This is the 4th and final section of this 'ere blogscape.
You may find it hard to understand without the context of the others.
Here's the 1st section:
the 2ND SECTION titled "Spiritual Realisation"
'cos not many are hitting on it...
Everyone's journeying to the Mountain of God,
yet many are stuck wandering around the foothills.
yet many are stuck wandering around the foothills.
Lots of colorful tents, bazaars
and diverting people are found there:
they look to this and check out that;
they sit down here or over there:
often for entire lifetimes.
Some are on the Mountain calling down:
"keep your mind on the summit!"
-- Darren --
I wrote that 8 years ago and
it reads a little cheesy now 😁
I was still transitioning to the true Christ.
But it's a metaphor for all our lives:
the relentless distraction of materialism
and the misdirected
thinking of multitudes therein. A heck of a lotta
terminally misguided,
highly irresponsible folks parrot on
about reality being an illusion
and advise us to clear our minds
and become essentially mindless.
Which is what's happening EN MASSE:
Jesus Christ is the Summit our
Bedazzled by false light people can't think properly.
They're told what to think and what not to think
by a gamut of delusive teachers, gurus and mystics.
Clear - not clear of - thinking is necessary for
a proper grasp of genuine spiritual dynamics.
minds should be keenly focused on.
Spiritually speaking the pursuit of no-mind
I used to be an easy going new age dude.
opens people wide to the tenancy of a very
different mind than the Spirit of truth.
The pursuit of mindlessness unifies vast
multitudes with a higher though spiritually fallen
mind harbouring some seriously subverted stuff. I used to be an easy going new age dude.
But I can't be apathetic about life anymore:
a lotta seriously sick, twisted evil's goin'
on we need to WAKE UP to quick-smart.
As an ex new ager I'm out to help
expose the spiritual darkness of far
eastern religions and the new age:
Most people just don't wanna know.
They think they know better. They know nothin'.
On a supposedly awakening planet there's massive dopiness about our
common spiritual retardation. In all earnestness the
pagan spirits of yore have
themselves: exploiting mass ignorance and naivety; appealing to
high imagination and idealism. The fallen
lightfield is
attuned to the
primitive heart of men and women and plays on them:
imitating Divinity.
Large numbers of spiritual luminaries aren't connected to
Infinite Consciousness at all. They're full of 💩 basically and they
excrete their 💩 on anyone gullible enough to swallow it.
Take the perception of reality proffered by the oldest
and most deceptive faiths of hindus and buddhists:
It's all an illusion.
Considering reality an illusion is currently
the trendy expression of ancient evil too many
idiot savants buy into hook, line and stinker. The natural world certainly ain't an illusion,
neither is human achievement and industry.
Ageing is a pain in the ass.
Gnostic/pagan and new age spirituality are illusions.
Hinduism and buddhism
are hyper delusory religions
founded by a deviant ancient spirits
in wilful rebellion against Divinity.
People are so easily led astray by sensual pursuits,
high imagination and vain theologies. I know I was.
I dislike blowing my own trumpet but I've come to see so much
counterfeit spirituality posing as truth that I'm urged
to brush aside
my propensity for seclusion, vacate the hermitage and speak out.
Over the past decade I came to the end of the new age
and myself, which put me in somewhat of a dilemma.
I was at my wits end. So I prayed hard for
the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
So help me God!
And this is what I got:
Said Spirit led me to Yahshua/Jesus Christ.
I didn't expect or desire this answer to my prayers:
if I'd seen THIS comin' 10 years ago I would've got out the way!
If someone said Jesus is Lord I inwardly laughed and figuratively
spat in their face. I was a good example of the high spiritual
delusion and haughty self-approval running riot on this planet. After some initial doubt and unbelief it came to
me that I've an unction from Spirit which can't
be kept in isolation. It must be shared.
It latter day occurs that Spirit has always been with me, striving to imbue
some sense and sensibility into my new age noggin amid the hyper-delusions It's such a relief to finally properly comprende!
of those pig-ignorant years. I was in such a fervent resonance with the
luciferic lightfield that I couldn't properly comprehend the truth
With hindsight it was the Pure Wisdom of
Spirit to appropriate me when He did, whether
you take heed or not is your own lookout.
I've heard that the best teachers are the best learners.
Well I've learned to unlearn almost
everything I believed for the past 30+ years.
We live in a sullied world full of wickedness.
We're in a spiritual WAR for souls yet the immensity of ignorance
is incredible: the dark powers bedazzling the minds of the masses.
(Ephesians 6:12)
The super-conscious machinations of ancient evil are astute and exceedingly cunning, often wearing beatific smiles and ringing little tibetan bells in resonance with a fallen world (a la Eckhart Tolle); disarming critical thinking and telling all sorts of alluring half-truths and flat-out lies about our inherited psychic propensities - all the while diverting from the reality of man's ancient
The super-conscious machinations of ancient evil are astute and exceedingly cunning, often wearing beatific smiles and ringing little tibetan bells in resonance with a fallen world (a la Eckhart Tolle); disarming critical thinking and telling all sorts of alluring half-truths and flat-out lies about our inherited psychic propensities - all the while diverting from the reality of man's ancient
and current estrangement from Divinity.
Folks like Eckhart Tolle flout the Divine to lean on
their own understanding or the musings of Godless
religious figures who also leaned only on themselves.
New age
enlightenment is a
treacherous, s w i r l i n g
>>B L A C K H O L E<< There's been a concerted and very successful effort by the
esoteric powers that be to obscure the Divine from the human psyche,
turning humanity in on itself in unmindful dismissal of Holiness.
For all the vain presumptions of our divine self,
deep self-absorption obscures true Divinity.
There's a lotta haughty talk about mastering our minds but as we are
we're in no position to be mastering our minds, and if that offends your pride
then great. Our minds were made to be in unity with the Mind of GOD, which
doesn't occur by the specious "attainment" of no mind: or mind
Mind mastership is BULLSHIT because we're fallen beings
exposed to the mind of the spirit of lies - inspiring a great many
haughty minds to believe that they're somethin' they're really not.
Real Spirituality ain't mindfulness in the slightest
or mindlessness in any way. It's yielding our minds
to the Divine Mind
For which Jesus Christ
- as a Spirit filled man -
is the perfect example.
"God's inspiration does not come to the man who sits
with folded hands and lazy mind and only waits, but to the man who
thinks and seeks and searches. True inspiration comes when the seeking
mind of man joins with the revealing Spirit of God"
with folded hands and lazy mind and only waits, but to the man who
thinks and seeks and searches. True inspiration comes when the seeking
mind of man joins with the revealing Spirit of God"
- William Barclay
Man is Divinely imbued with an amazing capacity to muse
and ruminate and the most affective meditation is to keep our
mind stayed upon the Spiritual Rock that is our holy God
God graciously provided the means to be in unity with
Him on His terms. Which happen to be the terms of
Him on His terms. Which happen to be the terms of
Yahshua/Jesus Christ
Christianity isn't finding OUR Divinity
It's an attitude of always looking to Jesus 'cos
in this world we very easily lose sight of Him.
In this world we need to look to Jesus everyday!
Jesus is the KING OF THE MOUNTAIN we're all
circling around (with SATAN snapping at our ankles)
We oughta let Jesus be the Summit of our minds
because He knows us better than ourselves:
Jesus knows what's best for everyone.
Jesus knows what's best for everyone.
God save me from those who think they know it all,
and those presuming to have "gone beyond your (my) words."
and those presuming to have "gone beyond your (my) words."
If they'd gone beyond my words they wouldn't
be alive anymore.
For me, just the concept of Spirit is amazing, given my
upbringing and what we're made to believe in this world.
The actual Reality is mind-blowing.
As a new ager I thought I was in Light.
But it was a Dark Light.
My Spiritual Sight Paradigm Shifted
thanks to the Ruach Ha' Qodesh. I call it
Everyone accepting the true Christ
shares it to greater or lesser degrees.
visions gleaned by an open third eye.
It's vastly different to the much vaunted
visions acquired via the Ajna chakra 'cos
we see beyond the astral into truth
Spirit instils a welcome clarity
diametrically opposed to the insight that
gurus and mystics of the ages are praised for.
gurus and mystics of the ages are praised for.
All spiritual lies are
brought into sharp relief
and we SEE that Yahshua/
Jesus Christ really is
Lord and Saviour.
T h a t's
The Ruach ain't acquired by personal effort
(works) but only by Grace through what the Divine
has done for us, NOT something we do for Divinity.
RuachVision is a bitter-sweet thing: sweet in
the vision of truth, bitter in perceiving the lies.
Like all flesh the light sensitive tissue
of the pineal gland is fallen state and no
longer attuned to the Light of Divinity.
The chakra system is compromised.
The sahasrara chakra's wide open vulnerability to
astral incursion is blatantly obvious all through the new age:
a situation fully exploited by criminal spiritual beings.
Through the ajna chakra I observed high profile new agers from the
mid eighties, all
through the nineties ascending earth malarkey right on up to
the twisted versions of now we're presented with today. The astral stuff the ajna
perceives are profound illusion-delusions just as fallen state as anything in the
physical realm - accruing highfalutin visions as divorced from Divinity
as the sensual and material domains.
Nowadays I don't use the ajna 'cos it simply
can't be trusted, and what puts me further off are those
who do trust their ajna visions are clearly full of LIES
In our ancient and present psychic climate
the "awakened" ajna merely attunes people to
supernal realities populated by deviant beings
who's ongoing mission is obscuring the truth
💥 It's all about deceiving mankind and it's REAL EASY 💥
is set-apart from anything chakra
related, transcending brain acuity.
In Spirit no one can boast of their own vision
simply because a works mentality - spiritual attainment
by our own effort - is rife with deceit and delusion:
thus we have the gurus and mystics of the ages.
Gurus and mystics talk a lotta crap about God
according to their strongly deluded acumens.
They also squabble among themselves
as to who wields correct theology.
Before the Ruach they're all blithering IDIOTS:
are certitudes I have to reiterate
and one of 'em is mankind is fallen.
The Ruach ha-Qodesh
Ruach is the
only Being on
this planet who ain't.
Ajna visions are filtered through the fallen state
flesh of our brains and generally
interpreted through pride and
high prejudice (especially via DMT induced hyper-delusions)
congenital to everyone's fallen psyche: a deep rooted serpentine subversion
designed to keep people from realising the most sublime truth of
Without the Ruach we're in a
realm of high spiritual deception:
a whole universe seperates us from GOD.
Yet with the Ruach we have a Hand from
beyond the universe reaching out, taking hold of
our heart and guiding our path to Divinity.
With the Ruach we're closer to Real God
because in a very real sense the Ruach IS GOD.
because in a very real sense the Ruach IS GOD.
We sorely need safe spiritual hands to guide our
path because we're born into life amidst a world estranged from the Divine and the new age only
perpetuates the predicament. Alienated from Divinity we have no choice but to listen to the many leading misleaders steppin' up as spiritual mediators channeling a variety of devious spirits posing
as courteous cosmic ladies and gents.
The masses eagerly download and make their own
the considerable profanities of
apocryphal beings playing on man's
congenital spiritual corruption via myth,
bent esoterism
and promises of a MASSIVE - always imminent but never quite
here - new age terms paradigm shift.
here - new age terms paradigm shift.
The new age is ancient Babylon recycled for the modern mind:
exiled angels turned gods and goddesses exploit and cultivate masses of
spiritually reprobate minds for their own nefarious purposes.
Post 2012 I'm contrary to the new age. Everything I believed in was bullshit
prior to that point in time. Of course it wasn't bullshit while I was into it but now
I see it certainly was. What a paradigm shift! Now I go with the courage of my new convictions because otherwise I risk falling into languor. I gotta stay close
to the truth even if it means losing old friends and acquaintances.
Genuine Spirituality is not
about popularity, it's not about riches or fame
under the terms of this world, it's about breaking free from esoteric deception
that goes higher, wider and deeper than I could previously comprehend.
When I began writing this blog
over nine years ago I thought I'd
got my
shit down pat, 'nuff said:
done 'n' dusted.
But it was just
the bare-bones.
I couldn't write properly back then, my grammar was
sub par and I'm sure it's still rather off to the more educated eye; but I
got so much to say that I had to learn, and I'm still not entirely confident.
Going from understanding to understanding I've added a
large amount of
meat 'n' potatoes and I'm still regularly tinkering with
the text. I was a
mere babe in Christ nine years ago and still somewhat
influenced by hindu thought waves and new age beliefs.
influenced by hindu thought waves and new age beliefs.
As time past I
grew in Spirit and realised that seemingly
spiritually mature people of the new age and other exotic
faiths or religious persuasions aren't in the truth.
They're under strong delusion of one sort or other.
I further realised that most people won't get me on a
psychic level or empathically
understand what I'm saying,
'cos the new age mindset gets right in the way.
Over the last 3-4 years worldly interests and desires have waned and beliefs
jettisoned I used to consider sacred. Spirit changes us from within and we begin
to see things in Spiritual terms. We glean the preferences of Spirit.
We become slaves to righteousness.
Righteousness doesn't come easy in a fallen world. It's as difficult as being
a true christian; but without the presence of Spirit we lean heavily
towards spiritual reprobation.
With Spirit we have a Holy crutch to lean
on as we eradicate our cosmic delusions.
It's been a struggle processing the impressions Spirit,
imparts, that I'm supposed to share them is daunting.
People are largely quite vehemently
resistant and I'm not all that quick witted.
As a reserved Englishman I'm
often way out of my comfort zone:
this is serious stuff.
The insight I
and many others are procuring can be hard
relay for shy retiring souls more comfortable observing, so to relieve
the pressure I thought (for a while) it'd be easier to
give considerations
of genuine spirituality and the ever attendant eschatological
concerns a rest
and go my own way.
Not that I reverted
to listening to channelings, using crystals,
consulting astrology and practising tantra. God forbid! For me it's distraction
via the material world: music, the
arts, decorating and furnishing my new Oxford flat... we all have weaknesses, it's
all relative, the urge to take charge and do our own thing as if it's the right
thing to do. It's the atavistic luciferic/spiritual
rebellion playing itself out in ever new and alluring rococo ways.
I threw the
baby out with the bathwater. Silly really for Spirit
be tossed aside and stayed close, drawing me ever closer to Yahshua. This isn't
always the case with Spirit: apparently
multitudes are too far gone and a lost
cause - wholly absorbed as they are in age-old astral zone manipulations
and new age virtual - but not quite - realities.
I must have something important to share.
LOVE is all the rage innit.
Loving each other is all well and good, however - along with
pretty much everything else on this earth - Divine Love is distorted
and almost universally perverted. These days self-love is
fashionable and taken to fascist levels of fervour.
Rampant self-love is a sign of the
end-times described in 2 Timothy 3:2-5
Self-love stems from the influence of the arch hindu "self-realisers"
and buddhists of the past couple of ages - the ubiquitous guru's and mystics
who took it upon themselves to guide mankind, presuming godhood. But in the
face of such highfalutin BS it's properly enlightening to realise Spirit cares
not a jot for self-love. Personal success and worldly attainments
mean nothing to the Divine.
- issued by the Creator -
which we all fail to fulfill is to:
"Love the Lord your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and with
all your mind and with all your strength"
Then to
"love your neighbour as yourself"
In genuine Spirituality
loving ourself takes a
back seat to Loving God.
"...let nothing be done through selfish ambition
or conceit but in lowliness of mind let each
esteem others better than themselves."
As we are it's a priority to love ourselves but really: being fallen state
there's nothin' about ourselves to love. It's somethin' else - somethin'
really far-out - to be supernaturally in love with our Creator
Real Divinity rejoices only in acts of unselfish Love.
Considering that, just how much of the deceit, conceit and emotional
baggage we hold onto so fervently will fall away
like so much retarded
horseshit before the Presence of the Creator of Light and Life.
Quit leaning on your own understanding: it ain't good for
you in
the long term. Neither is loving yourself. Both attitudes
have serious consequencies, eventually.
Humility is the key: get down on your
knees and bow your heart to the Divine
Ask for the Greatest Gift
of God other than Jesus:
the Holy Spirit.
Vast multitudes are in
active denial of the need to
practise Divine obeisance or self-sacrifice, or if they do
it must be sacrifice wholly on
their terms.
Most eschew the concept of a genuine sacrificial
because it's all about personal sovereignty for them,
abdicating to Divine Authority simply doesn't compute:
"We're spiritual beings aren't we?"
(goes the cry)
"It's just gotta be a perfectly smooth
transition from materialism and flesh
worship to the fifth dimension right?"
"Love of the world must lead
to our spiritual ascension ok?"
"It's all love 'n' light down ere innit?"
"Surely Holy Spirit indulges
"Surely Holy Spirit indulges
us all the way, yeah???"
Well no, it does not.
Spirit doesn't indulge you at all.
There are spirits indulging
themselves through you however,
but they certainly aren't DIVINE.
We're FALLEN beings folks.
There's nothing good about self-absorption outside
of the strong-delusions of hinduism and buddhism.
There's absolutely nothing Divine about loving
Self because WE are all about Loving God
and HE is all about loving others.
There's nothing genuinely spiritual about expanding-self to
presumably godlike proportions a la Ramana Maharshi. It's just
a lotta wily satanic deception converted to the new age mindset.
We're born self-absorbed. Babies are selfish to the max.
Children too. It's all about them and what they want. Read Lord of the Flies:
left to their own devices children have a penchant for violence. I know I did:
but more often than not my conscience stymied any violent expression.
When we're finally faced with a holy heaven we'll grieve at how
shamelessly we puffed ourselves up. We'll be shocked at the lies we believed in so avidly. We'll cry over the petty nonsense we hung
onto with such audacious tenacity. The fallen light successfully allies mankind
to its selfish nature independent of the Divine
and walla! We have the new age of today.
God said, "the imagination of a
person’s heart is evil from his youth."
New agers are ignorant spiritual infants channeling
the data filled fallen light of the self-exalting spirit of satan:
A mightily vicious circle indeed.
Satan's pervading undertone of spiritual dissent causes
many an unsuspecting lady or gent to think they're the centre
of the universe, and satan wants us to stay that way. Satan wants
us to remain selfish and ultimately attuned to his unholy bullshit.
Reminiscing on my own life of self-absorption
I'd much rather be absorbed by the transcendent
yet imminent Light of the Holy Spirit 😁
Self-love takes many
m e g a l o m a n i a c a l
psuedo - spiritual forms.
"Cosmic Ordering" new agers
think "the universe" conspires to fulfill their every desire.
They suffer from pronoia, the opposite of paranoia: instead of fear
they think life strives to do them good and provide all they desire. By
a presumed right of consciousness (a perverse sense of entitlement)
they think everything should be handed to them on a plate.
Excuse me but that's a serious infraction of the truth
WE must accommodate Spirit - not the other way round!
It ain't mass awakening but high foolishness which abounds.
WE must accommodate Spirit - not the other way round!
It ain't mass awakening but high foolishness which abounds.
There's something resoundingly dumbass about the way some people
stick their faces on youtube and yabber on, or write books pontificating about
their presumed enlightenment. I've been all through the new age and out
its ass and I can tell you it ain't at all Enlightened.
the deification of clearly absurd individuals; the international
spiritual rectitude of conglomerates is absurd with eyes to see.
I've never been able to swallow the shallow mindedness of worldly trends
such as cosmic ordering and other mania's like the perfidious "the Secret" which
presumes human spirituality naturally Divine and founded in "ancient wisdom,"
assumes life evolves on our terms and believes that we are God.
I can't accept fashions both material or esoteric and
I'm fed up with opinions about G O D and of opinions in general
as it 'appens - 'cos they're usually conflictive, facetious and full of shit.
Sadly we live in times where fashion and
prestige are preferable to the truth
In the New Age much disservice is done in the name of service.
Many assume they're helping when they're actually hindering.
I'm sure I rankle many terminally self-
absorbed new age luciferians by proclaiming that
christian scripture was given to us by the Divine.
but in the Light of Spirit it really is.
The true Christ - Yahshua/Jesus Christ -
comes not to bring peace to the earth but a
SWORD, baptising with Spirit and FIRE
(LUKE 3:16)
There are two baptism's in Jesus' line of work:
the baptism of Spirit and the baptism of FIRE.
"Whose fan is in His hand, and He will throughly
purge His floor,
and will gather the wheat into His garner;
but the chaff he will burn
with fire unquenchable."
The unquenchable FIRE refers to the fires of hell
into which a great many lost souls will be thrown. With statements like that it's no wonder the Bible
is the
most loved and hated book in history. It clearly warns about
false teachers too yet too many refuse to take heed.
A lotta people fail to grasp that
Jesus represents the God of Israel:
Jesus called YHWH His Father
because He was conceived by the HOLY SPIRIT.
The man Jesus is the Son of the
Biblical Creator of heaven and Earth.
Jesus personifies the Loving, Merciful heart of YHWH
He'll also execute YHWH's Righteous
Wrath at the end of days (Day of the LORD)
YHWH is a loving God but also a very serious -
take no shit - God. He means everything He says
literally and it's not open to personal interpretation.
The zeitgeist of our time is dead against YHWH simply
because the spirit of the age goes all out to promote spiritual
sabotage dressed up to the nines as gospel truth.
To the scientist, the analyst, the intellectual and the mocker the Bible is
contradictory. It simply doesn't make sense. They consider it a corrupt
compilation of fairy tales used for astute political manoeuverings. I can
see where they're comin from but I never thought like them.
I did think like the luciferians and gnostics.
But not anymore:
in the Light of Spirit the gnostic texts are full of lies
whereas judeo-christian scripture makes absolute sense.
Who'd a thunk it?
Not me in my haughty new age years.
People love to laud scriptures that make intellectual sense to
their chosen ways and they promote esoteric texts that "resonate"
with the manifold Mâyâ deceptions of a fallen Earth.
Of course it's your prerogative to
believe what you wanna
but I'm believing whatever Spirit impresses upon me and the insights
are wHoly antithetical to the knowledge of both the secular world
and new age ancient wisdom propaganda.
I laud christian scripture with enthusiasm mixed with
I laud christian scripture with enthusiasm mixed with
trepidation 'cos I know the terrible response it can bring. There's
a whirlwind of contempt involved with this faith like no other.
It ain't comfortable espousing christianity because
incredulity and extreme resentment are par for the course. As a new ager I didn't wanna believe but this is
If you're too far down the road of untruth and can't - or simply
won't - turn around to face the truth that's your own look-out. where I am in the Power of Now:
trusting in Christ.
There are hundreds of stories
and legends about a worldwide flood but
and legends about a worldwide flood but
only one Spirit Inspired text tells the truth.
"... the Lord saw that the wickedness of man
was great in the earth, and that every intention of the
thoughts of his
heart was only evil continually.”
“Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and
the earth was
filled with violence. And God saw the earth, and behold,
it was
corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.”
Despite modern thinking to the contrary that's
the Divine perspective of a time long ago.
As the story verbally passed from one generation to the next
some aspects were lost or altered yet it's solely hebrew scripture which
get's right to the truth, and tells it like it was and why it happened.
As we see in the new testament gospels, where necessary crucial things
are remembered by those under the inspiration of holy Spirit. It's not the same
as so-called psychic recall or channeling. Moses, the writer of Genesis, went further
than anyone by receiving insight and guidance direct from the Creator Himself.
Jesus spoke of Noah's days (Matthew 24:37)
He knew Moses wrote Genesis
(Mark 12:26, Luke 16:29 & 24:27, John 5:46)
Jesus was a Hebrew/Jew who
believed ALL the Old Testament.
Antediluvian (pre-flood) people were deeply
depraved and weren't in the least bit concerned about it.
The reason is partly down to the Creator's mercy on Cain: everyone went about
assuming they had permission to kill, or do whatever the heck they liked without consequences. The deviant sons of God encouraged the misconceptions.
We can surmise disgusting, terrible things occured regularly:
abominable things in the eyes of the Most High or anyone with a healthy
degree of Spiritual awareness. It took over a thousand years before God
decided enough was enough and flooded the whole earth, eradicating
for a time the quite extensive social and genetic corruptions of the
fallen angels/nephilim.
It's impossible for new agers to comprehend
that before the Love and Light of Divinity human
love and light is like hate and darkness.
With regards the future of all mankind it
was an act of great mercy to remove the human
gangrene via a serious case of amputation.
When we experience God's kind of Love the love the world shares
is cheap in comparison. There's no comparison. Before Divinity we
are approaching the madness of antediluvian times, on a personal level
and as a race. No matter what fluffy love and light system we follow,
without Spirit we're far removed from the hub of Divinity.
Our world harbours a great many pockets of human
evil: the animal and bird kingdoms are full of violence.
Life still feeds upon life:
millions of animals are killed every year to fill our bellies.
Before Divinity we're like crazed berserkers
imposing our self-righteous will upon an impartial
sublunary while co-creating a MASSIVE
The "free thinking" new age mind renders us loose cannons
wide open to subliminal guidance by nefarious occult overlords.
The answer is NOT chanting OM, meditating on
the "love within us;" practising yoga (union with Brahman) or
influencing life by earth magik variants. Neither is it believing we're
God ('cos we're not) but to hold back the bullshit, take stock of
where we really are, have our eyes opened and look to
sound scriptural doctrine:
the examples and teachings of righteousness given by Grace.
It's time to be proper radical and eradicate
everything we were before and begin anew.
"Having lost clear notion of objective reality, new agers
assert that
everything that happens to them is really a reflection
of themselves. This
is called solipsism. It reduces the universe,
as G.K. Chesterton put it,
to 'one enormously selfish person."
The new age encourages us to believe our temporal
egos are spiritually sugared and that we are developing gods
so it's no surprise subtle and overt control freakery is rife
within the fallen realm of mind, body and soul.
The fallen lightfield or matrix (maya) of deception extends
well into the
astral realms and is the source of all channelings and transmissions of the
past 150 years. This shocking truth passes a great many influential people
right on by, they prefer to indulge make-believe and - with astonishing
self-approval - try to draw as many along with them as possible.
Back in the nineties I wallowed in channelled messages and
never seriously questioned the sources. It all felt so good.
Now I don't trust them at all.
There's been a 180 degree turnaround 'cos RuachVision is Earth
shattering, revealing the really awful extent of our spiritual deception.
Spirit operates wHoly independent of creation yet follows
Spirit operates wHoly independent of creation yet follows
cosmic laws absolutely - to the letter. Spirit doesn't advocate fancy
techniques of yogic self-absorption or the divinations/nature
magik of the pagan/Babylonian new age.
God hates our self-absorptions
and divinations simply because He
wants us to lean solely on Him
In a fallen world that's nothing to
sniff at but welcome with open arms.
sniff at but welcome with open arms.
God doesn't want us wondering about our personal future,
HE wants to look after us and no one can do that better than
HE wants to look after us and no one can do that better than
we have to extricate ourselves from the rampant solipsism and breathe a very different air: no easy matter gettin that message across for many prominent new agers swear by themselves and by divination, channeling etc. They make a very comfortable living from them. They won't consider that they're proliferating
ancient deception, for how could they be deceived?
It simply doesn't compute.
They won't give up the prestige without a fight:
pride and personal godhood are at stake 😔
A popular group of entities carrying serious clout in the new age
are the so called Council of Nine but - for all the magniloquence -
rather than enlightening they're hindering many seeking truth.
The Nine are yet another conglomerate of unholy
beings channeling through some extremely gullible folks.
T h e N i n e
say they're cosmically very significant
(of course) - in their case Almighty GOD
operating as nine principles of the Universe.
T h e N i n e
of the Universe
V A S T multitudes
fall head over heels for.
Here's what the apostle Paul had to say:
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness
of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places."
A very insightful statement. The early christians experienced
great outpourings of the Holy Spirit and had (largely) transcended
the concerns of the flesh. They battled spiritual forces all the way.
As the above line of scripture clearly implies,
it ain't all love 'n' light here folks. Our spiritual
situation is actually very serious.
For millennia mankind has been under massive psychic
bedazzlement proffered by dark entities posing as light beings.
It just doesn't do to be giving up our minds for the sake
of a bit of peace or projecting "light" into the world,
for what light are you projecting?
With your empty mind who're you inviting in?
There are plenty of unscrupulous spirits in the ethers
waiting to possess you (turn you into an antichrist new ager.)
Testing the spirit's 3 times to ascertain their
true allegiance doesn't reveal the truth
'cos they play on such things.
Ask them if they're of the light and they'll
reply in the affirmative because they're of
the Fallen Light.
Test them with faith in the name of Jesus
Christ with conviction and see what happens.
Their countenance dramatically falls.
So many fool themselves and everyone who follows them.
We have to shake off the inherently ludicrous and
put on the whole armour of God, that ye may
be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."
Wise words written by a spiritually sagacious man.
Wise words written by a spiritually sagacious man.
The character of the apostle Paul is much maligned these days.
There are many misguided folks who consider him a LIAR.
That's a grave mistake.
Why's the veracity of Paul's Apostleship under attack?
Because TRUTH is under all-out attack.
Swimming like a proud fish in the luminous phlegm of the
new age I dissed Paul once or twice thinkin I knew better; but now
I'm converted I see better: I SEE he was full of the same Spirit filling me.
That's all I need to know about Paul:
he was anointed by the Holy Spirit!
Paul was appointed by Yahshua
Himself and HE don't make mistakes.
The Holy Spirit is proof of Paul's veracity and
I'm no longer swayed by what the world says about him.
I know Paul acted by the Spirit of truth.
Whoever thinks Paul is a liar has a subtle
dark spirit
tucked away in their innermost psyche appealing to
intellect, pride and the urge for self-sanctimony.
Dark spirits have messed with many
unsuspecting minds since deepest antiquity
and they continue to impart deception
on vast multitudes today.
So many freshly disseminate the beliefs of religious
sects extant in the early centuries A.D. or distribute bent
interpretations of Scripture proffered by anti-christian
agitators overshadowed by incorporeal beings.
Reading so much about ancient and modern philosophical
and spiritual luminaries I'm familiar with a host of historical and
contemporary theological mindsets. Then the Holy Spirit came and
proffered a bird's-eye view on the whole theistic shebang.
and spiritual luminaries I'm familiar with a host of historical and
contemporary theological mindsets. Then the Holy Spirit came and
proffered a bird's-eye view on the whole theistic shebang.
We're all born congenitally spiritually impaired and, as
Yahshua gave sight to the blind, it takes the intervention
of the Holy Spirit to restore genuine spiritual sight.
In the 1st to 3rd
centuries competing theologies abounded
with lots of shouting,
fighting, resentment and backbiting. Following the
course of a fallen
world deep seated resentments towards the passion of the
early christians flourished ingeniously. Much like today a lot of
nutters ran around pushing their own priggish spin on the
Among the vain dissenters of Paul's day were
the Ebionites: one sect among many puffed up to such a
degree they were utterly blind to the message Paul preached.
To further their own cause they attempted to assassinate
Paul's character. But he'd already assassinated himself!
He was dead to his previous persona as persecutor
of the christians - Saul of Tarsus - and born again
of the Holy Spirit as Paul, Apostle of Yahshua.
What a paradigm shift!
The Ebionites childish attempts at defamation
revealed their core spiritual darkness and an acute
absence of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
The evidence against Paul's apostleship is scant to say
the least. There's more significant evidence supporting Paul
if you take the time to look without prejudice.
betray a deeply deceived mindset.
It's a joy to believe in Paul's Gospel and folly to separate Yahshua
from Paul as some so avidly try to do. We shouldn't equate what Yahshua
said in Matthew 24:5 with Paul's experience on the road to Damascus.
We can equate that with the prophet Muhammad's
liaisons with the "angel Gabriel" for sure.
In that regard Paul wrote,
"But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel
to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed."
That's one glaring reason why muslims try hard to discredit Paul;
but by the Spirit of truth we can be sure Paul wasn't a faker. He encountered the
resurrected Yahshua of Nazareth not some archangel imposter or the sort of dark
spirit posing as a minister of light we hear so much about in the new age. It was only
a true visitation that could turn an obstinate individual such as Saul of
Tarsus - a
passionate persecuter of christians and a murderer -
into the Apostle Paul:
the Way, the truth and the Life.
Paul was no LIAR:
he was FULL of the Holy Spirit
and sure of the Reality of Christ Jesus.
You would be too if you'd
encountered Him so dramatically.
modern denial of the
Apostle Paul.
At the beginning of the letter to the Galatians,
Paul is shocked
at how quickly people can move away from the true gospel
"gospel." Read Romans and Galatians if you haven't read Paul's
letters or read them again and remember
('cos we tend to forget)
With regards to the true gospel Paul
didn't take any crap, and neither should we.
Quit rationalising the Word away:
The Apostle Paul was a spiritual powerhouse vital to the spreading of early
christianity. There's no "Paulianity:" Paul is christianity. He left no room for doubt
that he spoke directly from the Spirit of God and anyone inspired by the same
Spirit - to greater or lesser degrees - recognises that fact.
Paul was appointed by Yahshua
so who are we to argue?
Should we throw away the Book of ACTS??
By rejecting Paul you reject Yahshua.
To insult Paul is to slander the
Ruach ha' Qodesh which - Jesus says
Serious stuff and no mistake.
Paul was a model christian reporting the truth and enduring everything
christians are up against in a fallen, hostile world. He wrote
letters to either strengthen the faithful or to counter serious threats
to the faith. For diligently preaching the gospel Paul's life was
always at risk: he was regularly imprisoned, beaten with rods, stoned to near
death, shipwrecked and spent a day and
night swimming in the open sea.
Yet Paul saw it all from the Light of Eternity and considered
his many trials and persecutions but light afflictions:
"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth
comparing with the Glory that will be revealed in us"
comparing with the Glory that will be revealed in us"
Amazing! Paul was threatened with death numerous times
but didn't care. Bring it on he thought because, by both outcomes
he's a winner: "To live is Christ, to die is gain." He either gets to be
with the Lord or continues preaching the Gospel.
but didn't care. Bring it on he thought because, by both outcomes
he's a winner: "To live is Christ, to die is gain." He either gets to be
with the Lord or continues preaching the Gospel.
Paul was stuck between a sponge and the deep blue sky!
We should take a leaf out of Paul's books
and consider our own lives in the Light of Eternity
and consider our own lives in the Light of Eternity
(not the twisted metaphysics of our fallen world)
"Have I therefore become your
enemy because I tell you the truth?"
- Apostle Paul
Human psychic proclivities are severely compromised, so
it goes that our psychic
"gifts" frankly cannot to be trusted.
Neither can we trust the implicitly biased
"intuition" of mystics, lightworkers or starseeds.
And we really must
channeling in the pursuit of truth.
Gazillions (seemingly) of people today are irrationally obdurate yet very
creatively making the best out of living a complete lie. Since
antiquity nothing's changed: for all the baubled rhetoric and fany tech
there really is nothing new under the sun. There's been no genuine
shift in the core sentience of man, no difference in the extrinsic
malleability of human consciousness (we're all terribly exposed), the
pathological need to be
right is a serious malady and the strident efforts expended to gain and maintain respect and prestige haven't
Quantum science, advances in astronomy and astro-
physics send imagination into warp-drive >> far from truth.
The only patently obvious "evolution" is
the scale of
human pride and self-delusion taken to pseudo-cosmic levels.
You could term it human de-volution and be right on the mark.
Around 13 years old I had the clear intuition we exist because a
conscious eternity exists. I reasoned we cannot be alive and aware as we are
in a closed, isolated cosmos; but only in an open and spiritually connected one.
That we are spirit beings made thrilling good sense.
But alas! not to those around me, who'd rather just get on with their
dumb secular lives... I was often resentful about that I can tell you.
Like so many other dreaming spiritual retards,
I found solace in the alluring and beckoning new age.
Any (seemingly) freedom stifling christian lark just wasn't an option before the hope and "true" freedom of the oncoming golden age of aquarius. The presumed ancient "wisdom" behind the new age movement was irresistible. Nowadays I know there's so much more to spirituality than the much touted wisdoms I was drawn to at the tender age of 18. Back then there was no way I could comprehend the
actual truth of Jesus Christ. I simply wasn't open or responsive.
I was always somewhat intuitive of new age deception but
thought it was my own strange psyche messin' with me. Now I
can't help myself for seeing the deception.
These days, when I look at a picture of someone sitting in meditation
I see a self-approving doofus gettin high on luciferic light. I witness a so-called
teacher with a bunch of new age hippies preaching mindfulness or infinite wisdom
and I wince. I watch a "starseed" spouting psuedo-science and quasi- spirituality
on youtube and I wanna puke, 'cos I see the dark source of their "wisdom" -
the ancient come modern corruption - deep inside them.
They haven't an actual clue what they're really into.
The new age is a massive vanity project
initiated by deviant spiritual beings to which
millions have unwittingly sold their souls.
True self-awareness eludes the fool's paradise.
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And
changed the glory
of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to
corruptible man, and to birds,
and fourfooted beasts, and creeping
things. Wherefore God also gave them up to
uncleanness through the lusts of their own
hearts, to dishonour their own bodies
between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped
and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever."
New agers love to proclaim we're all connected.
But how are we connected to everyone and everything?
David Icke preaches loudly that we are Infinite Consciousness.
NO, we are NOT.
Infinite Consciousness enables our life, sure;
but we are NOT the Infinite itself. Only demented,
deluded nutters think they're Infinite.
We're made of energy. We're of the universe. We're certainly connected
physically, mentally even psychically; but they are creations, not what we
should be looking to for the definitive revelation of Love, Light and Truth.
Our roots are secured in the Infinite but like
a tree isn't the soil supporting and nurturing it:
We didn't just pop into existence because we
can, with the entirety of the cosmos laid at our feet.
An Astonishing GOD created Life from nothing; but instead of
accepting the truth we accept so many fallacious ideals fueled by
droves of fatuous imaginations. Such as personal godhood
being attained over thousands of lifetimes.
I don't subscribe to that crap anymore. I don't have to.
They're mere fabrications mixed with heinous lies.
There is but One Infinite God sustaining all
creation. There's absolutely no need for another.
We shouldn't try to force our mind upon the Divine Mind
as if our will is somehow reflective of the Divine Will
as if our will is somehow reflective of the Divine Will
In profound ignorance humanity is highly irresponsible.
We're clearly too spiritually retarded to be playing with
concepts of personal godhood. It's like giving a small child a box of
live matches. Contrary to popular belief we can't do what the hell we
like - as individuals, cultures or races - without serious consequences.
We're not only polluting the natural world but also
the psychic realm with our gung-ho sentient liberties.
I wonder why it's so hard to accept
Spiritual laws?
Because we're fallen state and under
the jurisdiction of adversarial powers-that-be playing
ancient games with our modern psyche.
Balancing all creation are cosmic laws set forth in
All Wisdom which must be adhered to, otherwise more darkness
is produced, and more chaos created in the long term.
