Friday, 17 April 2015


Spiritual freedom is all the RAGE innit.
I believed I was a COSMIC free Spirit.
But I was strongly deluded.
 I grew up with an intuitive disdain for the ignorance 
of the secular world; now I'm all grown up and renewed 
of mind turns out the masses of spiritual folk are no better. 
 My recalibrated psyche views everything contrary to new age  
thought. Now I SEE that "new age" freedoms are seditious
of the truth and diametrically opposed to authentic spirituality
In Feb 2016 I was shown the TRUTH and my life took a sharp 
180 degree turn, transforming inner cognition and making all the 
 presumed spiritual freedoms appear actually constraining.
Being a "free spirit" is a JOKE because current free will contains 
only a modicum of true freedom, the rest is still very much bound to perverted world and its illuminatus sponsored cosmetic freedoms.

Initially this imparted insight
was somewhat difficult to  P R O C E S S. 
I later discovered there's a heck of lotta 
strong psychic resistance to conveying truth  
that isn't rooted in my own psychology. 
I've been "transcendent"
enough to know the difference.

I've endured periods of psychic oppression, even 
ATTACK 'cos of the knowledge I'm compelled to express. 
When you're touched by holy Spirit paradigms dramatically shift and
 suddenly we're in a spiritual conflict, even a WAR that's been waging all along,
not least in the mind but with supernal powers, principalities and the  
"Prince of the Power of the Air" 
Those "principalities and powers" in "heavenly places"  
are far above any King, potentate, President, dictator, ruler, senator, 
prince, noble, chairman, Pope or multibillionaire on this planet.  
Nefarious preternatural forces operate behind the 
scenes of everyday life intent on either assimilating 
us (with false light narratives and experiences) or 
beating us down and knocking us out of the game. 
 It’d be easier keeping my head 
down and letting the sh** fly around.
Or going into EXILE.

Actually, EXILE sounds the 
more comfortable option.
 I've an uncomfortable 
yet overriding urge to share
knowledge given by the very  

As an ex COSMIC NEW AGER I'm no regular christian.

 I've always sensed things about spiritual people and the world 
others obviously couldn't and found it almost impossible to express 
without eliciting incredulity from friends and acquaintances.
Holy Spirit gracefully revealed 
that I wasn't at all crazy.
  Spirit brought my lifelong instincts into sharp relief, 
providing a grand context to my entire life perspective. 
Many new agers are awakening to the 
true Christ just in time for the end-times.
We see things different to conventional christians.
We help clarify the specious
5D D E C E P T I O N
 Our precious freedoms are psychogenic illusions founded on

esoteric subterfuge and no little spiritual FELONY.
An ALARMING amount of spiritual infraction and 
embezzlement is occuring; too many take 
reckless liberties with metaphysics left, right and centre.  
For all the talk of carbon footprints...
... what about the PSYCHIC ones? 

They're much more
and far reaching. 

 In its ancient and current state mankind is totally out of sync  
with the Divine and polluting the psychic realm as negatively 
as the accumulation of plastic and trash in the material world. 
 Imposing our priggish little wills upon an already 
holistically degraded and spiritistically corrupted world  
causes more disharmony, even chaos in the long term.
It really doesn't bear thinking about the HUGE
metaphysical PILE UP of human psychic SLAG.

For all the self-love there's
COLOSSAL Self-Delusion
 It's not going too far to say that 
billions are unwittingly committing 
 S P I R I T U A L   S U I C I D E.  
  That's how GRAVE our unrestrained  
and unreproved psychic business really is.

 Aroused by profound ignoramuses like Eckhart Tolle and kundalini (serpent) powered activists such as Russell Brand many insist on promoting meditation and attaining freedom of mind and go on to confuse pretty much everything about the origin of our inherited spiritualities. For all the talk of enlightenment they fail to cognize the sham light illuminating so many people today - or the dark genesis of the new age - so they bundle it all in love 'n' light bubblewrap on their terms and preferences, in context of how the world presents itself historically. 
 Knowing what I know now I don't wanna be free the new age 
way 'cos it ain't true freedom. I don't wanna be released from the 
"shackles" of my mind Eckhart Tolle style, I wanna keep tight hold of it. 
I wanna gird the loins of my mind with the Light of Spirit in stern 
defence against new age fabrications spoiling multitudes through:

"philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men,
after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ"


 The cause of our contemporary freedom sssurge is 
historically deep rooted in the presumed despotism of a

Judgemental Creator GOD.
That's what it's all about (with eyes to see)
 but it's a delusive and ultimately FUTILE attitude.
Like ALL 
classically advanced cultures 
our current civilisation has an 
expiry date.
 Most people don't get that and/or refuse to SEE it.
 In lieu of the TRUTH there are concerted yet VAIN
efforts to either spiritually ASCEND mankind or RESET the 
system and create a new world order under the terms of man.

Folks like Elon Musk are REACHING HIGH building 
the modern world's version of the tower of Babel. 
But it will FAIL

Contrary to popular belief genuine spirituality  
comes not entirely from within but 
mostly from without - in deference to the Divine.
 Counter to new age thought: feelings are 
not a hotline to truth but to  STRONG DELUSION
 yet many PUFF themselves up with arrogance to spare, 
allowing for a quite excessive ego aggrandizement sold as  

 They've literally fallen for the oldest lie in the book:
narcissists adore 
notions of personal godhood:
always mistaking fiction for truth their wide eyes 
are agog with so much seductive BEGUILEMENT.
We were created as gods (kind of) over 
the earth; but the gods we were meant to be 
I used to believe 
I was enlightened.
I thought I was 
an emerging god.
 Now I KNOW I was nothing of the sort.

