things merely induce a wide variety of allegedly numinous but actually narcissistic temperaments which only promote further Spiritual obfuscation.
This a bad world; a very mean world;
history's constructs were built not for the Glory
of God but for the ascension of man (apart from God)
The world system is against God and it's not
getting any better, it's becoming more wicked.