It's the same in the Spiritual Realms:
a Higher Harmony Reigns Supreme which sternly
requires our free will trust and obeisance to participate.
requires our free will trust and obeisance to participate.
ignorance, strong delusion and no little suffering:
the epitome of a lost soul.
Not yet anyway.
For all the rabble for rebellion against the system
it's the height of stupidity to be rebellious against Spirit.
it's the height of stupidity to be rebellious against Spirit.
We accept the Universe exists because of precise and balanced laws with no quibbling, 'cos they allow everything to exist and for us to be ALIVE here on earth. It's the same in the Spiritual realms: there are Harmonically Concordant Laws we must abide by if we wanna live the harmonious Spirit filled Life we were created to live. But alas the gnostics and luciferians are out in force and fantastical fallacies reign: from their biased perspective a tyrannical, jealous god or demiurge rules
(or doesn't if you're in the scientific/Richard Dawkins camp 😕)
As a race we obviously aren't One.
As a race we obviously aren't One.
In this day and age delusion is the name of the game:
believing we are Infinite Consciousness and actually being
so are two Eternally contrastive states of being.
Most people's conception of the Infinite is distorted by the
matrix lightfield and the sort of enlightenment mankind has aspired to for
thousands of years is an attitude of high treason before the Divine. Those with
a genuine Divine connection are invariably drawn by the Holy Spirit and they
manage it in a sensible, pragmatic and responsible fashion: not a
free for all Do What Thou Wilt diegesis.
No one alive can claim Infinite Consciousness
with world transforming Authority and Power.
with world transforming Authority and Power.
The true Christ isn't walking the earth.
Those making a lotta money and prestige
informing everyone
they're Infinite Consciousness are distracting from the One true God
and are highly irresponsible to themselves and everyone else.
There's Only ONE Being of Infinite Consciousness
Infinite Consciousness manifests solely through ONE BEING
fascinated by the existence of a Creator of Heaven and earth.
In my experience God most certainly IS. That that Supreme truth was
attested to by numerous saints and sages through the ages escapes the notice
of the irreverent gangs of self-absorbed new agers and conceptually twisted by
the neo-vedantic guru's of the last couple o centuries, even the past few
thousand years. The true Light realisers invariably inform us that Love
and Devotion to the One True God is the Highest Spirituality
The rishis wrote in one
sentence profundities that commentating scholars busy themselves over
for generations. Endless literary controversy is for sluggard minds.
What more quickly liberating thought than ‘God is’ - nay, ‘God’? -- Read
more at:
The rishis wrote in one
sentence profundities that commentating scholars busy themselves over
for generations. Endless literary controversy is for sluggard minds.
What more quickly liberating thought than ‘God is’ - nay, ‘God’? -- Read
more at: Consciousness manifests solely through One Being.Infinite Consciousness manifests solely through One BeingAs a Spiritual aspirant I can't be anything
less than fascinated by the existence of a Creator of Heaven and earth. In my experience God most certainly is. That that Supreme truth was attested to by numerous saints and sages through the ages escapes the notice of the irreverent gangs of self-absorbed new agers and conceptually twisted by the neo-vedantic guru's
of the last couple o centuries, even the passed few thousand years. The true Light realisers invariably inform us that Love and Devotion to the One True God is the Highest Spirituality
From a young age I had the desire to know the truth of Life,
the Universe and Everything. I sought for knowledge, meditated
a lot, pilgrimaged to sacred sites and experienced periods of
spiritual elevation; but nothing like what I received shortly
before diving headlong into
the new age scene.
It came unexpectedly one day while walking
and praying in unremarkable landscaped woodland
near my hometown of the time.
Out of the blue my regular sense of reality dramatically shifted as
Pure LOVE descended from above, pouring as Living Water into an empty
vessel, filling my soul to overflow. Barely able to contain the Divine Draught
my cup ranneth over. My body became like jelly and verily, the earth shook.
Attempting to walk further the sun suddenly emerged from
behind a large cloud - shining brighter than usual on an otherwise
overcast day - felling me flat on my face before the newly revealed Majestic Splendour. OMG expresses my AWE in a trendy way with more authenticity.
I sensed Love everywhere, interpenetrating
everything: within and without.
I realised that all creation existed because of
Almighty Love and - where there is such Love -
there's an Almighty LOVER.
Simple yet bowl me over Awesome.
It became clear that Divine Love springs
from an Eternally Loving Source that is - for want
of a more widely acceptable term - GOD
I realised that all creation existed because of
Almighty Love and - where there is such Love -
there's an Almighty LOVER.
Simple yet bowl me over Awesome.
It became clear that Divine Love springs
from an Eternally Loving Source that is - for want
of a more widely acceptable term - GOD
I can't do justice to the experience in
so many
words. You had to be there 😜
Contrary to what the new age teaches, before the Presence of GOD
we hit the deck - face down on the ground. The only way we can stand
is horizontal. If you're not hitting the deck in your own experience
of Divinity then you oughta sincerely pray for a fuller revelation.
As it was I was given what I could
As it was I was given what I could
handle, and that was almost too much.
If the Glory had increased just a little I'm sure I would've died.
With hindsight, now I'm well out of the hindu/new age delusion,
the experience makes me suspicious of the fabled Arjun and his
exposure to Krishna's "true form" in the Bhagavad Gita.
Arjun wasn't a special, prepared (after many lifetimes)
adept. Don't give me that. Wha'd'ya think you know?
Man doesn't get closer to God through works -
in this lifetime or many - but by GRACE through
FAITH (so that no one can boast)
The Bhagavad Gita doesn't convey truth. It's an
elaborate religious fantasy designed to keep
mankind very far from the truth.
elaborate religious fantasy designed to keep
mankind very far from the truth.
By the Light of Spirit I can confidently
say that Krishna ain't even real.
The ancient hindus were born into a fallen world under
dark deceptions same as we are. They were given
over to their own peculiar brand of strong delusion.
Hinduism is pantheism, which is paganism by any other name.
By the Light of Spirit the Gita is just an elaborate poem written by
some vainglorious hindu inspired by the self-exalting spirit of SATAN.
The Upanishads and the Vedas also are highly
innovative fabrications: spiritually narcissistic
uber-delusions divorced from Divinity.
The woodland Love incident left my mind sweetly blown and days of
after effects ensued: Peace, Certainty, Awareness of God. I understood that of
myself I am nothing and that God is Everything. It's obvious I cannot grasp God,
myself I am nothing and that God is Everything. It's obvious I cannot grasp God,
He grasps me IF He so chooses. God is revealed to anyone only if HE Wills it.
God is the Heart of Hearts and the Source
of All
Love, Intelligence and Wisdom.
It's absolutely true that all have sinned and fallen short of the
Glory of God: the only Way to even begin to understand the Glory is by
accepting Yahshua as King and making Him the master of your mind.
Yahshua overrides the matrix field of deception.
Loving ourselves is nothing compared to the Love of God,
a Love He desires we
reciprocate for the Joyful and
Miraculous Life we were meant to live:
In Harmony with Him.
God inhabits the praise of His people
which includes all His Power and Grace.
I realised true Spirituality is a HalleluYAH, Praise the Lord type affair -
exactly as the apostle Paul and the early christians described: the spirit of
repentance, the death of fallen state ego and daily rediscovery of our Glorious
and Eternal Godhead residing beyond the universe yet entirely present within it.
"Man is not God but is to submit to God, but (helped by the
spirits of antichrist) we rebel against this, always wanting to go our own
formulating a god we are comfortable with, one that does not judge
our moral
failings and who is a vague cosmic force that we are part of."
It's popular to believe in a universal force a la Star Wars; but to
firmly buck that trend I say that God is not energy. God is not the universe.
God is the Creator of the universe: BIG DIFFERENCE
New agers go on about the universe this, the universe that.
I reply, "what about the God of the universe?"
But "God" is loaded with religious undertones and to be dismissed
outright, without further consideration. They substitute a wHoly other God
they feel uneasy believing in and choose to believe in something they feel
part of, that in a sense is them, and so they love creation before the Creator.
New agers commit themselves to lesser powers eager to fill the
God shaped hole in their hearts with fallen light of one sort or other.
New agers have no problem believing in angels, but believing in the GOD the real angels represent is another matter entirely. So what's the problem? Why not call upon the Top Deity wherein All the Power of the universe and beyond resides, as did King David? Why not throw oneself upon the mercy and grace of the Creator of Heaven and earth? Is it out of the realm of credibility in these more
"enlightened" times? Come on now. Stop that, it's silly.
"enlightened" times? Come on now. Stop that, it's silly.
Aquarian angels don't sing of God or Yahshua, they
turn you into
yourself and imbibe you with moonshine.
New age angels work for the luciferic lightfield -
the objective of
which is to obfuscate the true Christ.
God is naturally Glorious:
He created everything from nothing (nothing we know of anyway)
manifesting all cosmic and terrestrial energies from the Miracle of His Being,
finely balancing the immense cosmic forces surrounding, penetrating
and binding the galaxy together.
To think energy is part of God - or is God - is a huge mistake
for God is wholly other than creation and Holy other than the Universe.
The Universal force new agers clamour to resonate with is the force of lucifer:
an ubiquitous though severely limited sentient energy field twisting
the truth and reinforcing it's own spiritual agendas.
The "Universe" is in no way God:
The "Universe" is in no way God:
The Universe is akin to a quantum supercomputer
currently assailed by a mutating spiritual coronavirus
infecting large amounts of time-space zetabytes.
Everything was sorted in the pre-fall
world, and everything is still sorted in Him.
God is our refuge and our strength!
God is the source of ALL goodness.
Heaven is Heaven because
God's Will is done perfectly.
God's Will is done perfectly.
Here's a beautiful LAW: the more we reach up to God
in our hearts and love Him more than the world, the more He
reaches down to embrace us, keeping us safe and supplied where
it really matters, dispelling the bullshit and informing of the truth.
"Our Father which art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name..."
Here's a contentious issue sure to raise some fiery hackles.
In these crazy ass times it's crucial
to be clear about who Real God is
Turns out God isn't who we think He is, neither is He what
we want Him to be. God exists independent of what or who we think God is
and how He operates. God existed before we came along, and whether our
opinion of Him is adequate or accurate or not - God is who He is:
our thinking influences only our belief in God.
In recent years I've come to know the woodland LOVE I experienced not by
hindu or gnostic means but by Aramaic/Hebrew sensibilities. Paleo-hebrew was
the extant antediluvian language; post-flood and the tower of babel incident God
spoke with the patriarchs in the symbology and images of the Otiot
(paleo aramaic-hebrew)
What an Almighty download!
Holy Spirit led me to the name some No I don't have a hebrew roots agenda.
A lotta uptight crazy people say a lotta uptight crazy things. It's simply where
my interest was situated when Holy Spirit revelation occured. It isn't necessary for everyone but for me it was an intriguing alternative avenue of christianity which led me to the truth. The bestowed awareness of the Ruach
occured during a period of interest in the original aramaic-hebrew interpretation of the Bible as presented by Alan Horvath.
One day back in February 2016 while watching one of Alan's videos
suddenly realised it was the Ruach I'd been supernally cognizing o'er the
previous five months or so.
What an Almighty download!
months after the initial awareness of Him.
In Hebrew the word "name" means very much more than the particular name by which a person happens to be called. It stands for the nature and character of the whole person. That's especially true of the "name" of God. The Psalmist writes: "Those who know thy name put their trust in thee." That don't mean those who know God's name will put their trust in Him, it means those who know God's love, mercy, power and holiness - synonymous with His name - find it easier to put their trust in Him. The name of God actually matters to God
No one gave God His name. He gave it Himself.
The I AM that I AM Statement a lotta puffed up new agers
mistake for God's Name and proceed to presume its their name (and nature)
thinkin they're God (with tremendous mendacity 😲) was a declaration of
His - and only His - Eternal nature as the One true God
wHOLY other than you and me.
From the original aramaic-hebrew
(not the "LORD" or "God" translations):
. you are to say to them, YHWH, Elohim of your fathers
has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and this
is My Remembrance to all generations."
God declared: "This is my name forever."
In the Bible wherever we
see the capitalised
LORD the name YHWH was originally written.
The aramaic-hebrew interpretation of Gods Name occurs more often
than any of His titles like Almighty, Lord or God and more often
than any personal name such as Abraham, Moses,
David or Jesus.
It's God's Will that we know His name:
"May people know that you, whose name is YHWH,
alone are the Most High over all the earth."
God gave His Name in ancient aramaic hebrew
and YHWH is His Name
The I AM is the Almighty YHWH
Yeah I know, it blew my mind too
but I have to go where Spirit leads
and Spirit leads to YHWH
Where His Name and Nature are concerned
its time to practise sacred humility.
YHWH is not the Sumerian "god" Enlil or any "Anunnaki," which
are the fallen angels - the self-same beings behind the hindu pantheon
of gods and
goddesses, the ancient egyptian gods, mesoamerican deities
and the brotherhood of masters and illumined ones.
Mesopotamians - along with the Mesoamericans and Indo Aryans -
were under massive spiritual deception. Sumeria was governed by deities adept
at turning truth into lies and
twisting reality for their benefit.
reiterate that being older doesn't make a culture or religion
better situated in truth. Far from it: in our world the oldest religions
represent a deeper more insidious spiritual duplicity
Exiled by YHWH the "sons of God" set themselves up as gods
and goddesses, securing their future interests by grand deception
and exploiting the (God given) ingenuity of mankind.
YHWH is the Eternally self-existing Godhead
doesn't have any reserves, He's not dependent upon anything in
creation, He doesn't lean on anything - the whole universe leans on Him. In
this non compos mentis world of extreme extremes satan has a great many
resonant peoples at his disposal and so does YHWH.
He's never without His own.
So it transpires that God's Hallowed name is YHWH.
Not Jehovah, Krishna, Rama, Ahura Mazda or Wakan Tanka. Elohim
with a capital E is a descriptive title referring to the trinity acting as one, not a
conglomerate of pagan gods/fallen angels referred to as elohim with a lower case e. The ancient Israelites knew their Saviour God as YHWH, which is pronounced Yah-h'wha with a sharp out-breath on the h'wha denoting the breath of life (Holy Spirit)
Check out Alan Horvath's videos on the names of YHWH and Yahshua.
Turns out names are vitally important in God's
creation and Yahshua's name is the Highest of all.
YHWH's name and nature has been warped n twisted
in the mind of man for millennia. Once upon a time people
were sentenced to death if they even spoke it 😲
It's a massive, insurmountable issue for
many (they've no faith) but I've no problem with
YHWH being the Godhead of a Trinity of 3 holy persons
YHWH being the Godhead of a Trinity of 3 holy persons
It makes perfect sense to the Spirit that converted me.
The Holy Spirit proves the Biblical Holy Trinity,
of which paganism - represented by Babylonic and Canaanite
demon god worship - imitated and perverted.
The amazing thing about the true Holy Trinity
is that all three Persons of the Godhead are interested
in Glorifying someone else:
The Son Glorifies the Father,
the Father Glorifies the Son,
Holy Spirit Glorifies the Son.
The Son has two Divinities
Glorifying Him, and He Glorifies
The trinity isn't something that can be adequately understood logically.
Created beings simply cannot fully comprehend Eternal Beingness.
But, while not specifically stated, the trinity is
obvious all through Scripture with eyes to SEE. I no longer harbour implicit bias regarding Divinity; just an
openness to veracity and a willingness to be shocked and awed
openness to veracity and a willingness to be shocked and awed
insist God is female. But that's an aspect of the satanic
rebellion at play in their heart, as it is in the world at large. In
with new age powers and principalities the energy the modern goddess
revival represents has a seriously shady causality behind it.
I comment much more on that,
and gnosticism, further down.
It's proper damn silly if not completely stupid when people get into a tizz
and cause a right royal tiff over Divine gender (implicit bias compels them) and
so I emphasise Him for humorous affect. If you've a problem with male terms for
the Most High - that's your
problem. I
know many influential new agers and
gnostics think they've got a handle on the
biblical God:
in all bullshit they think they've sussed God out.
Not the LORD but their lordly intellect rules the roost.
Utterly demented.
In a realm brimming over with dark light we desperately need
the Divine Light and Heavenly order Yahshua represents. As it happens YHWH's
Almighty take no shit character is beautifully
revealed in scripture, if you take the
time to look without prejudice. Great Love and mercy is revealed in many
passages I overlooked in the deepest ignorance of my new age arrogance.
The Divine Person of Yahshua
ain't affiliated
with hindu gods or pagan goddesses of any sort.
system than the Rule of Yahshua.
YHWH is all about Yahshua.
Yahshua represents YHWH
Yahshua's name means Yah Saves:
As per the course of a world bonded to paganism
there's a lotta inbred ignorance and hatred towards
YHWH; deep seated reactions against and rejection
of Yahshua's heavenly Father abound.
YHWH gets loads of bad press and tons of
on purpose, via a lotta pig-ignorant people with dark agendas.
It's a thoroughly scandalous affair!
We don't hear anyone ferociously mocking Sufism
or Kabbalah. We don't see people railing hard against Buddha
or gleefully besmirching a hindu god; or giving the "goddess" a
good dressing-down (I do, further down) and that's 'cos those
religions pander to our spiritual vanity and narcissism 😏
With Krishna, Buddha, the goddess and the new age
ascended master deceptors it's all about us and our way;
our (presumed) Divine Power. We don't have to accede to
a Spiritual Authority that ain't part of our own.
We can go on preening our spiritual egoisms ad infinitum.
The old urge for rebellion channels through the
collective mind, exerting itself in many ingenious ways.
Without the Holy Spirit scripture is as spiritually dead as the person
reading it. With Spirit it comes Alive like never before. I used to be swayed by
the lies of both the secular and new age world regarding the Bible - anything other
than believe it's the truth - but now I see it's the
most misinterpreted
and misunderstood book in history.
That's the
general all-purpose fallen state mind for ya.
With eyes to see we see the Bible wasn't written to control (as the world would
have us believe) but to seriously inform, instruct and edify. Forget the political
maneuverings of the Emperor Constantine, Yahshua used all that for His
purposes, then satan got into a lotta influential heads for his purposes.
Evil to the core and devious all the way Satan
uses Scripture to proffer his own serpentine will.
Get over what you think you know about the Bible; who wrote it and
why; how it was compiled etc etc. By the Light of Spirit we know the Bible
is Spirit breathed, written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit.
why; how it was compiled etc etc. By the Light of Spirit we know the Bible
is Spirit breathed, written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit.
It is as it was meant to be supernaturally.
If you read with the eyes of the world you'll only surmise
the LIES of the world; but with the eyes of Spirit we read
If you read with the eyes of the world you'll only surmise
the LIES of the world; but with the eyes of Spirit we read
The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Authentic Scripture reporting truth doesn't sugar coat it's luminaries, it tells things like they were: a warts and all account of a people living
in spiritually dark and fallen world. We're no different: the world is still dark, still fallen, demons still run amok. The only
significant yet quite superficial difference is the fancy technology
all possess, mixed with a lotta love 'n' light just as artificial,
glossing over mankinds core primitive nature.
No one's been qualified to serve God perfectly except Yahshua.
All the biblical patriarchs and prophets had glaring faults.
None of them were perfect, clean vessels; but the crucial thing is they
believed the Word of God which credited them for righteousness and
they partook of the amazing Grace of YHWH
How can we not be humble before
the Creator of the Heavens and the earth?
Humility signifies truth is
being received and understood.
What utter fools are they who find it
hard, if not impossible, to practice humility.
Or are arrogant to assume it beneath them.
changed how YHWH deals with man.
Right now He's working through the Holy Spirit for the benefit of all.
As converts washed by the Blood of Christ
we're supposed to be doing work for
the Kingdom, preparing
the Way of the Lord so to speak. We're supposed to be
taking the fight
to satan; but for the most part we're slacking, slouchy,
sulking, squabbling or sticking our head up our ass.
It's no surprise there aren't reports of astonishing miracles
in the news - just the depressing shit all the time. Satan's prime
directive is to pervert the name and nature of YHWH by any
means: to assassinate His character big time.
Yahshua - being a true spiritual radical - defied the incredulity of
the world, all religious authorities and traditions yet remained obedient
where it really mattered and against all odds, knowing
His God to be the one true God above all.
Yahshua followed YHWH's Will all the way
to a gruesome death and a Glorified Body
that's the Love of God in action.
It's a continuing surprise (to me) that my destiny was to
come out of the new age to defend and endorse the most mocked
and persecuted faith in history; but hey
ho, here we go.
It's not all bad. A lot of it is really good.
As reported so vividly in scripture the Source of
all Love and Joy wields a very firm All-Powerful hand:
Under YHWH's jurisdiction a positive outcome
to any dire situation is an absolute given.
The ramifications of renouncing new age/gnostic concepts
and accepting the Biblical God as heavenly and terrestrial Ruling
Father are far reaching in anyone's life, yet it happened to me,
and it's happening to millions more everyday.
Many alternatives to Yahshua's Way were formulated in the
spirit of rebellion yet many new agers are renouncing their way
to follow the Way - and Hallelu-YAH for that.
gonna keep on stressing the Creators name. Just sayin.
There's more intimacy knowing His Name but I'll interchange with
more acceptable, purely descriptive titles such as LORD and God.
For any objections to my line of reasoning, look at the new age jungle
of conceited bias - with all the hinduism, gnosticism and luciferianism combined -
and see madness abounding. It's clear the world's gone to theological shit.
There's nothing sillier than a headstrong new ager thinking they're on a Divine mission, feeling the "force" and pretending
to be someone they're not; proclaiming (with almighty hubris): "I know what I'm doing. Don't tell ME what's what. I'm in control of MY life" etc etc.
I've corresponded with those types many times over the
years, who've gone on to get themselves into a right tizz over
careers and by life refusing to follow their highbrow sense of entitlement.
However, when life does treat them
fortunately; jeeeez:
"It's a Cosmic Manifestation!
What amazing synchronicity!!
We create our own reality!!!
And we don't hear the end of it.
I was headstrong most of my life; so prideful and arrogant.
And we don't hear the end of it.
I was headstrong most of my life; so prideful and arrogant.
A law unto myself. But by the Light of Spirit it's total bullshit.
If the ludicrous characters of new agers don't ram
By the Light I see the inherent deceit within the systems
of psuedo-quantum scientism I used to put much stock on. I listened intently
of psuedo-quantum scientism I used to put much stock on. I listened intently
to seemingly authoritative gurus and the gamut of channeled messages from the
merry assortment of ascended masters and star people, with all my hopes
and dreams ultimately amounting to ZIPPO.
The conflicting data became confusing; at times my heart
and head were at odds: follow GOD or my ego; to believe that I Am God
or that God is God, flitting between a transcendent God or the universe
is GOD, and that ol' doozy that money is energy - so give it willingly
and take some crazy bollocks in return.
That's the new age for ya. Just pick a niche that feeeeels good,
exchange some "positive" vibes and that's your path to God
Bullshit I say, Bullsheeeite. And sheer madness to boot:
the new age is quite mentally ill, if not completely deranged 😧
"There is a kind (generation) who is pure in his own eyes, Yet is not
washed from his filthiness. There is a kind-- oh how lofty are his eyes!
And his eyelids are raised in arrogance."
New age beliefs are fluffy bastardisations of eastern
religions sans the strict austerities: ultra serious faiths made
to appear glamourous to suit the shallow mindedness of millions
beguiled by hyper-delusional mystical trends.
All of it arises from the notion that we don't have
to sacrifice anything in pursuit of a Heavenly Eternity
We can have it all.
Nowadays even the Buddha
is a businessman: Utterly absurd!
The more people are born into the
world the more bullshit enters herein.
New ager's are out in force, magnifying themselves en masse; cultivating
wisdom in the eyes of their beguiled followers and projecting an air of savoir faire
rooted in defamation of the Divine.
If there was more interest in accruing true wisdom than
money we'd have a beautiful world. As it is, it's full of shit.
Strong desire's, bizarre beliefs and raking in $$$$ to maintain
comfort zones is uppermost before opening to the Light of Spirit
Holy Spirit is occulted from the masses of spiritually deceived souls.
Blinkered by science, psychology and a plethora of psuedo-spiritual and
quasi- scientific notions they follow the many broad ways leading to spiritual
death. The ancient hebrews compared the absence of Spirit like unto death,
and many today are as good as dead in astral delusions.
Ego aggrandisement, love of money and all sorts of esoteric
and sexual obsessions ultimately split us asunder. Right now we're
"one" under a very different god than the one true ONE.
Under the surrogate god of this world the only oneness we
Under the surrogate god of this world the only oneness we
share are physical: breathing, eating, drinking and shitting.
The Light of Spirit cuts right through
the new age jungle like a sharp machete.
Chopping away at the nonsense we begin to see that real Spirituality is about sacrificing self and clearing away long ages of accumulated psychic detritus by dying to the self new agers love to venerate. We have to be self-less in the pursuit of Real God, completely negating the popular self-more, self-love theologies voraciously lapped up by multitudes today.
Some of the more astute (though still errant) hindu gurus were
correct in proclaiming the Highest form of Spirituality is God Devotion.
Thus says Spirit inspired Scripture:
"... love the Lord your God with all your Heart, Mind and Strength."
Loving your neighbour as yourself is a natural side effect of that Great Advice.
Scripture clearly states that our weakness is our strength - our humilty our Glory:
Scripture clearly states that our weakness is our strength - our humilty our Glory:
we must rely on God for our sustenance and guidance in all times and spaces
It's not self-help we need but God-help.
Yahshua provides as well as SAVES!
To receive authentic Divine help we have to abdicate
personal sovereignty and become as little children.
personal sovereignty and become as little children.
Yahshua showed the Way, He said:
"I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment
is just;
because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father
which sent me."
Which means exactly what it says on the
tin, spoken in alliance with
the truth. The new age is all topsy-turvy in this most important
regard; forever
confusing thoughts and feelings with Gods Eternal Word and Indomitable Will,
they transpose Divinity with
concepts of "higher self" and personal power
ad nauseum.
Turns out the "higher self" people aspire to become one
with is none other than satan/lucifer, and he's more than happy
to imbibe you with rarefied ideas about yourself and your life that
are really about his-self and his plan for lil ol' planet earth.
"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are:
for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of
the streets,
that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They
have their reward.
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy inner room, and when thou
shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father
which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."
In contradistinction new agers often flaunt their spirituality by sending
out prayers for all to see; meditating on youtube, posting pics wearing beatific
expressions; attracting attention; making visible they're "spiritual" people.
Showy spirituality ain't genuine. It's inherently ego driven.
When I pray or meditate (on God's word)I don't show myself off in public,
and I certainly don't ask for the things of the world. I pray for more awareness
of the God that gives me LIFE and everything I really need.
I pray for more insight into Yahshua and the Holy Spirit
In the words of Sadhu Sundar Singh:
(An early 20th century
Sadhu who became a christian)
(not the one on youtube)
"If God is your own, then all things in
Heaven and on earth will be your own,
because He is your Father and is
everything to you; otherwise you will have to go
and ask like a beggar
for certain things. When they are used up, you will have to
ask again.
So ask not for gifts but for the Giver of Gifts: not for life but for
Giver of Life - then life and the things needed for life will be
added unto you."
The same questions are expressed time and again:
"... if there's a God why does He allow suffering to exist
the world; why doesn't He do this, that or the other."
Well it's like this:
Mankind is responsible for all the
suffering in the world.
The Most High is a holy God
who saw fit to put Omnipotent Power into
His Word. He elevated the power of His Word even above His Holy Name.
Words mean little to people
today, they swear and cuss without
concern or regret ad infinitum; but God's Word
carries Absolute Power.
It's a bond forever which cannot be retracted.
By the Power of His Will and Word the Universe was created and is sustained.
"My covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips."
God said to man:
By the Power of His Will and Word the Universe was created and is sustained.
"My covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips."
God said to man:
"...replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion
over the fish of
the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every
living thing that
moveth upon the earth,"
God gave authority and control over the
earth to mankind absolutely. We were as gods.
He no longer directly controls and
dominates what happens in our affairs,
essentially limiting what He
can do. In all wisdom God follows
His own Perfect Laws. God wasn't gonna micromanage human affairs, it was all up
to man. God anticipated, but didn't intend, for dominion to be handed over to
but it was and so His hands are essentially tied.
There are those who say, and can scripturally back up their claim, that God
controls everything absolutely, even our every thought and that He creates evil. Well, there may be some profound truth in there but it's an extremist view which effectively banishes free will and suggests it's all an illusion. It ventures into the convoluted realms of maya by which the spirit of satan can come into our mind
and have a field day messin with our souls
For the sake of sobriety and sanity:
we can't fathom the Mind of Eternal God.
We must relate to Him via the Great Love
expressed through Yahshua/Jesus Christ.
We have to consider that God is not the author of our problems. God
created mankind for Himself. He wants us to Love Him of our own free will. Through Yahshua that shouldn't be hard. GOD made it easy for us.
Everything is Awesome in a Loving relationship with God.
God gave man free will: the choice to heed the command to not eat
of a certain tree
(because He doesn't want us to suffer) and remain in
Eternal fellowship with Him, or to spiritually, and quite literally, die.
God didn't introduce evil and death into the world, He created everything good,
God didn't introduce evil and death into the world, He created everything good,
even designing man to live forever. Man ushered in all the death, and instead of
replenishing the earth we caused it's fall and subsequent holistic descension.
God uses what man created for good or uses
man's evil against him,
still for good purposes - always serving the
larger picture of Redemption.
God didn't cause all the heartbreak and suffering,
man's free will disobedience brought all that shit upon us.
Instead of being a responsible caretaker - being as God - mankind brainstormed
Instead of being a responsible caretaker - being as God - mankind brainstormed
all the anguish and adversity, and right royally messed up the material and psychic environment to boot. Hey ho, what's
is done, what follows will follow.
God Will NOT go against His Word,
for if
He did Divine Integrity would be compromised
and the
entire Universe obliterated.
As it happens - with infinite ingenuity -
As it happens - with infinite ingenuity -
God has intervened in a myriad of miraculous ways
and means through those open to His Spirit.
Specifically through Yahshua 😁
"Then Seth and Eve went towards paradise, and Eve saw her son, and a wild
"Then Seth and Eve went towards paradise, and Eve saw her son, and a wild
assailing him, and Eve wept and said: 'Woe is me; if I come to the
day of the Resurrection, all those who have sinned will curse me saying:
Eve hath not kept the commandment of God.' And she spake to the
beast: 'Thou wicked beast, fearest thou not to fight with the image of
How was thy mouth opened? How were thy teeth made strong? How didst
thou not call
to mind thy subjection? For long ago wast thou made subject to the
image of God.' Then
the beast cried out and said: 'It is not our concern, Eve, thy greed
and thy wailing, but thine own; for (it is)
thee that the rule of the beasts hath arisen. How was thy mouth
to eat of the tree concerning which God enjoined thee not to eat
of it?
On this account, our nature also hath been transformed.
Now therefore thou canst not
endure it, if I begin to reprove thee.'
- The Apocalypse of Moses (or the life of Adam and Eve) -
The earth is under a curse
When connection to God is strong it's very strong; but when lost
- The Apocalypse of Moses (or the life of Adam and Eve) -
I dislike using apocryphal texts because
they can open a
veritable can o' worms.
However, they can be very useful, sometimes. In this instance in gleaning a
clearer picture of how life on earth was was pre-fall. I know it can come across
very amusing, even incredulous to many and I well understand why; but it's apparent that animals could talk with man, and that should be no surprise seeing that mankind originally wielded godlike dominion over all living things; so it follows there was clear communication between the natural world and humanity. Pre-fall mankind were as god's over the earth, the animal kingdoms saw man in the
image of God. Even as God. They wouldn't dare to attack and maul anyone.
But alas: the fall occured, dragging the holistic fields of nature
down a few levels - out of Eternity into decay - and everything changed.
Life became unnatural.
Climate change? The pagan Greta Thunberg hasn't a clue
For millennia the earth has operated at the lowest level
of efficiency, any lower and the eco systems would collapse.
For all the vain talk of planetary spiritual
ascension, the earth is hanging over an abyss.
ascension, the earth is hanging over an abyss.
Post the fall the natural world is corrupted. Now life feeds upon life and death
is all too
familiar. A few months ago I watched two episodes of the nature series Dynasties but couldn't watch anymore because they're so heart breaking. I feel deeply ineffectual, stripped of power to do something significant and helpful to permanently put an end to the terrible struggles of life and death. I'm deeply saddened by the fight for life the animal kingdoms have to face because of
man's ancient doubt and disobedience.
Life wasn't meant to be an almighty struggle, either for man or the
natural world; but we gave dominion to the spirit of satan and it's obvious
he don't give a fig for nature. Being such a down and dirty anti-Christ,
satan delights in the destruction of God's creation.
Man was the crown of creation, created to be stewards over
the earth. But instead of building on Paradise the fall turned everything
to shit and we generally haven't a clue what birds and animals are thinking,
let alone the fish.
“But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind" - the book of Job
The animal kingdoms know that God exists
and that we were meant to be their God.
They know something of our transgression before the Divine and how
we've affected them because of it. Regardless of any purely conceptual ideas
of harmonic holistic energy fields there's currently no unity all through the animal/natural kingdoms. Most animals kill and eat other species, even their
own kind. Many still look to man for resources, and they do love us; others are frightened of man. Still others see us as food. Humans are legitimate prey.
It's perfectly clear there's no planetary harmony
outside of new age fantasy. In nature or mankind.
I for one have always been able to intuitively
see the dislocation of earth from the Divine.
see the dislocation of earth from the Divine.
The earth is under a curse
Along with the animal and plant kingdoms
the mineral and crystal realms are fallen state.
All nature spirits are - directly or
indirectly - in the service of the
serpent forces. Due to the serious
breach of man's Divine contract we "crawl
on our bellies" in need of filling our
stomachs everyday, instead of receiving
sustenance from undiluted cosmic
light, prana and the vital chi energies
contained in pre-fall fruit and
Man's transgression caused a drastic compromise affecting
Man's transgression caused a drastic compromise affecting
earth's electromagnetic fields. Our minds are no longer naturally situated
in Divinity; but imprisoned by flesh and material concerns. In place of
the truth
we're presented with a myriad of ersatz spiritualities.
Sans the Holy Spirit the Divine Light is obscured from our
inner vision: Spirit vacated the temple of man leaving us "naked"
and wide open to a gamut of nefarious psychic infractions.
I don't know about you but I know all that is occurring.
When connection to God is strong it's very strong; but when lost
it's very lost and other entities can move in to fill the God shaped hole.
It takes no little faith to call on God for help and get a response.
It takes Divine Love to ride the Harmonic Flow of Spirit Yahshua lived so graciously and expounded on so eloquently, helping us create a Reality far removed from the flesh-centered and
materialistic concerns new agers
forever mistake for Divine Abundance.
but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers,
having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from
the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
Modern day techniques have only enhanced the capacity
lieu of the Holy Spirit, fantasy thrives.
G.K. Chesterton,
with his ever ready wit, said this:
"It is because we've made
fiction to suit ourselves"
Ain't that the truth
to mass-produce lies. With that combination of capacity and facility
we live with the reality that the truth is sometimes impossible to believe.
The Bible tells the truth, and tells it as it is. No messin about.
Even the most incredible things written are truth. But the truth is hidden in peoples minds by massive amounts of science and spiritual untruth. Spiritually this is a disgraced world; with eyes to see it's a ruined world. To compensate fanciful
notions abound: exotic fictions of lemuria, atlantis or shambhalla are
commonplace. Fabulous fables are more alluring than biblical truth
because they
tickle peoples ears and caress their infinite ego's.
Our all important relationships are not what they were meant to be, between ourselves or with God. Men are from Mars, women from Venus? No, we're from GOD but
the division between the sexes often appears extra-planetary.
Instead of
relying solely on, and enjoying fellowship with, our Creator
we must rely on each other for comfort and
support, and we go on to lucidly
imagine all manner of exotic reveries (twin flames, soul mates etc) implicitly
divorced from the truth. I for one am no longer impressed by those who
inflate their personal relationships to quasi- cosmic levels.
If you don't get what I'm sayin; if you've renounced
scripture because you believe they're controlling, manipulative
or dead letters, then you're not aligned to the author.
Which is Holy Spirit.
You either get Spirit or you don't.
There's no inbetween.
It's a stark choice, and one that echoes in Eternity:
Choose God or satan.
I'm helpin y'all see the deceptions
I'm helpin y'all see the deceptions
of satan and what he represents.
I know how this spiritual partition lark sounds, but we really are in
a spiritual battle for souls. I've been involved with elite systems of thought
and now I see what they're imitating: in this instance spiritual Division
is a fact you should be concerned - not aloof - about.
Aloofness is nonsense.
I've known some aloof folks in my time; I spent a
lotta time hanging around Glastonbury in my mid twenties.
I'm trying hard to ram home the fact that vain spiritual
fallacies, snobbiness and elitism are rife within new age faiths.
Millions are stuck fast in false hopes
and dreams with little or no leeway.
For years I derived great hope from the fake news millions still hope upon. Masses of asses avidly believe in some incredible shit: new age prophecies of a migration to a "Greater Reality" or the imminent segregation and departure of those seeking truth and oneness from the many "choosing" to stay in deception and duality.
There's talk of an "Event" happening, paradigm shifting the planet
and reconnecting the earth to the rest of a more enlightened cosmos.
But they're just fancy pipe dreams folks,
none of it is true.
By taking their cues from delusional
new age teachers or channeled beings they
have it all upside down and back to front
with no clue as to what's really goin on.
There's gonna be an event for sure - a real
serious one; a harvest; a seperating; sorting the
wheat from the tares, the goats from sheep.
There'll be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Luciferic light won't help then. It'll be banished from the world along
with it's proprietors; and if you're part of it you'll be banished too; so
it would behoove you to garner the nous to jump ship over to Christ.
God is exceedingly patient, not wishing any to perish; but
He will NOT strive with mankind forever. There IS a time limit.
Don't take risks with twisted esoterisms and corrupted
metaphysics. Get yourselves straight with GOD
The reason for the earth's psychic predicament has been revealed,
yet collective pride and spiritual vanity obscures perception of the truth.
The Atlantis data I used to lap up with relish is presumed to be psychic recall;
but now it shows up as elaborate myth coated in EPIC LIES
There's no other sensible way to look at it (if you're not
listening to channelings or rebel gurus). With my coarse northern
englishness I hope to convey some sense and sensibility 😘
Our God
given intellect and imagination has created incredible things:
advancing technology, grand architecture, diverse musical forms, beautiful
poetry, epic stories, astounding art and crafts. What remains of our higher
virtues cannot be removed; but they can be exploited, scattered or
The truth of our innate spiritual retardation is
radically perverted to suit the one world/global agenda;
but no matter how much pressure is applied, the truth
always prevails and shines forth (with eyes to see)
By the Light of Spirit I've come to see
the story of Adam and Eve quite literally.