The irony is I didn't know  
true Enlightenment. when it stared me in the face
Amidst a spiritually fractured world where folks loudly proclaim 
truth about this, that or the other, I became self-effacing enough 
to plea for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

(so help me God)
and - in the best spiritual tradition 
 of ask and ye shall receive - I received.
It wasn't what I expected or desired. 
To better comprende everything I'm saying I strongly advise 
taking hold of the same Hand (reaching out to you through me)
and helping yourself to a LARGE SHOT of  
Turns out that our
humility is where truth reaches us. 
Isaiah 40:29

2 Corinthians 12:9


  There's a lotta talk of being "genuinely" spiritual;
a crazy kaleidoscope of wild notions.

Is a trendy statement oft parroted,
coined by the Roman Catholic/Jesuit Priest
and stealth pantheist Teilhard de Chardin.

As a new ager I regularly quoted Teilhard
in conversation with folks of zero or minimal
spiritual interest, always believing I was
stating the profoundest stuff.

Turns out I was the profoundest ASS. 
 Teilhard promoted the LIE of evolution, saying:
"Evolution is a light which illuminates all facts, 
a trajectory which all lines of thought must follow"
 which is a direct denial of Jesus, quoted in John 8:12: 
"I am the Light of the world: he that follows me shall 
not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of Life"

During the peak of my former new age hubris I didn't know 
what genuine spirituality was. Turns out my self-righteous  
arrogance was an expression of ancient spiritual subversion.

Rather than awakening 
to the truth I was fast asleep 
dreaming lucid dreams
 Knowing we are spiritual beings 
don't mean we're being spiritual.

It's amazin' being Alive

It's a miracle to be conscious and aware like we are;
yet most people take it for granted, and mankind 
is very selective with its appreciation.

With regards to LIFE most people
don't know they're even born.

We've been led so far away from the sense of 
the Miraculous that life has been made to seem  
purely scientific:
A chance event in a cold, impersonal cosmos.
A mechanical, matter of fact state of affairs:
we all evolved from primordial soup
and there's really nothing more to it.
Life is reduced 
electro-chemical brew up. 

That's good ol' dependable science for ya:
Talks a lotta pig-ignorance.
So called intellectuals scoff at notions of spiritual reality.
Often mistaking it for religion they generally think it's bullshit and
set about bashing science around our heads as if it proves a point. 
Well science works for sure, we see that all around us.
Yet science isn't without its BULLSHIT: 
it BULLSHITS about our true reality. 

By denying the existence of the spiritual
science BULLSHITS the entire world

I can appreciate the awesome beauty of the scientific 
universe but there's something far more profound about 
a human being than mere physics - quantum or otherwise.
 It's easier to believe that DEATH means everlasting nothingness;
but there definitely isn't an eternity of oblivion awaiting anyone. 
That sorta thinkin' is born of  
obtuse minds bereft of LIGHT. 
Sooner or later every staunch atheist and materialist will 
be dead yet still very much conscious - then the sciences 
will utterly fail to inform them what the hell is occurin'.

Spiritual things are SPIRITUALLY discerned, 
the natural (carnal) man cannot discern them.
(1 Corinthians 2:14)

If you ain't got it
you just won't get it.

For all the scientists and the atheists of the world
I've more pity than indignation. I often venture onto atheist 
 youtube channels, exposing myself to mockery and scorn.
 They've tried but cannot dent my 
Spiritual Assurance 'cos it's indelibly inter -
woven into the fabric of my renewed psyche.
They haven't a clue as to what's happenin' on lil ol'  
planet earth 'cos what's really happenin' is altogether  
Being so very blind to spiritual things the worldly wise are
disabled and oughta apply for a parking badge.

There's no worldly wise rationality to what I'm sayin; but from  
my perspective it's entirely rational, completely logical and absolutely crucial. 
The scientists and secularists oughta strive real hard to understand that there 
really is a spiritual world and there's a spiritual side to humanity. 
 I've been up against materialists and the  
worldly wise all my life. I grew up with 'em.  
An ambiguous aspect of my psyche generally wrought 
estrangement from those invested in the "real" world.  
Never feeling true kinship with secular types, when I was old 
enough I embraced the new age and stayed there for 30 years: 
 musing, meditating and 
generally messing about.
 Yet even the bright and breezy new age seemed wrong (stifling)
but I couldn't figure out why without feeling slightly insane. I had no 
recourse but to accede to the new age's beckoning GLAMOUR and indulge 
the "starry 
magnificence" of 
 I got a lotta mileage outta that sorta wishful thinking, 
founded solely on the sophistic power of suggestion. 
Back in the nineties the new age seemed 
positively brimming with love, light and HOPE. 
Where else could a free spirit turn?