Turns out the Bible is a historical book!
I no longer care how incredulous this
seems, or what science says, 'cos reality is
clearly distorted and the truth is thoroughly
obscured by the mainstream mind.
In congenital estrangement from God
mankind created a virtual - but not quite -
reality divorced from Divinity.
"Truthers" and occultists alike further distort biblical truths for their
own convenient ends, but it's so very arrogant to presume that our "modern"
sensibilities gives us the right to ignore - or change - what the Bible actually says.
As a new ager I couldn't believe; but in the Light of Spirit I know the story of
Adam and Eve is true. And why not? God is astonishingly simple yet incredibly
miraculous by nature: an
incomparable Composer, Conductor and Artist.
Who are we to question
why GOD does anything?
GOD can do what He wants: even
creating something from nothing.
It's not out of the bounds of God's Infinite
Creativity to create the first man out of the
dust of the ground and breathe life into him.
Then create a woman from his rib.
Jesus Christ believed in Adam. He said this
about what Moses wrote, which includes Genesis:
“For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me.
But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?”
(John 5:46-47)
Therefore Jesus believed in Adam because He believed Moses, and Moses believed in Adam and wrote about Jesus. If it's difficult to believe the testimony of Moses in Genesis then it will likewise be difficult to believe Jesus, for Jesus equated believing His words with believing Moses’ writings (John 5: 46-47)
"Some Pharisees came to Jesus, testing Him and asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all?” And He answered and said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”
Jesus Himself referred to Adam and Eve when He
replied to the Pharisees’ question about divorce:
Jesus quotes from Ch.1 and Ch.2 of Genesis. He
quoted from
verse 27 in Ch. 1 on the creation of the first man and woman. He also quoted
God’s own comment on giving Eve to Adam from verse 24 in Chapter 2.
It's usual for people to say that the two creation accounts in the first two chapters of Genesis are contradictory. Yet Jesus quoted from both chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis in His answer about marriage and divorce. Apparently He did not see a conflict between the chapters because He mixed selections from both to answer a question about one of the most practical matters of life - marriage.
It's usual for people to say that the two creation accounts in the first two chapters of Genesis are contradictory. Yet Jesus quoted from both chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis in His answer about marriage and divorce. Apparently He did not see a conflict between the chapters because He mixed selections from both to answer a question about one of the most practical matters of life - marriage.
Since Jesus quoted Moses about Adam’s creation and about
his marriage to Eve, it's certain that He believed in Adam.
It's impossible to convince many people, much less convert them.
Satan has cleverly elevated mind over truth, intellect over spirit.
We cannot fathom the infinite mind of God so why bother trying,
it obviously sends a lotta people demented. We haven't the capacity to understand Divine Glory, just marvel and be astonished. All we need to
know is God is Love (with a caveat) and doesn't want anyone to perish.
God very graciously decided not give us what we
deserve and provided the only solution: to die for us.
What an Awesome God!
The greatness of our fallen nature necessitated
utmost extreme to solve the problem. The solution of Jesus' Life and
death was appropriate to the problem. It was finished at the Cross.
Of course you can choose to believe Jesus didn't exist at all and
heed the lies of an Atheist world. Or worse: accept new age substitutes;
but you'd be fooling your immortal soul to within an inch of Eternal Life.
Don't play around with that.
The fall occured long before the Mesoamerican, Mesopotamian
and Indo-Aryan
cultures developed, allowing plenty of time for the
serpent powers to slither their way into everything mankind
subsequently conceived and
The world is under the dominion of antichrist spirits: the reptilians, starpeople, archons etc. New agers love to big it up but the results of eating of the forbidden fruit and falling out of harmony with Divinity weren't at all good. There's no benefit in transgressing against the Most High; the earth fell to satan, who organised the ensuing mess, forming religions, sub religions and the new age. Ancient darkness is held up as Divine and raising kundalini is a desirous attainment. It all amounts to the most wily and depraved misconceptions.
As depicted on the headdresses of egyptian pharaohs the serpent
stands before the ajna of famous hindu's, buddhists and new agers alike,
obscuring any intimations of Divine Light with specious imitations,
illuminating all and sundry with fallen light derivatives.
Sexual emotions are
the easiest
feelings to evoke and exploit.
The world is bombarded with sexual imagery:
the serpent forces encourage and promote sexuality, spiritualising
sex (tantrism) for their benefit. It's all absorbed by the lower light buffer -
all of it - the Most High neither receives nor desires such copious offerings.
Multitudes of new agers are mad for sexy spiritualiy; but the truth is
sexual energy is harnessed to bolster the (unwitting) servitude of mankind.
I opened this blog with a rebuke on hinduism and
those who falsely believe they are I Am that I Am.
I'm far from finished 😁
Their presumed godhood is a terrible lie sourced in ancient evil and
the cause of all new age bullshit. Theirs is no bona fide enlightenment
but an unholy imitation that seemingly is the truth but which -
in the Light of Spirit - is fully exposed as a lie.
Around 2012 I slowly but surely began to back my cosmic ass
of Brahman and engage ecumenical matters, which meant
forsaking the lifelong spirituality still permeating my mind.
The supposed Hindu attainment of
identification with the
impersonal Absolute - or Brahman - is a heightened aspect of the
matrix lightfield delusion playing on the naked psyche of ancient
and contemporary humanity.
Before the fall man were as gods over the earth.
Everything needed was provided; the entirety of terrestrial creation
was laid at their feet; but satan cast doubt into their hearts and made them
question the Word of God, instilling the notion of lacking something important,
that God was holding something back.
Turns out He was holding back quite a lotta stuff:
thousands of years of deception, suffering, heartbreak and death.
Hindu's assume
satan is a purely Judeo-Christian concept and of
"... that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world."
no concern to them. Yet Hinduism is a pagan religion very much subject to the
lies of satan and his angels. Snakes (nagas) are ubiquitous in hinduism and
prominent in it's highly colorful imagery...
"... that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan,
The world we know is a virtual (but not quite) reality of satan.
Man was right royally fooled into signing over the property deeds.
Our satanic landlord is still "going to and fro
in the earth and walking up and down in it."
in the earth and walking up and down in it."
Lucifer/satan is the source god
all other gods and goddesses obey
Satan ain't actually a god; but in a world
historically obsessed with gods, satan fits the bill.
God is in ultimate control but allows satan to do his thing.
thrones or reclining on beds supported by serpents. It's no benign imagery:
I was deep into hinduism for years, yet now I see a distinct difference,
even an unbridgeable gulf between real GOD and hinduism.
I know by Spirit powered insight that hinduism
is a seemingly spiritual but actually elemental
religion peddling grandiose lies.
The serpent energy as we know it is a pagan force of evil
exalting itself against the knowledge of God, just as it was
in mesoamerica inspiring daily human sacrifice.
The atavistic serpentine presence usually reveals itself
in some way, being Divinely compelled to hide in plain
sight, but with
astute cunning the meaning is twisted in our minds and doubt of the truth
skilfully instilled. Serpents in and of themselves are not evil but
they're somehow suited for channeling satanic deceptions.
There are half-convincing notions that
Lucifer was a winged serpent in heaven.
Kundalini is a presumed natural but dormant supernal energy
Kundalini is a presumed natural but dormant supernal energy
coiled around the root of human nature. But when man ate of the forbidden
fruit the serpent took dominion. The fall caused spiritual corruption to manifest
by a process of biological osmosis, and remains an osmotic affectation
even when unawakened in the supernatural sense.
Serpent power stimulates the sex senses causing people to
worship at the altar of the flesh (the vagina or shiva-lingam)
(a la
Russell Brand) because hinduism is a pagan religion
erroneously believing nature to be synonymous with God.
All the major hindu style guru's such as Ramakrishna, Osho,
All the major hindu style guru's such as Ramakrishna, Osho,
the Maharishi et al channeled the inherently deceptive kundalini
spirit which
also caused them to become sexually depraved.
When kundalini was active in me I leaned
towards goddess worship
and entertained plenty of sexual thoughts about women, but my shy retiring
nature prevented any
extravagant sensual behaviour aside from the occasional
MDMA or psilocybin induced summer music festival
Only RuachVision recognises kundalini for what it is:
Only RuachVision recognises kundalini for what it is:
a dirty sneaky snake possessing the
deep recesses of the human psyche.
Never trust a snake!
Dirty snakes slither all through hinduism and the religions of
mesoamerica into the babylonic new age. The prime kundalini meditation
mantra - brought to the west by one yogi bhajan (no stranger to charges of
sexual immorality) at the end of the 60's "revolution" - was given to
"awaken" the eager throngs to yet more serpent power.
Yogi Bhajan taught people to chant SA TA NA MA, which, instead
of awakening the Divine within effectively exalts SA TA N in your life.
Hidden in plain sight! 😮
To be fully effective dark spirit's need to possess material bodies, but
energy forms are useful, of which kundalini is paramount. If the elemental
serpent power wasn't already subliminally established in our psyche, we're given
the means to activate it's supranatural power, further suckerin' the masses with
esoteric lies and priming them for the final push for total world domination
(the Great Awakening)
The Ruach ha' Qodesh guides unto all-truth,
imparting wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge,
fortitude, piety, and fear (reverence) of the Creator.
In sharp contrast kundalini is satan's jurisdiction - his
perfect channel to your expanding mind - guiding you unto all-lies,
and inspiring you to avidly believe 'em too: either turning y'all into
know it all pricks or sends you straight to the mental wards.
For years I flirted with gods and goddesses such as Krishna, Kali, Lakshmi, Ganesha, Shiva et al, the works really; but I never got any sense of tangibility
from them, no clear response. To be honest I got nothing at all except colourful hypnotic fantasies playin with my subjective mind. It's the same principle at work with the ascended masters and
space commanders of the new age such as Ashtar,
Hilarion, Monka, Kryon, the Pleiadeans and Arcturans.
Being cosmically inclined I really really wanted
to be true and cosmically active. For a time I prayed hard for him
to show like he did
to someone I know and got zippo.
For good reason as it happens.
Now my
heads been wHoly turned I see all that as cunning
expressions of satanic deception. I'm receiving living, breathing feedback from
the Ruach ha' Qodesh and realise the Ruach
has always been with me allowing
my long traversal of hinduism and the new age, patiently
waiting, and
guiding, (where possible) until I came to some better
Spirit-Nav: destination set to God 😎
"The world God originally created was good not darkness and
what goes on within it is profoundly meaningful and significant."
The world is not a “play” (or lila) that a pitiful solitary deity engages
in his own mind to keep himself amused, as if it would be “enlightened”
to view WWII or the Holocaust as “entertainment” in which
ultimately “nobody was killed, nobody was suffering."
Hindu's proffer erroneous notions of God
far removed from what God actually is
Hinduism is a pantheistic religion cluttered with a myriad of ancient
pagan spirits pretending to be aspects of God. The reality is the universe is not a
spontaneous creation of Brahman, not a Lila - a sport - of Brahman. It wasn't created out of bliss by bliss for bliss but by a Supreme Divine Mind encompassing
Almighty Love, Wisdom and Thought -giving Great Care and
Attention to the smallest subatomic detail.
Just beyond the peak of a decade long fascination with
hindu luminaries ancient and modern it came to me I was an Avadhoot,
which put me on equal footing with any of them (sans the megalomania)
I was absolutely equal for in essence they were no better or higher
than me, I somehow understood everything they said yet never felt
compelled to submit to their "mastership" (thank God!)
Avadhoot nature is
transcendent, aloof,
everything and everyone is a mad joke; but such a
morally aloof attitude is brimming with grandiose delusions.
Don't I know it!
an extraordinary play going on of
Redemption, which shouldn't be taken lightly:
for even GOD gets involved
for even GOD gets involved
An Avadhoot resides in Brahman seeing through the all-pervading
everyone else suffers or revels in. For a couple years that was me; but I've always sensed there was more to realise than even hindu concepts of the absolute, which are exceedingly deceptive as it 'appens because they're all about ego annihilation and such a thing is far from conducive to a useful Spiritual relationship and actually impossible - for we are creation made in the image of God (originally) - ego and all -
but we are not God Himself.
We can never be God:
Atman and Brahman are
antithetical to the Real God
For all the good it does to idolise gurus of any era you might as well
idolise me and sit at my feet. Sitting beside me would be infinitely better 'cos
I'm sitting at the feet of Yahshua, and before Him I know nothin. The leading
lights of hinduism and buddhism know nothin of actual truth because
they fail to recognise Yahshua's Preeminence
"... the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them
which believe not,
lest the Light of the glorious gospel of Christ,
who is the image of God, should shine unto them."
Everyone falls short of the Glory of God.
I wouldn't dare put myself up as sovereign before the Most High
'cos it's delusional and impossible. Humility before the Divine is were it's
really at: before the Divine we're wretched creatures in need of restoration.
We've been led way off the mark in so many ways
The masses listen to a lotta nonsense put out by deceived teachers
and spoon-fed copious amounts of sugar-coated lies.
The masses listen to a lotta nonsense put out by deceived teachers
and make it their own. New agers sorely need to wake up and dispense forthwith
with hindu/buddhist/gnostic or trendy kabbalistic precepts and grab onto a
firm hook of humility before the Lord of creation.
Who knows how much time is left to indulge falsity and piss around
in our highfalutin imaginations with no firm anchor in the truth?
New agers have weighed their virtual reality
in our highfalutin imaginations with no firm anchor in the truth?
New agers have weighed their virtual reality
anchor and mindlessly set sail for end of the world.
We must practise humility before the Divine.
Humility doesn't mean weakness,
it means meekness and that means depending wHoly upon a God
who's Almighty, who created our very life. Spiritually speaking the
higher our office upon earth the greater humility required.
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek
and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."
Isn't that something to ponder:
Yahshua wasn't puffed up with Almighty Power, He used it meekly,
with lowliness of Heart. Our Creator provided and followed the perfect example:
coming into the world as a little baby needing care and attention, growing in
wisdom and stature and tempted on all points as we are yet
never succumbed (as we do).
God is all-powerful yet meek in Heart, in all-wisdom He placed
restrictions on Absolute Power. God doesn't advertise or promote Himself,
never pushing His Light upon us, we have to employ our free will freely
and accept Him, which joyously draws Him closer.
We have to get over ourselves and look to God and follow Yahshua's Way
or take the broadway to spiritual delusion and death. Like prodigal sons and
daughters we have to discard new age ideas of personal sovereignty and return
to the open arms, protection and infinite spiritual wealth of our
Eternally Sovereign GOD
It's the will and success of the esoteric powers that be to keep us
ignorant of the most important truth, either replacing it with corrupted
versions of their own or allowing our God-given intellect and high imagination
to conjure sophisticated fake realities and
elaborate untruths of our own.
Don't we see a lot of that in the world today.
I'm inspired of God and those inspired of God; those who humble
themselves before the Almighty God. We can only be humble before Him. It's
time to reassess Yahshua and take His life and death seriously,
not religiously but
Spiritually; for there's still much darkness and death covering the earth and
in Yahshua's words are truth and Life Everlasting.
I've latter day realised that Yahshua is the greatest teacher
ever but it's the ongoing way of
this fallen world to control,
conform or kill His character then set about muddying
the crystal clear waters of the holy Spirit.
"The devil has had thousands
of years to learn how to set traps."
Once Satan and his demon sidekick were walking down the street,
closely watching a man 20 yards ahead who was on the verge of realizing the
Supreme Truth. The demon grew worried, and began to nudge Satan, but Satan looked quite calm. Sure enough, the man did, in fact, soon realize the deepest spiritual truth. Yet Satan still did nothing about it. With this, the demon nudged Satan harder and, getting no response, finally blurted out, “Satan! Don’t you see? That man has realized the truth! And yet you are doing nothing to stop him!”
With that, Satan cunningly smiled and announced,
“Yes, he has realized the Truth.
And now I am going to help him organize the Truth!”
(--story heard years ago told by Indian sage Jiddu Krishnamurti)
The only interesting thing about Krishnamurti is that
he detached himself from the society which discovered and hoped so
much in him, which happens to be the roots of our modern new age:
Theosophy and it's cast of satanic
characters both earthly and "spiritual."
Know it all Luciferians, gnostics, lightworkers and lets not forget "starseeds"
have literally fallen into self-delusional traps. Fallen light is their "light" of choice. The new age is a business first and foremost set up to imitate and/or pervert the Divine: a very dirty profession of spiritual larceny I'm no longer selling my soul to.
Now we're well over the 2012
threshold I can see
that much of what I eagerly absorbed was at best
misleading and at worst just plain false.
Nowadays I see the new age as an ingenious spirit trap.
It's a very serious affair, no less an affair than control of our spirit essence:
a sparkling holistic lattice containing a myriad of ancient and modern snares
spread out in a net-work waiting to capture you as you "awaken."
Along my merry new age way I felt many a niggling doubt and saw
alarming intimations of esoteric guile I simply had to ignore (because I couldn't
comprehend I was being lied to). I was
uneasy about some of the folks I met, not
all but a significant few. Even in Glastonbury
there were those who projected
"love 'n' light" and wore the standard colourful ethnic hippy garb(age)
who nevertheless gave off a not so heavenly vibe.
With hindsight basically they were full of shit and -
make no bones about it - the shit's become a pandemic.
Eckhart Tolle used to live in Glastonbury and I wanted to live there too in my
Eckhart Tolle used to live in Glastonbury and I wanted to live there too in my
mid-twenties and was introduced to him by a friend regarding that. Eckhart used to rent out a spare room in his cottage before he
became famous. My friend took me to meet him and, lookin around, I
thought the place was nice but rather small and the little guy with the
piggy nose was kinda creepy lookin. I wasn't sure if I'd be comfortable
living there. With no luck elsewhere a couple months later
I went
back to talk about renting the room.
He answered the door and, after
some polite conversation,
informed me that he'd decided to sell up and move
to Vancouver.
The rest is history (and now 😉)
I was often uncomfortable around Glastonbury, but I had to
believe the new age was dawning there: one of the major power points
of the planet, even the planetary heart chakra.
However, there are very heavy occult energies permeating Glastonbury,
the residents and many visitors are being fed by and feeding into them like so
much strange osmosis. I witnessed it from the top of the Tor back in the late 80's on microdot L.S.D: I saw loads of occult symbols appearing in the fabric of the land in quick succession, on and on it went. I became aware of nature sprites and elementals playing with peoples heads and possessing them. I couldn't say
anything though, it was too outrageous. It freaked me out
If people think they're thinkin their own thoughts around Glastonbury they're wrong. It's a monstrously deceptive environment. "Avalonian thought waves" are alien and invasive and that includes the energies around stone circles and other "sacred" sites. Who knows how many people are possessed by deviant nature sprites tampering with their minds, instilling them with notions of a "rising goddess?" Sacred sites are full of 'em. Looking back they certainly messed with my
mind a few times. Especially on acid.
Glastonbury is an extremely Yin-Yang landscape
suffused with fallen light: a mad mish-mash of human
bullshit and definitely not the sort of madcap
energy I wanna be involved with anymore.
With hindsight I'm happy my dream of moving to
Glastonbury failed because
the earth energies woulda irreversibly
corrupted me. I'm glad I ended up living in Oxford - a very beautiful
classical city. Though the climate is intellectually top-heavy it's not so new age in your
face! Just goes to show how our current
dreams and desires are often not what's right for us in the long
It ain't wise to want it all and want it now.
These days Eckhart Tolle rakes in $$$$$ from the masses buying
into his big ideas of basic enlightenment, or basic illumination anyway because he's not really Enlightened. Tolles awareness is limited. When asked about the afterlife - or God - he doesn't know and falls back on zen quotations. His sense of now fails
to reach beyond both his nose and his multi-million dollar bliss bubble.
Like so many these days Eckhart is an astute pop psychologist who is blind
to the core spiritual corruption of the human psyche, and the fallen nature of the world. Eckhart hasn't a clue about the perverted metaphysics of consciousness;
as myopic as anyone under strong delusion he fails to realise that the now we all
share is choc-full of psychic deceptions. Along with the subtly displayed
spiritual arrogance Eckhart's pig-ignorance is fullsome.
With astonishing pomposity Eckhart
declares full self-realization, stating:
"The certainty is complete. There is no need
for confirmation
from any external source. The realization of peace is
so deep that even
if I met the Buddha and the Buddha said you are wrong,
I would say,
'Oh, isn't that interesting, even the Buddha can be wrong."
And he just fell into his realisation to boot.
L u c i f e r i c deception all over.
Eckhart IS wrong; very wrong 'cos he hasn't realised Real God.
With the customary air of knowing something profound
Tolle talks about subconcious sabotage; but the great irony is that
Eckhart's subconcious was sabotaged at the moment he "awakened."
The spirit that possessed Eckhart on his momentous night
of "enlightenment" is an anti-Christ spirit, even an anti-holy Spirit now
personified as the illuminated Eckhart Tolle - which filled his terminally
depressed noggin with the usual high spiritual deceptions mixed with a
little bit of truth - and fixed a daft grin on his face ever since.
Tolle's presumed self-realisation conveniently avoids
Tolle's presumed self-realisation conveniently avoids
the true essence of spirituality: knowing and acknowledging
the Creator with great praise. Tolle is pig-ignorant about GOD
and, as such, is a fallacious guide to Eternal Life
Eckhart Tolle is yet another unwitting conduit for the serpent energy
Eckhart Tolle is yet another unwitting conduit for the serpent energy
to secretly slither into millions of unwary brains, whispering that we
are as gods while twisting the Word of God. Earth is seriously outta tune
with Heaven and, as a result, we get all the Tolle style inverted
spiritualities rife with psychic deceit and
Tolle claims to be on the level
of Guatama buddha. Even Christ!
I've heard him being compared to Jesus.
I've heard him being compared to Jesus.
But he's nothing like Jesus
Neither is he anything like Buddha:
"Nearing Enlightenment, Buddha was confronted by Devaputra Mara, the chief
of all the demons (satan)
who - after failing to disturb Siddhartha’s concentration
by conjuring
up many fearful apparitions - tried to distract him by manifesting
countless beautiful women,
but Siddhartha responded by developing even
deeper concentration. In
this way he triumphed over all the demons of this
world, which is why he became known as “Conqueror Buddha.”
No way has Tolle faced anything like the Buddha (supposedly) did yet he assumes
(makes an ass out of u and me) he's on the same level, and indeed he is: the most refined delusional level. So the story goes Buddha gave up his royalty and riches to seek the truth of life. On achieving "enlightenment" he wandered around teaching and living as a beggar.
Perceiving the ultimate deception of worldly
wealth and sexuality he cared not if he lived or died.
The legend says the Buddha reached
the pinnacle of self-knowledge and wisdom.
But it wasn't the knowledge and wisdom of God;
he fell far short of the truth, as do all who follow him. The Buddha
leaned on his own effort, works and understanding; yet even he said he
wasn't Omniscient. The Buddha was ungodly, as is Eckhart Tolle. They're
entirely self-absorbed and, as I've tried to ram home to anyone
receptive: deep self-absorption obscures the Divine.
God is God. We are not.
Buddha, buddhists, neo-vedantic hindu's or
new agers aren't in any way God and shouldn't be
considered, approached or revered as such.
perversions is the attainment of no-mind.
Mindless philosophy gives the kundalini spirit free reign. Buddhist theologies are so far removed from God that many of it's ancient practitioners had no recourse but to attain to no-mind and invent clever systems of existential thought such as Zen. But they were way off the mark of truth, for mind is everywhere apparent in creation. The Creator put a great deal of thought into creation before actually creating.
Teachers who say we aren't our mind are
mindless indeed,
and most irresponsible with it.
There is a seriousness to our mind, body and
spirit that - by the attainment of no mind - we
are systematically prevented from
Here's a contentious thought:
is buddhism even based on a real person?
"The Buddhist Dhamma was not written down for centuries after it had been first enunciated. The various
Sanskrit and Pali texts which purport to contain the original teachings are therefore the product of evolution, and
it is impossible to say which of the divergent interpretations, if any, represents the pristine form."
of course!
Buddhist scripture was written centuries
after the buddha
existed, if he even did.
In scientific and new age paradigms it's A-OK to
question the historical
existence of Jesus Christ but certainly not
that of the Buddha. But, when you
look searchingly into buddhism with open eyes "the"
buddha looks like
another fanciful myth of the ancient world.
Buddhism is certainly not without those crafty ol' fallen angels
their ever attendant serpent forces. Check out the aforementioned
Mara and his minions: the buddhist satan no less. They've been running
buddhism for over two thousand years, residing comfortably in the back
of their no-minds and instilling aspirants with notions such as ZEN.
The story of Buddha could've been concocted by an astute person
with an Eckhart Tolle kind of illumination; someone who, like Eckhart,
desired to help the world by sharing their peculiar sense of awareness.
Or perhaps Buddha's supposed discourses, such
as the Anguttara Nikaya, were channeled
It's a distinct possibility because channeled
messages are full of (seemingly) deep and meaningful
discourse with no solid anchor in truth.
It's obvious the profession of enlightenment is a sick, twisted business:
a deeply soul deluding escapade and no mistake. Eschewing the meek and
humble role model of Jesus Christ many prefer to lord it over everyone
with their "wisdom" and make stuff up as they go along.
The lure of wealth, comprising techno-materialism and sexual gratification,
are almost impossible to resist for "enlightened" ones, so they don't even try. They've no compunction about amassing the world's luxuries and collecting multitudes of devoted followers, who hang onto their every word and attend
to their every whim and desire, no matter how salacious.
In their estimation anything goes:
there's no evil. Reprovals are anathema.
Setting themselves up as GOD they justify
themselves by their own spurious morals.
They embrace the grand illusion
'cos they're an intrinsic part of it
Anyone claiming enlightenment nowadays are anything but;
they're just so many errant souls inheriting fallen state spiritualities rife with deceit
and delusion. In this world whatever refined state of awareness attained is always
conveyed through esoteric corruption and subject to the body/mind faculties.
Eckhart Tolle tells us to guard against "excessive thinking."
But that shouldn't be a problem if our thoughts are stayed on God. In that case the more excessive the very merrier. If everyone was like Eckhart nothing would ever get done. Thinking is
necessary, even vital to life. We were created to think. We have to keep thinking on our toes in this world 'cos it's psychically messed up. For better or worse thinking is behind all the advancements of modern civilisation.
is very good when stayed upon the Creator:
the very GOD that Eckhart Tolle doesn't want you believing in.
He wants you to believe in him.
Again, we're living in the end-times folks.
Living on the now is ill preparation for what's comin.
The now - as it is - blinds people to the truth
People like Eckhart are a distraction
from the truth that is Jesus Christ.
Eckhart Tolleism is pure folly before GOD
If anyone thinks they're wise
If anyone thinks they're wise
by far-eastern religious standards, then
they oughta become foolish by following JESUS.
In antiquity mortal life was preparation
for the eternal afterlife. In a sense, it still is.
We've been lied to about the afterlife for millennia.
Jesus was all about the afterlife. He spoke of Heaven as His
true home, and offers His followers a place with Him, saying:
"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it
not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."
However distorted the vision, hindus, buddhists and all ancient cultures knew full well we have an eternal soul and that there is an afterlife.
The egyptians portrayed an elaborate afterlife journey, as did the tibetan buddhists, writing books of
the dead detailing soul trips on cosmic barges and weird bardo states.
Krishna expounded on the immortality of the spirit and spoke
about the existence of
numerous spiritual planets.
mustn't take a place in Heaven for granted as if we're entitled by default
after doing whatever the hell we like
while on earth. This world is a spiritual and
psychic disaster: listening to duplicitous channeled beings and/or adopting gnostic
and psuedo-spiritual attitudes with big smiles and demeanors of conditional
love doesn't entitle anyone entry into the Kingdom.
I can't reiterate
enough how real Spirituality is a serious business here on earth,
deadly serious, 'cos by some convincing accounts there are some very dark realms
awaiting many souls on the otherside. A lotta people are going to Hell.
Knowing the very real threat Jesus spoke more of Hell than
Heaven, He spoke more than anyone else in the bible about it.
Jesus portrayed Hell as a very thirsty place in the
Parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)
Zechariah the prophet said that in Hell there are no rivers.
If you want to know what Hell is like then listen to Jesus:
He said "I'm Thirsty." He became dessicated, His mouth dried out,
His tongue cleaved to the roof of His mouth. He was desperate for liquid.
Jesus' thirst showed He was really human. He was a man not a heavenly
phantom as the gnostics believed. As a man Jesus was thirsty and
admitted it, and they mocked by giving Him vinegar to drink.
But what was worse than the terrible thirst was His
seperation from God (Matthew 27:46). Turns out the very
worst thing about Hell is eternal seperation from God!
Folks, many people are choosing that seperation right now!
In the Mind of GOD rejecting the
Saving Grace of Jesus is worthy of Hell
God loved mankind so much He gave His only begotten Son,
who chose to take on all the WRATH meant for us and
ALL our freedom was attained at the Cross.
The blood and water that poured from Jesus'
pierced side showed that His heart had ruptured.
Jesus died of a broken heart!
God gave His Son to reconcile man with Him and
gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit to boot, so there's no excuse.
As prophesied the Gospel has gone out to all the earth.
The choice has to be made in this lifetime -
not the next one. 'Cos there is no next one.
We simply don't get another chance. But let's not think about that eh,
it's far too negative and disturbs our precious love 'n' light idealism right?
Regardless of what Jesus said, the idea of Hell is simply preposterous in our far
more enlightened times. Sniff! Surely everyone's going to Heaven, yeah?
Nope, 'fraid not.
Scripture says not everyone will be saved.
We don't get into Heaven on our terms. Only Jesus' terms.
Everyone ain't getting into the Kingdom. A great many will only just
scrape through. But if you miss Heaven by an inch you miss it by eternity...
It's super serious stuff folks.
Please WAKE UP and ask for the
Holy Spirit to lead you to All-Truth.
All-Truth is All-About JESUS
Those taking cues from far-eastern neo-vedantic uber-mystics are
led by spiritual criminals motivated by fallen angels mixing spirituality with flesh
and material gain, equating enlightenment with worldly wealth and sexuality.
It begs the pertinent question:
how many are really enlightened? Or self-less?
How many Hare krishna's are Krishna Conscious?
How many buddhists are Buddhas?
The Dalai Lama certainly ain't. He's on record saying he wants to be
reborn as a mischievous attractive blonde woman, so his mind is entirely of the world. The "buddha in blue jeans" Matt Kahn accommodates fallen angels so he's definitely out. Neither
is Eckhart Tolle who stated he knows nothing about the afterlife and
doesn't give it a second thought.
Tolle is mindless: a grinning
ignoramus witlessly snubbing the Divine.
We need to stop listening to those people
and knock 'em right off their lofty perches.
What goodness and sincerity is natural to mankind
is turned to bullshit by warped n twisted esoteric
energy fields and dark spiritual presences.
"Vanity of vanities all is vanity!"
The more accurate translation in the aramaic/hebrew reads
"Futility, futility, all is futile!"
Which means exactly the same thing 😉
I hope you get the Spirit behind this
blog otherwise it'll seem a bit of a rant!
Well if it's a rant it's an informed and informative one.
Strap yourself in, there's more ranting to come.
The new age tells us what we wanna hear: selling hopes of abundance and
ultimate release from this mortal coil yet always failing to
deliver the goods (unless you're lucky and/or influential). It's like
giving your charge over to a guru that isn't a real guru
at all: instead of nurturing and maturing souls they leech life energy, take our money and demand sexual favours under large flapping banners of enlightenment.
So many are like the ancient Israelites forsaking God and going off whoring and worshipping false gods. Spiritually we're no better than children pretending to be grown ups, putting on our parents oversize shoes and giggling ecstatically at discovering (tantric) porn magazines 😨
Image and glamour is where it's at for todays uber-delusionals with their techno-materialistic lives; unreserved self-glorification is the way of the world. Fame (any fame) is the name of the game and the means of play obvious:
lookin attractive, smilin broadly, posting selfies, drawing people in and promoting law of attraction or "tantra"
as if they're of great significance. It's all so way off the mark it's
unbelievable. Sex ain't the bounty of God, such notions are no better
an islamic terrorist's idea of the afterlife.
The new age channels
the pervading and supremely self-glorified
- spirit of satan, enslaving billions to the wiles of the flesh and
confusing hedonism with spiritual freedom.
Keep your minds in the glittering metaphysical sand why don't you.
Ignorance sure is bliss. For a season anyway.
Then it'll be disastrous.
New agers flaunting sexuality are ugly. I see the
corruption and the sin behind their pretty/handsome faces. In Spirit
they're a HUGE spiritual turn off. Puffed up with corrupt esoterism they
believe themselves gods and goddesses; but they're spiritually
perverted and mentally demented
"God is a Spirit: they that worship Him
must worship Him in Spirit, and in truth"
The world at large and new agers in general are not
in the Spirit of truth but of the flesh, dreamin lucid dreams
stoked by darkly intentioned spirit beings.
The new age says we're cosmic beings strategically incarnated
here and there to help enlighten and transform a backward planet, that indigo or
crystal children are being born: illustrious spirits come to help the planetary ascension. But it's another fallacy propagated by devious spirits stoking the
astral fires of vain fantasists: mainly sappy new age parents heeding
the pretense of too many duplicitous channelings.
There's always been bright, beautiful children in the world
and with the population explosion there's more of 'em.
It's pure genetics.
In this fallen world like
begats like:
being fallen we give birth to fallen beings.
A lotta possessed ones too.
If you really loved your
children you'd lead them to Jesus.
children you'd lead them to Jesus.
'Cos He's the ONLY Guarantee
of Eternal Safety and Security.
Believe it or not Satan walks to and fro upon the earth, expressing his nature
through multitudes doing their damnedest to spiritualise the material world.
Demons and affiliated entities are out to
possess people and bend them to their will.
In the desire to dominate and subjugate - with man
newly fallen, subservient to the flesh and under jurisdiction
of felon angels - the urge to be defined sexually
were the first blips on ol' Nick's radar.
SEX is a gateway to the Divine?
Nope, Jesus is the Gate. There's no other
Spirit inspired Scripture says we can't please God in the flesh.
Embracing contrived ideas of cosmic sexuality is a massive cop out and a
complete denial
of genuine spirituality which means worshipping in spirit not the flesh. Regardless of what any sensual, alluring new age gnostic may teach, there's no sexual union with God. Tantrism is wholly flesh bound, hyper-sensual, carnal and temporal - leading to seperation from the One true God
(Spiritual death)
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For
all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the
eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the
will of God abideth for ever."
God created sex to be pleasurable but not DIVINE
I mean heck, doing a good poop can be highly pleasurable
but it certainly ain't Divine.
There ain't no poopin' in Heaven
For all the M A D N E S S of history since the fall, over the last
30 years the world's gone batshit crazier. "The Secret" craze was formulated
by criminal eidolons with spurious monikers such as "Abraham" 😏
Law of Attraction is popular because it distracts from and entirely misses the mark of true Spirituality (very convenient). Craving security and worldly comforts they hanker for the transient things of life: material stuff, relationships and sexual satisfaction ahead of attracting the Eternal Verities such as Love, Wisdom, Truth and the Ultimate all round clarity that comes with the Spirit of God.
original metaphysics of human consciousness have been compromised and we've
inherited the consequencies: a world divorced from Divinity trying hard to find substitutes and finding them presented. Law of Attraction protagonists are some of the most odious examples of the rampant, juvenile spiritualities of the new age: having everything we want because we want it makes for a lot of spoilt children taken to brattish levels. The Law of Attraction distraction was contrived from the specious doctrines of Mdm Blavatsky, Leadbeater, Annie Besant and Alice Bailey et al; propped up by those ever attendant
luciferian light bearing satan worshipping brotherhood of ascended masters.
The law of attraction is yet another gross
perversion of Scripture and Yahshua's Words:
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe
that you have received it, and it will be yours."
"Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that
the Father may be glorified in the Son."
"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask
whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed
you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so
that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you."
That don't mean asking God for stuff from a selfish nature, they're endorsements to be in His name which means His nature. His name is His nature. Scripture says delight yourself in the Lord and He'll give you the desires of your heart. That don't mean God gives us anything we want, it means God puts His desires in our heart. And that's no bad thing, fallen spirit's put their desires in billions of hearts every day. They also impose their nature upon us
and billions unwittingly suck it all up with relish.
God put's HIS desires in our heart.
Thy Will be done on earth as in Heaven sorta thing.
"In the Presence of the Lord is fullness of Joy,
at His Right Hand are pleasures forever more."
at His Right Hand are pleasures forever more."
What more could anyone want? Heaven is Heaven because God's Will is done perfectly. If we want Heaven on earth we have to let God work His Will through us. When we get to where we value the things of God more than our own - when we value God more than our very life - then life is easy because God is easy and the ease lives through us and we become authentically and everlastingly bountiful. God wants to set us free from world deception and give us His Joy.
Yahshua is God's Joy and the only Way to Heaven.
When you value and esteem the Lord more than anything
you can do what you want, because your want's change.
The law of attraction is a bullshit theology
proffered by exiled beings on a mission to pervert mankind's need
for Divine Salvation. The true paradigm shift is a very profound
shift from a me, me, me mentality to a
Highbrow new agers assume making a lotta money is validation of
their "spiritual" path; but it most certainly ain't. It's validation of the crooked
system they conform to. An artificial system exploiting the masses of naive,
needy people bereft of Spirit and truth.
Plenty of career criminals become stinking rich; those pushing
the concept of money equaling divine energy generally have good business
nous and a lotta luck: they're very clever at taking money from the gullible
masses and expanding their own cash reserves, giving in return the
masses and expanding their own cash reserves, giving in return the
corrupted spiritualities of a fallen world.
"Welcome to the information age"
says one of the most odious of high
priestesses of the new age Teal Swan.
Teal proffers her information with a bearing that
exudes new
age impudence and no little arrogance.
If Teal pulled her massive head out her
glamourous ass she'd (maybe)
begin to smell the shit she sells, and the information she so biasedly selects -
and vomits so profusely - is
sourced from corrupted spiritual beings; but that
enhance her already grotesquely overinflated ego now would it.
Teal's information is founded in the lies of the
new age and - armed to the teeth
with false data borne of deviant spirits and the fake news of the new age- she's fooling not just herself but vast multitudes of unwitting souls along with her.
Shame on her.
As the late 18th century romantic poet and arch hedonist
Lord Byron concluded at the end of his
decadent sojourn on earth:
"The tree of knowledge is not that of Life"
How right he was.
The tree of Life is no longer available except through Jesus.