I've always struggled with the bustle of the world, but in a state of relative blindness I couldn't ascertain the cause of my unease. How could I? I was in a very different light. I'd no choice but to enquire of those profiting from that light and adhere to their seeming authority. Like everyone I had to follow my temporal feelings  
and come to conclusions on my terms based on my education, 
lifestyle and personal preferences.
Turns out that's no way to realise the truth 

  Commonly feeling alienated from friends and acquaintances, in later years - strongly influenced by hindu thought waves - I came to know my peculiarity to be characteristic of an Avadhuta. My long standing enthusiasm for hindu gurus and an intuitional grasp of the "atman/paramatman" dynamic led me to seriously believe I was the reincarnated soul of an Avadhoot. Crazy, sure, but it reflects hindu and new age beliefs in general: full of suppositions which consider such craziness to be enlightened. But they definitely aren't, they're just crazy. Yet, for a few years it 
made perfect sense - in a "crazy wisdom" sorta way - because (to me) most 
human systems and socialities appear absurd,  
they always have.
This "Avadhuta" mentality led me through religions, sub religions and the new age with its merry assortment of star beings, ascended masters and archangels. I was into hindu gods and goddesses for nigh on 2 decades and for a time experienced Brahman consciousness. The impression came one day that that's what it was. 
 Walking by the river Thames (in Oxford) it put a big smile on my face. 
The Thames became a River of Light and I was one with everything, sensing the 
infinite cosmos above the big blue sky. Feelings of bliss welled up inside me 
and out the top of my head...
... a classic kundalini experience... 
  ... which has since come to Light is actually 
a possessed state of mind, body and spirit.  
Whether you like/believe it or not
 hindu pantheism and all mystical/occult/new age 
practices open wide the human psyche to covert 
control by nefarious spiritual beings.
Especially via kundalini. 
 Serpent Powers EXALT
whatever belief system is
 held by any particular psyche
and use it for their own purposes.
The hyper-delusional/ultra-deceptive  
state of kundalini "awakening" is the foundation 
on which the ancient hindu's created their religion 
(with a little help from their crooked "gods") 

In the years around 2012 leading up to my conversion 
I had similar episodes to the River experience but they 
didn't last long ('cos they're of the flesh not Divinity) 
Everything of the flesh - however 
 EXALTED the SENSATION - is a psychic 
 energy resource that deviant spiritual  
beings actively zero in on and exploit.
Kundalini didn't affect me like your regular megalo -
maniacal hindu or new age guru; my reserved nature and 
sensitive constitution prevented the subtle yet out of control  
EGO INFLATION of commonly assumed enlightenment.  
Brahman just didn't sit right as the Ultimate.
It wasn't in me to rest on my laurels or submit 
to any particular state of being, system or teacher.  
 Something consistently held me back, and 
eventually that something pulled me outta my 
big boots before I became too big for 'em 😏

Now I am submitted. 
After years of wandering the truth found me!

It took me a long time to realise that "God" is wHoly other than me:
a salient cognition coming not from within but entirely from without - which 
utterly eludes the myriad of pompous gurus and new age luminaries; who prefer to
 sit pretty in their highfalutin imaginings, make-up their own quasi- enlightenment  
and beguile as many unwitting souls willing to listen and submit to them.
After many years fascination with hindu guru's 
I came to see that it ain't in men and women to 
direct their own steps: they just lead themselves 
and everyone who follows into strong delusion.

Highbrow mystics, channelers, yogists and spiritists alike are instilled with 
the notion that they're being genuinely spiritual; but they're merely following the  
fads and fashions of antiquity and the new age misinterpreted spiritually. 
 Designer spirituality is a new age speciality.
It's upsetting to witness the hordes of faux mystics and illuminated bozo's leading multitudes into numinous fabrications. Millions are compelled to jump on a variety of colorful bandwagons and assimilate the shallow concepts and fallow trends imposed on the psyche of world cultures for generations.   
I'm so glad I'm not trendy. 
 I've changed in a Way contrary to new age ideals:
 Paradigm Shifted beyond all paradigms 
into the bosom (adjective) of the 
Generator Of Dimensions

I've been into a variety of exotic spirits and my own spirit 
most of my life: reaching the giddy heights and depressing depths 
of the latter while heeding the copious blather of the former. 

in recent years I was given a more astonishing realisation: 
There's another Spirit abroad in the world,
One that's nothing of me;
 One Purer and Holier than we can currently comprehend:
This is the Comforter.
The Counsellor Yahshua/Jesus Christ 
said He would send after His Ascension
The Spirit which empowered the earliest christians. 
A Spirit subtly imitated and/or criminally misrepresented ever since. 
The cognitive dawning of Spirit in my life  
swept away everything I previously believed:  
hinduism, gnosticismancient wisdom and the entirety of the new age.

 It's like being washed clean 
of ancient esoteric excrement 💩 

 A lotta folks earnestly seeking truth fail to find 'cos they're so easily led 
astray by vain theologies and high imagination. Perhaps with me it's 'cos I never committed to any one teacher or guru. I almost did, I engaged many interesting theologies, theosophies and apparent theophanies yet never got married to any teacher or system of thought. I passed right on through without having to 
undergo a messy divorce.

Now I am married and 
divorce is not an option.
Even death cannot part us. 
A lotta folks switch off at the mention of a literal Jesus Christ, 
they prefer a fake Jesus who's all-inclusive; one who tickles their ears with  
platitudes and tells them how great and cosmic they are. But however invidious 
this may seem to an openly enquiring soul: the new age JESUS just isn't true. 
When the Holy Spirit takes our heart we realise the new age 
is massive luciferian LIE and we're in a spiritual war for souls. 

Spirit shed clear Light upon a darkness which 
infests the vast multitudes engaging the new age.
Spirit gives eyes to see and with them we SEE the length,
breadth, height and depth of a spiritual deception that's verily ancient
terribly dire: innumerable souls are very LOST and need saving.

But not all souls will be saved. 
That much is painfully evident on the internet.

For an "awakened" new ager,
 realising the Spirit of truth was startling enough 
in itself; but in concert with truth we DISCERN
another spirit at large in the world: 
Both are HIGHLY ACTIVE but only one is of the truth. 
The other is a LIAR and the father of lies. 
That spirit is WRIT LARGE upon the
secular world AND the spiritual side of life.

We fail to recognise the spirit of lies 
until we're allied with the Spirit of truth.


I don't half wonder how many people want Truth over 

the LYING versions we're given in such copious quantities 

nowadays and lapped up by so many. Our right here, right now 

 culture is guiding everyone into a false sense of security.


The Spirit of truth cuts right against the grain 

of ancient and contemporary notions of spirituality. 

It takes courage and no little humility to follow the  
Spirit of truth because we're shown startling things about our life 
and the world: things devastating to our previous ways of thinking.


Immediately following my conversion,

- with gathering astonishment - I began to see that 

all of the hindu gurus and new age mystics I used to love 

and respect don't have the Spirit of truth indwelling them, 

nor is it anywhere near them. They view reality through 

a very different lens than the holy Spirit 


It's >SHOCKING< to cognize the extent of the deception and verily 
ALARMING to see how all the idolised hindu guru's such as Ramakrishna, 
Osho, the Maharishi, Adi Da Samraj, our contemporary Sadhguru and 
even my ex-beloved yogi Yogananda were under the influence 
of deceptive spirits feigning Divinity.

SERIOUS STUFF and no mistake.


For all the yoga, chakra and kundalini activations; and for all the intimations and proclamations of truth; they were wide open channels for the spirit of lies to play on their misplaced devotions and highfalutin imaginations, as indeed they still are with the gamut of ancient wisdom proclaimers, contemporary teacher guru's -

and the slew of delusive new age channelers today.

With regards the very serious matter of human spirituality 
the Spirit of truth is concerned with our eternal spiritual security, 
whereas the spirit of lies is focused on DAMNING us all to HELL.... 
 .... and to do THAT it DECEIVES US ALL THE WAY.
Spiritually speaking the world is either black or white. 
There are no grey or psychedelic areas. 
Buoyed by the spirit of lies multitudes cavort 
in the greyest of areas or dance obliviously 
within trippy dark lighted theosophy tipis.

The clear Light and Counsel of 
Spirit goes unheeded and unwanted. 
((((Y I K E S !))))
It's time to (((SOUND))) the {{{ A L A R M }}}
The Angel Standing in the Sun - J.M.W. Turner

The world's operating under ancient  
esoteric dupery: a GIGANTIC spiritual fugazi.
 Knowledge is all the rage innit. 
However, the sort of anagogic knowledge many
swear blind by is provenanced in spiritual subterfuge.
There are but two sources of knowledge: one true and Eternal,
the other
false and finite (merely offering the illusion of Eternity)
 For all the proclamations of truth, guru's, channelers and
mediums of any sort are unwitting
PAWNS of the spirit of lies

 I look at new agers and see a lotta conceited people 
firmly and pridefully ensconced in extravagant self-delusions. 
It'll take a heavy metaphysical blow to the head to get 
many of 'em to listen, so engrossed are they in cultivating 


(which they attain through 
ever accumulating KNOWLEDGE)

 (((GENESIS 2:9)))
 It's time to show that in their haughty self-
approval they're dead wrong and say why.
It's time to get 'em to understand that the "universe" 
doesn't exist for them on their terms; it doesn't 
operate the way they've been led to believe...

... it's time to (try to) make 'em see that
we cannot buy or sell genuine spirituality.

In all earnestness we must resist and admonish 
the new age tsunami and push back hard with somethin'
old yet forever new: somethin' right against the hordes of 
 "cosmic" hauteurs and their fatuous parapsychogenic 
That somethin' is a someone who represents

 "Since the beginning of time, the world has known strife. The history of man 
is essentially the history of war. One of the earliest of all historical records, a Sumerian bas‑relief from Babylon (ca. 3000 B.C.), shows soldiers fighting in close order, wearing helmets and carrying shields (James Boice, The Last and Future World [Zondervan], p. 98). 
There have been almost non-stop wars ever since."  
- Steven Cole.
True Awakening includes realising we're 
modern products of an ancient spiritual degradation:

from prehistory through to the new age our 
original spirituality has been obscured from our minds.

For all the pretences of genuine spirituality we live on a  
spiritually retarded planet. Nature isn't progressively evolving 
to a higher level of life. Nope, if anything it's devolved. 
In numerous and diverse ways people are utterly confused 
and frankly degenerate: chasing their own tails or led by fools. 
A great many are pig ignorant and/or completely naive as to what they're 
really into and there's loads of gross and other nasty nutters larkin about 
with throngs of spiritual retards hitchin a ride on the sparkly new age 
bandwagon taking them to the Nth degree of 