In All Wisdom the original tree was removed from the grubby, grasping hands
of mankind. It was taken away in mercy
because God - quite rightfully - didn't want
man living forever in the fallen state. We're
barred from eating from the tree of Life while we continue wallowing in worldly mud, and carry on confusing
the desires of the flesh with the Sanctities of Spirit.
is yet another in a long line of priggish new agers unwittingly
deceiving hordes of idiot savants with sweet sounding though highly noxious
ideologies. I know where she's at, I used to be full of the sort
of mock-spiritual pop psychologies she readily plagiarises, well before
the advent of youtube (thank God). I
was just as spiritually vain, prideful, haughty, headstrong and
arrogant to a fault: positively aglow with luciferic light. Now my
have flipped around - pole shifted so to speak - in
contrast to the sham light illuminated
do what thou wilt protagonists.
Teal receives knowledge from spirit guides, which will alarm anyone with the Spirit of truth. Teal believe's she's an arcturan spirit and that right there - if you've paid attention to what I'm saying - says everything we need to know. The "Arcturans" aren't who they say they are. They're deceptive beings preying on the ignorance and naivety of men and women, by offering a very different love than the Love of God and a another light than the Light of Spirit.
The light of all Teal's information is luciferian.
"Tealers" (cringe) cannot distinguish falsehood from truth.
They're among the worst of modish new agers, thinking they're more spiritual
than everyone else, and they harass anyone criticising their precious guru
or posting revelatory videos disparaging her faux spirituality.
For all the highbrow protestations,
the unmitigated arrogance "Tealers" (wince) display is
rooted in spiritual retardation. They ever so naively assume
Teal is attractive for spiritual reasons, so people notice and
listen to her (copious utterings of illuminatus bullshit).
But no: Teal's visage reflects her perverted spirituality.
Personally I find her repugnant: a belligerent
quasi- spirituality oozing from her deadpan face.
I mean, what a whopping great spiritual narcissist!
“Favour is deceitful,
and beauty is vain: but a
woman that fears the LORD,
she shall be praised.”
(Proverbs 31:30)
Good looks are no indication of genuine spirituality.
Luciferians are often attractive, the serpent forces use appealing
forms to thoroughly dupe people and keep them under control.
With pride and arrogance to spare
Teal thinks she's a spiritual catalyst;
but by the Light of Spirit she's a BRAYING ASS:
another in a long line of dangerous miscreants tickling ears
and pandering to the callowness of millions utterly stupified
by hyper-delusional mystical trends.
Yahshua exhorted His followers to
go out and be fishers of men for Him.
Teal fishes a great many unwitting souls for her and her
deviant spiritual cronies. Spiritual narcissism will not allow
Teal to realise that she's deeply delusional, or that the
"Arcturans" aren't who they say they are.
And it's no surprise Teal is a promoter of the concept of an
emerging "Divine Feminine," which she represents of course - with
her vacant little eyes and weird condescending laugh - restoring
balance to the world after ages of male domination.
Typical duplicitous pagan fair!
Teal Swan's compromised brain is hardwired
for channeling the fallen light of Lucifer.
She's a COSMIC SUCKER: an unwitting purveyor of
ancient spiritual EVIL translated to the new age mindset.
If those crazy Tealers (aaarrgghhh) really wanna know about life,
the universe and everything then they really oughta pull their head
out of Teal's highfalutin ass and get into the ass-free Holy Spirit About that "rising goddess" ting:
It's one of the most cloying, self-sanctifying pantomime
notions doing the rounds today: yet another new age/pagan
lunacy which must be addressed and REBUKED
Look into the origin of the belief in an ancient ruling goddess (introduced by
Dr. Marija Gimbuta) with open eyes and see they're based on spurious academic
conclusions latter-day bolstered by yet more spurious channelings
(what a surprise)
Implicit bias, emotional instability and faulty reasonings abound in
the goddess lark. There's evidence those early european, supposedly female
dominated cultures, were warlike and that they practiced human sacrifice.
😵 No wonder the patriarchy took control 😵
There is no rising goddess per se. The numinous causality behind the impetus to
rise again and regain control freakery is the spirit of an ancient pagan sky goddess: the "Queen of Heaven" mentioned in Jeremiah 7:18 & 44:18-24. With a heart to understand those brief mentions in Scripture tell of much greater things.
The goddess is a member of the hosts of
exiled angels now working behind the
new age/gaia militia mind
marching under banners of (fake) cosmic
An arch rebel before Spirit and God she promotes materiality, sensuality,
sexuality, fertility, procreation and also WAR. Seeking attention, and
desiring - above all - to be venerated she becomes all things to
all people.
A dissident spirit of many guises appearing over several millennia
A dissident spirit of many guises appearing over several millennia
the self styled goddess is known as the illustrious Inanna, Semiramis,
Ashtoreth, Astarte, Asherah (consort of the pagan demon god Ba'al)
Ishtar and the greek whore goddess Aphrodite et aliae.
She's behind the myth of Lilith and the original witch Circe. In apostolic times she appeared as Diana of the Ephesians, and then - most nefariously - as the catholic "queen of heaven" (thar she blows again) aka Mary the "eternal virgin." The goddess is behind the rise of feminism creeping into our vacuous popular culture, as displayed in pop star Ariana Grande's recent God is a woman statement.
She's behind the myth of Lilith and the original witch Circe. In apostolic times she appeared as Diana of the Ephesians, and then - most nefariously - as the catholic "queen of heaven" (thar she blows again) aka Mary the "eternal virgin." The goddess is behind the rise of feminism creeping into our vacuous popular culture, as displayed in pop star Ariana Grande's recent God is a woman statement.
A handmaiden of satan the goddess appears as an angel of light, affect
biological energy
fields and imitate the Holy Spirit in hindu oriented minds - as
shakti-yoni 😉 She's the goddess's of hinduism Durga and Kali and the renowned but actually retarded yet very influential neo-vedantist Ramakrishna's
very own mother goddess.
The goddess is presented as the angelic power Sophia in gnosticism
and finally, and most ominously, she's seen in the eyes of God as:
"... Mystery, Babylon the Great,
the Mother of Prostitutes and
Abominations of the Earth..."
Puts herself about a bit doesn't she!
As with all pagan spirit's/fallen angels the goddess' abiding intent is to pervert and bring to nothin the Name and word of God. We don't need RuachVision to see the goddess' subversive influence subsumed within the cosmology of gnostic texts. However, and most crucially, it does take RuachVision to see in the vain discourse on herself, featured in the gnostic text, "the Thunder, Perfect Mind," the utter contempt she wields towards the true God.
The blasphemy displayed in her fatuous "I
AM" proclamations
(she was sent forth from the "power" 😉) is most
And all of it was channeled through
some unwitting ancient
Being a pagan spirit, the "goddess" is decidedly unholy yet she bestows faux holiness on those spiritually narcissistic enough to accept her "blessings" without asking questions (don't we see a lot of that in the world today). It's no surprise David Icke was instructed by a female voice during the momentous ayahuasca
trip he wrote so much about, informing him of the hindu
roots illusory nature of reality. However, entheogens do not open our psyche to Divine truth. They show things not seen by regular sight but they also open the mind to deviant spirits projecting
the strongest possible psychic delusions.
It's seriously anti-Christ stuff made to appear cool and trendy
It's seriously anti-Christ stuff made to appear cool and trendy
in the naive new age mind. A lot of influential women unwittingly channel a
yet dishonoured angel resonating with female
gender, and in stark emulation of the goddess' rectitudinous conceit they get
real snotty about it too. A clear act of sacred humility is called for because there's nothing Divine or sacred about the fashionable feminist rising goddess s-urge, it's the same ol' same ol'
uber-delusional bullshit endemic to this planet.
I bear no grudges against women.
I bear no grudges against women.
On my merry up and down way to
Brahman I used to be a goddess worshipper.
I wanted God to be a woman. I had Kali pictures on my wall -
ferocious divine femininity! (I presumed). I considered women the superior sex;
but now I know they're not any wiser - or more spiritual. Women are equal to men and, being equally fallen they're equally deluded, just in different ways. I'm no anti-feminist, within reason; women will eventually receive equal treatment
across the board. As they should.
But there's nothin'
spiritual about it.
I'm trying hard to convey the delusion of my old ways of thinkin,'
and trying even harder to instill the dire need for sacred humility. It's verily obscene the way folks such as Teal Swan put themselves up as mediators between humanity and Spirit before they've realised their quite conspicuous
personal delusions....
... instead they prematurely let rip as if they're on a Divine mission tip.
They're not under the guidance of the Spirit of God
but are incognizant arch deceptors bereft of Holiness,
and they better watch out for their eternal souls
"rising goddess" meme is particularly enticing for ladies. After
millenniums of perceived servitude and injustice, the idea of spiritual power is verily intoxicating and taken to the usual preposterous levels
endemic to womankind. It's sheer ignorance: the desire for spiritual power opens a lady's psyche to dark spiritual powers. Contentious but true. There are female demonic creatures and other antediluvial and Babylonic spirits seeking who they may possess and devour, and a great many unwitting female souls unwittingly accommodate them.
There is no Divine
feminine. There's no Divine masculine. They're spiritual lies designed to puff people up and make 'em
completely absurd. I mean come on, I'm pretty spiritually astute but I don't go
around pontificating about being a man, with a man's
needs that must be met (or else!) hanging out with groups of proud men and writing books
promoting Divine masculinity. That'd be utterly stupid.
Notions of
Divine femininity induce manifold delusions of
grandeur within
hosts of fascist level quasi- spiritual feminists.
I'm so grateful I'm no longer under the spell of the pagan goddess.
I'm so grateful I'm no longer under the spell of the pagan goddess.
Any arcane witchery is thoroughly dispelled by the Holy Spirit.
The so-called goddess is a mockery of the Living God, channeling
through ones such as Teal Swan with unmitigated feminist arrogance.
Truth! 😀
Another prominent trend is the Holy Spirit is a
female and associated with wisdom/sophia lark.
I was persuaded to think the Holy Spirit feminine for a while, before
said Spirit
alighted upon me. Sorry folks but I get no sense of gender.
It's interesting to note that the closest translation of Ruach is Presence. The use
of ancient semantics, grammar and pronouns mixed with some spurious gnostic
writings gets people all excited and
jumping on bandwagons. There is a view that King Solomon used poetic license when writing Proverbs for the instruction of children
and young men by portraying both wisdom and folly as female characters. Folly is presented as a whore. In the book of Ezekiel Jerusalem and Samaria are portrayed as women. What's clear is that Solomon married a
lot of pagan women towards the end of his life, eventually losing his great wisdom by allowing them to influence his conscience. What a fall from grace! With the wisdom of hindsight Solomon went on to write the wisest book ever in Ecclesiastes.
(yes he did)
for arguments sake the Holy Spirit turns out to be genderly feminine
nature, so what? It's the way it affects some folks I'm against, those who
take it to the
Nth degree of vanity and get all prissy about it.
Ruach femininity is not an issue. Spiritual corruption is.
English interpretations of greek translations of aramaic-hebrew are often askew of the truth. The entire Bible was translated through the ancient greeks who were governed by omnifarious fallen
spirits parading as gods and goddesses. Satan influenced greek interpretations: words like holy and spirit derive from the
greeks and are pagan. This is startling to many christians, but no need to fret:
it only influences the worldly minded.
If you're with the true Spirit, the truth shines
through the stained glass window of scripture.
Our understanding is affected by a variety of fiddlings
Our understanding is affected by a variety of fiddlings
with the source texts, and we get all kinds of nutters reckoning
they've got the lowdown on some previously hidden truth.
The original aramaic-hebrew - in which Solomon wrote - simply does not call wisdom she. Wisdom in Hebrew is Chokmah which is genderless. "Her" and "she" were added to the slang long after Solomon departed the earth, a clear example of pagan/greek interference. The whole world is about spiritual interference - loads of channels all on at once. We're still deep in the fallen
state and need to face up to the reality and consequencies of that, not come up with all manner of spiritual
delusions that arise out of the ignorance of that.
Whether male or female, no one is an emanation of the Holy Spirit
because said Spirit is representative of YHWH and Yahshua only.
Whether male or female, no one is an emanation of the Holy Spirit
because said Spirit is representative of YHWH and Yahshua only.
Spirit doesn't ingratiate any sex. He speaks
to everyone the same way - men and women alike.
to everyone the same way - men and women alike.
The new age tsunami washed up loads of ancient
esoteric flotsam
and jetsam now being avidly recycled.
With no apologies to the new age/gnostics
among us -
who've lost all sight of that all-important sacred humility -
movie (2018) feeds the ongoing deception.
It's pure Hollywood: a lotta made-up
shit founded on a lotta made-up shit.
Joaquin Phoenix plays Jesus!
The same dude who played the demented JOKER.
Joaquin doesn't believe in Jesus. He's an ATHEIST.
Playing our Lord was just another lucrative acting job.
I've seen a pic
of Joaquin standing off
set in Jesus garb puffing on a cigarette.
The movie is inspired by gnostic texts suggesting
Mary Magdalene was Jesus' closest disciple.
Which is complete nonsense
gospels to be Divinely Inspired.
Any other gospel is in name only. Not in nature.
God is not the author of confusion, satan is. Or in the gnostics case
- the goddess is. Knowing scripture satan found many clever ways
to throw a variety of fancy-ass spanners into the works.
Like it or not Peter, James and
Like it or not Peter, James and
John were Yahshua's closest disciples.
John is referred to as the disciple Yahshua loved, and not in
a gay way. If you think like that you're simply sick and twisted.
John went on to write the glorious gospel
which bears his name. And the book of Revelation.
Peter, James and John witnessed
the Transfiguration.They were
with Him in the garden of Gethsemane the
night before the trial and
crucifixion. Mary's
presence at the empty tomb on the morning of the
resurrection means
nothing besides the fact she was a woman with
strong love and devotion to Yahshua. In His Risen body Yahshua looked
entirely different and, like the men Mary didn't recognise the Lord
(mistaking Him for the gardener) because she lacked the
sight to see Yahshua properly, until He Spoke.
There's no great mystical meaning to Mary's
encounter besides the greatest meaning of all:
came to die for our sins;
Rise from the dead and Conquer satan.
insinuations of sacred sexuality are inspired of
the pagan goddess
appealing to our fallen state nature.
It should be no surprise Yahshua had female disciples; there were a great many
disciples besides the main twelve. We're told many women followed Yahshua;
some of them were wealthy and offered their resources to the cause. Martha
and Mary are good examples of devoted followers; but like the men they
were rank dirty sinners for whom Yahshua came to clean and save.
I'm sure Yahshua spoke to people privately and informed
them of His ultimate purpose; but none of that means He was
in sexual relations or dishing out special revelations.
The only Revelation we need to know is that
He is God come to reconcile mankind with Himself.
Yahshua was always operating in Spirit.
He was always about His Fathers business.
Yahshua had no time for Himself, only for God. Christ is
nothin like any guru or new ager who regularly succumb to the
flesh and creatively justify it to suit their own amenity.
Yahshua was in the world but not of it,
tempted on all points as we are yet remained sinless.
As a rule women weren't allowed anywhere near any sort of
religious institution because they were considered absolutely separated
from God. And yet Christ - a man called rabbi and the highest possible
social standing in that society - treated them as human beings;
healed them, and taught them about God.
Being the socio-religious saboteur that Yahshua was,
He upended the traditional view of women by treating them as if
their value wasn't in how many children they could produce,
but in the fact that they were created by God.
Yahshua was the greatest thing to happen to women:
Yahshua liberated women.
Yahshua was the greatest thing to happen to women:
Yahshua liberated women.
A female disciple's focus was not on their
feminine spirituality or special "divine" revelations;
but always on Yahshua:
the Supreme Relationship
the Supreme Relationship
It's given to women to practice a special kind of sacred humility,
of which the female disciples personified: the woman who washed Yahshua's feet
with tears and then
dried them with her hair for example; but what we have today
women being the polar opposite of that model of devotion. Instead we
the conceited, the power crazed, the puffed up vanities the goddess instils:
clearly and purposely
snubbing the one true God.
Rather than being expressions of the Divine, they're perversions.
Divorced from Divinity they're also estranged from reality.
The Glory of God is perfectly displayed in Yahshua.
There's no favoritism: without Yahshua we're equally sinners,
with Him we're equally saved. Yahshua's mother - as a young virgin - knew
of the need for a Saviour 'cos she was born into sin like everyone. But in
Christ we're cleansed of sin and He looks upon us as Family:
as children, friends or brothers
and sisters.
That's how God sees us
in Yahshua
Yahshua welcomed the company of women and
valued their ministry, there was no sexual relations because
He was
necessarily set-apart: in the world but not of it.
There's no Glory in the flesh (1 Corinthians 1:29)
Divine gender fixations are useless, serving only
the injudicious pride I see too much of today, radiating
concentric waves of total bullshit throughout the earth.
It's utter fallacy gathering together under pretenses of gender:
if women wanna feel good about their spirituality they
oughta WAKE UP and realise Yahshua is their Lord and Saviour
Spirituality + gender politics = complete nonsense.
We should ALL be gathering together in the name of Yahshua.
just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away."
I'm often reproved by Spirit, and gladly so; but as we see with Teal Swan, if left
unchecked and unreproved, the female ego can inflate to hideous proportions.
Consider another prime example displayed by one Solara Antara Aamaa-Ra (yep!)
and her magikal 11:11 Doorway scheme. Back in the nineties I was well into the 11:11. "Solara" loomed large amidst the names of the day; these days I see them all as sadly mistaken mystical kooks. Solara was another influential "visionary" who shifted the goal posts when her "angelically" inspired master vision
failed to manifest in the very specific timeslot initially given. I've
noticed new age prophets, angels and
spirit guides are notoriously shite at keeping to their own
Solara was the spearhead of a wave of human migrants to a Higher Dimension,
or Octave of Oneness, splitting away from the many choosing to
carry on in duality
(very convenient for the spiritual snobs among us). The doorway was to open just
once, then close once, and only ONE could pass through
(the elite united together in Oneness)
We had one chance to pull ourselves
together and join an illustrious Ascension...
... the 11:11 doorway opened on Jan 11, 1992
and was meant to
close on Nov 11th, 2011.
But as the date loomed large Solara
redrew the
lines, and she's still doing it today.
She's obviously in denial and deep conceit; she will
not let go of her unique
position, the prestige or the blind admiration of
her followers. I'm sure she'll
hold onto her elaborate delusions until the day she dies. Such people are almost impossible to get through to and need our prayers. They don't realise
they're working for fallen spirits peddling twisted
versions of Scriptural prophecy.
I've noticed the dimensional doorway motif many times of late, in ancient and modern settings. The 11:11 is one of a number of mock salvations diverting mankind from the True Doorway. It's all about the battle for souls and the fallen ones are desperate to keep hold of ours: the doorway Solara worked so hard to prise open for 20 years isn't a way out of duality into a "Greater Reality" but a portal for darkly intentioned entities to enter our world, allowing for a greater inpouring of
Luciferic light. Solara used her spiritual vanity and free will to fling
open wide a dimensional doorway to deviant supernal beings
Way to go Solara! Hat's off to ya me darlin'
New age women need to curb their vain imaginings, swallow their pride,
stop preaching and reel themselves in: especially those relaying the verbiage
of discarnate beings because they're distributing the most absurd delusions.
But alas! earth goddess
narcissism will not allow them to
relinquish the modest fame, faux prestige and generous financial
income the luciferian new age so often provides.
I used to be positively into cosmic women and for a time Solara was chief
among them; my own cosmic self was delighted by her lucid visions of personal starry magnificence (like all visionary demagogues she's sweepingly poetic)
and promises of impending migration to the "Greater Reality."
However, when we're led by the Holy Spirit
we are on the path to the true Greater Reality:
Turns out all concepts of a Greater Reality a la Solara are facile imitations of the Kingdom of Heaven, which is Yahshua's Heaven. The supreme irony, and terrible tragedy, is that folks like Solara are keeping multitudes from entering the Kingdom. It's latter day enlightening to realise Solara was influenced by "Council
of Nine" communicator J.J. Hurtak and his uber-deceitful and quite blasphemous book of "knowledge" (yeah right) describing the dimensional get up of the
fallen angels: the Keys of Enoch.
Along with the Urantia book, the Secret Doctrine, Isis Unveiled
and many other highly imaginative, detailed metaphysical fallacies,
the Keys of Enoch is a book of convoluted bullshit.
The only advice I can offer Solara is to swallow her pride,
forsake the deeply
delusional psuedo-spirituality, throw herself at
the mercy of the Most
High and sincerely ask for forgiveness.
I now know how profoundly mankind has been guided into
acting so foolishly with regards genuine spirituality and why:
it's largely bereft of Spirit.
There's only ONE true door of
in the 1990's a song rang resoundingly through the decade,
loudly proclaiming:
"... there's only one way of life, and that's your
own, that's your own, that's yooour ooooown."
(The Levellers)
That sorta anthemic, foot stomping, go your own way shit comes into
sharp relief when you realise that the Levellers are a right ol' pagan band and
Glastonbury is a proper pagan town, even a stronghold of the pagan goddess.
The main stage at Glastonbury fest is a PYRAMID fer cripes sake.
The festival promotes hedonism and idolatry
As a rampant new ager I used to believe (or hope anyway)
there was something spiritually significant about Glastonbury
festival, with the distinguished Tor rising clearly in the distance
and all the great bands bringing us together.
Turns out there's nothing spiritual about any of it.
I was as thoroughly an ignorant pagan as you
could find, subscribing to all the earth energy bullshit.
I used to naively believe we were helpin along the dawn of spiritual freedom
I used to naively believe we were helpin along the dawn of spiritual freedom
with our anarchic reveries. But as ever the reality is more sobering: the energy of multitudes of music fans and drug and alcohol fueled revellers isn't a good energy
to put into the earth's ley-line system, they're really eclectic, discordant organic vibrations harvested by supernal beings for powerful occulted theurgies
used for esoterically distorting the minds of the hyper-gullible masses.
"Rebellion in any form attracts satan. Rebellion against authority,
"Rebellion in any form attracts satan. Rebellion against authority,
rebellion against God, rebellion against your parents. Rebellion is dangerous
because it invites satan into your life because he's the original rebel."
With my ol' pagan eyes I thought Glastonbury the best
With my ol' pagan eyes I thought Glastonbury the best
place in the world. I looked forward to the festival every year.
But with the Eyes of Spirit it's just a lotta soul dangerous heathenry.
In its verve and vivid self-righteousness the Levellers song is
misleading. So much music is borne of the rebellious spirit of Lucifer,
who was originally created as a musical cherubim with built in pipes
and timbrels leading the Praises of God in Heaven.
The onset of the hyper-hedonistic, trance inducing, electronic
dance oriented, brit-pop and grunge rock saturated 1990's - which I
was well into - was bedevilled by songs such as "I wanna be adored"
(the Stone Roses)
proclaiming that they don't have to sell their souls because...
... "he's already in me."
pig-ignorant of the cumulative negative affect on our already severely polluted psychic environment. The "spirituality" of millions of revellers is a fallacy founded on corrupted metaphysics and sense exaltation. I used to duck and dive as much as any haughty new ager around Yahshua's concise, no-nonsense "I Am the Way, The Truth and the Life" statement, thinking He must've meant it this way, or that way.
But no: He meant it as He said it - as in quite literally.
Yahshua said He and only He is the Way to the Kingdom of God
and He wasn't lying or mistaken, there's no deception or foolishness in Him.
There's no "christ consciousness grid," only the Christ Himself. If we wanna enter
God's Kingdom, and really, there's nowhere more desirous or beautiful,
then we quite simply have to go through Yahshua.
"... anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate (Door), but climbs in
by some other way, is a thief and a robber. the one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact,
they will run away from him because they do not recognise a stranger's voice."
Jesus used a figure of speech, but the Pharisees
didn't understand. Therefore Jesus said again,
"Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. ALL who have come before
me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. I am the gate,
whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find
pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that
they may have life, and have it to the full.""
I love a bit of no-nonsense spirituality and that's some statement to wrap our
head around, brought to us by God Himself. Scripture states that friendship with the world is ENMITY with God and further states that ALL who detract from the
Spirit of God, obscuring the Light of Yahshua, are robbers and thieves!
And that includes the ancient hindu rishis,
Guatama Buddha, and all gurus and
mystics that came after Christ.
There is only One flock under one shepherd and a great many
other sheep in other folds which must be brought back to the One.
It's a staggering turnaround of my own spiritual affairs to be
content with being a sheep. In my previous mindset - still uppermost in the minds
of the masses under the spell of David Icke - it was truly a heinous thing; but like
David the world successfully inverts and misrepresents the truth.
The Good Shepherd wields no barking dog forcefully keeping
sheep within His flock, only Spirit adhered free will does that 😊
"Neither is there salvation in any other:
for there is none other name under heaven
given among men, whereby we must be saved."
Yahshua is the Door and the Way through it.
The more I look at all the Door facsimiles available today and throughout history, the more Yahshua's proclamation rings all the more true. The Holy Spirit helps with the clarity: any and all self-promoting metaphysicians we give our time and money to are the very thieves described by Yahshua. Everything we take from the Universe - be it light, energy or prana - in order to puff ourselves up and be like the Most High without acknowledging and giving thanks to the actual Divine Supplier
is heinous daylight robbery.
permeates the minds of new agers.
They're passive when having what they
want; but when presented with
the Holy Spirit - which convicts them - I get
not far removed from the
twos, magnified a billion fold. Like
teenagers departing the family nest and
acquiring a degree of freedom,
they insist on having fun and getting high on luciferic light, and the ever
attendant angelic miscreants give 'em what they want.
They're made to believe the Universe
conspires to give 'em all their desires.
New agers insist on following whatever their congenitally sinful hearts put into
New agers insist on following whatever their congenitally sinful hearts put into
their spiritually juvenile minds; but scripture tells that the heart is deceitful above all things, so it's of no real use to follow our defective hearts because we only get more of the hyper-deluded
idiots gracing the world stage today, thinkin' they're spiritual e.t.s or some illustrious being incarnated with specialised
knowledge surpassing all historic saints, sages and scripture.
Some influential new age/gnostic fantasists following their heart become delusional to such a degree they believe themselves sovereign, even that they are God - the very I Am - and place themselves on the throne of creation. I would scream bullshit right in their faces, if I wasn't so full of this damned english reserve. Did they create the earth? Did they form the stars? Nope, it's already been done, and most magnificently to boot. They can't improve on creation.
"Claiming to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the
incorruptible God into the likeness of an image of corruptible man."
Ignorance sure is bliss.
a funny little chap putting himself
about on the new age scene called Michael Day.
I've met him a couple of times at hippy music festivals in england.
Michael's an amusing fella, but when I read what he says and look
at what he does I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
10 years ago I woulda got on with Michael, yet now I can't help myself for seeing
the bullshit he represents. An astute capitalist, Michael lauds and panders to celebrities, even styling himself astrologer to the stars and "new age leader."
For all the pomp Michael's just another leading misleader:
a puffed-up fortune teller promoting trendy self-indulgent practices such as
tantrism, fatuous Osho leelas (it's no surprise he advocates the odious Osho)
divination (tarot) and astrology. Oh and he channels spirit's too 😔
It's made him a popular guy.
Michael often wears a plastic crown that implies he's actually a king,
following the new age meme of rebutting the Divine and indulging personal sovereignty. What effrontery! What belligerence! What irreverence!
Michael's fallen for ancient esoteric chicanery and worse:
backed by all the beguilement of the luciferic new age he's most
distractive of the true King: Yahshua/Jesus Christ.
I used to be self-sovereign; but now I HATE seeing people exalt themselves
against the knowledge of God. It's entirely presumptuous and utterly preposterous. Michael fails to comprehend the dark swirling core of the new age kaleidoscope he eagerly peers through. His sort don't wanna know; they're utterly blind to their crimes of duping the masses and making a living out of ancient deceptions.
Behind the love n light demeanor they positively despise the truth.
"the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which
"the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which
believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is
the Image of
God, should shine unto them."
The age of aquarius is nothing but a fairground mentality (active, colourful, noisy) with multitudes wanting to feel and experience a ride and a thrill. We have a touchy feely philosophy in this world, people are feeling junkies: it's all about feeeeelin and they get all sanctimonious about it. If they don't feel it they don't believe it. They don't feeeel what I'm saying so they don't believe me. They wanna suck on quasi- theological lollipops and get spiritually sugared up.
The age of aquarius is nothing but a fairground mentality (active, colourful, noisy) with multitudes wanting to feel and experience a ride and a thrill. We have a touchy feely philosophy in this world, people are feeling junkies: it's all about feeeeelin and they get all sanctimonious about it. If they don't feel it they don't believe it. They don't feeeel what I'm saying so they don't believe me. They wanna suck on quasi- theological lollipops and get spiritually sugared up.
They're unwitting stooges encouraged to preoccupy themselves
with the temporal cares of life; the deceitfulness of riches and the
lust of other things. Their hearts become hardened towards a
Holy God and instead give preeminence to worldly things.
"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate
"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate
is wide and the way is
broad that leads to destruction,
and there are many who enter through
If feelings are your god the Real God won't
reinforce them, but give you over to strong delusion.
Michael Day turns his nose up at God business. Like all new agers he thinks he knows better, making resolute choices based on faux enlightenment. Michael's out and about ingratiating new agers and heeding spiritual demagogues. He's carved a comfortable niche by fortune telling. He presumes high things of himself and
will defend his honour vehemently.
He's a recycled pagan insouciantly celebrating fallen state nature.
Michael's a relayer of arcane hype with the common gall to
Michael's a relayer of arcane hype with the common gall to
claim enlightenment; the same vain imagining I've seen many times in
a new age choc-full of delusions taken to the Nth degree by multitudes
of lost and unwary souls in need of the Light of the Spirit of truth.
For sure Michael is enlightened.
He's made lucifer's light his own
and spreads it about hither and yon.
I'm still facebook "friends" with Michael as it 'appens, last time I looked anyway,
which is not often these days. Michael likes to pigeonhole people who're against what he represents. One time he accused me of being schizophrenic. Recently he labeled me a Puritan. Well, the Puritan's were Calvinists and I'm not one of those. But it's better than being an uber-luciferian stuck firmly up one's arse. In reply to another post he opined that I'm thinking within a set paradigm and that I'll eventually turn back to the new age way of things.
into a mini crises. My ol' new age self reared it's ugly head, protested
at this Holy Spirit lark and tried to reassert control.
Talk about cognitive dissonance! I started drinking, and fell out with my girlfriend.
There's no going back to the new age for me.
read in the Light of Spirit:
This 'ere Spirit sponsored vision of the
Pissed up one night I ended up sleeping under a tree.
Waking up in the darkness cold and shivering, I deperately prayed
to be released from this ridiculous predicament, and was given a brief but
lucid inner vision of the "flower of life" symbol popular with new agers.
They do love pretty patterns.
Then came
The flower of life was replaced by the Blood. I saw it clearly spattered across my inner field of vision.
The next day I realised I'd been given a choice:
the new age or the Blood. I chose the blood.
I've been alright since, and all the better for it.
As often as we fall back into sin,
the Blood recleanses and resanctifies.
The significance of the Blood of Christ is
mind-blowing yet little understood today.
People prefer spiritualities that appeal to
their aesthetic nature; certainly not their SINS
The Cross doesn't appeal to the artful
desires of mankind, much less the pride.
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish
foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."
The Blood is repulsive to the spiritual radical;
but the only thing truly repulsive is their sin.
The Blood is crucial to understanding and
redeeming our very serious spiritual situation.
The Blood shows up the insidious lies of the new age and the violet flame farce
in particular, brought to us the even more farcical "Lord of the Seventh Ray"
the Comte de Saint-Germain: one of the top-tier ascended masters.
The violet flame is a very clever
but very evil substitute for the
Holy Blood of Jesus Christ.
The Blood of Christ- not the delusive violet flame - is
THE most Powerful Supernatural Purifier in the entire universe.
There's no going back to the new age for me.
I'd be like a dog turning back to lick it's own vomit.
As ever, the Pure wisdom of Scripture says it best,
read in the Light of Spirit:
"No one who puts his hand to the plow and
looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
(So much meaning packed into one sentence)
looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
(So much meaning packed into one sentence)
ancient come modern deception is irrefutable.
The new age shows up for what it is: a childish me me me mythical
There's no evolved spirituality in the
New agers walk according to the course of this world, according to
God isn't fashionable and certainly ain't cool.
The new age shows up for what it is: a childish me me me mythical
belief system the spirit of satan magnifies to mock Divine levels.
There's no evolved spirituality in the
new age, just a collective reprobate mind.
The new age subsists on myriads of
people sucking their sugar coated thumbs.
Folks like Michael Day serve a lotta self-absorbed doofuses
who, like children, think they're the centre of the universe.
New agers walk according to the course of this world, according to
the prince of
the power of the air, a demonic principality; the very spirit
works in the "children of disobedience."
People who don't know the Spirit of God
People who don't know the Spirit of God
have the spirit of opposition working them.
out it's ass, covered in esoteric excrement.
Only the Blood of Christ could cleanse me of the stink.
I know first hand that the ascended masters and other
entities Michael presumes are his benefactors are duplicitous
fallen angels masquerading as Divine Light beings.
If folks like Michael Day accepted the Holy Spirit they'd be alarmed at how
far away from the truth they actually were/are and sense conviction at the things
they say and do. Their conscience would heed the impressions of Spirit and
they'd see clearly and be led right away from luciferic deception.
But I sense they're way too taken with personal
prestige, sensuous Osho leelas and manifold astral delusions
to turn their heads 180 degrees to the true Christ.
I bear no malice towards Michael Day or his ilk. For all the pretenses of
awakening they're pitiful ignoramuses with a God shaped hole in their heart
filled with insidious cosmic lies. They must be offered the truth
and urged get over their massive conceits.
I'm grateful to folks like Michael for helping
me see the absurdity of the new age more clearly.
I can't be unctuous: this section of blog is titled
Spirit vs. New Age
and Michael Day is an arch new ager
therefore I must rebuke him and all he stands for.
New agers make a BIG DEAL out of their "awakening"
but none of them know where they'll end up after they DIE.
Our relatively brief sojourn in Life is over sooner than we think.
We can't take a heavenly afterlife for granted
after doing whatever the hell we like while on earth.
after doing whatever the hell we like while on earth.
and it's human expressions for as long as it persists.
The way things are my reproval knows no bounds.
Right now it's as infinite as the infinite
awareness new agers think they're connected to... ... for all the talk of awakening vast multitudes
are fast asleep dreaming lucid dreams.
YHWH is the Most High God; the only God as it
happens and - like it or not - He's
against the new age
simply because it's inspired of the spirit of satan.
Man was made in the Image of God, but the fall occured. Now
we're born physically and spiritually corrupted The image was
severely compromised, and it's of no use lording it about as if it ain't.
Life is not - as the late Bill Hicks used to say - like a ride
Life is not - as the late Bill Hicks used to say - like a ride
in an amusement
park. It's a deadly serious business,
definitely not
"Brahmans" play of lila.
can't stand to see influential people puffed up to the nines
fallen light presuming lila or some other convenient derivative,
taking liberties thereof and misleading multitudes therein; channeling
the faux numinosity of ancient debased spirits.
They're making a celebration, even a party out of fallen state nature.
They're making a celebration, even a party out of fallen state nature.
For sure mankind was created for the pleasure of God,
to be in communion with Him; but man fell away, severely
reducing the Pleasure on God's part.
Hindu bliss is purely a body/mind phenomenon,
nothing Spiritual. It's not Everlasting.
All those blissed out yogi's are entirely missing the Divine
mark. Basically, they're given over to strong delusions.
Only Jesus offers us the Guarantee of a Heavenly Afterlife.
God don't change with
the times to suit world trends.
God is the same yesterday, today and
God's Light is rightfully exclusive
and the Way is necessarily very narrow.
We have to accept His Way or turn right away and
follow instead a delusory and ultimately destructive way.
But New age teacher gurus go on believing spirituality is an
"evolving" matter, and they're convinced they possess authority to
twist the Way, the truth and the Life to suit themselves:
to compromise, to deviate, to spit on Yahshua from a
lofty height and
do whatever the hell they like, when they like.
Do What Thou Wilt is the whole of the law.
Scripture advises us to "Trust the Lord with all
our heart, and lean not on our own understanding."
our heart, and lean not on our own understanding."
gadding about thinking they're important
people on a Divine mission tip are strongly deluded.
Those beguiling multitudes with
hand-me-down esoteric
perversions, persuading many lost souls to fall in step and comply
with their misguided leadership - are spiritual criminals.
Instead of following the Way of Spirit they look to themselves and cry:
"Look who I am, look what I'm
doing, listen to what I'm saying!"
It's because they don't know Spirit
that they have to make a lotta shit up
compensate, taking their cues from the wide diversity of hermetic
deceptions. They're encouraged to believe - without question - the elaborate lies fabricated by hosts
of deviant spirits out to pervert humanity and get them forsaking sacred humility for the sake of feeling powerful, and in control, amidst a fallen world.
Absent of Spirit yet full of conceit they've no recourse
but to hearken to the signals of a fallen world, stick their head right up
their ass and reckon themselves to be exotic arcturans, or pleiadians,
or an aspect of the god/dess, crying:
"you must listen to me because I'm so
enlightened and wise. Glory be (to me)"
Total crap!
Such people have no business being in authority
if they don't
know how to come under Authority.
We don't see Yahshua Lording it over others,
we find Him in lowly places:
in mangers, among the poor, being a servant,
being humble, an example, being as a child, being as
the younger, being as the last and the least...
"... who being in very nature God did not consider equality with God s
omething to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of
a servant, being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man
He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a stake."
Doesn't that show the Holy otherness of Yahshua's life.
Doesn't that show the Holy otherness of Yahshua's life.
Prior to His death - being in the form of man yet entirely God -
Yahshua didn't consider personal Godhood something to be grasped,
and that's too much for the troops of vainglorious new agers to grasp.
Yahshua operated entirely in Spirit, His heart was situated in Eternity.
Personal considerations simply weren't considered.
Yahshua confounded the flesh and all it's temptations:
He was absolutely victorious over carnality and death.
He was absolutely victorious over carnality and death.
Yahshua was the model of deference to Divine Will
Yahshua Glorifies YHWH who in turn Glorifies Yahshua.
Self-love is love of our fallen nature
and there's nothing to love about that
Yahshua sets us free from all that.
It's useful to realise that along with self-love,
Yahshua sets us free from all that.
It's useful to realise that along with self-love,
means nothing to the Divine.
By the Light of Spirit self-
glorification is hideously ignorant.
The instruction of the Divine,
allowing for a full measure of Divinity,
is to Love God first and foremost
is to Love God first and foremost
Genetic dabbling was rife in antiquity
and still drives the course of the world.
urge to rebel is an instinct mankind
down through the DNA of generations.