For example:
some years ago a book arrived on the new age scene 
setting 🔥FIRE🔥 to the minds of many spiritual juveniles who 
live after the fleshwho desire the temporal things of the world 
before accruing the eternal verities of Spirit. 
It's called "the Secret."  
Back in the day I "resonated" with "the Secret."
Now I grieve at self-empowerment theologies; 
and (as it happens) Spirit grieves along with me.
 The premise of "the Secret" is that our core nature is essentially good. 
"Progressive christianity" embraces the concept too - an example of the new age 
creeping into all areas of life. It's the law of attraction (distraction) taken to the 
usual absurd degrees by terminally deceived people believing we are as gods:
cosmic beings creating our own 
reality. We CAN have ALL we desire.
But "the Secret" should be retitled
the Damned Lies
'cos it's +positively+ brimming with 'em. 
I glanced through a copy recently, in a charity shop of all places,
read a few words and was instantly appalled at the blatant falsehoods 
 spreading like 🔥diabolical wildfire🔥 throughout the earth.
The Secret denies humanity's core nature as revealed by Jesus
 Jesus said, "there are none good but GOD"
 Man's conception of goodness 
deviates every inch from God's View.  
The Secret criminally reverses and/or distracts from the truth 
of our common spiritual situation. It's a selfish, soul dangerous 
abuse of cosmic energy and an insult to the true Divine Supplier

A lotta folks don't like to consider that we aren't  
naturally good. -For sure we're born with instinctual moral 
goodness, but it comes packaged with great evil. 
 Mercifully - for the most part -  
the good finds the greater expression. 
However, the evil still persists and it ain't
something to
ignore or embrace (via "shadow work.")
It's to be Repented of via humility and a changed nature.
We all embody evil to greater or lesser degrees. 
Everyone is conceived within and  
born into DEEP spiritual darkness. 
Our hearts and minds are currently WIDE OPEN
to spiritual deceit, delusion and no little peril. We have the
opportunity for Redemption but as we are (sans Christ) our  
core nature deviates every inch from Divine Goodness.

This wasn't always the case: 
mankind was created good. 
We were meant to live forever
with everything needed provided;
 but something's gone terribly awry:
throughout history BILLIONS 
have literally DIED, and a HUGE 
proportion quite HORRIBLY.
  The reality we all share is not an 
 illusion but a lot of the stuff in it IS 
Reality is a co-created historic and contemporary  
actuality we've inherited and unwittingly acquiesce to.
The common tragedy of existence begs some serious questioning:  

What's with all the terrible wars?

Why the
historic urge to kill, 
conquer and wanton destruction?
What about all the congenital 
infirmities, terrible illness and  
the wide variety of disease?

Why the predatory instincts of nature?

Why on earth does natural life 
hunt, KILL and feed upon itelf?

Why must we grow old and DIE??

In a world obsessed with Raising our
Vibrations why are they so low to begin with? 
What are we Rising Up to?  
Why aren't we born RIGHTEOUS and grow naturally into 
fully integrated and harmonized spiritual awareness?  
Why does it take a lotta mistakes and great 
desire to even begin to be correctly informed? 
What happened to estrange mankind 
from honest-to-goodness D I V I N I T Y ? 
Why the absurd spiritual ALOOFNESS; 
the baseless CONCEITEDNESS; 
the unmitigated arrogance;  
the-nose in-the-air pretentiousness; 
the rampant narcissism;
the pride and the prejudice;

the nonsense and nonsensibility?
Lookin around there's only one conclusion worth its salt.

Wrestling with the root cause of the problem most of my life,
in recent years I came to a breakthrough in understanding:

true Spiritual

we are a fallen race 
living in a fallen world.

This ain't no psychological 
conclusion but spiritual cognition. 
 I see it's the case and it's real serious to boot. 
The Fall is the only logical spiritual explanation for 
the abiding perception of the wrongness of all life.
Masses of people go on about wielding truth nowadays.
Truth is all the rage; but actual truth is 
largely ignored or vehemently spat upon. 
The truth is we are spiritually 
retarded beings divorced from Divinity.
You can stop up your ears to the truth but you'd be 
doing yourselves - and everyone else - a profound disservice. 
The fall is the >SCHISM< David Icke  
talks about (with no little distortion)

But David is blind as to why the 
>schism< occured (just that it did)

As a new ager into some incredible quantum ascension stuff I could intuit 
higher spiritual science. We know that material sunlight is intimately essential to the existence of earth's surface lifeforms; in an ideal reality light informs nature how to grow and develop harmonically; but one of the most astonishing things I've come to realise is that light can be fallen state and exploited to within an inch of it's eternal substance. 
We know about lasers and holograms an' stuff; 
with the right know how light is pliable and can be  
programmed with quantum data both true or false:

  Human souls ((RESONATE)) with 
the surrounding light frequencies:
right now we're living in a SEA of fallen light -
dragging the indigenous world down with it.  

Life is affected right across the board:
the earth is FALLEN.  
the holistic fields of 
nature are DEGRADED.
The flesh too;  
our pineal gland 
(T H I R D  E Y E) 
is compromised.
The "inner light"  
people go on about?

Fallen light manipulates human intellect; covertly bonds 
with our psychic faculties and subtly alters our psychology: inspiring 
vain imaginations, lofty concepts, high ideals and instilling billions 

with subjective misinformation spuriously  
objectified as reality.

 Much like "the force" the fallen light
surrounds and penetrates all living things.
But it ain't generated by all living things 
just >absorbed< like so much  - negative osmosis -
For millennia mankind has co-created cultures 
and religions from data formulated by fallen light.

As like attracts like fallen light attracts 
a WIDE VARIETY of fallen light substitutes.

The law of attraction in action! 

Realising we're fallen state is such a relief because it puts everything 
into perspective and levels the playing field. No one is better, greater, more successful or enlightened than anyone else. In the latter case the very
is the truth: so called enlightened ones have only gone 
and RISEN to more rarefied levels of delusion.