There's massive genetic alignment
to luciferic light and a deep coded resistance
to the Light of God.
Our corrupted flesh denies God, therefore only with
the overriding Light of Spirit can we truly know God.
We are born into sin, therefore its crucial to practise humility
before the Divine. A
lot of humility as it 'appens for before a Holy God
mankind is naked and ashamed. None of us show up in life with God built-in
or even a built-in devotion to God, just a built-in devotion to the world.
All of us awaken into life congenitally fallen yet God still
Loves us and helps (when we look to Him) guide us out of the mess.
As we are we are in no way God. To insist we are is a
As we are we are in no way God. To insist we are is a
highly irresponsible even dangerous way to think and teach.
Who do you think Yahshua went off in seclusion to pray to?
Himself? Nope. His higher-self? Stop that, it's silly.
For all the urge for rebellion against the system it's
utterly stupid being rebellious before Spirit. But that's what the
new age is,
rebellious before Spirit, and utterly stupid by it.
I feel zero pleasure writing this stuff. It hurts me;
but I've an overriding urge to speak truths most shy away from.
I find it difficult even looking at new agers these days, they make me
physically ill. But I must witness. To keep abreast of things I have to
look at what they're doing and hear what they say.
I thank GOD I'm no longer charmed by
their madness tinged
spiritual narcissisms.
I can't help but see through their theology to the core corruption.
Nowadays I'm interested in the transmission of Pure Spirit:
Nobody in the new age is doing that...
I've looked around extensively, and no one alive - in hinduism,
buddhism, gnosticism or the new age - offers me the assurance of
a genuine godman or woman. Something always gives them away.
They're all so patently
of the world. Of the fallen light.
Aside from the Ruach ha' Qodesh we don't
have a true Representative of God upon the earth.
have a true Representative of God upon the earth.
I'm sorry for the old friends I'm
losing but I hope they come to Christ.
I'll tread on a few toes right here but contrary
to popular beliefs all healing is not
A gamut of healing systems are available nowadays:
an ever growing supermarket
of techniques.
They all divert faith into fantasy not reality.
The popular Reiki healing systems fall
under the fallacious new age umbrella.
Sourced from buddhism, reiki is procured from the
ubiquitous "buddhafield," which is really the luciferfield
with all it's imposed thought forms, symbols
and "sacred" geometries.
I've heard tell that after a few reiki sessions:
"Fundamental changes
will set in
and new things will start to develop."
But of course they will.
It's no surprise that people come into contact with new ideas after
Reiki treatment, or start yoga or autogenous training or begin to meditate
upon themselves, or practise some other "spiritual" method...
Healing energy is a strange thing in buddhism because the "Buddha"
never healed anyone. He couldn't because he wasn't allied with the
Buddhism doesn't include God, giving all the excuses new agers
need to fall over themselves in entertainment of buddhist transmissions
without adhering to buddhism's ultra strict disciplines.
Anything other than hearken to that pesky ol' Jesus Christ!
is an offshoot of pagan/pantheisic hinduism.
Gautama Buddha rejected some fundamental hindu beliefs and formulated
his separatist and extremely austere "buddhist" way. Then the renowned
Adi Shankara - who consolidated the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta - came
along and denounced buddhism. What more proof do you need
that it's just a lotta crazy ass stupid shit fooling millions.
The constitutionally indisciplined new age romanticises
inherently austere buddhism and makes it appealing.... But all in all
Reiki energy is in resonance with a glamorized aspect of the luciferfield -
giving a transmission of energy that feeeels good but acts like a placebo.
If you have faith it will have somewhat of an affect but it's temporary
because people don't wanna change themselves from within.
Only the Holy Spirit can do that effectively.
I've heard of christians feeling physically sick after a reiki session
and that's simply because reiki don't chime with the Divine.
Besides reiki we have other "healing" systems emerging from the
ingenuity of supernal beings projecting energy fields for purposes of controlling
man's fallen nature, such as the egyptian gods influenced system of Seichem and
the exotic hawaiian/pagan spirits of Karuna treatments.
Then we have the popularity of buddhist chants such as
to awaken our buddha nature and get all we desire in life.
Cor Blimey!
If there's a more profound misunderstanding of core buddhist precepts
I haven't seen it; but that doesn't stop the massed ranks of idiot savants forsaking
cosmic fallacies and facing actually reality: just go about your lives folks, chant
a lot of pseudo-mystical psycho-babble and become an affluent buddha!
Utterly Ridiculous. The buddha would be
appalled by the lot of 'em. If he was real...
Just goes to show how inextricably locked
into the razzle-dazzle aspects of the luciferfield
hordes of people actually are.
And all of it is associated with kundalini "awakening"
with it's idyllic notions of an inner divine spark.
I make no apologies for any offence taken because I'm offering the
hand of the Holy Spirit - through me to you - and I'm pretty sure that
for some people I'm the only chance of that happening.
for some people I'm the only chance of that happening.
Instantaneous healing
is Divine:
restoring withered hands, giving sight to the blind, hearing
to the deaf; healing loved ones from afar with a word; curing leprosy,
casting out demons, bringing people back from the dead. That's Divine healing in action, not the widespread facsimiles available today.
The only time mass miracles happened as a matter
of course and fact were performed by Yahshua and His disciples in obedience
to the Father and empowered by the Ruach ha'Qodesh.
There's such a dire lack of faith in, and
recognition of, the Power of the Most High that
many have to accept buddhist/pagan substitutes.
Let's keep things in perspective:
Christ came to earth, demonstrated Love in action and Miracles abounding
yet we turn our heads in disbelief then look for fashionable alternatives; healing
systems that allow us to believe that we're doing the work, not God. They claim
it's the universe, which they are part of. It's their power so they can take the
credit. And the indomitable pride that comes with it.
Failing to discern the difference between
the Divine and imitation is a glaring factor of
our intimate and
global tragicomedy.
New age systems of healing besmirch the Power of God.
Kundalini is a carnal caricature of the Ruach ha' Qodesh.
If you don't resonate with this message you really oughta
do somethin about it 'cos - in Spirit - resonance is not a factor.
Spirit moves beyond the resonances of creation.
Real spirituality ain't about
I'm sure I've mentioned that 😉
If feelings are your god the actual God won't reinforce them
but give you over
to strong delusion. If I wanted, I could make myself feel real good about myself,
delirious even; but feelings are secondary to the truth. My feelings are
changing. Becoming more refined: God is giving me HIS desires.
This is the true paradigm shift:
out of flesh absorption into Spiritual Realisation.
We can't mix the two. Not in the fallen
state anyway. Only in make-believe.
Somehow, through all the pressing new age persuasions I blessedly stayed
wide open to the eventual cognizance of Spirit, where for a long long time I was profoundly ignorant, even dead against such things. Now I know what I know
I wouldn't wanna do the new age again. I find it ludicrous to dismiss truth
'cos I don't like the sound of it; because it "resonates" me up the wrong way.
Truth is startling yet beautiful in it's heft and clout. Truth only appears harsh
and invasive to the fallen state body/mind. With the Ruach holding our heart
(being ever the comforter) truth is so much easier to accept. I feel sorry for those who filter truth through their personal bias' and spiritual prejudice, accepting
or rejecting thereof, because they're missing out on so much Glorious insight.
The terminally self-obsessed new age is indicative of the spiritual
plight of
humanity, and the rampant spiritual narcissism is expressive of un-
reproved pride arising from spiritual short sightedness. The vain intellectual
gymnastics proffered
by many mad metaphysicians obscures the Light of Spirit.
Truth can be unsettling because material life
is at variance with Spirit and the fallen state of our
flesh is utterly estranged from the Living God.
I for one can no longer accept the inane ideas,
doctrines or utterings that arise from the heart of
any man or woman not born again of Spirit.
New age motivations are set upon material governances - on the familiar
ways of the world - not trusting wholly on Divinity and God's willingness to
provide everything we need to grow Spiritually. Techno-materialism is a temporary arrangement, not who we truly are or what we're really about. Things are put in
perspective with the cognition that the flesh and all it's pleasures are
utter darkness compared to the Spirit and Light of God.
The gamut of carnal new agers promoting
"tantra" and raising serpent powers ain't gonna
ascend the planet. Quite the opposite in fact...
... the dark spirits suck it all up with a straw.
would have us believe, we can't truly love and know
God through "cosmic" relationships or techno-materialism. And despite
of what any mystical hauteur proclaims, money doesn't equal Divine Energy, it equals the corrupt system
mankind has served under for
The illuminati control money flow at it's source, they made cash the lifeblood of the system, producing supply and lack, riches and poverty, masters and servants. The desire for personal well-being mixed with a primal fear of lack, loss and death compels millions and millions into
a ruthless pursuit of wealth.
Anyone who follows their own whims and ways and thinks they have a unique access to truth is a bullshitter pure and simple, yet so many love to think they know better, and have all sorts of angels, star beings and ass-ended masters
telling them they're right, that it's ok to have anything they want simply because they want it. The Presence of the Holy Spirit would be a complete shock to them.
Only Spirit brings the genuine abundance we're all
searching for, and that Abundance is Heavenly NOT material.
The Scriptures tell the truth:
"No man can serve two masters:
for either he will hate the one, and love
the other;
or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
cannot serve God and mammon."
This is the point:
"... seek ye first the kingdom of God, and
His righteousness; and all these things
shall be added unto you."
It couldn't be more clearly stated.
Genuine abundance flows when we
relinquish our need to control and give
ourselves entirely to Divine Authority.
Coming to the end of ourselves
Coming to the end of ourselves
we reach the beginning of God.
For all the claims of following Jesus, many
young christians desire the things of the world.
Popularity goes right to many a christian head, and
they become ever so distastefully sanctimonious: finding
fault in each others teachings and manner.
I've witnessed internet arguments breaking out
between christians quoting scriptural verses in
attack and defence. I mean it's demented.
They're no better than the roman catholic
church ex communicating each other all to hell.
Along with spiritual bigotry, holier than
thou pedantry is rife within christendom.
Satan works overtime on the body of Christ;
zeroing in
on immature and backsliding christians; easily slipping into
emotional nooks and crannies - subtly kindling corruption from
During Yahshua's baptism the holy Spirit alighted upon Him
and right away He was led into the desert to be tempted of the devil.
But Yahshua stood strong in the Word, even the Old Testament Word,
passing the tests with flying colours. Many new christians
simply don't;
but that don't stop 'em setting up their own ministries.
They think everything going through their mind comes from the
Holy Spirit and they presume things that are blatantly untrue, naively
assuming that they're hearing from the Father.
But they're hearing from a spirit very far from Him.
Satan leads them right off the
narrow path to his version of the truth.
Sacred humility gives way to pride and
we get hosts of pseudo-christian nut-jobs
preaching smarmy, downright unholy sermons.
Christian youtubers can be slimier than all hell:
admonishing each other
under pretenses of edification; squabbling among
themselves; backstabbing;
falling out and making videos exposing each
other. It's just so much spiritually
immature behaviour. I've noticed even the more senior christians can
become annoyingly puffed-up with pride and self-righteousness.
In the face of the RCC's thoroughly pagan religion and right up the noses of those who like to pounce on it's rampant despotism as proof of biblical errancy: with what I know now I can confidently surmise that God used evil for good. The Ruach guided the biblical compilers - even using the politics of the time to get the true Word set down - because it really is as it was meant to be, regardless of what the world
Like everyone Mary was a born sinner, as she so frankly stated, Mary's role was simply to give birth and raise Yahshua.
Someone had to, turns out Mary was highly favoured: Every saved soul magnifies the Lord It's no wonder Mary rhapsodized over her blessings.
God hates those who sow discord among the brethren. It hurts Him. You like hurting God? You're hurting yourself too and you're gonna be real sorry. Yahshua asked us to love each other as He has loved us," by this shall all men know that you are my disciples, that you have Love one to another." Across the broad spectrum of faiths I don't see a lot of evidence of that, some but not much. Maybe I don't get out enough but what I see on the internet is often deeply divisive. There's not much yielding either, just folded arms and an attitude of I'm right, you're wrong, look I can prove it in scripture... Pride not God is uppermost in many christian hearts. When it comes to agape love so many christians just don't get it.
We need to watch out for "biblical smatterers" quoting
biblical passages yet keep 'em way out of context and ignore
a lot of other very important things.
When observing christians it's helpful to surmise if we're learning
more about Yahshua or about them. It's usually the latter.
Like new agers hosts of christians communicate
with deviant spirits pretending to be holy.
My God what a sick twisted world we live in 😨
My God what a sick twisted world we live in 😨
This is a demon infested world and good reason why genuine spirituality is so darn strict and the narrow way so very narrow. Spirit points straight down the narrow Way but our busy intellects get in the way, our monkey minds muffle the still small voice. In this psychically polluted world it's not what we think that's important but what God thinks and to properly hear Him we have to be real radical and give up the deceptive ways of the flesh, pride and ego by dying to ourselves and following the others centered Way of Yahshua/Jesus Christ.
By the Ruach we're rendered true brothers and sisters -
united in a Light that allows us to see the lies of the world
along with instilling the urge to expose them.
Satan walks about as a roaring lion,
seeking whom he may devour.
the "anointed cherub who covers" satan knows the
things of God and
scripture very well. He perverts the truth
by twisting and turning it
into abject lies.
Satan got into the heads of some early church fathers
the same
as he did in Simon Peter's, Judas Iscariot's, new agers or
of earnest spiritual aspiration. Some were more resistant than
others, but there's no getting away from the spirit of satan.
All we can do is cover ourselves in the Light of truth
Much has been done to pervert the truth vibrations set off by Yahshua's brief descent into the world and the christians proceeding, the original followers of the Way. The Roman Catholic Church - sponsored by luciferic light - hijacked judeo-christian scripture and made them their own: hell bent on forming a unifying religion amid the many conflicting beliefs of the time they took full control, eventually slaughtering millions of non-conformists for crimes of "heresy"
This isn't about protestantism anymore, it's about exposing darkness.
to the practice of syncretism in the Roman Catholic church the pagan
holidays were embraced and glossed over with a Christian veneer. The day
of celebration for the unconquerable Sun became a day of commemoration
for the birth of the Son of God. The Catholic Mary and baby Jesus
portraits and statues/figurines originate in ancient Babylon and are in
fact pagan worship: Yahshoda/Krishna, Semiramis/tammuz, Isis/Horus et
The BLOOD on the hands of Roman Catholicism is verily appalling.
By the Light of Spirit the RCC shows up as a thoroughly
pagan religion practising idolatry and honouring/worshipping
(same thing) graven images depicting a female deity, which is expressly
forbidden by God in the second commandment, which, incredibly,
forbidden by God in the second commandment, which, incredibly,
They criminally cancelled the second commandment
not to make graven images of anything on earth or in heaven.
They split the last commandment in two to retain TEN Commandments!
Catholicism is but one glaring example of taking Scripture
and twisting the meaning to conform to vain theology.
In the face of the RCC's thoroughly pagan religion and right up the noses of those who like to pounce on it's rampant despotism as proof of biblical errancy: with what I know now I can confidently surmise that God used evil for good. The Ruach guided the biblical compilers - even using the politics of the time to get the true Word set down - because it really is as it was meant to be, regardless of what the world
wants you to believe.
By the Light of Spirit the Biblical narrative flows most beautifully.
With those ol' eyes to see God's Word shines
brightly through any surface discrepancies.
"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers,
"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers,
so that they cannot see the Light of the gospel"
The Biblical books make perfect sense in relation
The Biblical books make perfect sense in relation
to each other, whereas the gnostic gospels are clearly
deviant and split in vision. Gnostic cosmology is fanciful
to say the least - and entirely fictional to boot.
Everything we need to know to
put our minds back on God, and keep it there,
is presented in the inspired Word of God
The Word was brought together coherently - with no trace of gnosticism - and preserved: that couldn't be prevented from happening. Any perceived corruptions are in translation, interpretation and no little misrepresentation. The Roman Catholic Church perpetrated one of the most heinous deceptions ever, setting up
The Word was brought together coherently - with no trace of gnosticism - and preserved: that couldn't be prevented from happening. Any perceived corruptions are in translation, interpretation and no little misrepresentation. The Roman Catholic Church perpetrated one of the most heinous deceptions ever, setting up
a massive smokescreen to obscure the truth by paganising the Word; stealthily morphing it into goddess worship and preventing people from
worshipping the real God in their own heart.
The church became the official mediator between God
and man, essentially replacing the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Roman Catholics don't have the Holy Spirit.
And an apostate "goddess" still
going by the vainest of nomenclatures:
Roman Catholicism is oversouled by an
ancient pagan goddess disguised as Jesus' mother.
The self-same goddess of many guises
operating in all the worlds religious cosmolatry.
essentially pagan it's no surprise the RCC honors/worships
before graven images depicting a female deity in the guise
"holy mother Mary."
Regarding the Marian apparitions of Fatima, Lourdes
and Medjugorje read 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 and understand
that the Catholic church honours/worships a pagan
manifesting as an angel of light
"Our lady of Guadalupe" - for instance - is a 16th century appearance of the "virgin" Mary occuring in the environs of a temple dedicated to the Aztecs mother goddess Tonantzin. That in itself should raise an alarm: the serial human sacrificing Aztecs had a mother goddess? For sure and it's the same pagan currently "rising" new age goddess at work, seeking attention and veneration. As she surreptitiously did throughout the bloody history of the RCC - in return for her "benedictions."
Certainly a goddess of darkness.
Ain't it curious how the
RCC calls itself "Mother Church"
Lets keep things in perspective:
the Holy Spirit testifies
of a Glorified Jesus Christ
No one else.
Roman Catholicism blatantly LIES about Jesus' mother.
There's no inherent Deity in mother Mary:
Jesus was both God and man:
Mary was the mother of His manhood,
not His GODHOOD.
When God chose a young woman for the high honor of
becoming the mother of the Saviour He didn't use pot luck and
take some frivolous worldly girl living carefree. He chose a
pious young woman who delighted in doing
the Will of God.
"I rejoice in the Lord my Saviour." Mary and Joseph had to go make a sin offering.
Mary sure was blessed, however, as Yahshua so succinctly said: we're
all blessed if
we believe on HIM. In fact we're more blessed than Mary, or any
1st century
disciple, because we believe yet haven't seen (John 20:29)
Someone had to, turns out Mary was highly favoured:
Blessed among women.
Not ABOVE women.
A significant factor in the choice of
Mary was the bloodline of King David.
Mary and Joseph were direct descendants.
Mary was the bloodline of King David.
Mary and Joseph were direct descendants.
According to Matthew’s Gospel, it's evident the throne
rights were Joseph's and yet he was living in obscurity, earning his way as a
carpenter. Everything was out of order because again Israel had drifted away
from God. They were in subjection to Roman authority and Joseph, a son of
King David, moved about among them unknown and ignored. He was not to
become the actual father of Jesus but he was to be recognized legally
as His father because he married the virgin before her child
was born, thus giving her the protection of his name.
If it was true I think Yahshua would
have strongly asserted Mary's ultra-deific
significance for all future generations.
But no, like any good hebrew/Jew He
honoured His mother but never exalted her:
"And it came to pass, as he spake these things, a certain woman
"And it came to pass, as he spake these things, a certain woman
of the company lifted up her
voice, and said unto him, Blessed is the womb
that bare thee, and the
paps which thou hast sucked. But he said,
Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it."
Yahshua dealt with that nonsense immediately.
Yahshua dealt with that nonsense immediately.
There's only one
mediator 'tween God
and man and it ain't Yahshua's mother.
During Yahshua's transfiguration God
didn't say listen to His mother. He said:
"this is my beloved Son, hear Him."
And we do hear Him clearly recorded in scripture.
Much is made of the angel Gabriel's visit to Mary; but regardless of what
Catholics believe, for Mary it was completely unexpected. She
was initially troubled
by the sudden appearance of the holy angel, who put her
at ease with words of peace and encouragement. Angels speak uplifting
words to the favored of God,
sometimes with gentle sarcasm too, like
when the Angel of the Lord
(Jesus) visited Gideon:
"The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour."
Gideon certainly wasn't a mighty man of valour at that time,
he wasn't a
hero or an outstanding man. He was a coward thrashing wheat
by a
winepress - out of sight of the ruling Midianites. Samson's parents
were visited by the same Angel (who's name is wonderful).
God makes statements/promises as if they are
even when they aren't. That's how God works.
Like anyone would be she was blown away by it all.
"... and (Joseph) knew her not UNTIL
she had brought forth her firstborn son."
The woman clothed in the sun in revelation
Hannah, the mother of
the prophet Samuel,
also considered herself handmaid of the Lord and
also waxed poetic at the miraculous gift of a child
(1 Samuel 2: 1-10)
"immaculate conception" is another flagrant fallacy:
nowhere in scripture does it say Mary's mother
conceived her as a virgin. It's a tradition born of lies.
Mary didn't practise celibacy.
She ain't an eternal virgin:
she had brought forth her firstborn son."
(Matthew 1:25)
Knowing someone in biblical
terms means sexual union.
Nothing else.
clearly reveals that
Yahshua had half brothers and sisters:
"While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him. Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee. But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother"
Matthew 12: 46-50
Matthew 12: 46-50
It's pretty clear: after Yahshua, Mary
had sexual relations
with Joseph and gave birth to more children the
natural way.
The virgin birth was a unique miracle never preceded or repeated.
The gospel of Luke describes the birth in more detail than the others. Luke was a doctor, a gentile physician working under the hippocratic oath. Medicine was fairly well advanced with careful training; like today good Doctors were observant, analytical, factual, very careful in their records and practice and all that
came out in Luke's gospel and the book of Acts.
Luke travelled with the apostle Paul, he walked and talked with
Yahshua's disciples and others who knew Him. Such as Yahshua's mother.
God used a doctor to describe in greater detail the virgin birth:
Luke travelled with the apostle Paul, he walked and talked with
Yahshua's disciples and others who knew Him. Such as Yahshua's mother.
God used a doctor to describe in greater detail the virgin birth:
anincredible yet fascinating event for a physician to consider.
Good doctors are skilled at finding things out.
Good doctors are skilled at finding things out.
Luke was a very good doctor. Intimate, with a great bedside manner. A
sensitivity to people. He got all the details from Mary, who, being generally very
discreet and keeping all these things in her heart, opened up to Dr. Luke.
While highly controversial, even punishable by death,
Mary kept the truth of her pregnancy from Joseph and trusted
God to sort things out. And God put Joseph straight in a dream.
Prior to that, Joseph - being a just man unwilling to put her to shame -
had a mind to divorce privately (Matthew 1:9) but it all turned out
beautifully and many decades later Mary revealed to Luke the
miraculous events surrounding Yahshua's unique birth.
The woman clothed in the sun in revelation
ain't mother Mary but an allusion to the nation Israel,
explained here
not Simon Peter, the so called little rock.
God is referred to as the Rock numerous times in the old testament, as in 1 Samuel 2:1-10 mentioned above,
and in the Psalms. All of which Yahshua was well acquainted with.
Statements as true today as they were 2000 years ago.
The deceptive spirits of antiquity remain with us.
Human terms sanctity is no sanctity at all.
Any presumed "censorship" accusations on the
part of christianity are provocative but invalid.
That sort of deep delusion goes on all the time. People take the utterings of discarnate spirit's as gospel truth and never think for a second they're being lied to. Our psychic atmosphere is choc-full of unscrupulous entities and other shady denizens exploiting man's fallen nature, yet people don't care for that sorta data, they prefer info-packages that makes 'em feel good. They positively hate to think they're being deceived. It's just not on.
Nowadays gnosticism is glamorized by those who
assume authority to add to or subtract from gnostic ideals
to conform to their presumed "evolved" spirituality.
We can safely and securely look to Jesus for all our answers.
While revising this section Spirit put on my heart that - in lieu of Yahshua's
“I spoke openly to the world; I ever
We gotta be super careful, and ever watchful amidst the sly
"We have also a more sure
word of prophecy; whereunto
Simona is a good example of the sort of new age
"God's anger at sin can't be understood apart from his own
The Rock the true church is founded upon is Spiritual:
Eternal Jesus Himself, not the mortal man Simon Peter.
Eternal Jesus Himself, not the mortal man Simon Peter.
The RCC wasn't founded on Simon Peter, it was founded on Simon Magus:
Roman Catholicism is a LIE folks. It LIES about
everything it is, and it sure does like to tell you that you'll be
harshly judged by God for not believing their LIES.
Truly saved people simply cannot accept the implicitly
biased explanations/excuses given by the blind RCC apologists.
The idea that Catholics are living a complete lie is so utterly incomprehensible
to a great many of them that they refuse to consider it rationally, prefering instead
the church's twisted rationality. As it happens Satan is a master of rationality; he's
a genius at getting people to - ever so resolutely - believe his lies. That's why the
Apostle Paul advised us to put on the whole armour of God.
Roman Catholicism ain't
representative of true christianity,
it's a Frankenstein monster:
truly the church of satan.
representative of true christianity,
it's a Frankenstein monster:
truly the church of satan.
If you don't believe me, go listen to WF. WHITE over at
Soul Refuge. A razor sharp ex catholic converted by the Holy Spirit.
👇Link here 👇
just as there will
be false teachers among you. They will
secretly introduce destructive
heresies, even denying the
sovereign Lord who bought them..."
"False prophets will rise up and deceive many."
The deceptive spirits of antiquity remain with us.
modern new age spiritualities are fluffy bastardisations of eastern religions
sans the strict austerities: ultra serious faiths made
glamorous to suit the shallow minded multitudes stupefied by
hyper-delusional mystical trends. That the mainstream religions of the world were
instigated and are still run by deviant spiritual beings escapes the notice
of billions. It all arises from fatuous, implanted notions that we don't have to
sacrifice anything in "genuine" spirituality, instead we
can have it all. We can spiritualise the secular world on our terms to suit ourselves.
Nowadays even the Buddha is a businessman.
The more people come into the
world the more bullshit enters
For a long time my young new age self was fascinated by
gnosticism. I read
the gnostic texts many times, lapping 'em up like
a thirsty
dog: there
must be profound truth contained therein I thought,
being so deliciously subversive and against mainstream christianity:
we've all been fooled by christians for too long!
The gnostics surely possessed the truth!
However, in the Light of Spirit
ancient conceits
and erroneous beliefs stand out clear.
There are many books available with attractive parchment
covers containing the "sacred" Nag
Hammadi scriptures. But hold on
one second: who said they were sacred? And by who's authority?
Because they're old and found in clay pots?
Nope, they aren't sacred.
This blog is more sacred 😁
Human terms sanctity is no sanctity at all.
Quite a lot is presumed about the many texts excluded
from the Bible, as if
the ones included are some sorta
Nazi style propaganda.
But there's a simple reason why some texts weren't included:
they weren't inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Contrary to popular belief,
being written in antiquity doesn't make a text a valid source
of spiritual truth. Why should it? The original gnostics were under
strong luciferian deceptions same as we are, differently expressed.
Just 'cos a text says "Jesus said" don't mean He really said it.
By the Light of Spirit the gospel of Thomas in particular comes across as
a hodgepodge of spurious greek philosophy mixed with cod hinduism. But that
don't stop multitudes of cosmic hauteurs and spiritual pooh-bahs grabbing
the gnostic texts and running with them for all they're worth,
in satisfaction of vain theologies.
I read all the gnostic gospels back in the mid eighties, concurrent with receiving Prem Rawat's (Guru Maharaj Ji's) "knowledge" meditation techniques. I learned gnosticism with a hindu mindset; but in Spirit there's nothing truthful about gnosticism. The resurgent gnostic "gospels" aren't Divinely Inspired.
Gnosticism is paganism infused by the pantheistic (pagan)
hindu rishis and their "gods" mixed with the pagan greeks and their "gods"
and the syrian-egyptians (and their "gods"). And yet, as befits a densely
spiritually fractured world, gnostic cosmology is out on it's own:
entirely independent
of Hindu cosmology.
It's clear that many astute people made a lot of
shit up as they "progressed" along their "spiritual"
paths, oversouled by those ubiquitous
luciferian spirit guides.
We've inherited some fantastical cosmologies:
the buddhist Samsara,
the hindu creation cycle,
the Urantia book,
Theosophical history,
the Keys of Enoch,
the Council of Nine etc
thrown into a mad mix of esoteric duplicity.
All of 'em proffering extremely
divergent views of a spiritual cosmos.
None of which are actually true.
The eastern mystical concept of God is wrong because it is pantheistic.
We gotta look at the wide variety of supra-cosmologies in context in relation to the greater whole. They're so many virtual - but not quite - realities sponsored by
dark spiritual beings adept at lying, who's whole vocation is to LIE. The gamut of disparate visions betray a profound disharmony of the lower spiritual and astral realms. Many try hard to unify the diverse psuedo-cosmologies to their own self-satisfaction (and make a big chunk o' cash out of it) but the
only dominant unity I can see is the ancient rebellion against the
a stark disunity organised into a loose
semblance of order.
Following years of interest in far eastern
religions and gnosticism I know by Spirit
that those
approaches to God are not genuine
but are rife with the strongest delusion.
The eastern mystical concept of God is wrong because it is pantheistic.
Pantheism - better known these days by the trendy term panpsychism - is paganism by any other name. The core panpsychic belief is that nature is an aspect of God; but nature as we know it is not identical to Divinity. In Heaven life does not feed upon life. There's no death. The pantheon of
hindu gods and goddesses, and all deities of the world, are fallen beings of one sort or other, in rebellion against the Divine.
They transform into pagan spirits by any other
name and play on the naked psyche of mankind.
Meditation opens the mind into the
spiritual realms sure, but into
the fallen spiritual realms and a great
many become spirit possessed:
serious shit and no mistake.
important to understand that ancient goddess devotion and
affiliated belief systems (such as gnosticism) are essentially pagan and
anti-Christ. The gnostic texts were written by conceited,
innately heathen sects
holding grudges
against the passion of the early Spirit-filled christians - the
followers of the Way - desiring to foster doubt in the popular mind
and confusion among the faithful.
The matter of genuine spirituality always brings
out the worst in people, and we must never
the canny resourcefulness of pagans: the entire world is
their resource - along with all of it's deception.
We can suss-out the mindset of antiquity
simply by lookin at the people of our day.
The ancients were endowed with God-given intellect and ingenuity same
as we are; but like today it's used (largely) in service against Divine truth. To counter the persistent, despised christian surgence politics came into play and spies employed. Alternative sects arose and other factions,
all jostling to be heard; squabbling among themselves.
"Gospels" were written and authorship feigned as they sought
to offset the Way and bolster their own knowledge and prestige.
Nothings changed:
Exactly like today a lot of theological
bullshit abounded with plenty of
forthright nutters runnin amok, pushin'
their own prissy spin on truth.
Antiquity was a mad melting pot of theology
and mysticism vigorously stirred by Ha-Shatan 👿
Gnosticism peddles a false Christ
and a false gospel; reports fake
news and heinous fabrications of the
Unique Deity of Yeshu/Jesus Christ.
part of christianity are provocative but invalid.
I've a lot to say about gnosticism 😁
I have revelation knowledge.
I have an unction from the Holy Spirit
and trying to cram a lotta things in.
I can't wax poetic about
gnosticism 'cos it's full of LIES
by far eastern religions and luciferianism
disguised as new age, spiritual
freedom is all the rage these days
- especially before the self-perceived
injustice of a Creator God.
Which is really what it's all about (with
eyes to see)
So many fail to comprehend that their spiritual "freedoms"
are founded in ancient esoteric subterfuge and spiritual felony.
As dissident as anything, gnostics proffer yet
disparate set of fantastical ideas and peddle a cosmos
populated by emanations of the pleroma called aeons
and dark, disruptive entities known as archons:
as it happens the entities guiding the likes of David Icke.
Gnostics taught a very strict dualism: spirit was good,
matter was bad, therefore the good God (pure spirit)
can have nothing to do with the material world.
They taught that God Himself didn't create the material world,
He worked through lesser spirits or angels who served as intermediaries.
God couldn't have contact with the material world but He could have contact with a lesser spirit (Aeon), and that spirit could contact another lesser spirit and on down the line until you reached a lesser spirit who could have
contact with the material realms, and he created everything.
matter was bad, therefore the good God (pure spirit)
can have nothing to do with the material world.
They taught that God Himself didn't create the material world,
He worked through lesser spirits or angels who served as intermediaries.
God couldn't have contact with the material world but He could have contact with a lesser spirit (Aeon), and that spirit could contact another lesser spirit and on down the line until you reached a lesser spirit who could have
contact with the material realms, and he created everything.
Gnostics believed Abba Father YHWH wasn't
Most High
God at all, just a crazed demiurge;
an ignorant evil despot and lesser
Yeah Right.
Holy Spirit begs to differ.
Holy Spirit begs to differ.
Jesus Christ flat out refuted
them by coming in His body of flesh. “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.”
By now you should understand that there are
spiritual powers both good and bad manipulating
minds and causing the discovery of lost texts.
Finding the Nag Hammadi scriptures so close in time to
Dead Sea Scrolls only served to stoke the latent fires of spiritual
dissension and rebellion of our day. Just because the gnostic texts were
secreted away and efforts made to preserve them for posterity doesn't
justify gnosticism, it merely means that (like today) in antiquity a lotta
self-righteous folks believed wholeheartedly they possessed the truth.
But they didn't have the Spirit of truth.
With renewed mind I notice the smug arrogance of gnostics;
so convinced are they of
superior knowledge yet so blind to the truth
that they ignorantly promote the usual pretences of superior
endemic to corrupted esoterisms and twisted metaphysics.
Gnostic retorts are often spiteful and provocative.
When informed of the Light of Spirit
they become vindictive;
instead of
acknowledgement and humility before the Divine
resolutely dig in and espouse personal sovereignty over creation -
a do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law rectitude -
effectively dethroning Jesus Christ and plonking
themselves firmly on creations throne.
Now I'm with the Spirit of truth
I wholeheartedly reject gnosticism.
Spirit pulled me out of the luciferian/new age,
humbled me and opened my eyes to the unique
Divinity of Yeshua/Jesus Christ.
I see everything in a different Light 😁
Out of curiosity, I
recently perused the "Apocryphon of John" and
reacted completely different from my gnostic youth. Where once there
was absorbed fascination, this time there was the spirit of rebuke
That's RuachVision.
Nowadays my only interest in
gnosticism comes from realising
just how deluded and divorced
from Divinity it actually is.
The "Apocryphon of John" is a spiritually criminal book of
the profoundest esoteric duplicity written
by vexed people under
the influence of anti-Christ spirits severely disgruntled by the passion
of the Spirit-filled early christians. You can choose to look at it from
the gnostic perspective of
course, but that's how Spirit sees it.
Gnostic texts aren't even Scripture
because genuine scripture is Spirit
which the nag hammadi texts are not.
The only indication of the sacred
in a faith is the stamp of the
Ruach ha' Qodesh
Which gnosticism doesn't have.
Gnosticism is a multifaceted FARCE inspired of
luciferian beings and the belligerent pagan "goddess."
For all the charges
against the veracity of the biblical gospels its the gnostic texts
that were written by men, even possessed men antagonistic towards
the followers of the Way. It's helpful to reiterate that along with the Spirit of truth, the enemy of truth was abroad in the world (just like today); always lookin for people within
which to find expression and - just like today - was greatly successful in
achieving it's goals.
Texts inspired of the Light of Spirit
not of men (by their own light) are the
sacred writings that can be considered truth
The goddess sure is productive.
Inspired of the goddess, spiritual
misapprehension and misrepresentation avidly dwells within
the modern gnostic heart. Assuming cosmic preeminence leading gnostics
insist on being seen and heard. Puffed up with false cosmology
some take self-esteem to ridiculous levels, perversely believing they're aspects of "Sophia" or incarnated emanations of the aforementioned "aeons" on equal terms with - or
even higher than - Yahshua: effectively usurping Yahshua's actual preeminence.
arch gnostic Samael Aun Weor's nutty babblings (actually don't, he'll
corrupt you) for the craziness of more contemporary gnostics,
spiritualising sex to absurd degrees of uber-delusion. Weor's followers,
and large numbers of people because of him, were led to believe sex is
path to spiritual realization. But it leads to the polar
opposite, merely entangling gnostics deeper within the illusions of
state matter, which - ironically - is not the point of original
gnosticism but something the dark spirits around "Samael" cooked up with a deviant mind and served out with venereal relish.
That sort of deep delusion goes on all the time. People take the utterings of discarnate spirit's as gospel truth and never think for a second they're being lied to. Our psychic atmosphere is choc-full of unscrupulous entities and other shady denizens exploiting man's fallen nature, yet people don't care for that sorta data, they prefer info-packages that makes 'em feel good. They positively hate to think they're being deceived. It's just not on.
Well, feeling good is all well and good; but everything is
warped 'n' twisted in this fallen world: feeling good - feeling spiritual
(WTF does that feel like?) - makes a lot of people come to a
lotta imperiously stupid ideas.
Whenever "secret teaching" is posited you can be
sure of vainglorious bullshit simply because GOD is out in the open
by design of His creation; for those with eyes to See and ears to Hear.
There is no secret to Yahshua. He's quite exoteric
and openly presented in the biblical gospels. There's no
hidden knowledge set aside for the few, just a truth so plain
and in your face most cannot - or will not - see it.
There's no gnosis in YHWH:
all is revealed by the Ruach.
No two ways about it:
the indwelling Ruach ha' Qodesh
is the difference between a gnostic
and a true follower of Yahshua
(the Way)
As with the new age, what gigantically obnoxious
ego's are spawned by radical gnostic luciferianism.
assume authority to add to or subtract from gnostic ideals
to conform to their presumed "evolved" spirituality.
Their sense of spiritual entitlement knows no bounds!
It's clearly the ancient spiritual rebellion at work in
their naturally corrupted hearts finding modern expressions.
The original gnostics were certainly rebels but they
were far
from romantic. They considered creation and the material
body intrinsically evil. Even something to be set free from.
By contrast Yahshua's
incarnation exalted the body, first by
being conceived in the womb of a virgin then by taking on human form
and giving it the glorious
expression of God in the flesh
Yahshua pays the human body the highest
compliment by making it His dwelling place.
His body is His earthly temple
People love to coat Yahshua in new age veneers: giving their
own interpretation, removing things they don't "resonate" with,
taking chapters and verse way out of context and twisting them to
suit their vain theologies (and bank balance). But this ex new ager
sees it is wrong to do so. Very wrong
for one am not gonna indulge anyones "cosmic"
ego by pushing a personal
spin on Yahshua's life.
Certainly not one that satisfies new agers.
Many deceitful spirits impersonate Yahshua because
it's imperative that the truth is distorted in our minds.*
(*A Course in Miracles was purportedly dictated by Jesus, but
only the more gullible among us continue to believe that
to be true....
There is strong evidence it was a MK-ULTRA project).
Imitating Jesus and God are the prime real estate
for building and selling the most EPIC spiritual lies.
I can readily understand the concerns
about gnosticism during the first centuries A.D.
It's no surprise gnostic sects arose soon after Yahshua's Ascension because
the spirit of satan did all he could to counter the truth. Satan went to town:
anyone not under the Light of Spirit was fair game.
Nothing's changed:
Like today the ancients were witless vessels of the fallen light. Luciferians
advocate gnosticism, as many of it's modern proponents openly
Gnostics look to luciferiansim to bolster their bullshit theologies.
Which again is no surprise when you realise the epinoia,
or inner light, is fallen and covered by the light of lucifer.
or inner light, is fallen and covered by the light of lucifer.
Gnosticism is luciferianism
(birds of a feather flock together)
They're the same colour see 😁
are those professing it to be a good thing. But there's
nothing good or innocent about luciferianism. It isn't a means to a
glorious end. As it happens it's thoroughly anti-Christ.
Luciferianism is imbued with fallen light and when the
"event" happens - which is really the Divine Hand
finally and
decisively acting upon the world - the fallen light won't
transformed and made good:
it'll be cast into outer darkness.
You can be positive all you want, meditate every day
and be mindful (or mindless) all the way; but if you're
in the light of Lucifer you'll be cast out along with it.
Serious shit an' no mistake
There's no imminent new age style
planetary ascension to the fifth dimension.
Neither will everyone become their own God.
Divine Intervention materializes wHoly
independently of new age hopes and dreams.
Gnosticism is as irresponsible as anything new age
and just as rotten to the core. I
came to this conclusion by shedding
the Light of Spirit upon influential gnostic authors such as Elaine Pagels.
As per the course of
this fallen world Elaine is her own
of truth sponsored by ancient gnostic spirits - or the "archons:"
joint architects of the luciferic new age.
In the Light of Spirit
gnostic texts show up as useless misconceptions
written by delusional,
often disgruntled people for purposes of combating
true christianity. In antiquity it seems every sect had a "gospel"
and all of 'em were convinced they possessed the truth.
like today vast multitudes
were spiritually beguiled and
leaned on their own understanding.
Nowadays I stand with the early church
(the called out ones) in proclaiming that
gnosticism shouldn't be taken seriously.
It must be sternly refuted.
The Nag Hammadi "scriptures" are only useful
insomuch that they help us to see the obvious
departures from and distortions of the Word.
gnostic "gospels" are outright
lies which can be added to the noxious cornucopia of ancient theological
and esoteric duplicity.
I don't always sense the presence of Spirit
but I'm always receiving impressions about this,
that or the other spiritual or new age concern.
In Spirit we see the evil causality behind the rampant misunderstanding
of judeo-christian Scripture, and the unbridled bastardising and twisting of scriptural intent and meaning by those overshadowed by a very different spirit. I'm mildly dismayed at the extent of scriptural debasement, and verily appalled that
so many are frivolous with their bright ideas about spirituality (the law of
attraction distraction being an example of modern spiritual absurdism)
Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the
kingdom of God would
come, Jesus replied,
"The coming of the kingdom of God is not something
that can be observed (by them), nor will people say, 'Here it is,'
or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you"
The King James translation "within you" is misconstrued.
The King James translation "within you" is misconstrued.
As with the Gideon episode mentioned earlier, God
speaks of things as if they are even when they aren't. God can
create something from nothing. He can transform bad to good.
Yahshua was referring to a future time. He meant that the
Kingdom of Heaven will be (in the future) in your midst but certainly
not in a far eastern sense. He meant those present when His earthly Kingdom
arrives: He'll be there in our midst. It's not hard to understand; He's in
the midst of us whenever when we gather together in His Name.
John the Baptist cried, "Repent ye: for the Kingdom of
Heaven is at hand." An announcement of the imminent coming
of Yahshua, the King of Heaven, not an exhortation to seek within.
Why would we need to repent to seek within?
It's simply not what John meant.
Yahshua sent His disciples out two and two before his
face into every city and place, whither he Himself would come…
to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
We must take Yahshua's Words in context of the rest of
Scripture, not isolate and twist them to suit vain theology.
Elsewhere Yahshua said:
We must take Yahshua's Words in context of the rest of
Scripture, not isolate and twist them to suit vain theology.
Elsewhere Yahshua said:
"Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except
a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
We need to remember that Yahshua aways spoke to His own people:
those under His Wing, hear His Voice and recognise His Lordship.
He wasn't speaking to hindu's or buddhists.
They don't know they're fallen or that they're
sinners. They're all under strong delusion.
While revising this section Spirit put on my heart that - in lieu of Yahshua's
physical absence - it's the graceful offering of
the Holy Spirit (one third of the
totality of Elohim) which is within us. And then only if
we receive.
We need the Grace of the Holy Spirit to be
anywhere near Heaven, otherwise we're closer to Hell.
The Pharisees certainly didn't have
the Holy Spirit in their hearts.
Only satan dwelt in them: "ye are of your Father the devil, and the lusts
of your father ye will do." They were waiting for their Messiah to come as
overthrowing the despised Romans to set up His earthly kingdom.
they were quite mistaken, and soundly rebuked by Yahshua.
Right now the Holy Spirit on earth
Right now the Holy Spirit on earth
represents of the Kingdom of God... without
Spirit we're nowhere
near the Kingdom.
“I spoke openly to the world; I ever
taught in the synagogue and in the
temple whither the Jews always resort,
temple whither the Jews always resort,
and in secret have I said
"Because it is given unto you to
"Because it is given unto you to
know the mysteries of the
kingdom of heaven, but
kingdom of heaven, but
to them it is not given."
That simply meant that Yahshua spoke parables to the people at large and taught the disciples the meaning. He wasn't teaching them meditation techniques wherein they could discover inner secrets. Mankind is fallen state: going within only deepens the deception, and I should know. If you want the keys to the teachings of Yahshua and the Kingdom of Heaven read the parables. Particularly the parable of the sower.
That simply meant that Yahshua spoke parables to the people at large and taught the disciples the meaning. He wasn't teaching them meditation techniques wherein they could discover inner secrets. Mankind is fallen state: going within only deepens the deception, and I should know. If you want the keys to the teachings of Yahshua and the Kingdom of Heaven read the parables. Particularly the parable of the sower.
There are no secret teachings of Jesus, period.
A lotta folks are simply full of shit.
It's the Glory of God to conceal a matter and the
glory of kings to search it out; but that solely applies to
those empowered by the Holy Spirit - no one else.
New agers and gnostic luciferians alike twist the meaning
to their own hearts content; but the actual meaning of much
of Scripture is inherently exclusive: we are sons of God (kings)
only through faith in the Son of God Yahshua ha' Mashiach
(Christ Jesus)
It's an exclusive club folks, open
It's an exclusive club folks, open
to everyone who desires membership.
It all hangs on how much
you wanna know the truth.
We have been informed.
We gotta be super careful, and ever watchful amidst the sly
resurgent gnostic influence, because the nefarious spirits of the new age are
creeping their way into christian hearts. There is a professed ex-christian out there
(surprise, it's a woman again) called Simona Rich who reckons she's passed
through the new age AND christianity into her idea of freedom.
I'd change that to free to be a fool,
for God has certainly given her that .
Simona is very pleased with herself of late. She made a lotta youtube
videos charting her path to "freedom", allowing anyone interested to follow
her progression from christianity to (her idea of) freedom. I was interested
in Simona at first, I was happy to find another switched on sister in Christ.
But alas: she's become an abject disappointment.
On her website Simona insists that "truth is her master", which
is ironic and concerning because she cites spurious sources for
evidence of her truth. Sources under clear deception.
I'm always suspicious when someone makes grandiose claims
such as "truth is their master" or that they work for the Kingdom,
so convinced are they of their own rectitude.
It began to occur early on that something wasn't quite right
about Simona. I saw one or two curious visual things on her website,
saw a pattern and feared the worst. Later those fears were confirmed when
she suddenly began preaching esoteric/new age Theosophy.
Simona's decided to follow information not sourced of Spirit but which the
world readily provides in spades. She now believes the Bible corrupt and
looks everywhere else for her truth, quoting gnostic texts, theosophy and
the beliefs of rogue religious sects extant around the time of Yahshua.
Maybe christianity wasn't paying her enough. Perhaps her mind
couldn't creatively use the Way to further her personal ambitions.
A lot of new age folks sure have some
Maybe christianity wasn't paying her enough. Perhaps her mind
couldn't creatively use the Way to further her personal ambitions.
A lot of new age folks sure have some
pretty messed up notions about the Word.
Simona's a priggish latter-day babylonian relying on systems of divination such as dream interpretation and astrology over pure trust and faith in God and the subtle promptings and impressions the Holy Spirit bestows. Modern astrology is a perversion of the Mazzaroth (check it out Simona) and fosters the same ol' me, me, me new age style self-absorptions.
With regards to dreams, God can speak through them sure but it's
not His general means of communication. God has never spoken to me in dreams.
Dreams can misinform. Fallen spirits also speak through dreams; through them,
being so personal as they are, they tell the sorta lies people implicitly trust.
We can't know God through dreams, only by
His Word, which Yahshua always stood firmly upon.
A vision or dream does not supercede the Word of God.
ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a
light that shineth in a dark place, until
the day dawn, and the day star
arise in your hearts. Knowing this first, that no
prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came
not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake
as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."
With stunning naivety Simona presumes there's no Hell, which is a
rank denial of Yahshua's teachings and allows her to snub Christ and preach
whatever she wants. Simona doesn't know there's no hell, she just likes to presume
there ain't; but with regards this world and the state of the spiritual realm we're not
in a position to presume anything, except the cleverest, wiliest corruptions. She's
turned to a "different gospel" - the gnostic/luciferian centric gospels
circulating in the early centuries - which are no gospel at all.
Sadly, Simona is now firm christian opposition.
Sadly, Simona is now firm christian opposition.
She's taken to spreading the duplicities of luciferian
theosophy and promoting the kundalini (serpent) spirit.
Oh and she's jumped on the Holy Spirit is female bandwagon too.
Hmmmm, that's the pattern I saw and feared folks,
and a serious flaw on her path to "truth." Simona follows the trends of
the world under pretenses of revelation. Sensing a hidden hand at work
I venture the view that Simona was never a true christian.
Rather she was, and is, a luciferian gnostic.
Rather than leave the new age and christianity behind she's still
entirely of the former and sorely needs to be reconciled to the latter.
Simona is a good example of the sort of new age
self-sanctimony we have to studiously avoid.
Simona's research led her very far from the truth of the Ruach, the Word
and into the realms of the ubiquitous illuminati - who's hand upon ages of thought
is clear to see. Following familiar patterns she's off in her own airy fairy gnostic zone, seizing anything that seemingly fits her view, and considers it truth without looking for evidence to the contrary. Her mention of the Ebionites for instance. That sect was supposedly extant around the time of Paul but scholars are
rethinking and concluding they were more likely active in the 2nd century.
The Ebionites were one of many competing sects trying to
The Ebionites were one of many competing sects trying to
douse the fire of early christianity by striking at it's heart through denying
the apostleship of Paul, the virgin birth and erroneously claiming to
derive their authority from James, the brother of Yahshua.
James doesn't mention any criticism of Paul in his letter,
yet Yahshua's disciple Peter endorsed Paul in his. The irony is that
James' letter was written against separatist gnostic sects such as
the Ebionites whose "truths" were known to be lies
formulated by satan against the truth.
In our day the lies have resurfaced and seized upon
most gleefully by anti-christian organisations such as
Islam and the ever bumptious gnostics.
Like Simona the Ebionites were vegetarian
Like Simona the Ebionites were vegetarian
and I know first hand how cloyingly sanctimonious
they can be 'cos I've been one for over 30 years.
Longer than Simona's been alive as it 'appens...
Nonchalantly adopting gnostic-luciferian theology
Simona now thinks there are seperate Gods portrayed in the Bible.
Her reasoning goes that the wrathful, bloody minded old testament
God - who required the sacrifice of cute lambs - couldn't
possibly be the Loving God of Yahshua.
But she's dead wrong.
There's only one God clearly displayed
all through judeo-christian Scripture.
There's been so much misunderstanding
of God's Nature and Character disseminated by a lot
of pig-ignorant people. God's Love is Holy Love
and Holiness don't take any shit.
It's not as if God wasn't Loving and merciful in the Old Covenant,
He quite clearly was with eyes to see. You're quite simply blind if you
can't see it. YHWH loved Israel greatly and showed great mercy; but He
had no choice but to be hard on them - very hard - and there was
no better way than to put the fear of God into them.
All done out of Love of course.
to, and after the flood YHWH showed great love and mercy by overlooking
sin. It was by Love
that He
drove mankind out of Eden to prevent them living forever in the
fallen state. He showed mercy to the first murderer Cain. He wielded mercy by flooding the earth and saving eight people because evil -
both genetic and esoteric - really was running
the planetary show.
In time, because of the primitive thinking and behaviour,
a restraint needed
to be put on Israel by introducing the Law.
From then on SIN was imputed unto them.
The solution was simple given the ubiquitous heathenry.
From then on SIN was imputed unto them.
The solution was simple given the ubiquitous heathenry.
The many displays of Might and Miracles didn't work so the fear of God
was the only effective medicine and so the law was introduced. The law was given to
Israel's conscience come alive - to support their conscience, condemn them and make them guilty
before God - so they would quit trusting in themselves or
false gods and
instead, look to the one true God for forgiveness and direction.
That's what it's all about: returning to God.
Because we can't live harmoniously without God,
that much is clearly evident.
The dynamics of genuine spirituality are utterly lost to anyone without
the Holy Spirit: the harsh reality is that the wages of sin is death. In sin we die
before a Holy God, therefore by committing sin
something had to physically die.
Sacrificing animals was a necessary symbolic act
to atone for sins - for a time
anyway - and way better than sacrificing children.
- which is what the surrounding nations were into.
Infanticide was commonplace.
Infanticide was commonplace.
We know by
Scripture that the devil resides in the wilderness, literally and
figuratively. For the Israelites the wilderness was meant to be a rite
of passage in which they usually failed (miserably). They were primitive
people living on a fallen earth. Contemporary nations worshipped false demonically inspired gods such as
Molech, Ba'al and Ashtoreth, Asherah et al,
and in their name practised
bestiality and child sacrifice.
"God's anger at sin can't be understood apart from his own
holiness, his
separateness from sin, his nature utterly opposed to injustice,
sin, and
human degradation. Our sins offend God's very character."
The Great Flood took out the terrible violence and escalating moral evil but the
post flood world was still wide open to occult subversion. For all the bright middle eastern sunshine the earth remained spiritually
very dark, as men multiplied wickedness crept back into the world. Genetic corruption yet again became a factor, giants were again engendered (Goliath and co) though considerably reduced in numbers and stature; and demons (the spirits of the nephilim destroyed
by the flood) possessed people. Satan ruled the earth.
The people who became the indo-aryan-
hindu's were off doing their own thing apart
from God and under the spirit of lies:
The Bible records a Holy God dealing with
unholy people in ways they clearly understood.
The times were primitive times.
Rotten to the core the nations surrounding Israel were impossible to reach. Yahshua hadn't
yet come, so His Saving Grace was not available. It was necessary to
introduce some stern - take no shit - order: God set up Israel like a military
operation to counter the influence of the pagan/heathen nations.
Genocide was the only working solution:
Genocide was the only working solution:
amputation of gangrenous limbs;
cutting out the cancer to save the whole.
Hard measures serving the larger picture and Greater Plan.
When we look sensibly and stop listening to
It's not something I could see as a new ager.
Mankind is wholly responsible for all the ancient and contemporary evil.
Check out the relatively recent 1st and 2nd World Wars. We're not as we were meant to be. We're full of shit basically. If man hadn't taken that which we were told not to partake of our incredibly bloody history wouldn't've been necessary.
We'd still be living in Paradise.
We'd still be living in Paradise.
When we look sensibly and stop listening to
what the benighted folks of the world tell us:
YHWH isn't a dreamy new age/gnostic fantasist "drunk on the Divine"
but a startlingly sober pragmatist dealing with mankind realistically,
to the degree
of beliefs and temperaments, dispensing justice or
blessings accordingly with the
clearest holistic insight into past and present circumstances
focused into the future.
"The wages of sin is death."
"The wages of sin is death."
The book of Leviticus is a contentious even repulsive book in
the eyes of the (vegetarian/vegan) world but with the Eyes of Spirit
it makes perfect spiritual, practical and logical sense:
"We come face to face with the great question of sacrifice for sin. The
stress laid upon sacrifice is no doubt intended to give man a shock with
regard to sin. This book stands out for all time as God's estimate of
sin. If we have not studied it at all-- if it looks to us merely like a
catalogue of sins and a complicated repetition of blood-shedding, from
which we turn away almost repelled-- even so, it conveys the lesson,
though it be but an elementary one. By it, God has pointed out for all
people in all ages His holiness and the impossibility for sinful man to
draw near
unless his sins have been put away.
It is like a great lighthouse erected over against the rock of sin."
- A.M. Hodgkin from Christ in All the Scriptures
(check it out here
Before the Holiness of God mankind is
filthy rags, a rotten stink under His nose.
dealt strongly with nationsin primitive states of belief and
superstition, a world under total dominance of deviant angels. The Israelites needed to be kept right on their toes and made real busy. The sacrificial offerings and concomitant strict ultra-tedious observances were
lessons Israel needed to learn, types and shadows representing the ultimate plan
to redeem mankind:
the Sacrifice of our Saviour Yahshua/Jesus Christ.
"What we have in type in Leviticus, we have in reality in the Cross of
Christ. The Cross was indeed an exhibition of God's love, the love of
God the Father, and of God the Son ''who through the Eternal Spirit
offered Himself'' (Hebrews 9:14).
But it was more than this, it was God's estimate of sin. ''The Cross of
Christ stands as God's estimate of what sin really is, something so
deep and dreadful that it costs that.'' It was more even than this, it was the atoning sacrifice, by which sin could for ever be put away. It was because it was necessary that
it satisfies.
Though our intellect can never fathom the mystery of the
atonement, our heart and conscience confess its power. ''Having made peace through the blood of His Cross'' (Colossians 1:20) --
what comfort these words have brought to troubled souls all down the
ages. Those, who know most of what it is to suffer under the Holy
Spirit's conviction for sin, know best how to value the Cross of Christ"
Genuine spirituality is super-serious stuff in a fallen world and
demands some sorta sacrifice for sin. The world needed, and still benefits from,
the sacrifice of Yahshua/Jesus Christ. It's terribly hard for the common new ager to comprehend, but the Old Testament animal sacrifices were necessary measures to
show that sin is a very serious affair of acute estrangement from God:
SIN seperates us from a Holy God.
In the fullness of time Yahshua took on all the
sin of the world and bridged the gaping chasm between God
and mankind. Yahshua's others centred self-sacrifice changed
attitude towards mankind forever.
It's all about Yahshua folks. Only by
accepting and being
washed by the purifying blood of Christ can we confidently smell fresh
before a Holy God. We can walk into the Holy of Holies right on up to
Him without
restraint -
Only in Yahshua's Name and blood.
Almighty God countered the manoeuvers of
Only in Yahshua's Name and blood.
Almighty God countered the manoeuvers of
satan and the fallen by offering the ultimate sacrifice:
His only begotten Son
- the
Christ -
to atone for all sins forever.
Yahshua fulfilled the
He fulfilled the Law's demands by living a perfect Holy life.
He fulfilled the Law's demands by living a perfect Holy life.
Hard to believe sure but it's the truth.
"God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself"
The birth of Yahshua set in motion a foregone conclusion:
"God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself"
Yahshua represented the true nature of YHWH.
Read the biographies of Yahshua - as presented in the
biblical gospels -to see God's Love for mankind in action.
The birth of Yahshua set in motion a foregone conclusion:
Angels proclaimed Yahshua Lord from birth, conveying
a glorious Cosmic Newsflash from Almighty YHWH:
"Peace on earth, goodwill will toward men."
The enmity between God and mankind was over.
"Peace on earth, goodwill will toward men."
The enmity between God and mankind was over.
Real good news! Brought to us from the Divine.
The crux of the biscuit is this:
it's a case of what people wanna believe, and
I wanna believe what the Holy Spirit KNOWS
The truth stared me right in the face all along,
as it does everyone else; but I couldn't see it. I couldn't
see that this is a fallen world and that we need a Saviour.
Man can't save himself. We need God to save us.
No normal man was sufficient payment for the
sins of the world so God Himself came as a sinless
man, as Yahshua: His very right arm.
He can do whatever He wants,
and He wanted TO DIE FOR US.
The way things are - there was no other way.
ALL of God's wrath against
mankind was placed on Yahshua.
That's Divine Love in action folks.
God ain't aloof. His Love is wHoly
and intimately invested in His people.
We're told that the LORD is a jealous GOD.
It's what put Oprah Winfrey right off!
But I've no problem with God's Righteous Jealousy.
I'm GLAD of it!
I'm GLAD that Almighty God is jealous
for me and wants me to return to HIM
'Cos when I'm with Him, He's got my back.
Jealousy is an appropriate emotion for a Loving God
even if we might not think so. We are jealous when we want what is ours.
Envy is when we want what is not
ours. It's appropriate for a man who still loves
his wife to be jealous
if another man takes her and it's right that God should be
jealous for
His people when they go whoring after other gods.
By the darklight of the common blight of pig ignorance a lotta folks
can't see the forest for the trees, and they flat out reject what they perceive as the
injustice of a jealous and tyrannical God. They fail to see things in context. They
simply don't read Scripture by the Light of Spirit.
New agers follow the "ancient wisdom" of a world which denies who God is
and what Yahshua did for mankind. Their "wisdom" comes from spiritually
fallen beings operating in deception and - cocking a snook to the Divine -
have the gall to call it a "Great Awakening."
Awakening to Yahshua's Saving Grace
is the true Great Awakening.
YHWH created an orderly heaven
and earth out of His Divine goodness;
Israel carried primitive darkness within their
fallen hearts and acted
like a collective dumbass.
After all the signs and stupendous miracles
they still questioned and doubted.
Newly freed from years of slavery
they were really quite ridiculously errant: prone to worshipping idols
inspired of unholy gods and goddesses. It's easy to understand the mindset. I see much the same in the world today: the darkness of the
heart and
it's manifold deceptions when not turned wholly to God is
everywhere to be seen.
Israel were in dire need of an authoritarian hand
Israel were in dire need of an authoritarian hand
to instil some serious discipline. YHWH provided it.
God always uses what He can, in Israel's case what they gave Him.
He responded with what they were familiar with. But it's uphill work: one time
God wanted to eradicate Israel and start again from scratch - with Moses. In all
righteousness He woulda done it too, if He wasn't a loving and merciful
God who can be appealed to. Moses talked YHWH out of it.
Only men and women of faith who obey the Lord without
qualms can intercede on behalf of mankind. Moses spoke on
behalf of Israel as he Ruach speaks on behalf of us.
If he hadn't we'd have a different old testament.
When we fully understand what YHWH's done for us - in spite
of our filthy rags nature we're utterly overwhelmed and felled flat
on our face in humility; but as it is His name and nature are
being slandered and brought to nothing.
If I sound like a christian apologist so be it.
Just sticking up for YHWH:
Kickin' ass for the Lord
With Spirit on board I understand
With Spirit on board I understand
the LORD's every biblical action.
Simona Rich reckons she's working for the kingdom.
Simona Rich reckons she's working for the kingdom.
However, it's not God's Kingdom she's working for but satan's. Like the gnostics she besmirches the name and nature of YHWH and is doing the actual King a profound disservice by preaching the stuff she does. I can counter any knowledge she's decided to believe in, in fact the Spirit in me refutes the conclusions of her research, a research largely rooted in emotional and spiritual naivety spoonfed by a fallen world and it's perverted pagan spirits.
Astrology and theosophy isn't of Spirit and neither is Simona.
She doesn't follow the Way of Spirit, like all new agers she follows herself.
Simona is young, headstrong and has it all upside down.
Astrology and theosophy isn't of Spirit and neither is Simona.
She doesn't follow the Way of Spirit, like all new agers she follows herself.
Simona is young, headstrong and has it all upside down.
Truth is
not her master, the arch imitator of truth is, and she's
channeling that ol' new age fallen/rising goddess energy to boot.
The truth ain't a lot of facts and figures,
the truth is Yahshua.
Simona's truth is entirely her opinion, and opinions sully the truth.
For all the avid research she fails to comprehend the dark source of her chosen
profession or even consider she may be mislead. She's a prime example of spiritual
duplicity. With glaring conceit she's fast becoming unreachable, if indeed she
ever was: Simona thinks people who disagree with her are spiritually immature.
Oh yeah, and her ex-boyfriend's a demon 😣
Oh yeah, and her ex-boyfriend's a demon 😣
I Despair!
Simona comes across like a spoilt
little girl, and she looks like one too.
It'd do well for a cosmic lady's sacred femininity
Those who self-righteously put themselves up above the crowd as teachers
and preachers should be prepared to take shots for all to see. It would behoove
Simona to listen to some switched on preachers and research the Bible in and of itself,
of questioning, doubting and looking everywhere else for light and truth.
The vision contained in the Bible answers itself, it is it's own best
interpreter. With the real Holy Spirit that becomes abundantly clear.
I advise Simona to take a step back from preaching,
leave the pagan mindset she currently resides
in and go find
some good switched-on christian folk to fellowship with.
Walk the
narrow path my dear...
You oughta realise by now, if not empathise with the view
that there are some staggeringly self-centred and overtly conceited
influential women out there pushin their own prissy spin on truth.
A lot of men too. I'm not placing blame because men -
all things being equally fallen - are equally culpable. However,
deceptive women - I'm talking Blavatsky, Alice Bailey et al
- are the foundation of the modern new age.
A great many women are wide
open channels for the spirit of lies.
There's an ancient precedence in the attitude of spiritual
women today; a salience in the vivid literality of the fall.
Women are entirely complicit within it.
We shouldn't think the text describing the Fall means
something else 'cos it means exactly what it says. There's
no distortion of the facts, any distortion is in our pagan minds.
We can't let women off the hook and pander to their terms. That same
original temptation complexion abides in the feminine psyche today.
Many women emulate a fallen angel turned goddess
spreading highfalutin notions of personal "power;"
encouraging them to sit on their own throne of creation.
It's an intrinsically hostile attitude before the one true God.
I'm not gonna shy away from relaying hard truths to protect my own amenity,
and I certainly don't follow worldly trends, mystical or otherwise. Women
need to wake up and realise the ancient lie still openly operating within them.
That a woman was swayed first by the lies of the serpent, was caused to
doubt the counsel of God and ate of the forbidden fruit says a lot about the attitude
of women in general: the serpent is rearing it's ugly head once again and using
feminine wiles and specious moralizing to mislead millions.
It's no coincidence prostitution and pornography is largely female-centric
for the temptation of men. Women are simply more easily persuaded to comply
with the course
of the world and it's glistening new age esoterisms. They more
readily flow with the ways of imposed spiritual trends which suit
their love of looks and glamour.
The cosmic ladies of our spiritually corrupted world - along with the gents -
should learn a bit of sacred humility and put themselves in the service of the one
true God, not any errant fallen angel who considers itself a "goddess" with an air
of superiority and petulance all too obviously channeled by hordes of aspiring,
moon charged, psuedo-sacred-feminine power brokers.
As I've made clear, I used to be into the "Divine feminine"
but a pride filled feminist psyche is absurd in the Light of Spirit
The demented attitude of high priss such as Teal Swan
displays staunchly preclude the possibility (in her mind)
of being in error just as it negates true vision.
There are many instances in the Bible of women being mightily used by God
yet they were always humble, always serving. In disparity of the Divine there are
some dominatrix, gnosis powered ladies twisting and distorting truth to suit
their spiritually perverted sensuality theologies, saying that eating of
the tree was a good thing. Even a sexy thing!
FFS! It most assuredly wasn't.
Such ladies are on the serpent side of the fence.
To our earthly chagrin, their implicitly biased and vainglorious musings are
leading multitudes well away from the truth. Aside from the grief the Holy Spirit
feels in the face of their effeminate pomposities, take a good look at the thousands
of years of immense suffering, heartbreak and death and convince me
that eating the fruit was a good thing.
Time to WAKE UP ladies: for Christ's sake
Divinity sees clearly the disposition of womankind and the "sons of god"
aka fallen angels still provoke them to act sensually, as they did in antediluvian times or - as we see with Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine and Solara's 11:11 Doorway farces - instil them with the profoundest visionary nonsense
It's so obviously Divinely necessary for women to practice that
very special kind of sacred humility I keep mentioning, the most powerful
sort that puts us in right standing with real GOD, the sort that Yahshua's female
disciples ever so naturally practised and caused His virgin mother to be
highly favoured among women.
It'd do well for a cosmic lady's sacred femininity
to practice genuine self-awareness by realising
they're just as fallen state as anyone.
I did notify everyone at the beginning that
I'm not in the slightest bit politically correct.
I'm not even spiritually correct as the woke new age dictates.
Our institutions of correctness are not based in Divinity.
I have to resoundingly reiterate, and fly square in the face of the
bumptious gnostic ladies and gents, that God didn't tell the first people
not to eat of the tree because He wanted to keep something good from us.
Nope. He wanted to keep out all the hurt, pain and DEATH.
GOD didn't want us living forever in the fallen state.
How awful would that be?
Thank God we don't know.
Like it or not God had a better plan for mankind,
He knows what's best for us, and
Like it or not God had a better plan for mankind,
He knows what's best for us, and
what's best for us is to stay in His Word.
Thousands of years since partaking of that particular tree -
Thousands of years since partaking of that particular tree -
after breaking the one rule YHWH gave mankind - we're still
obsessed with knowledge and all of it's used imprudently
The truth is we were more like God before we ate the fruit than after.
Post the fall we don't resemble GOD in the slightest.
It came to me that YHWH created a whole universe of wonder and discovery to
be incrementally revealed as we continued in daily obeisance and communion with Him. However, by our own choice we blew away all of it, and what a terrible shame!
As it 'appens shame is the feeling Adam and Eve
felt immediately after partaking of the forbidden fruit.
In shame they had to hide from the Presence of the Lord.
Introducing the very first
fallen state feeelings, folks:
Shame! Hide from God!
Where would we be if we chose to shun the serpents lies and stand firm in
YHWH's Word - as Yahshua stood before satan - and continued to obey our Creator? We'd be living forever in Paradise, perhaps even reaching out to the
stars in Starships, Almighty God leading the way, colonising distant planets.
But no: we're told that the Lamb/Jesus was slain before
the foundation of the earth, revealing that God knew full
well that free will imbued mankind would fall.
To fully demonstrate His Almighty Love
it absolutely needed to happen.
Hey Ho, whadda we know?
We don't know nothin.
There's no multiverse of multiple realities.
We live in One Verse created by One God.
JOHN 1: 1-5
the spirit of satan continues on his diabolical course.... disseminating faux wisdoms on unsuspecting spiritual narcissists everywhere: those attuned to the fallen light.... But the end hasn't yet come so there's still the ability to choose, and for those of us who've already chosen - we must inform and convert.
is reverence of YHWH is the beginning of true Wisdom, a Wisdom not of this world
but of Elohim (with a capital E). If folks desired true DivineWisdom more than
they do money we'd have an ascended world right now.
As it is we most certainly don't.
Nefarious esoteric distortions of the Word carried on from gnosticism
right on through the dark ages into the medieval era. The dark ages definitely lived up to the name: bent jewish rabbi's began disseminating "ancient wisdom" in the form of Kabbalah, which has become a big celebrity trend due to endorsement by that demented "Queen of Pop" Mad Madge Madonna. Lookin at how she dresses these days Madge is definitely channeling that crazy ol' pagan goddess aka
"the queen of heaven" Ashtoreth/Asherah/Ishtar et al.
The last time I visited the local library I curiously picked up
a book on Kabbalah by the popular author Z'ev Ben Shimon Halevi. Lightly
glancing through I read a few words, caught the cut of it's jib and
INSIGHT came from the Ruach regarding Kabbalah's inherent deception. That's RuachVision in action folks - married to Divinity. The book postulates that the biblical story of the exodus is an allegory of internal spiritual dynamics, a supposition firmly denounced by the Ruach.
Kabbalah is yet another in a long line of ingenious metaphysical subversions
inspired by
the ubiquitous fallen angels (all those channeled beings) the abiding
intention of which is to turn
people away from the Way and onto their "higher self "
path to enlightenment while offering up a belligerent middle finger
to the Divine in the process.
I wouldn't trust jewish rabbis - especially
medieval jewish rabbis - or their "folklore" as far as I could throw
'em, much less their faux esoterism. A lot of the prominent jews, the Pharisees of Yahshua's day, failed to recognise Him or take heed of His teachings so
why should we listen to them today?
Yahshua had many a stern word for the Pharisees.
The apostle Paul, himself a Jew, soundly denounced the whole rabble of them.
Jewish "Rabbi's" operate under dark
spiritual powers and principalities.
just because they're "jewish"
bearing the title "rabbi"
don't mean they're immune to the anti-Christ spirits inspiring
the throngs of froward mouthed pagan gnostics of our day.
For a time I was subjectively influenced by the kabbalistic system with it's
fancy-ass esoterism. Over many years I delved into various suprahuman
cosmologies thinking
everything can be explained cosmically - even the Bible:
Especially the
Bible! but now I understand that when a heart is
dead set on something it'll see what it wants to believe, and more:
it opens wide to psychic manipulation.
Faux spiritual cosmologies are introduced: convoluted
versions of truth designed to lead us right away from the truth.
All supra-cosmologies are complex half-truths
mixed with grandiose lies; truth upended or inverted;
ingenious imitations of Divine Order
From whence do the wide variety of at variance cosmologies spring?
For the most part from our fallen state psyche
in service to deviant manipulative entities.
particularly strong shroom trips in my teen years I envisioned
exquisitely detailed bright geometric patterns that seemingly belonged to
super-strange yet weirdly cogent metaphysical models operating in luminous
astral zone regions populated by hordes of crazy alien beings. But it was
just so much ancient psychic bullshit bearing no relation to Christ.
None of it is IN Christ.
Psychoactive substances don't connect us to the Divine.
They're a massive sensual distraction and a clear indication of the
wide variety of hyper-psychic deceptions a great many unwary,
unguarded minds are subject to, in estrangement from Divinity.
A lot of naive, eminently ill-informed folks can't help
but go gaga over entheogenically actuated psuedo-exaltations
as if something epically spiritually profound is occuring.
But the lucid imagery is mere hallucination and the complex geometria conjured
from the deepest recesses of our electro-synaptic brains have no actual meaning
and no practical application to everyday life. It's just so much imposed fantasy:
virtual - but not quite - realities spawning symbolisms such as the flower of life,
the ankh/key of life fallacies of ancient Egypt or the kabbalistic "tree of life"
None of it has any connection to real life
Like all hyper-deceptive astral zone impositions, whatever
cosmic significance any symbol or geometria "of life" may appear
to have, they really don't. They're mad delusions arising from the
depths of man's fallen nature, enhanced and exploited by deviant
angelic fraternities out to spiritually deceive us en masse.
There's only one authentic tree of life and in all wisdom it ain't
available in our fallen state. Any esoteric alternative is rank deception;
a lot of uber-delusionary palaver: man's fallen state psyche co-creating
exotic quasi- realities: unholy and divorced from Divinity.
Come on people. Pull your heads out your freaky asses:
ANY chemically induced exaltation experience is a
profound deception of our fallen state body/mind.
Inspirited by the pagan goddess
medieval jewish rabbi's conjured up
legend of Lilith.
The cunning plan (as ever) was to subvert the integrity
of the Bible,
specifically the Genesis account of creation. The abiding intent is to throw
a spanner into the biblical works by any means necessary 👿
I mention Lilith because there are some
majorly puffed-up gnostic ladies pushing the legend as fact
to bolster their feminist theology's (and bank accounts)
Whatever iota of truth is contained in the story of Lilith, and I'm sure
there's none, the character is inspired of perverted pagan spirits: the sorta
bad to the spirit bone eidolons many forthright new age gnostics are
persuaded to believe are good-natured and true.
The apostle Paul knew what was coming:
"For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come
among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will
rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after
You won't understand the apostle Paul until you realise
you know nothing, throw yourself to the ground in sacred
humility and ask Holy Spirit to come into your life.
Then things really start to get interesting 😃
We sorely need Divine order
not more new age
hormone fueled, feeeeling powered, faux-spiritual bullshit!
Nowadays I take Yahshua at face value, with a healthy
dose of humility
as presented in Ruach inspired Scripture. With a good fill of said Ruach I see
really lived, spoke and did the incredible things written in the biblical Gospels. They are beautiful portraits of God walking on earth. Yahshua's death and Resurrection restored our right standing with God and the greatest gift in the person of the Ruach is offered, when we are open to receiving, a Spirit totally at odds with the ruling spirit expressing itself through the flocks of self-regarding
meta-bullshitters of this fallen world.
Spirituality is not about feeling good,
or feelings in general as it happens:
It's about faith in God
Faith is a dirty word in our knowledge and feeling bedevilled cultures
It's about faith in God
Faith is a dirty word in our knowledge and feeling bedevilled cultures
but it's vital
to a proper relationship with the Most High. God is a God of Faith:
for the reason of it's great power in our
lives God loves faith. We cannot please
unless we're living in faith. It ain't a blind faith because we see
the results of it in our lives.
It blows my particular mind.
God doesn't work through feelings but through faith.
When the Ruah hovered over the face of the deep
Elohim said with great faith: Let there be Light:
and there was Light.
Elohim created Light from faith before there was any physical
mass from which Light could shine. YHWH has
greatly blessed certain
human/mental proclivities and the highest blessing is faith
We're told faith is more
precious than gold. Truth!
Faith really can move (psychological) mountains
or cure any disease, or disability, as Yahshua displayed.
When finding true faith we have to fight to keep it 'cos the world will try
to buy it from you and replace it with something of lesser quality. Or
failing that, steal it from right under your nose. The world is eager to
give you fools gold as replacement, a lovely lustre that seems like the real deal but ain't.
In nature pretty stones can imitate precious ones. It's the same with spirituality: millions are bedazzled
by twinkling fugazi's in place of
the real deal.
Yahshua is the real deal:
the real philosophers stone enabling ETERNAL LIFE
We're called to water, nourish and
grow our mustard grain
of faith in Yahshua's life, death and
We have to get right away from the new age conspiracy of
We have to get right away from the new age conspiracy of
following our feelings because we can't actually feel God, we have to faith God.
Faith isn't felt but believed.
Of course we can be aware of the Ruach's Presence
but that's a bestowed
supernatural cognition far removed
from sensual/mental persuasions.