Post the fall mankind retained varying degrees of psychic powers now
used for vanity, personal gain, egoic pursuits and frivolities. I've been involved 
with new agers and hindu gurus most of my life and - in cognizance of the fallen state - it's incredibly silly to be gadding about as latter day embodiments of an ancient spiritual subversion: acting as if we're significant, lording it over temporal kingdoms and spreading quasi- numinous poppycock all over the shop. There's 
nothin' Spiritual about any of that, or what any of us do to be honest. 
Humanity soars on apparitional wings to lofty heights of 
imagination with no basis in reality. We believe they're real but our 
beliefs are commonly sourced in compromised metaphysics.

Thousands of generations have lived an incrementally 
fragmented spirituality 
far removed 
from native Oneness. 

Life is Koyaanisquatsi (out of balance)
Spiritually, mentally, socially: it's totally out of whack. 
You can dress it up nice and pretty but that's how it is.

There are religious connotations endemic to the fall I can't avoid, 
nor will I attempt to. I'm leaning hard on those connotations. 
When we see the fallen nature of life we're concurrently 
guided to the authority of christian Scripture and what they 
tell of our spiritual condition: real serious like. 
All historical and current spiritual aspirations and/or occult 
obsessions arise from our fallen nature and are replete with 
the  grandest delusions exploited by tenebrous spirits 
using mankind as their hands, feet and mouth. 
The fatuous I AM proclamations hordes of  criminally pretentious spiritual 
novices make their own are without true insight and are - in sooth - impudent and
stunningly blasphemous self-assessments before the eyes of Spirit.  
A truly repugnant amount of high blasphemy 
 proliferates in self-exalting new agers, for which  
I've become vociferous about rebuking 😊

  I'm sure a great many of 'em haven't a clue what 
I'm talking about or what they're doing wrong.
The new age effectively placed blinkers upon our collective eyes;
 the masses are in active denial of Spiritual truth. Instead of facing up to, and accepting, the terms of the Divine through Yahshua/Jesus Christ they hide away 
to co-create fanciful belief systems born of fantastical fallacies:
gods and goddesses, Atlantis, Lemuria etc  ETC
Firmly ensconced in material and conceptual 
comfort zones they hear only what they wanna hear, 
preferrin' havin' their ears tickled and their auras 
INFLATED like gaudy balloons. 
 Scripture tells that in the last days 
people will be turned inward not Godward.

 It's a catch-22 situation: 
"Going within" 
to ascertain if something is of the truth doesn't 
reveal the truth because if you're not of the truth 
to begin with you'll only attract more untruth 
The very law of attraction in action!
The default mind of mankind is many levels below where it 
originally was, and those professing enlightenment aren't genuine. 
 Man's archetypal relationship with Divinity is drastically severed:
life is so off-kilter  
even L O V E seperates us.

 "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow.

For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that
appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will,

we shall live, and do this, or that.

But now ye rejoice in your boastings:

all such rejoicing is evil.

Therefore to him that knoweth to do

good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin"
 I'm in my 50's now and becoming 
all to aware of the transient nature of life.
I'm young at heart but my youth is well and truly over. 
We all have to endure getting old unless 
we die or get RAPTURED OUT beforehand. 
for all the high intellect so many 
are stuck fast in a whole world of 
resounding IGNORANCE. 
which, as a youth, I embodied to the MAX.  
 FREEDOM we know is an ILLUSION.  
  We're conceived within and born into  
spiritual darkness - alienated from a God
who created us to LIVE FOREVER.  
Everyone is evil to greater or lesser degrees (Luke 11:13)
 The worldly, sensual love we enjoy and so many 
pontificate about, ain't Divine Love and the truth is 
always true whether we "resonate" with it or not.
We're a spiritually fallen race who 
can't comprehend the holiness of God. 
Yet, amazingly, God still loves us 
despite our incredibly stoopid ignorance. 
He Graciously and incredibly lovingly, 
provided a most merciful ETERNAL Lifeline 
right back to Him - through  JESUS CHRIST

People really don't care for genuine spirituality, they 
prefer sensuality and the material riches of the world.

Jesus was offered all the kingdoms 
of the world IF He knelt before satan. 
These days not only the kingdoms of the 
world but the entire universe is on offer 😈
The universe this; the universe that:  
THAT's all I hear from naive new agers and sappy mystics alike. 
 The CREATOR of the Universe gets short shrift (John 1:1-5)
None are acquainted with the Spirit of truth; they experience sentience 
through a core fallen state nature billions fall for hook, line and stinker. 
 The universe ain't conspiring to ingratiate our every 
material and spiritual desire according to our terms: 
a lotta people really oughta pull the sugar 
coated thumb out their mouth and grow up.
The truth is the universe doesn't do anything for anyone:

the universe is a creation meant to show
mankind how AWESOME the CREATOR really is. 

 Regardless of how many earth type planets are 
(supposedly) discovered, life doesn't happen by chance 
due to providential chemical and electrical processes. 
The touch and breath of Almighty 
God is needed to create material life.

God is not the universe: the heaven of heavens  
cannot contain God - much less the universe.  
Astonishingly ((GOD)) is so incomprehensibly <<INFINITE>> 
He stoops down to behold the heavens (universe)  
- Psalm 113: 5-6

 It's a wonder to consider that God created an entire universe yet 
saw fit to create material life only on this planet. That's how unique 
and precious we are and how high the stakes are for our souls.  
Such realisation is astounding enough in itself, and can come a 
bit of a shock - given all the "starpeople" channelings and at variance  
gnostic/new age/luciferian cosmologies - that they're all lying imposters 
spreading grandiose numinous lies


Right now 
we're renegades 
in GOD's Universe:
spiritual reprobates in a constant position of disobeying GOD.
We think we're so Divine; but in truth we're rogues 
with no capacity to follow God at all. We walk as creatures 
with the audacity to stride along contrary to the Will of God.
 Everyone is inherently carnal; we're born pagans coming
into life living after the flesh. We don't have the natural 
ability to walk according to the Spirit and Will of God. 
The carnal mind is enmity with God:

"it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can it be"

 The Great I AM that isn't you
 says to be carnally minded is death but to 
be  spiritually minded is life and peace.
The harsh truth is the flesh is corrupt; death dwells within, along with a mass of astral illusions multitudes love to wallow in. When God looks down He doesn't say what fine children we are, whether we're Alan Watts, Eckhart Tolle or "Sadhguru"
If we could see ourselves the way GOD does (sans Spirit) we couldn't stand it.    
All fancy-ass new age theology is a corruption of Scripture. 
We can't ascend new age style to the "fifth dimension" with superfoods, yoga posturing, psuedo-science or developing psychic abilities. We can't self-love our way out of the fallen state, not on human terms: such things merely induce a wide variety of allegedly numinous but actually narcissistic temperaments which only promote further Spiritual obfuscation.
   This a bad world; a very mean world; 
history's constructs were built not for the  Glory 
of God but for the ascension of man (apart from God)
The world system is against God and it's not 
getting any better, it's becoming more wicked.

 Mankind is a terminally deceived race being taken for 
an almighty ride: and posolutely not in an amusement park. 
Yet multitudes exalt themselves these days: thinkin they're somethin, 
thinkin they've got a handle on spirituality, making careers out of being know 
it alls; believing they're their own god; assuming Spirit is everything to do 
with the body/mind not something wHoly other than

As a young spiritual aspirant I assumed the new age had things the right 
way up regarding spiritual and cosmic reality, especially regarding judeo-
christian scripture - a bone of contention for billions - but now I see how 
twisted and distorted the new age vision is - of pretty much everything
I've gathered insight I must share and I don't weave elaborate fictions 
around it: the new age is doing quite enough of that. I'm living, learning and - 
completely distrustful of contemporary disseminators of "spiritual" doctrines,  
channelings and esoteric systems for good reason - receiving much 
needed guidance from Holy Spirit inspired Scripture:
I'm talkin the BIBLE folks. 
The Bible 
is the business on  
Spiritual Matters


This is no latter-day indoctrination.

My understanding has been opened 

to the veracity of the BIBLE.

It's an affect of being 

Open to the Light of SPIRIT


 I'd read it all before but not like I do now. 

Erstwhile something blocked my understanding, 

even patience for the Bible; yet now it's a  

veritable revelation, as indeed it always was. 


Now  I  see  the  

twisted metaphysics 

behind Biblical obfuscation.


Although great effort is exerted to defame and misrepresent the Bible 

it remains spiritually sagacious: authored by ones unsullied by our sort 

of advanced materialism; who laboured for a "Greater Reality" and 

cause free of the sense based conceits and electromagnetic 

interferences we're constantly assailed by.

 The Bible records the activities of Spirit in the affairs of mankind, 
scribed by those moved by the Light of Spirit; harbouring zero desires
for prestige or fears of losing life or livelihood by proclaiming 
most people didn't like or understand.
 The Bible ain't no dead letter. 
With Spirit in our heart and pride thrown out the window 
the Bible comes alive as if written today - the ink still wet - providing 
literal and quite exoteric examples to all generations for insight, 
instruction, edification and for  
It wasn't written to control but INFORM of the truth.
The Bible tells about mankind's Fall and of satan.
It tells of things that were, are, and WILL BE.  
 Ignore all the distractive (and destructive) 
nonsense around lost or excluded books. 
I used to be concerned about all that. 
 By the L I G H T of SPIRIT the Bible 
is as it's meant to be supernaturally.
 As a neo-vedantist I wasn't convinced but 
turns out the Bible is Spirit Breathed; written 
by men inspired by the Holy Spirit.


 Jesus is vividly portrayed and endorsed in the new testament. 
In fact He's apparent in the old testament too (Luke 24:27 & 44) 
and by the Light of Spirit we're allowed to see that and know Him. 
Any previously perceived discrepancies or contradictions are 
ironed out and the supernatural narrative flows most beautifully.

The Bible is 
the Revelation of  
J E S U S  C H R I S T.

  Reality ain't all love 'n' light folks.
The way things are are not  
the way things were meant to be.
The way things are is a BIG JOKE and the joke's 
on us. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic, causing 
the brutal deaths and heartbreak of billions of people.
New agers are wilfully ignorant of the whys and wherefores of the enormity 
of historic and contemporary suffering. The gut wrenching wickedness and
immensity of pain endured by man and beast is verily appalling and 
progressively fractured and alienated the collective human spirit. 
We're no longer in piritual affinity, for the 
most part mankind is blinkered and extremely 
biased when expressing love and empathy. 
"... but we shouldn't concern ourselves about such things"  
cry the feeeel gooood fascists,
"they're too negative. Follow your JOY;
be positive: radiate love and light." 