Suprisingly, I'm here to endorse it.
Calling it "The Word" makes absolute sense now.
The Bible contains a quite astonishing array of dynamic practical wisdom
for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.
All those people swearing by the Word
are not deceived, the world is deceived. The new age is a deceiving faith which
holds true for luciferianism, gnosticism and kabbalah.
Anyone presuming we stop using our minds
Anyone presuming we stop using our minds
when reading Scripture either hasn't been there
or didn't read 'em in the Light of Spirit.
I assure you the Bible is Alive and kicking.
I assure you the Bible is Alive and kicking.
I know it's inspired because it's inspiring me.
greatest understanding is called for in finding faith
and once faith is
found it seeks greater understanding.
The Bible is it's own
best interpreter,
we needn't look elsewhere.
Nothing challenges mental abilities more than the Bible.
Nothing challenges mental abilities more than the Bible.
A lotta people think it lifeless, dead and dry
but that says more about them than the Bible.
They haven't gotten
sincere and serious enough
to have the Holy Spirit quicken the Word in them.
For anyone looking
for abundant food for thought and
amazing intellectual growth the Bible
is the place to go.
The mental exhilaration and sheer joy in it's meaning
will fascinate
and abide with you. It becomes holy. The Bible
reaches out and grabs you
with questions (and answers) we could never
come up with on our own.
It has "power to make you wise."
The Word is
not only useful for teaching truth but also for refuting error.
The Most
High gave us sufficient provisions for pursuing true awakening and
authentic enlightenment, ensuring realisation of Him via the Holy Spirit,
not any fallen, convoluted eastern religion such as hinduism with it's
highfalutin vanity concepts of "atman" and "Brahman."
Someone asked me:
Someone asked me:
is Yahshua the Son of God or a distinguished son of God?
'Tis an explosive question with Scriptural clarification:
"Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the
"Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the
Ruach of Elohim says Yahshua is a curse, and no one is able to say
Yahshua is Adon (Lord) except by the Ruach ha' Qodesh."
Yahshua is the very Image of God.
You see Yahshua you see God.
Yahshua is God revealed. God with us.
Yahshua is the very Image of God.
You see Yahshua you see God.
Yahshua is God revealed. God with us.
Yahshua is no pointing, grinning, thumbs up hippy dude depicted in those daft pictures and plastic figures you've likely seen, accepting and encouraging you just as you are. He isn't a Space being named Sananda living on a 5th dimensional starship with the Ashtar Command. He ain't "all inclusive" either but decidedly exclusive, presenting a very narrow way:
the only Way to God.
Yahshua's Love is Fiery Love:
despising religious authorities, causing commotion and division: a true spiritual radical imbued with Divine Fire, bringing not peace but a Sword, come to set the world ablaze. He inspires passion for truth because He is the truth that sets us free. The honourable early christian martyrs died for the love of Christ not the "church" that came later. I don't see anyone willingly dying for the church today, or the new age for that matter, the world
and it's sensualities are too important for them.
Yahshua asked the disciples:
"Who do you say that I am?
The question remains firmly before us today.
The bona fide earliest christians, who carried the actual truth, were recorded
in the book of Acts and the letters of Paul, Timothy, Peter, Jude et al: it's they who
were privy to the exoteric truth of Yahshua, not any bumptious gnostic sect
dealing in spreading corrupted esoterisms proffered by occulted archons 😮
Given what I used to believe it's verily remarkable how
my perspective has shifted. I used to think it foolish to believe
as a christian because I was convinced they were closed off to
so much greater - more enlightened - truth/gnosticism..
My God what a fool I was. In that perfidious
mindset there was no end to self-delusion.
There's an obvious need for a serious
With hindu tinted eyes I thought Yahshua
was a remarkable God-man from an ancient tradition
of God-men. But that was the new age in me.
Now I see that Yahshua is the only true and righteous
God-man who's Spirit is Alive and very much with us.
Come to the end of yourself?
That's where Yahshua awaits.
There was no self-love in Yahshua's heart, He was entirely others centred.
None have willingly passed through suffering as Yahshua did.
Hat's off to Yahshua! The Divine Intervention already happened.
Yahshua's ministry drew multitudes because of His amazing speeches,
clarity of thought and diverse miracles - casting out demons was a matter of course.
There was no great kerfuffle when Yahshua cast out demons; they recognised
His Authority and departed immediately. How many demons possess people
today, blithely unexorcised? All those channelers are possessed.
It's infinitely better to be possessed by the Holy Spirit.
Yahshua is so much more than any buddha or hindu god or
goddess. Christ is requisitely unique and set-apart, as are those
who are washed by Yahshua and follow Him.
As followers of the Way, if we fall back into the ways
of the world, Holy Spirit guides us back to the Way.
Spirit doesn't draw us to Buddha or Krishna
or any other god or guru: only Yahshua.
That's gotta mean something 😉
It means Yahshua is God
Yahshua is the Christ - the only
begotten Son of God
descended to earth, radically transforming the spiritual landscape
by a sacrifice endured for the great cause: the salvation of mankind. That's
the true gospel, the actual good news passed on by the apostles - causing
shockwaves through the middle east and eventually the entire world.
As ever
the spirits of iniquity strive to counteract
the truth with manifold ingeniously formulated untruths,
the intention of which is to cause the maximum amount of
damage to Yahshua's message by any means necessary.
All new age pretences originate from purposeful esoteric obscurations
of Yahshua's Life. People prefer to believe in an ascending earth rather than a
Risen Saviour and Ascended Christ drawing all people unto Him. But there are
no excuses because pretty much everyone has heard of Jesus/Yahshua.
As prophesied, the gospel has reached everywhere in the world.
The stark free-will choice is to follow Spirit or the manifold
deceitful spirits currently residing in many fallen hearts.
The stark free-will choice is to follow Spirit or the manifold
deceitful spirits currently residing in many fallen hearts.
"Satan's method is to chip away at our faith,
let us chip away at the foundation of his lies."
- Harold Lerch -
let us chip away at the foundation of his lies."
- Harold Lerch -
In Spirit, anyone reading the gospels sees a
Righteous God indelibly stamped into the text.
When you're into the real Jesus Christ no praise is enough.
God inhabits the praise of His people and that means all
Power and Grace. For all the gamut of self-satisfied self-realisers,
Yahshua's Life and Teachings are unique and without peer:
He is
the only Son of God and All Praise
be to Yahshua for His sacrifice and Glory.
If you've been touched by Yahshua or the Holy Spirit
you've been claimed by the Creator of Heaven and earth.
As much as my ol' new age self would balk at the idea, salvation
is everything to do
with our heart
alignment to Abba Father YHWH.
Our faith in Him isn't futile or misplaced, we can trust Him with
all our heart because He holds it so securely and so very lovingly.
Yahshua's suffering was for us. His Life was for us.
He's the greatest example of Love the world
has ever seen, the most dominant figure in history.
No one stuck their neck out like Yahshua and laid down their life.
No other religious leader or new ager sacrifice themselves for
the people they came to enlighten. No one is in the class of Yahshua.
He ain't a way or a prophet - He is the Way and the Prophet.
No one has ever walked in Love the Way Yahshua did.
Yahshua is God in a very real way we're not,
a significant truth billions close their mind to. The world has
never seen a greater revealing of Power & Glory than Yahshua.
Yahshua made Himself of no reputation, renouncing all His Heavenly Glory.
Yahshua made Himself of no reputation, renouncing all His Heavenly Glory.
Yahshua wasn't born a man who realised God. He was born God.
As a baby He was God. The angels said "go seek Christ, the Lord."
He was LORD at birth; but made in the likeness
of man and took upon the form of a servant
Yahshua (the Word) created everything and in the fullness of time became
one of His creations. Amazing! The Bible says that the heavens, even the Heaven
of the heavens cannot contain GOD. He's Infinitely bigger than the universe,
yet our Great God came down and limited Himself to a physical body.
Utterly Mind Boggling!
All the Power of creation was in Yahshua's Hands yet He got
down and washed the disciples feet, showing that the only way to
wield Absolute Power WISELY is through meekness and servitude.
We are Yahshua's creation and we became dirty rags before
Him; yet He came to serve us and open the Way to Heaven.
When we follow Christ we're given provisions and sustenance
to accumulate belief upon belief as we
follow the Way.
No one's forcing us to do anything. It's up to us
to make the choice - take the leap of faith over the
vast, gaping chasm between GOD and mankind.
In Spirit we're given wings to FLY.
In Spirit the more I muse on the deception
of the world the more truth impressions come.
Thank you Holy Spirit and thank you YHWH for Yahshua!
This is true freedom:
We don't have to reincarnate
or be subject to the law of karma.
We have a deliverer, a Saviour from all that,
and thank God
in all humility that we do.
Being fallen who wouldn't wish for a Divine Being
taking on our sins
and transforming them? Only fools and idiots think
they don't need salvation.
We can't raise ourselves by ourselves and
touch true Divinity, except by
strong delusion: a delusion operating all too clearly in way too many.
We can't change into the Image of
Christ on our terms. Only His.
The truth of our Saviour has been downright
distorted; but for all the lies there is a superior
Way, Truth and Life
that isn't your way, truth and life.
HalleluYAH for that!
There are some majorly puffed-up
celebrities on the scene these days.
Popularity and praise goes right to their head.
Bloated with mega-celebrity status they become paragons of deception.
Russell Brand is a (nut)case in point. I used to like Russ;
but since the Ruach I dislike everything he says. I don't like looking
at him these days because he positively exudes the deceptive
kundalini (serpent) spirit
Russell is another in long line of truth inverters and
scriptural bastardisers going with the flow of ancient
spiritual subversion turned new age
ago heroin addiction opened Russell wide to possession by dark beings, which
haven't left him. For all the staunch abstinence of everything from
heroin to alcohol he's still searching for bliss
states. Post heroin addiction he became famous and addicted to sex. These days he's
addicted to yoga and kundalini.
He hasn't kicked the heroin/sex demons out of
his mind. They've
only gone and become hindu gods!
Russ's itinerant terrestrial interests and addictive personality
naturally segued into a fascination
with glamourised versions of hinduism
and buddhism 😔 Oh, and he likes a
"bit of Jesus" too.
Just not ALL of Him.
If he did like ALL of Jesus he'd be repentant.
But as he is, his conscience is seared with a hot iron.
Russell hasn't accepted the real Jesus. The truth is he doesn't
know the real
Jesus. He knows a fantasy Jesus, one that accepts his
bullshit. He prefers reality detached ignoramuses such as Eckhart
Tolle and the ridiculous goon titled the "Dalai Lama."
I've as much regard for the Dalai Lama
as for the Pope (none whatsover)
Russ' many garish tattoos depict disparate religious iconography
reflective of his new age demeanor. He picks and chooses what he wants to
believe; stuff from
here, stuff from there, anything that conveniently accomodates
his lofty lifestyle and allows him to feel comfortable in blithe continuation
of SIN without guilt or fear of judgement.
Russ channels the spirit operating
this fallen earth: the spirit of rebellion.
I've heard Russell talk about discipleship and faith.
He talks about believing in GOD without knowing who GOD
really is. He talks of Jesus without knowing who He really is.
Russell doesn't want to know who they really are.
Russell's been compared to Jesus but there's a glaring difference:
Jesus isn't an anal retentive pop psychologist, nor is He a comedian or
financial adviser: He is the Son of God come to lead mankind back to God.
Russell ignores the truth and instead listens
to perfidious gurus and Deepak Chopra.
Russell Brand is oblivious to what
true faith is or where it should be directed..
He talks about believing in GOD without knowing who GOD
really is. He talks of Jesus without knowing who He really is.
Russell doesn't want to know who they really are.
Russell's been compared to Jesus but there's a glaring difference:
Jesus isn't an anal retentive pop psychologist, nor is He a comedian or
financial adviser: He is the Son of God come to lead mankind back to God.
Russell ignores the truth and instead listens
to perfidious gurus and Deepak Chopra.
Russell Brand is oblivious to what
true faith is or where it should be directed..
I'm sure Russ loves people in his own way; but it
ain't God's Way. Self-love is not the Love of God.
Puffed up with kundalini and reckoning himself a channel for God's Peace
Russell ministers to multitudes under false pretences and bears false witness.
Essentially he's taking the place of Jesus and that's just not on. Russell's an autistic
child feelin around in the dark not knowing what's really what, so he goes with
the flow of the world. In his case ancient spiritual subversion.
Celebrities are generally up their own ass and Russ is
a paragon of that iniquity. He's far gone in popular self-absorption
to cognize the entirely others centred nature, and guidance of a
real God forever expressing through the living Jesus.
We gotta view celebrities beyond the
surface glamour in
context of a fallen world.
The need for convenient spiritualities that
don't judge and conform to
their privileged lifestyles is a grand
fallacy. No matter how well read or spiritual
they seem,
we should look into
their history to better understand where they're
really comin' from. Look at pics of Russ' early years in comedy:
One time he wore a suit of
upside down crucifixes 😓
As it happens Russ has always looked
Luciferic. It's deep rooted in his DNA.
How can we reach self-elevated ones such as Russell Brand, who possess the wealth
of the world and become their own way, truth and life? Who get ideas of Jesus completely estranged from the truth? Who believe their own works and social standing gives them carte blanche to preach whatever they like, on their terms? Who don't consider themselves to be essentially sinners before a HOLY GOD?
It's almost impossible to reach them because the pagan
serpent power courses so strongly through their veins.
They need to come to the truth quick smart.
Holy Spirit doesn't conform to our lifestyles:
We must conform to Spirit
Russell Brand verily exudes a stealthy luciferianism spiked
into the ley-lines of the entire planet, like so much bad heroin,
helping lead many deeper into the lies of satan.
By Russell multitudes are being led by a grinning court jester.
Russ regularly posts pics of his big skull staring right at you as if giving
darshan and transmitting shaktipat (serpent force) beguiling millions of naive,
needy peoples spellbound by yet another brazen conduit of le grande illusion..
For all the sharp wit Russell's an unwitting stooge of the serpent powers
leading many astray with spurious logic, yogic philosophies, faux love 'n' light
and a new age - all religions and beliefs lead to God - outlook.
For all the sharp wit Russell's an unwitting stooge of the serpent powers
leading many astray with spurious logic, yogic philosophies, faux love 'n' light
and a new age - all religions and beliefs lead to God - outlook.
In concert with the trendy namaste brigade Russell talks about
honouring the Divine within us; but he clearly doesn't have
the indwelling Spirit of God so that's a complete farce.
Everyone from the ancient rishi's to the current Dalai Lama are mockeries of the Divine. The only thing buddhist/hindu's are honouring is the serpent energy - the satan - within them. All
former and contemporary hindu style self-realisers and buddhist masters reciprocate the osmotic spirit of satan.
Satans "I Will" proclamations saturate
the entire new age (Isaiah Ch.14: 13-14)
God is a Spirit
and must be worshipped in Spirit and truth.
Russell's a carnal man, an admitted sex addict and an addict in general,
worshipping in the flesh not Spirit. He's a pagan
worshipping at the altar of
the vagina, and - instead of a conscience and a
sense of conviction - goes where
his senses flow, justifies it by new
age standards and demands we don't judge him.
The truth doesn't compute in Russ, it don't "resonate" with the kundalini in him; instead he laughs and jokes and listens
to perfidious gurus and yogis and thinks he
knows what's what - verily exuding an "I am my own god"
mentality leading many away from the true God.
Scripture tells us the carnal mind is enmity with God. It's not subject to the Law of God. Neither can it be. Those in the flesh cannot please God and that includes all the yogic puffing and panting and the ridiculous cathartic meditations sessions of Osho and his ilk. That sorta bullshit opens wide the human psyche to the spirit of lies.
Scripture tells us the carnal mind is enmity with God. It's not subject to the Law of God. Neither can it be. Those in the flesh cannot please God and that includes all the yogic puffing and panting and the ridiculous cathartic meditations sessions of Osho and his ilk. That sorta bullshit opens wide the human psyche to the spirit of lies.
Like all luciferian hindu roots new
agers the idea of conviction and judgement is anathema to highfalutin celebrities like Russ, they presume heaven an entitlement, and claim the
empyrean right to do what thou wilt. But they don't have such rights;
without the cleansing blood of Yahshua/Jesus Christ none of us do. They're gonna get an
almighty surprise when they're finally face to face with the Divine and
realise what a fallacy their life really was.
Russell Brand has given his heart and soul to deceptive
pagan gods and pushes kundalini yoga on youtube.
But Kundalini is inherently duplicitous and an insult
to Divinity. It shouldn't be partaken of. At all.
The serpent is a liar Russ. It lies to your
soul, and you're only helping to spread the lies.
You still need a serious unfuc*ing mate.
Unfu*k yourself with the Holy Spirit why don't you:
The only genuine unfuc*er.
Unfu*k yourself with the Holy Spirit why don't you:
The only genuine unfuc*er.
I for one am not fallin for any more vain spiritual bullsh*t.
A Russell Brand/David Icke style kundalini powered "spiritual" revolution
won't release mankind from esoteric bondage simply because too many
people are spiritually retarded. Any seriously mounted insurrection
against the system will play into the end-time stratagem of the
Esoteric Powers That Be
Despite what the many demagogues would have
us believe, mankind cannot redeem itself by itself
There's no human terms utopia a-comin.
We can't sort out the worlds problems and become as gods.
That's the ol'
serpent talkin, a serpent clearly tattooed
on the hand of Russell Brand (he's verily branded)
Mankind can't rise up, wrest control from the dark forces
and create a paradisical new age on it's terms; but I'm sure
the devil has you convinced otherwise with ancient ingenuity.
Even if we are sons of God the way you like to think you are,
the cosmic principles of right-ruling and good-conduct still apply
Don't empty your mind. THINK!
Keep your mind stayed upon Jesus
For maintaining optimum spiritual health we gotta keep
our minds stayed on God and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
There's no changing or adding to the truth with our own. Concepts
of "evolving" spirituality are LIES because the truth is the same forever.
We must forego all pretences of a personal sovereign I AM
and instead receive the blessings bestowed by the
true and Almighty I AM
THE I AM THAT ISN'T YOU (thank God!)
The actual Eternal I Am didn't act so incredibly lovingly so we can
ourselves up and enjoy materiality and revel in sensuality ad infinitum:
bullshitting all the way of the world. The I Am offers a loving hand and
marvelous solution to all human problems:
Redemption from the all
pervading deception
Redemption even from the fall.
Opening to the Creator opens our heart to the Spirit of truth,
which quickly evicts any trace of serpent energy and fills the God shaped space
in our heart. We undergo a remarkable mind/body/spirit
deconstruction of all
we believed before, even all we've psychically inherited. We don't need
Russell Brand style pep talks and dietry advice:
Spirit changes our spirit from within,
transforming our entire worldview.
I'm a prime example, and my only hope is that I'm
effectively for someone - anyone - to take serious notice.
With regards the future I retain a hard core of optimism; but I've no confidence
With regards the future I retain a hard core of optimism; but I've no confidence
in mankind awakening from it's
collective dream body without some short, sharp,
shock treatment. A Human terms insurrection against the system will
only cause chaos and play into the illuminati's hands.
Words are largely ineffectual; it's action what matters; yet truly
unselfish acts that
further the cause of Spirit are few and far between.
Lookin at the world and seeing the darkness operating in
young and old alike, I see that the only way this planet can
be sorted out is by a Righteous Divine Being coming down...
... with the Keys of Heaven and earth.
... with the Keys of Heaven and earth.
JESUS is that Being. There's no other.
It's been much posited and yearned for.
Heavenly signs have occurred. Some time ago the
Second Coming became an issue, 'cos what I'm preaching has no
substance if Yahshua ain't returning. So I asked Spirit if He really is.
It suddenly occured to me that's a dumb question!
'Cos the Holy Spiritcame
just like Yahshua said He would!
So Yahshua really is coming
again just like He said He would.
John the Baptist was a Spirit filled man who's life purpose was to
John the Baptist was a Spirit filled man who's life purpose was to
prepare the Way of the Lord. Preparing the way means pulling down strongholds,
casting down
imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the
knowledge of God, meaning everything new age as it happens: exposing
spiritual deception and the worthless deeds of evil and darkness.
Just 'cos the Second Coming ain't
Just 'cos the Second Coming ain't
happened yet
don't mean it ain't gonna.
I waited for the new age most of my
life and I can categorically state -
for all the reasons presented in
this blog - that it ain't gonna come. There's
no "great awakening" except in our high imaginations.
The actual Great Awakening will be
terrifying for a great many people.
If a thousand years is as one day to the Lord that means
He's been gone but two days and this is the morning of the third.
Daybreak hasn't arrived yet. We truly are in the Twilight Zone.
The Lord tarries because He wants as many as possible
to enter the Kingdom. But He will not strive with
mankind forever. There is a time limit.
We're in the end-times for real.
The beast system's clearly forming all around us and will reach a
terrible conclusion. We can't stop it happening, we can't prevent armageddon. They're predestined. Only pride, vanity and a large
dollop of self-delusion presumes we can avoid the inevitable.
The end-game's a-comin.
"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour
as ye think not the Son of man cometh."
It's actually a good thing that Yahshua hasn't
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some
understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting
anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."
"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour
as ye think not the Son of man cometh."
It's actually a good thing that Yahshua hasn't
returned yet because when He does the game is well
and truly over and Righteous Judgement begins.
dose of smelling salts. But alas! they've so many issues, wants and desires that they cannot see the time in which we live. They think they're free spirit's but it's the
spirit of satan dominating them, and they're led by a lotta fatuous people. The good looking ones are the worst offenders because they get all the attention and the
most press. They're more easily persuaded to entertain vain imaginings
and contrived spiritualities.
Masses of asses are easily swayed by a fair countenance, keen intellect and a kind
Masses of asses are easily swayed by a fair countenance, keen intellect and a kind
disposition; but good looks, smarts and a genial manner are no indicator of Divinity. Quite the opposite in fact: luciferians are often visually appealing and intelligent, satan is a most gracious gentleman. He used to be a staggeringly beautiful cherubim. Satan wants you following his bright, shiny light trails, not lookin
to the liberating Light of Yahshua/Jesus Christ and finding Salvation.
Satan's happy to give you what you want sexually, materially
Satan's happy to give you what you want sexually, materially
and spiritually,
relative to your potential. Just so long as you keep
living the lies and
don't begin serious enquiries into the actual truth.
I can't help but notice the implicit bias and glaring prejudice
of those
presenting themselves as free spirited teachers.
Observing many
self-appointed guides on facebook
and other social networking sites
over the years they can't be
considered genuine teachers. I certainly can't respect 'em 'cos
they're transmitting human level delusions - nothing Divine.
Systemic and esoteric programming is evident in their
Their attitudes are often inane and many of the things
they say utterly daft
and untrue. They churn out the same old ideas recycled for well over a
century: thought forms purposely programmed into the luciferic light field.
But you can't tell 'em nothin 'cos there's
no way through the thick hide of rectitude.
Most people won't easily let go of any influence they've pain-
stakingly cultivated. The masses are a means to a personal paradise.
Travelling the world,
speaking engagements and selling books
garners praise, prestige and
a very cushy life.
The new age is a smorgasbord of ancient
teachings and practises translated to modern memes.
teachings and practises translated to modern memes.
Satan and the Fallen are out to convince everyone that spiritual diversity is
natural, even part of the evolution of spiritual life. They caused the diversity:
adept at practicing diverse ways of duplicity they keep our minds fixed on
material and political issues, and cleverly twist the spiritual side of things:
glamouring the psyche, ensnaring many with "sacred" geometries;
over-stimulating the sacral chakra; beguiling millions with fancy
psuedo-spiritual science (accessing "gene keys" is popular)
and passing it all off as freedom
"... darkness covers the earth and
gross darkness the people."
If you can't see it you're deaf, dumb(ass) and BLIND.
Every day I step out I observe a zombie apocalypse -
A spiritual darkness which can't be
away by the efforts of fallen men and women.
Only the Greatest Light can sweep away the deepest darkness.
issuing from astral glamourings fueled by material and
sensual desires. Spiritual
reprobation disguised as evolving
spirituality is rife within the suit yourself - all
you can eat - low
nutritional buffet that IS the new age of aquarius.
The new age is a McDonalds type spirituality:
chock full of additives and stimulating chemicals; keeping
everyone satiated with stodgy grub, dulled of mind regarding truth
and unquestioning of the many glittering esoteric alternatives.
It's just a lotta low nutritional snake oil saturated fast food
leeching all remaining residues of true Light from our souls.
If you love this fallen world by all means follow it.
Feel free to bask in your temporal
feelings - and effectively die in them.
This is NOT a spiritual world and following it's creeds
literally leads to spiritual death (estrangement from God)
The Most High offers Redemption to anyone who
needs to know the truth and is willing to follow
the Way
Without the desire to know real God uppermost in the mind
and heart
we experience but a
fraction of the Almighty Power of Yahshua, everything else
offers pale imitation and helps the world flourish in rank spiritual darkness.
Genuine spirituality is loving God with all our heart mind and strength.
In sharp contrast the new age is an inversion of that all important creed,
made to appear all about our-self; about trusting our emotions on a very
personal path to Godhood. It's just so much resounding bullshit.
We can't trust our emotions in spiritual matters
'cos they're of the flesh and the flesh is fallen.
Spiritual awareness occurs righteously when we accept the
Ruach ha' Qodesh and forsake
the desire for personal power and
worldly recognition. The most effective spiritual dynamic is loving
more than ourselves, allowing the Limitless Power of Elohim
to flow free, unhindered by pride, vanity and self-delusion.
The masses are rendered blind and useless by
the gamut of new age
denominations and sects:
What chance do they have to realise the truth while their
leaders are so charismatically stuck up their own asses
and consider themselves Divinely appointed?
What genuine enlightenment can
occur while those leading misleaders
cling onto the ways of the world and
lean on their own understanding?
Excuse me while I go weep a while.
Ahhh, that ol' Ascension business.
Latter day Earth Ascension predictions are
another nefarious corruption of holy scripture.
By now you oughta be able to see my reasoning 😊
It's around 28 years since I first became acquainted with the possibility
of a physical ascension to the 5th dimension and beyond, a migration to that
ol' Greater Reality I heard so much about. Back in the mid-nineties it was an
imminent world-wide event, or so those illustrious channeled beings promised
with unity of mind. However, these days I know they're dirty sneaky thieves.
"Ascension" doesn't occur from an intellectual grasp of quantum
nor does it occur via a mayan galactic wave the earth is riding upon. No, no, no:
All that quantum mechanical shit detracts from reality and gives us
fanciful but entirely wrong ideas.
All affiliated channelings are highly deceptive.
If ascension occurs at all it's by merit, specifically by
walking with GOD and being in the name and nature of
Yahshua - by following the Way the Ruach shows.
Today we're given super-fanciful ideas
of ascension far removed from the truth.
As a race we're dislocated from the spiritual axiom of truth and all the
fantastical notions of personal or planetary ascension arise from spiritual
narcissism and high imagination stoked by deviant angels.
A true "Golden Age" - if it's to
have real integrity - will be an
Age of Realising God. The Creator will be visibly
Present on earth.
There are clear scriptural prophecies regarding
the earthly Kingdom of God but many prefer to
stop up their ears and shut their minds:
not a slither of true Light can shine through.
New age ascension teachings bastardise Scripture,
twisting that remarkable event new agers prefer to ignore:
YAHSHUA'S Ascension and
the life and death proceeding it.
Nothing special there though eh?
Nah, away with all that because we're doing it too.
We don't need to look
to Yahshua's Way
because we're ascending our way
by the twisted beliefs and deeds of men and women.
Post the fall Divine authority was stripped from mankind and all the
quantum spirit science in the world don't stop us being fallen. Those channeled
spiritual or E.T. beings who promise again and again to coax out our inner
Divinity and Enlighten us never will, no matter how much we believe them.
They'll DELUDE you to within an inch of Eternity
Channeled beings are serial liars folks, they're just
so many fictional characters played by nefarious supernal
beings in permanent exile from Divinity.
The notable biblical Ascenders (Yahshua, Enoch and Elijah)
did it by the only way it can happen: by walking with God. It's only by walking with God that anyone's taken into Heaven.
As a man Yahshua was the perfect model of humility and meekness:
He couldn't do the great miracles of Himself,
He needed the Spirit of God
He couldn't do the great miracles of Himself,
He needed the Spirit of God
It's crucial to realise that Yahshua couldn't
begin His ministry
proper until anointed and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
And neither
can we.
The Power of the Ruah resurrected Yahshua
Utterly amazing yeah?
from the dead, which logically follows that with the Ruah
we have the Resurrection Power of Christ within us.
we have the Resurrection Power of Christ within us.
Utterly amazing yeah?
Spirit Raised Yahshua following a life of obeisance, faith
and an others centred life ending in the ultimate sacrifice. Yahshua practised
serious spiritual living; there was no pretence in Him, no desire for anything
worldly or flesh centred. Nothing besides fulfilling God's Will
and redeeming mankind from SIN
There's an obvious holy trinity at work
which we too must be allied with for any chance of
knowing the authentic spiritual life free of systemic bullshit.
While not something that can be adequately understood logically
(created beings simply cannot comprehend Eternal Beingness) the
holy trinity is obvious all through the Bible with eyes to see.
The original and correct
translation of Genesis 1:1 goes like this:
“In the beginning Elohim (plural) created the heavens
and the earth.” Then we have: "Let us create man in our image."
I used to believe that was E.T.s
genetically creating mankind. But no.
It's the holy trinity/Elohim:
the Father YHWH, the Son/Christ
and the Holy Spirit in One Accord.
All three are ONE.
In the book of Isaiah YHWH speaks of
Spirit and redeeming servant (Jesus)
The Angels in Heaven sing
Holy, Holy, Holy (3 times)
It's present at the baptism: Yahshua,
Dove and YHWH's Voice from Heaven.
The transfiguration event presents Yahshua, the
shekinah glory (Holy Spirit) and the voice from Heaven.
Yahshua said He is the Way (Himself)
the Truth
(Spirit) and the Life (YHWH)
Aside from anything else the Presence of
Holy Spirit absolutely confirms the holy trinity
That All-Powerful Love I experienced
in the woodland all those years ago?
Now I'm with Spirit I'm receiving intimations of that
same Love; but not so much that I can't function properly 😍
When I'm hittin' on the Light of Life I'm quite the blissful soul.
When I'm hittin' on the Light of Life I'm quite the blissful soul.
However, I'm not taking anymore shit. My northern english mentality
forbids it. A guru I used to respect said, "the human ego is hardly to be
dislodged except rudely" which rings true and I'm stickin' with it.
Even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while.
I know the serious quantum entanglement of
the new age - go your own way - rejection of GOD.
I've been there.
The new age was set up to expressly deny who Jesus really is.
But it couldn't prevent my conversion
to the real Jesus when the time was right:
bestowed by Grace not by my own works.
It's not by our works (meditation, yoga etc) that we're enlightened
It's not by our works (meditation, yoga etc) that we're enlightened
but only through the work of Yahshua/Jesus Christ. New age ascension
hopes and dreams are twisted versions of the prophesied harpazo or
"Rapture" of the church (called-out ones) at the appearance of
Yahshua and His Angels in the clouds during the end-times.
Now I'm in the Light of Spirit I believe
that more than the new age versions.
I've had all sorts of vexations
thrown at me since my conversion:
I'm indoctrinated; a puritan;
I'm subservient to a demiurge and an outmoded faith.
I've been accused of spiritual snobbery, even schizophrenia. But it's
only pig-ignorant atheists and self-approving new agers who think that way.
I'm a christian because I've been given eyes to see and a heart to understand.
I see and understand the intrinsic truth right at the heart of
the faith, a truth belittled and bastardised for two millennia.
In antiquity "christian" was a derogatory term meaning
a little Jesus (no bad thing) but the very earliest Spirit
filled christians were known as followers of the Way.
Holy Spirit shows the Way.
An old friend forthrightly put it to me (in his usual blunt manner) that I'm detached from the "real" world because I'm thinkin about spiritual stuff all the time. Nope, I'm not in the slightest bit detached. The real world has come into sharp relief.
I'm intimately involved with the real world. Real Spirituality isn't detachment, certainly not in a hindu "everything is an illusion" way. It's close involvement with reality, which includes all the joy and sadness of a very real life. I put it to my friend
that it's he who's detached from the real world.
But he didn't understand 'cos he's a natural (carnal) man:
spiritual things are spiritually discerned;
the natural man cannot discern them.
I've had other friends like him. Weird was one way they described me, and they
weren't far wrong. I'm still weird 😎. I was always set-apart but never detached.
The Reality of the ignorance of humanity was often lonely to behold.
Spirituality is serious my friends and unfrienders:
a no-nonsense affair of the heart, mind and soul,
NOT a new age entertainment and variety show.
Ever since that woodland revelation
of Almighty Love
there's been many high's and some very dark,
self-destructive lows
along the criss-crossing paths of beliefs I chose to inspect.
The light of the new age blinded me to the truth.
I was so bedazzled by false light that I couldn't see
the truth staring me right in the face.
With hindsight the new age is nothing to put our faith in.
We might just as well put our faith in
Harry Potter.
It seems that many really do!
I've been through
some intense dark nights of the soul.
I wonder how many new age
leaders have? I don't regret those
times. Dark nights temper the soul and test it's mettle.
They're painful yet alchemical.
In sharp contrast the new age
is a picture of smug complacency.
The Hindu/new age/gnostic perspective is
that Yahshua expressed the Christ Spirit within all of us.
That everyone evolves to Divine stature given enough time.
But Yahshua didn't have the Christ Spirit: He IS the Christ.
Without the Ruach we're nowhere
near Christ and we are in fact anti-Christ.
The self-centred new age promotes a false Christ not of
the Spirit of God but of the fallen spirit of satan, proclaiming:
"I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above
the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation.
On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the
heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High."
Sounds like an awfully self-centred new age sorta guy to me.
His dark and impossible aspiration is reflected in the
innocent seeming mysticisms of ancient cultures.
Arthur Versluis, author of Platonic Mysticism writes:
reflective awareness of our own transcendent nature, or to put it
another way of the nature of transcendent reality from which, in this
tradition, it is said we are indivisible. As such, mysticism has
offshoots and subsets that can better be understood with reference to
it, but mysticism essentially is contemplative
ascent and illumination,
whatever cultural context it exists within."
By the Light of Spirit that sorta thinking has the spirit of satan all over it.
Scripture says that satan would have a heart lifted up, a mouth that is boastful,
that he would do as he pleases, that he would EXALT and MAGNIFY himself - that
he would oppose God. Satan hasn't repented of those desires, they're still vivid
in his insane imagination and aspiring to manifest:
but it will never be actualised no matter how much he visualises.
The pompous "I will" posturing is all too
apparent in the new age today and proof positive
of satans spiritual tangibility. If any more proof is needed.
When we're open to Spirit, peruse Spirit inspired Scripture,
then look right at at the new age we see satan staring back at us. Everyone
wants to be masters of their domain; to be Sovereign over their life. Even to
be their own God. We all wanna create our
reality. Trouble is we're
creating realities that are thousands of
years old, the reality of seperation
from GOD; with some "radical" fancy adornments and a large,
self-indulgent dollop of cream on top.
For all the razzle-dazzle glamour it's merely
the fallen light recycled time and time again.
We're told we create
our own reality. Yeah we do.
There are two to create from: One with God, and one without.
between are the "matrix" manipulators of David Icke teaching:
reptilians/ archons/demons etc:
abominable hybrid mutations of the fallen ones.
The arch Satanist Anton LaVey stated that there are but
two powers in the universe: one of God the other of satan.
The channeling obsessed new age channels the spirit of satan.
"You were the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, Beryl, onyx, and jasper, Sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created. You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God.
"You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.”
"Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty;
"You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.”
"Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty;
You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor.”
"you have set your heart as the heart of a god.”
Some argue that those verses
refer to the King of Tyres.
But it's the spirit of satan operating behind the King being
addressed, through the spiritually open eyes of
the prophet.
Yahshua did the same when he rebuked satan operating
through Peter (at that moment) in Matthew 16:23.
Whatever satan's original name was; be it
Lucifer or Gadre'el or whatever; all angels were subject to
man's authority. Even the highest and most beautiful cherubim.
Cherubim's are highly positioned warrior angels
and it's a great shame the highest and most beautiful turned out
to be so vain and prideful with an aspiration impossible to achieve.
Lucifer wasn't satisfied with being what he was. He wanted more -
to be like God. Jealous of the godlike authority given to man over the earth
Lucifer refused to serve man and instead set out to usurp the Word of God by
questioning His authority and instilling doubt in Eve by persuading her with
outright lies and the power of suggestion mixed with some
tantalising empty promises.
Like so many today Adam and Eve were
massive suckers for the sly wiles of satan.
They didn't become more like God.
They became less like God.
And what an ALMIGHTY spiritual
MESS we've inherited because of it.
And we're still at it!
Wanting to be as gods.
Just shows how much trusting
God is absolutely necessary, even when
we don't possess full knowledge.
Mankind is deceived to within an inch of Eternal Life:
trusting and Heeding GOD is All-Important
Billions are swayed by clever words
and the loftiest implanted thoughtforms.
But Lucifer has no power to force mankind to
do anything outside of the power of suggestion.
Who really knows when the corruption of Lucifer occured.
The so called Gap Theory is compelling, the idea that Lucifer and
the angels (the Sons of God and Morning Stars) ruled a pre-Adamic
earth, which was destroyed then re-created at Genesis 1:2.
Lucifer's crime was initially pride and then deception,
persuading mankind to transgress against God and relinquish dominion
over the earth. We gave the title deeds to satan and empowered him. Whereas
our Great Power lies in trusting GOD our great folly is the desire for Godlike
knowledge: wanting to know the in's and out's of everything before we're
mature enough to wield such Godly knowledge wisely.
YHWH stripped Lucifer of angelic status and the only power
he now wields is our power used against us, which he uses to steal,
kill and to destroy. Lucifer became satan: the adversary.
We've inherited a fallen, demon infested world. The devil
is in all the details. Our core desire for life
mastership has been warped and twisted for millennia.
Adept at truth inversion he's still
cherub who covers (our heart and mind)
with dark, overshadowing wings.
Satan is a master at using our spiritual
aspirations and God given creativity against the
Light and truth of our Saviour Jesus Christ.
“Every man would like to be God if it were possible;
some few find it difficult to admit the impossibility.”
some few find it difficult to admit the impossibility.”
- Bertrand Russel -
Now we've come full circle with regards to the many hindu/new age
panjandrums and the atavistic uber-delusions they represent.
panjandrums and the atavistic uber-delusions they represent.
A lot of spiritual organisations have claimed divine inspiration or descent.