As if they're so many spiritual masters 😔 
 Evil exists and is everywhere folks, even in 
the spiritual. Evil is deep rooted in our genes. 
Cognizing humanity's bedrock of war, suffering and death allows for a clearer perception of where we really are as opposed to where we like to think we are in make-believe (and what extreme make-believe it is - passed off as reality). From the genuinely Spiritual perspective the world is fast asleep and deeply immersed in a collective lucid dreamstate; historically and currently wide open to multiple incursions from hosts of shiny phantasms spreading esoteric LIES.

W H O L E S A L E.
 For thousands of years the earth's 
been held fast under deep spiritual darkness.
Although it appears light here it's a sham light, 
the purpose of which is to constantly deceive.  
Divine Light carries spiritual and creational data to those 
open and receptive yet the world is dominated by a fallen light projecting 
alluring info rainbows programmed with dissembling data beamed through 
the biological prism (or crystal😉) of a spiritually crippled humanity.

I wish I could be kinder but this 
really isspiritually messed-up planet. 
 By the Light of Spirit our world is as
dark, dank and mixed-up an arena as can be.
The reality we all live in - the very now of it - is a scam on our souls 
most are in complete denial of. Mainstream science is blind to Spirit and 
blinding billions along with it. For all the pragmatism, science will never 
provide a final answer to life, the universe and everything 
 because Spirit cannot be measured. 
Spirit can't be contained in a
test tube or cultivated in a petrie dish.
Spirit can't be observed under a microscope,
nor will it be discovered via a large hadron collider.
Rather than draw mankind closer to Divinity our sorta tech leads 
billions away from Spiritual truth, replacing it with highly imaginative 
though ultra-fallacious concepts of cosmic and quantum realities. 
Talk about creating our own reality! It's being created for 
us everyday. The industrial and scientific revolutions helped 
fortify a consensus reality estranged from the Divine.

 Spiritually speakin' we're not alone on planet earth. 
There are forces to be reckoned with 
operating beyond the scenes of everyday life
The Bible consistently teaches that man ain't the only 
intelligence on earth and that spiritual beings of evil run the 
show, for whom we are no match. They're superior in strategy, 
intelligence, strength and subtlety. They play us for the fools 
that we are from inside our minds, beguiling millions of 
unwitting souls via automatic writing and channelings.
I talk in depth about my own - comprehensive - interest in 
channeling in the next "New Age" section of this blog; but suffice 
it to say here that malignant spiritual beings can, and do, control
many people by stimulating feelings of "love" and "peace" 
And not just by love and peace but also by hatred and fear.
 Sans the Spirit of truth mankind is wide-open to  
the spirit of lies projecting subjective subversions 
 and generating BIG IDEAS converted to

It ain't wise to put our TRUST solely in science
for our ultimate progress, nor should we be 
meditating ourselves into strong delusion:
they're dead ends where  
the truth is concerned. 

Spirit doesn't conform to the  
whims and ways of the world.   
In ACTION Spirit is 
forthright and to the point.
Spirit doesn't work through the material sciences we're almost 
entirely dependent upon. IT doesn't operate through the self-help 
gurus and pop-psychologists many put so much stock on these days.  
Spirit ain't experienced 
through SEX,  Tantra, YOGA or 
any sort of body consciousness.  

Spirit ain't Realised by taking
hallucinogens of any kind.
The Spirit of truth doesn't  
Enlighten hindus or buddhists.

is inherent in  
all of the above.
 Spirit carries no earthly airs or graces; 
there's no arrogance or snobbery.
Spirit operates at the behest of a wholy 
other trans-cosmic realm of BEING:
Faith  is utterly misconstrued in our 
knowledge obsessed, feeeeling  bedevilled cultures; 
but it's vital to a proper working relationship with Spirit.  
It ain't a blind faith 'cos we see the effect of it in our lives
Faith enables more practical and Eternally  
meaningful results than the spiritually treacherous 
law of attraction distraction

Faith is more precious than gold. 
The world's a thick jungle of contrived faiths so when finding 
 true faith we have to fight hard to keep it for the world will try to buy it from 
us and replace it with somethin' of lesser quality; or failing that steal it from right under our nose. The world is eager to substitute fools gold as replacement: a lovely lustre that seems authentic but isn't. Synthetic stones can be made to accurately imitate
precious ones and it's the same with spiritual trends: millions are 
bedazzled by twinkling fugazi's in lieu of the real deal.  

Holy Spirit IS the Real Deal

{ In Spirit Jesus is LORD! }
 Faith is a bridge from either the delusive ASTRAL or the  
spiritual realms into the physical. A faith filled person 
is powerful but too many put their faith in lies:
which empowers the LIES.

It'd be Infinitely Better 
 for your soul to put faith 
in the KING of kings 😉 
He KNOWS what's 
best for everyone
Matthew 6:33
  Deception is prominent in the psychic realm 
therefore we should associate with those who look to 
Spirit first and foremost, who's values are fixed not 
on personal prestige but on the Light of truth.

 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the 
gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, 
and many enter through it. 
But small is the gate and narrow the 
road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

  New age spirituality is a mad mishmash 
of misplaced faiths and vain theologies 
rife with deceit and delusion.  

Spirit throws all of it into sharp relief. 
 I've only just started deconstructing 
modern/new age and mystical spirituality.
If you wanna know more,
 scroll down to the link for my take 
on the entire new age kit and kaboodle.

Check out my channel (while it's still available)
and subscribe to the inconvenient truth 😁

If you're stickin around this is 
CONTINUED in the next section titled 
Click on link below