This brings me to my last and almighty rebuke of another ludicrous hindu luminary I used to be (somewhat) in awe of, who was the embodiment of all of the spiritual corruption and strong delusion the oldest of religions represents: the man Franklin Jones aka Da Free John, Bubba Free John, Da Love-Ananda, Da Kalki, Da Avadhoota, Da Avabhasa etc, and on it went right on up to the title he was
known by before his sudden and unforseen death a few years ago:
Adi Da Love-Ananda Samraj the "Ruchira Avatar"
Ludicrous luminary indeed: the man reckoned he was God.
The only real God mind you, that ever was or will be. No one has reached a higher
level of enlightenment than him, he was the very top of the pyramid. He claimed to be the reincarnation (or the fusing of the souls) of the late 19th century neo-vedantic hindu's Swami Vivekananda and his beloved master Ramakrishna, those unwitting servants of satan I rebuked at the very beginning of this rather necessarily
extensive blogscape
Adi Da said that he was the promised God-Man,
or "Kalki Avatar," the one we've all been waiting for folks.
Here's what Mr. A. Da. Samraj quite seriously proclaimed:
"Beloved, I Am Da, the One and Only Person Who Is, the Eternally Self-Existing. and Eternally Self-Radiant, or "Bright", Person of Love-Bliss, the One and Only and (necessarily) Divine Self (or Inherently Non-Seperate, and, therefore, Inherently egoless, Self-Condition and Source-Condition) of one and of all and of All. I Am Self-Manifesting (now, and forever hereafter) As the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj. I Am the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj, the Avataric Realiser, the Avataric Revealer, the Avataric Incarnation, and the Avataric Revelation of Reality Itself. I Am the Avatarically Incarnate Realizer, the Avatarically
Incarnate Revelation of the One and Only Reality, Which Is the One
and Only Truth, and Which Is the One and Only Real God."
Ye false Godz!!!
What staggering Self-Delusion
Twas a right chore typing all that out 'cos there's no option to copy and paste; but I had to drive home my point. In the same book (plus another 4!) he goes on and on with that Self-Exalted bullshit: literally on and on (and on). In his early days of being God Adi Da wrote a very persuasive autobiography to back up his claim charting his path to "enlightenment" and wrote numerous other very eloquent books as he created a personal (temporal) kingdom on earth: for many years
Adi Da lived on a Fijian island surrounded by hundreds of devotees.
I was somewhat sucked in by Da's strong charisma
for a while, and almost became a devotee. Almost!
I had a friend who did,
thank God I didn't.
(I led that friend to Adi Da as it happens)
(Jeepers! What a jerk I was 😧)
These days I posolutely know he was wasn't the one and only "real Godman,"
or any god at all as it 'appens, so I surmise that all of his life was influenced by the oldest and most insidious of lies to make him conclude the whopping great lie that he did. The forces guiding Franklin - the "bright," the kundalini, the shakti -
are ancient, corrupted pagan powers utterly misconstrued in my many
aspiring rishis and yogis for millennia.
Franklin Jones was a prime expression of the darkest
of dark esoterisms such energy forms represent, and which
continue to operate in many influential people today
Franklin and his ilk buy into the oldest lie in the book:
being as god's (to varying degrees of uber-delusion)
Here's a picture of God.
Ain't he pretty.
That's God?
Nope, I can categorically state that that's satan sitting proud right there
(or one of his angels - same difference) just as he sat proud within the first yogi >Shiva< the "adiyogi" of Sadhguru fame. The so-called Sadhguru is a blatant idolator. He made a verily obscene 40ft idol of Shiva to worship before.
What better example of the ancient corruption of human nature can I provide?
Adi Da, Osho, the Beatles' Maharishi, our
contemporary Sadhguru and even Eckhart Tolle
are modern expressions of ancient satan.
Satan has posed as the incarnated Godhead for thousands of years.
Satan has posed as the incarnated Godhead for thousands of years.
He's got the being God business sewn up, cornered the market. In sympathetic
emulation Adi Da thought he was the long awaited final avatar, the promised
Godman. But au contraire folks:
It's not real God but real satan he was mimicing, like some dumb dirty ape.
Adi Da was definitely top-tier delusional but he certainly had vision:
channeling the "all-seeing" eye above the illuminatus
pyramid transmitting faux-enlightenment to gurus everywhere.
What a complete and utter dick.
Adi Da is very dead now and didn't resurrect. His devotees
pleaded with his soul to return to his body. But he didn't.
He couldn't.
Adi Da's death was sudden, and he failed to see it
Adi Da's death was sudden, and he failed to see it
coming. So no mahasamadhi for the Promised Godman.
We're dealing in absolutes here
and Adi Da Samraj was an absolute ass
"These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm.
Blackest darkness is reserved for them. For they mouth empty, boastful words and, by appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh, they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error. They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for people are slaves to
whatever has mastered them." (2 Peter 2:17-19)
Franklin Jones (don't flatter him by ingratiating the Adi Da nonsense)
was quite simply MAD, and not in a good way either. If you don't see that
you're as damnably delusional as he was. Musing on his ilk by the
Light of Spirit regular thoughts occur of their ultimate crapness.
Franklin takes first prize as winner of Le Grande Delusion.
He's the rotten cherry on top of a mountain of esoteric excrement;
the poisonous flowering of the sort of vain philosophising on
man's inner divinity latterly promoted by Deepak Chopra.
The greatest error of a
man is to think that he is weak by nature, evil by nature. Every man is
divine and strong in his real nature. What are weak and evil are his
habits, his desires and thoughts, but not himself.
The greatest error of a
man is to think that he is weak by nature, evil by nature. Every man is
divine and strong in his real nature. What are weak and evil are his
habits, his desires and thoughts, but not himself.
The greatest error of a
man is to think that he is weak by nature, evil by nature. Every man is
divine and strong in his real nature. What are weak and evil are his
habits, his desires and thoughts, but not himself.
"The greatest error of man is to think that he is weak by nature, Read more at
evil by nature. Every man is Divine and strong in his real nature."
What are weak and evil are his habits,
his desires and thoughts, not himself."
"Our own self-realisation is the
greatest service we can render the world."
- Ramana Maharshi -
- Ramana Maharshi -
The greatest error of a
man is to think that he is weak by nature, evil by nature. Every man is
divine and strong in his real nature. What are weak and evil are his
habits, his desires and thoughts, but not himself.
Forgive me my northern englishness but
What a crock o' shite!
The Spirit in me recoils.
Ramana's presumptuous statements are
wholly contradictory to the unique Divinity of
Yahshua/Jesus Christ.
Ramana was a teacher guru I used to respect - even be in awe of -
when I didn't know better; but now I know better I know that - along with all
the other "self-realised" nuts of the ages - Ramana's highfalutin sense of >self<
and it's ever attendant moral cop-out really is rooted in an
ancient evil he failed to recognise.
Every man and woman is spiritually and physically fallen: for us,
realising the Divine comes only by humility and the Holy Spirit.
Preaching Salvation by Yahshua/Jesus Christ is
the Greatest Service anyone can render the world.
Not any jumped-up self-realisation lark!
Like all hindu style self-realisers Ramana Maharshi was essentially a pagan.
Unconvinced? Well he did revere a spirit inhabiting
a hill (Arunachala) and lived on, or near it, for most of his
"enlightened" life. As I've tried to make clear by the likes of Ramakrishna, Osho, Maharishi et al: none of 'em were aware of what they were
really into. For all the presumed enlightenment they were oblivious of the truth -
the salient truth of man's spiritually fallen state. That insight was kept from
them so they could indulge "self-realisation" to the Nth degree of self-delusion.
Ramana and his precious hill.
Ramana and his precious hill.
I see the same spirit operating behind this guy

This guy (Eckhart Tolle)
and this spiritual idiot
Russell Brand exalting the kundalini (serpent) spirit
I used to be emphatically resonant with all "self-realised" gurus
and for a while I had a picture of a smiling Ramana Maharshi on my wall.
But identifying with the so-called "enlightened" has long since departed
and I no longer hold to such an aloof view of spiritual life.
Spirituality has become a really quite a serious affair.
Ramana Maharshi and his ilk channel
the satanic attitude of self-exaltation:
offering up a subliminal middle finger to the Most High.
Ramana described his “awakening” in terms of possession!
Apparently that was his early reaction to the experience, which he relayed to
his first biographer B. V. Narasimhaswami (David Godman, Life and teachings)
Says it all, eh !
Ramana wasn't enlightened, he was possessed.
In deep meditation we become insensible and wide open
to concealed spirit possession: a harsh truth many spiritually
conceited folks find impossible to realise, let alone accept.
Ramana went deep into himself to such an oblivious
extent that insects came and eat away at his legs!
For all the myopic protestations of disgust against the biblical God,
He's not corrupt and bloodthirsty. God isn't a narcisisstic tyrant. You're simply
pig-ignorant if you think like that. Stop projecting and get over yourself.
God is an exceedingly patient and Loving Spirit who looks at
things spiritually:
it's the lower heavens and the earth which are corrupt, and almost beyond help.
In deepest antiquity
the saving grace of Yahshua wasn't available so removing
evil meant removing it's material expressions, even violently when
necessary -
with an iron hand - for the greater good of all.
When gangrene sets in amputation is necessary. When
cancer is present
it needs to be killed, 'cos it's an invading force that must be eradicated for the
rest of the organism to survive. God only ever wants what's best for us; but given
the extreme, primitive circumstances of antiquity - the carnality, demonic
possession and rampant idolatry - bloodshed was unavoidable.
Mankind brought it all upon itself.
There's been a concerted effort to smear the name and The common attitude of abhorrence
Mankind brought it all upon itself.
There's been a concerted effort to smear the name and
nature of God and appeal to mans lofty ambitions of self-exaltation
disguised as transcendence. Ramana Maharshi tickles new age ears
because - in a spiritually fallen world - that sorta transcendentally
dismissive shit is very appealing, so I'm giving examples
new agers won't like but to which they can relate.
The hindu "god" Krishna urged Arjuna to
righteous battle regardless of the (illusion of) imminent
bloody destruction to his close friends and family.
Ramana Maharshi said this:
"The sage who knows the truth
that the Self (soul) is indestructible will
remain unaffected even if five million
people are killed in his presence."
remain unaffected even if five million
people are killed in his presence."
towards the Biblical God is unfounded:
I'm sure Ramana was a very nice guy,
but he was full of shit.
For Ramana the greatest question is of self-enquiry:
Who am I?
However, true self-enquiry is not who am I
but who am I in GOD.
Ramana didn't know that. He was too self-absorbed.
Ramana's awareness was founded in hindu thought waves
We can logically surmise that mankind is an almighty sucker
for the profoundest mercurial applesauce; so quit turning a blind eye
to the awful spiritual subversion y'all are immersing yourselves in.
As Scripture so succinctly states:
it isn't in man to direct his own steps.
They lead themselves and everyone
who follows into strong delusions
who follows into strong delusions
that grin off your face new age teacher, stop that there smirking
gnostic preacher, get lost luciferian jerks because none of you are enlightened. Or even awake. You're fast asleep dreamin lucid
dreams. None of you are the slightest bit wise, your conceited wisdoms are based entirely on lies. You're positively brimming with deception. That grin
you wear is a shit eatin grin. In your uber-delusions you're indulging not only yourself but satan too; he wants you on the throne
of your life, wants you to have faith only in yourself, wants you to
trust in your presumed holiness and your own works. Satan wants you believing
in a perfidious guru or the the new age bollocks of a Teal Swan or David Icke simply because
they're channeling the spirit of rebellion against the Most High.
Satan's will is for you to be magniloquently Sovereign
over your life because it's the supreme mockery of God.
Satan IS the presence operating behind Ramana Maharshi,
Franklin Jones, Osho, Sadhguru and every guru past and present and,
by "shaktipat" transmission, many new agers (to greater or lesser degrees).
The only authority and power any person or crazed cherubim
wields is that which we give them.
DON'T give it to them.
I'm not tickling your ears and joining the
chorus of rebuking and
slandering the name and
nature of God but I've other fish to fry.
I'm joining the Chorus of PRAISE!
God has revealed Himself by His Spirit - a
Spirit wHoly other than any of us. God's true nature was
revealed in Yahshua who showed that - despite our fallen sinful nature
- God still loves and cares enough to die for us so that we might be
reconciled, washed of sin and ultimately saved for a
residency in the Kingdom of heaven.
What else d'ya thinks coming? the New Age?
You got another think comin!
We live on a supernormal planet reduced to abject abnormality.
domain and A-OK to encourage their many fawning followers to pay for
their company, buy their books and assimilate every word as gospel; selling luciferian precepts of personal godhood. But when you really think about it (you know, use your head sorta thing) everyone being their own god is
an utterly absurd concept and an actual impossibility because -
looking around at this fallen world,
and seeing that it really is fallen:
it's abundantly clear that everyone being their
own god would bring utter chaos to the earth.
If y'all put the faith you have in yourselves into Yahshua
we'd be closer to Heaven on earth. As it is we're not.
If y'all put the faith you have in yourselves into Yahshua
we'd be closer to Heaven on earth. As it is we're not.
All the self loving, you are your own god mentality stems from
the pervading spirit of satan. In considering yourself sovereign over
your life and not acquiescing to Real Divine Authority, not you but
SATAN is the actual sovereign over your life...
... satan is your higher-self. You're channeling satan's
pride, vanity, narcissism, insanity and ultimate futility.
I'm not having fun with any of this. It's with a heavy heart that I preach.
It saddens my soul realising the extent of the deception. I'm verily grieved at the new age's inherent narcissism and uber-delusions which prevent acceptance of insight that contradict the trendy love & light theologies. The spirit of satan is the ultimate self-lover and egomaniac, sporting an electromagnetic field of influence verily shining through the hindu guru's of yesteryear and the "lightworkers"
and "wayshowers" of today, encouraging all of the - matrix style life is a dream/everything is an illusion - we are multidimensional bullshit
Hindu gurus and new age teachers are not
in the Image of God but of the spirit of satan.
We are a Divinely disaffected race
given an inverted, selfish
spirituality altogether bound to the earth's psychic distortion fields.
Since forsaking the heavenly position as one of God's most beautiful
Cherubim, satan's no longer of Heaven but entirely of the world.
In sharp contrast the Spirit of Christ
is in total accord with the Light of Heaven and
wHoly at odds with the darkness of the world
As christians we're not of this world:
“They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world"
Fantastical fallacies in the guise of inspiration spring from the minds of many.
Astonishing ideas circulate: the notion that we are multidimensional beings is a doozy. We aren't multidimensional, we're localised in time and space for our own good. Astral excursions only expose our fallen spiritual nature to deceitful entities and their strong illusions. I've heard tell lucifer is the ultimate initiator transforming souls, and there
are those proclaiming - with putative authority - that satan has repented. He's back in the fold of God and helping mankind awaken. Convenient, fluffy love n light perspectives for sure but simply not truth:
they're inversions of truth. I'm aghast when otherwise very
clever people peddle such naive claptrap. It
shows how clever
people can be such resolute dumbasses sometimes.
The cleverer
you are the more stoopid you can be.
I don't care what source or method folks use to twist scripture to conform to their own understanding; spiritual embezzlement attracts deceptive entities into anyone's sphere of influence, leading them and their followers way off the mark. There is no repentance in satan, he has been judged and the judgement is final. There's no possibility of appeal. Satan doesn't wanna appeal, he still thinks he's gonna win. But his light is condemned. Don't be condemned with him! It's wiser to follow the Light of the Ruach folks, for Lucifer's still bringing the dawn and spreadin' it around his worldy estate; but it ain't no Divine Light folks.
Lucifer forsook the true Light when he rebelled against God.
💥He's faked it ever since💥
Archangel Michael defeating satan. Taken in the church on St.Michaels Mount, Cornwall, UK.
I see the satanic archetype - the desire to be like God - at
the core of all things hindu, buddhist and the entire new age.
There's no mistaking it: the holographic "I will" imprint within the matrix lightfield is clear, the iniquitous urge to rebel against Divine Light is instilled within ages of thought, adding delusion to illusion and vice versa for millennia, forming a world in satans image, reflective of his post heavenly demeanor.
Satan is unrepentent, super confident and very successful. Folks like Tony Robbins channel satan. We're either slaves to the system, rebellious against it or worshipping idols in the form of celebrities, sportsman, musicians
or fatuous hindu or new age gurus.
Without the Holy Spirit it doesn't matter what attitude we
assume or path we take because we remain slaves to the world,
we still have to rely on the system to get along in life.
Crafty ol' Nick hasn't missed a trick
"Satan is an evil genius. He's also insane
because he believes he's going to win.
Only an insane mind can think that way."
- Alan Horvath (R.I.P.) -
As befitting the attributes of insane genius, satan wields multiple personalities developed over thousands of years. At heart he's a beast, a "roaring lion prowling about, seeking who he may devour." The dominant theologies of the last couple o' centuries are bulging with satanically influenced personas. Thelemism, arriving early in the 20th century, is an offshoot of theosophy and a cornerstone of new age thought. It's "Do what thou wilt shall be
the whole of the law" (Satan's I will) philosophy was initiated by the self-styled "BEAST" Aleister Crowley.
Thelemism encapsulated Crowley's idea of being a free spirit,
or his "angelic" guide Aiwass's idea of it anyway
New agers love all that self-empowerment shit; but it's
a misleading even soul dangerous way to go about life.
The new age is the emperor in new clothes and I'm one of a growing
number of
God's incredulous children pointing out the nakedness
If you haven't bailed on me, I'll tell you this: that fancy ass
hindu roots/psuedo-spiritual teacher/guru you love is a follower
of the light of a fallen cherubim heretofore known as satan.
For all the supposed wisdom and insight how witless is your guru?
And how unwitting are you by following him/her? The fallen light is insidious,
always moving to subvert our collective day to day reality and multitudes
are obliviously emulating a defrocked cherubim.
Those in the inner circles of such highfalutin hindu or new age crooks
are exposed to their iniquities, yet so emotionally invested are they, and under
their dark influence, that they have no recourse but to consider their masters
every mood and desire to be expressions of the Divine.
Most assuredly they're not.
The luciferic new age pulls the wool right over our eyes.
We mustn't take anything for granted: if we're transmitting any
degree of true Light we're a legitimate target and satan is looking for
chinks in our armour. If we're wearing it, otherwise we're his unwitting lapdogs. Satan uses ingenious methods to keep us neutralised, sedated, messed up on drink, drugs or fixated on new age notions of a great awakening. More often than not he's extremely successful -
often for an entire lifetime - in leading people astray from the narrow path
of simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.
"If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast,
and give to the poor,
and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come
and follow me."
Succinct advice pretty much every
new ager avoids like the plague.
that is the Way of authentic Spirituality,
requiring a leap of faith hardly anyone is taking.
Esoteric villainy is assailing the whole
world with lies. No one is exempt:
our world is literally a battleground of Light
and dark and right now the darkness is out on top.
Let's not be complacent anymore folks, we should question anyone
and everyone who steps up in the guise of spiritual teacher. There's way too many
dubious people pushing corrupt spirituality and parroting the lies of the serpent, stealing our attention and money. With fearless intrepidation, tune into their dark side and see what you can
find - all the better to suss them out. If they're not pointing the way to God but only to themselves (or yourself) don't listen;
certainly don't give 'em money, it gives them carte blanche to be
"creative" and come up with yet more vainglorious bullshit.
With the Ruach
- which guides to Yahshua and verifies the
soundness of christian
Scripture - we deduce a surprising antecedent:
the modern world is an
end-time expression of the ancient rebellion against
the Most High God YHWH. The new age and gnosticism are contemporary
extensions of that rebellion - a severe infraction of Spiritual truth.
spirit's channel through a variety of puffed-up
people and masses of sick, twisted folk using the internet.
Mankind shows
itself clearly divided.
There's absolutely no need to listen to those who profess
to be in contact with spirit guides or receive "transmissions"
from star beings, or whatever exotic entity they promote.
And definitely don't seek out fortune tellers.
Get into GOD and He'll take care of your
future just fine, and in the most surprising ways 😁
arrogance of worldly-minded
guru's and their acolytes knows no bounds.
many willingly stick to them like glue, losing all sight of sacred
not to mention God-given rational thought. Rationality flies
right out the window.
Sans insight into Real God the
new age/gnostic poobahs take godhood upon themselves, make shit up as
they go along and get all self-righteous about it.
They're just so many spiritual inveiglers stealing millions of souls.
"For there shall be a time when they shall not bear sound teaching,
but according to their own desires, they shall heap up for themselves teachers
tickling the ear, and they shall indeed turn their ears away from Truth,
and be turned aside to myths."
but according to their own desires, they shall heap up for themselves teachers
tickling the ear, and they shall indeed turn their ears away from Truth,
and be turned aside to myths."
The masses of self-righteous guides and "teachers" considering themselves sovereign over creation, even that they're gods and goddesses promoting faux enlightened "wisdoms" is extremely distracting; but don't be fooled by them or by those who tout God as some sort of vague energy or "source." That sorta shit takes you right away from His Name, Nature and Power... Scripture informs that GOD
is an Omnipotent Being with hands, feet and a Glorious Face.
The LORD has entirely virtuous character traits
and a Glorious Esteem radiating unto Eternity.
The Creator of Heaven and earth can be approached as
a Person within your Heart, not anyone else's. He provided
everything we need free of charge. We don't have to pay to
receive the Holy Spirit and be Guided Truly.
Except with sacrificing our former ways of course.
As many as I love, I rebuke and
chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent."
People love to proclaim that Jesus loves them as they are,
and they're
right. But they love themselves more than Jesus!
The *Glorious* thing
about *God's Love* is that it's *transformative.*
God insists on
changing us,
He loves us too much to leave us as we are!
Contrary to
popular opinion we're not born in the
*Image of God* but of fallen man
(Genesis 5:3).
Right now only Jesus is in the *Image of God*
😊 There's room for only One
Omnipotent God in Eternity 😊
Yahshua is fully God who walked the earth as a real man:
the truest and highest guru. The only shepherd worth His salt:
Almighty GOD acting lovingly within corruption, always mindful of free-will.
Yahshua works with free will, using what we give Him. The more we give the more is used for our benefit. We have the freedom to Love or loathe but those who Love
desire to please Him by obeying. It's so simple and presented very clearly but
for a great many, obeying a God they hate, or do not know,
is tantamount to taking cyanide.
Regardless of what any male or female new ager/lightworker would
have you believe: we cannot be our own guru. Since the fall it's no longer in men
and women to direct their own steps. I've known many a daft arcturan or pleiadian "lightworker" proclaiming we can, yet - moving on up the levels and staying relative -
I've noticed top guru's create exclusive and quite pompous luxury mini empires
befitting their twisted hand-me-down esoteric credos and operate strict internet
securities to boot, so wary are they of dissension among their own followers.
It's hilarious really: they rebel against the Most High yet expect
no such thing from their rank and file: control freaks all!
no such thing from their rank and file: control freaks all!
For the sake of reason, going by what I used to believe:
an authentic guru wouldn't allow you to do whatever you like, they'd
disavow you for it. A real guru - with his or her head pulled right out
their ass - insists on disciplining those under put under their charge
and keeping a very tight ship as YHWH did, for a time,
with the ancient Israelites.
Like a buddhist master walking around with stick in hand ready to
whack any student seemingly losing concentration, it's the same with God
when His children stray from the narrow Way, "... for whom God loves He reproves." We either follow the Way and attain to what's Good or go the
broad new age my-way highway leading to evil and ultimate destruction.
Of course that perfect precept is thoroughly perverted
by our contemporary self-exaltant and self-righteous guru's
"Blessed is the one who God corrects, do not
despise the discipline of the Almighty."
"Trust God with all your heart, and lean not on your own
understanding; know Him in all your ways, and He makes all
your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes;
revere God and turn away from evil."
If you think Love precludes hate you're wrong.
We're supposed to hate evil. As long as we're not stupid
we can hate. Like it or not hate is a Godly trait.
We're supposed to hate evil. As long as we're not stupid
we can hate. Like it or not hate is a Godly trait.
Divine Love ain't blind: God hates the evil of this world.
I've come to understand God's anger and wrath in relation to His fallen creation.
How would you react to young people smashing up your car? You'd react out of anger. In the beginning we were made in the Image of God and so we have life
and emotions. However, our current kaleidoscopic emotions arise from a
corrupted fallen nature.
God isn't at all fallen and His emotions are perfect and just. He is
compassionate and gracious, slow to anger; abounding in Love. The Creator also
with a perfect non-malicious hate uncorrupted by satan. It's good
that God
hates sin because it seperates man from God. Parents feel HATE when anything
steals children
away from their loving arms and hedge of protection.
Every parents hopes for their children to continue in a loving relationship
right to their dying day. But many children don't, they give their parents up, they turn their backs on home and they leave and don't say anything more and just cut themselves off. What do you think those parents feel like? God had a family on earth, He created men and women to be His sons and daughters; to be a
family and stay in fellowship with Him.
What do you think God feels when His children deliberately give Him up?
He's shown them who He is, shown them the truth about Himself, they know it yet
they turned it down. Their mind said no: this is our religion, this is our idea, this is
what we're going to worship. We shall serve something you've made: not you.
They love creation over the Creator.
They worship the Sun before the SON.
What do you think God feels about children who turn their back on Him,
and substitute the truth about an infinite God for the lies of some form of image
or idol? That's what happened, and why God reacts. It's not the immorality in
the world but the idolatry that God reacts to. It's not the fact that we
behave badly but that we've given HIM up.
God is Righteous yet self-righteous people love to project
their delusions onto Him, insisting He be a loving God
and nothing BUT a loving God or forfeit their love!
There are many reasons for that, the desire for satanic self-exaltation being one.
Self-exaltation keeps more people away from God than anything else. God's biblical activities being another. People judge God by the standards of a fallen world.
Personally I don't like some of the things recorded in Scripture,
but I understand the why's and wherefores of YHWH's judgements
in relation to satan, the deviant angels and fallen mankind.
Evil is a very nasty business which
can't be treated with kid-gloves.
To His own people God says:
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD,
thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."
God is good because He is God.
Goodness is inherent in Him because of who He IS.
It's this fallen world that's bad - because of who we are.
God wanted the best for Israel, and what's best is to follow Him
by paying attention and obeying eveything He says. A promised land
awaited, a land flowing with milk and honey but the Israelites frequently
erred and YHWH was not to be trifled with. He's a serious God who
solemnly hates Righteously where necessary, and Loves Greatly
when appropriate: slow to anger, abounding in Love.
God is Love. But He also hates and righteously so.
Our ways are not God's Ways:
Our ways are not God's Ways:
the clearest view of the Love of God we have is Yahshua.
"God is Love, but He also defines what Love is. We don't have the
license to define love according to our own standards and sensibilities.
Love is part of who God is, and God defines what Love is. Though God
acts in ways that seem unloving by our standards, they are not unloving
by His standards - and His standards are the ones that matter."
"God, as the Creator, is free to do whatever He sees best. As Sovereign,
He is compelled by none other than Himself. As the all-powerful, all-wise
Creator of the universe, God does what is just, right, and loving in a
much more profound way than we can possibly imagine."
Every one of YHWH's commands were given for perfectly good reasons,
mainly to counter the manoeuvers of satan (who you must know exists)
and combat the quite extensive genetic and esoteric
corruptions of the fallen angels/nephilim.
Back then life was a very serious business - life and death.
It still is though we do our best to obscure it. If we were fully cognizant
of the heights and depths of the historic and contemporary atrocities of
mankind we'd be rendered utterly insane.
In a world long dominated by hosts of discarnate and
incarnate criminal beings, the God of creation searched peoples
hearts, grabbed up Abram and generated His own people.
The greatest error of a
man is to think that he is weak by nature, evil by nature. Every man is
divine and strong in his real nature. What are weak and evil are his
habits, his desires and thoughts, but not himself.
The greatest error of a
man is to think that he is weak by nature, evil by nature. Every man is
divine and strong in his real nature. What are weak and evil are his
habits, his desires and thoughts, but not himself.
The greatest error of a
man is to think that he is weak by nature, evil by nature. Every man is
divine and strong in his real nature. What are weak and evil are his
habits, his desires and thoughts, but not himself.
"Beware lest any man spoil you through
philosophy and vain
deceit, after the tradition of men,
after the rudiments of the world, and
not of Christ."
Failing to heed sound scriptural truth and choosing instead to
listen to bands of exiled spirits, the new age is spoiling a great many unwary souls.
The prime directive - born of ages of seperation from Elohim - is it's all about us,
we are God, we can take control. But it isn't, we aren't and we can't. What we can
do is grab onto a firm hook of humility, bite hard on the
bullet and pray hard for deliverance:
before the shit really hits the fan.
There's gonna be no new age style migration to the fifth dimension, a collective effort of self-loving will not enable personal or planetary ascension. Where once I saw people expressing progressive enlightenments now I see displaced dreamers, puffed up dilettantes and a gamut of retarded spirits. They think they're of Christ but they're of the world. A Christ succumbed to the temptations of satan - full of the wiles of the world - is no Christ at all, yet they insist on projecting an air of Christ-likeness too many naive people fall over themselves for.
There's gonna be no new age style migration to the fifth dimension, a collective effort of self-loving will not enable personal or planetary ascension. Where once I saw people expressing progressive enlightenments now I see displaced dreamers, puffed up dilettantes and a gamut of retarded spirits. They think they're of Christ but they're of the world. A Christ succumbed to the temptations of satan - full of the wiles of the world - is no Christ at all, yet they insist on projecting an air of Christ-likeness too many naive people fall over themselves for.
Spiritual pride prevents reception of the Ruach ha' Qodesh.
Human spirit and the Holy Spirit are two very different spirits.
The spirit of mankind is fallen state - the Holy Spirit is not.
The only way to rectify our current nature is to open our heart and ask
for Spirit to come and guide us. Then we walk not in our own light and lean
not on our own understanding but in the Light of God. In that
Light we're
under different conditions and rules than before, even a
different order of
things and no longer subject to the wholesale
corruptions of ha' shatan.
Under the charge and supply of Spirit the numerous
new age theology's and divinatory systems no longer apply.
We are not our own criterion of truth.
In this fallen world the only truth worth it's salt is of the Ruach ha' Qodesh. It's time to revaluate Yahshua and be allied with His Holy Spirit. If you love the world and revel in the flesh, feel free to do what thou wilt and carry on regardless, but don't fool yourself and everyone else into thinking you're being spiritual.
Spirit doesn't conform to the whims and ways of
men and women; we must conform to the Way of Spirit.
Real Spirituality ain't a comfy life.
It's being set-apart and often reviled by the world.
"God has arranged all things in the
world in consideration of everything else"
The universe ain't teaching us lessons, only God teaches and reproves.
The universe isn't giving us anything, it doesn't pander to our every whim.
Only God gives good things. Authentic Spirituality
is shockingly other than we've
been led to believe for the
entirety of our mislead lives. Often reaching out with
no reciprocation,
the God of creation diligently follows His own laws of
free-will and allows people to bask in their temporal kingdoms
by giving them over to strong delusions.
New age anyone?
New age anyone?
Genuine Spirituality is not a free for all do what thou wilt scenario.
This is creation we live in and we are creatures. With eyes to see a pronounced Creator/creature distinction is evident. Harmonic multidimensional Laws were
set forth in all wisdom to serve creation for the good of All. In Spirit we realise
we know nothing before the Glory of the Most High and it's an entirely natural
instinct to fall flat on our face or raise our hands in gestures of
Not enough can be said about Yahshua/Jesus Christ, all praise is
due to the HE who created the heavens and the earth. Yahshua is the Door to
the "Greater Reality" of oneness. The Holy Spirit is our guide to the Door.
Yahshua is quite literal and exoteric.
He stated:
"if you've seen me you've seen the Father"
everyone knew He
was talking about the God of Israel YHWH:
the Creator of the heavens and earth. Definitely not the fictional
Aeon Yaldabaoth invented by the gnostics.
I hope to have convinced you
that gnosticism is pure heresy.
is perfectly portrayed and endorsed in the New Testament:
nothing secret, nothing
hidden, no mystery schools involved. We have a need to
know and what
we need to know is clearly presented in the Biblical Gospels
for ALL
to see. The fullest revelation of Jesus Christ is
contained in the Bible, nowhere else.
This is the Holy Bombshell I was
so lovingly and gently blasted by:
Reading the Gospels we are in Yahshua's Presence.
They're beautiful portraits of God walking on
Yahshua wasn't mistaken, lying or twisting
the truth. He was straight up the truth: come to
fulfill the Law and the Prophets...
... and to give us Eternal Life by His
sacrificial death and Resurrection.
Satan knows the things of Elohim and both
imitates and corrupts them.
After the fall satan became the migrating indo-aryan
peoples adiyogi
>Shiva< turning people right away from the one true God and unto
themselves, initiating pagan hinduism and by turns buddhism.
Satan is the higher self new agers aspire to become one with.
Yahshua wasn't in any way buddhist or hindu. He was a aramiac/hebrew jew from the line of King David - descended from the first man Adam. He referred to Himself as the son of man (Adam). Yahshua didn't travel to India during the "lost years," He had nothing to do with any cultures other than the descendants of Israel. He wouldn't have mixed with far eastern religious folks simply because "Light has no fellowship with darkness." Yahshua came to save souls "... for the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." Hindu's and buddhist's alike don't believe
Satan is the higher self new agers aspire to become one with.
Yahshua wasn't in any way buddhist or hindu. He was a aramiac/hebrew jew from the line of King David - descended from the first man Adam. He referred to Himself as the son of man (Adam). Yahshua didn't travel to India during the "lost years," He had nothing to do with any cultures other than the descendants of Israel. He wouldn't have mixed with far eastern religious folks simply because "Light has no fellowship with darkness." Yahshua came to save souls "... for the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." Hindu's and buddhist's alike don't believe
they're lost or sinful. They don't know they're fallen.
Yahshua is all-sufficient
but He ain't all-inclusive:
truth by definition excludes.
Yahshua was a carpenter by trade
"increasing in wisdom and favor with men." Being essentially God He
also knew full well His destiny: to die for the sins of the world and
reconcile mankind with the Creator. Regardless of old covenant deeds, which were a series of lessons and
demonstrations - of Righteousness acting within a spiritually fallen
world - Yahshua
represents the true nature of YHWH, which is LOVE.
Get over what you
think Divine Love is.
"I do not give to you as the world gives."
Only Almighty God - the author of Love - has
the authority to decide how Divine Love is expressed.
Yahshua walks in Spirit above the tumult of the world as He walked on water during life. Peter walked on water for the while he kept his eyes on firmly the Lord; but when his attention was drawn away to look upon the gusty wind and waves he began to quickly sink. What an amazing and heartening truth: we must keep our eyes (hearts) upon Yahshua lest we also sink into the mires of worldly concerns.
Yahshua walks in Spirit above the tumult of the world as He walked on water during life. Peter walked on water for the while he kept his eyes on firmly the Lord; but when his attention was drawn away to look upon the gusty wind and waves he began to quickly sink. What an amazing and heartening truth: we must keep our eyes (hearts) upon Yahshua lest we also sink into the mires of worldly concerns.
I'm an ex hindu roots new age gnostic, yet in my desire to know truth
above all else the Holy Spirit responded and took my heart, gave me eyes to see
led me to Divinely inspired scripture. Which came alive like never before.
It was quite
the surprise 😍
Who am I to argue with the Spirit behind creation?
And who are you?
We are creation not
created in the Image of God, not God Himself.
Our Godly image is utterly tarnished.
this world there's a fine line between truth
and deception and a
very narrow path unto Eternal Life.
Many have secured Eternity, a great many others are
stuck fast in ancient
Spiritual deception is very clever.
Cleverer than
we are -
mankind is totally suckered.
In response the Holy
Spirit is a priceless gift
Time to practice that ol' sacred humility.
Every negative opinion you've heard
about the biblical God is dead wrong.
Don't allow the bumptious gnostics or their luciferian brethren time in your
psyche tellin' you otherwise. They are false teachers and the way they're going are
thoroughly damned. Hopefully, I've instilled some doubt in your mind regarding them, and of David Icke, Matt Khan, Eckhart Tolle, Russell Brand, Teal Swan et al
'cos they're all guided by deviant luciferian spirits.
As much as those spirits and their chosen ones love to ply you with sweet smellin, ear ticklin' metaphysical bullshit I'm tellin you this: who we think we are is not what we really are. We are not God and, as it happens, we can never be God (thank God). In the true Kingdom the only way UP is down on our knees - metaphorically and quite literally. Prostrate yourself and God will lift you up in graceful ways.
Humble yourself before the Almighty
Power behind creation that ain't you
Stop trusting in mortal men and women full of strong
delusion, take a leap of
faith and trust in the one true God.
You want Light? Yahshua is the Light of the world.
You want protection? God is our
refuge and our strength,
a very present help in times of trouble. You
want peace?
Yahshua said,
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are
heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;
for I am meek and lowly in heart:
and ye shall find rest unto your souls."
You want freedom/moksha?
Yahshua is the truth that sets us free
(from world deception)
God is exceedingly patient, not wishing any
to perish,
but He will not strive with mankind forever - there is a
time limit. Put your heart and soul into Yahshua's more
than capable Hands
before it's too late
Get into God and God will get into you
Get into God and God will get into you
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,
declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
"And be
not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of
your mind, that ye may prove what is the good,
and acceptable, and perfect, Will of God."
"Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight
in the desert a highway for our God."
in the desert a highway for our God."
all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.
The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
But the Word endures for ever."
The best attitude of humility is to realise the world is fallen,
renounce your chosen theology or cosmology and definitely abdicate your
self-sovereignty and go read Spirit inspired Scripture. Become hungry for the Word. Let it speak to you. Find a church with switched-on people in love with God.
If you don't like those people go out and find another church.
But do find one, fellowship is very important.
There are loads of great preachers on youtube, such as Gayle Erwin:
you can download and listen to him read his books for free,
then listen to his often very funny yet insightful sermons:
There are loads of great preachers on youtube, such as Gayle Erwin:
you can download and listen to him read his books for free,
then listen to his often very funny yet insightful sermons:
I really like David Guzik's Bible commentaries
I was deep into the hindu roots new age. I thought
I was Brahman and I was. Now I know I wasn't 😵
Seriously folks, if you've any chance of Spirit
guiding your life you have to be open and humble.
Most sincerely folks, you're already fallen and wretchedly so.
So why not fall a little further onto your knees in humility.
Paradigm Shift your ass out of the
luciferic lightfield
and into the true Light. Make small gestures of humility
and Divine Grace will certainly flow unto you.
Some things are worth reiterating:
there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew
great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible,
they shall
deceive the very elect."
I love those olde scriptures; they
speak truth's that are true forever.
This is a testimony of my transition
from the new age to CHRIST
Thank you.