"In all this world there is nothing more upsetting than the clobbering of a cherished belief"
- Charlie Brown -
The Peanuts comic strip sure had
some erudite things to say about life.
no miserable bastard with an axe to grind 😏
just a very strongcompulsion to share the truth.
Generally, if TRUTH inconveniences someone or
creates enemies for them, or discomfort, or discord with
other people - they throw it out the window without blinking.
A lotta folks believe that “truth”isarelativematter.
But TRUTH is relative only in relationship with the
For over 30 years my truth came out of hinduism,
buddhism and the cosmopolitan NEW AGEwith
its Luciferian -Do What Thou Wilt- mentality.
But I've come to see that
Truthwisethe new age is a
stomach BLOATEDwith malnutrition.
With regards human spirituality, the new age - along with ALL the major religions including much assumed christianity - is a MASSIVE LIE foisted on the
hearts and minds of mankind since deepest antiquity.
I've been all through the new age
and out it's arse - smelling of💩
Only the BLOODofChrist could
remove the stench and thestains.
Some retort with incredulity:
"The Blood of Christ you say?"
Y E A H !
It's out there
yet the Spiritual
Efficacy is Quickened
only by F A I T H
We can't see or sense it
but by an InnerConviction
I couldn't have
discerned the BLOOD
as an IMPERIOUS New Ager
awakening out of the"MATRIX."
Now I know that
the darkly intentionedhoary
spirits governing our world expertly
pervert and bastardise Holy Truth.
(2 Corinthians 11:14-15)
They provide their own ways
and means to lead us far away
from the truth- into seduction.
The much touted Violet
Flame of "Ascended Master"
Saint Germaine of New Age
lore won't purify your soul:
it'll spiritually
along with DAMNING
y'all to H E C K.
It took the profoundest
Paradigm Shift (John 3) for
me to finally Realise that:
is the trueDIVINE precipitation
and the only genuinely effective
Spirit Reviver & SoulCleanser
in all of GOD's AWESOME
Jesus paid a High Price
to provide S A L V A T I O N.
(Hebrews 12:2)
billows through
creation - into
All "Saint Germain"
does for you is beguile
& defraud you to the last
breath of your life.
Don't be
following no
Violet Dude.
Sooner or later HE
leads you to PERDITION
S E R I O U S L Y:
Being washed by the
Spiritual Virtue of the
BLOOD of Jesus Christ
is like being cleaned of
ancient esotericexcrement.
A lotta new age types don't like me speaking
my renewed mind. They certainly can't accept the
BLOOD and H A T E it even being mentioned!
People are fond of saying God is LOVE;
but they don't know the half of it.
Jesus' Sacrificing His sinless Holy LIFE by
shedding His BLOOD is the Greatest Expresion
of God's Love there ever was or will be.
"God’s "love” is attended by suffering, pain, shame, reproach,
nails, hate,
whips, dying, and death. “God so loved the world” (John 3:16);
but don’t YOU
try that (1 John 2:15–16) because Jesus Christ never prayed for
the “world”
ONE DAY since He went back to GLORY (John 17:9). This means that
God’s Love
begins and ENDS at Calvary. You find it there, or you don’t find it.
WRATH of God “abides” upon any man who thinks God loves him
apart from
the sacrificial death of His Son (John 3:36; Gen. 22:1–2).
Read about it.
written in Ephesians 2;
John 3 and Romans 1.
"No man can understand LOVE till he understands CALVARY.
But what self-righteous sinner wants to become acquainted with blood,
whips, tears, shame,
nakedness, sweat, ridicule, pain, and death?
Read Isaiah 53 and Psalm
22 and
compare it with ANY good deed that Mahatma
Gandhi or
Nelson Mandela (or Mother Teresa) ever did in a lifetime."
“Love” has been defined
by its Author—“God is love”—as man’s Maker
dying in his place. Nothing can
match that love; nothing. If you do not know
about that love, and have never
experienced that love, then all of your pious,
sentimental talk about “loving your
neighbor,” and “speaking the truth in love,”
and “don’t offend the gays,” and
“don’t use racial slurs” is just
a ton of pagan BALONEY.
You are in love with
yourself (2 Tim. 3:1–2)
- Dr. Peter S. Ruckman.
If you're really into Love andtruth you'll realise upsetting
the new age applecartis what's needed - quick smart.
Some folks beseech me to let
people believe what they wanna believe,
but it's a naive and uninformed petition.
Multifold salient factors tell me
this ain't a time to be restrained.
According to Holy SpiritInspired Scripture
a MAJOR characteristic of the end-times is
Apparently theend-times are dead ahead
and there are many strong determinants
suggesting they mostdefinitelyare.
Either they are
or everyone carries on
befooling each other all the
live in a world of spiritual chumps.
Fake news
sells, especially spiritual fake news.
A lotta people get rich off it. It's not a modern thing
either, it's been happenin' since deepest
Fake news runs deep in the soul.
A little further down I share my
new age history, why I think like I do.
I talk about Eckhart Tolle,David Icke,Russell Brand,
Osho, Yogananda, channeling,angels and demons.
I'm not writing for christians per se,
I'm trying to reach new agers as an ex kindred spirit.
But if I'm helpful to any
backsliding christians, great!
I've often thought that my
intuition was some sorta curse.
But it's a Blessing.
By chance (or design) I've no cosy lucrative attachment to the
new age - no vested financial interests - and can freely lambaste without affecting my sense of love or spiritual security.
(True Love and EVERLASTING SpiritualSecurity
are provided solely in the One and Only Christ)
I'm here to help, in a down to earth
way; because we are
down to earth: we're human beings - fallible men and women -
NOT cosmic beings,starseedsor godsin the making.
Thatstuff is just so much
THAT's all I hear from pagan
new agers and mystics alike.
The CREATOR of the
universe gets short shrift.
t h e N e w A g e "Raising Consciousness"
lark is purela-di-da
Think about it:
Why are we urged to "raise our vibrations?"
Why's our consciousnessso low to begin with?
If you've read the "Spiritual Realisation" section preceding
this you might understand that the Earth and humanity are
That we've inherited a FALLEN NATUREis
one of the first things I realised upon becoming
B O R N A G A I N.
I mean, it's OBVIOUS.
It's why the World's so damneddemented:
physically, emotionallyandSPIRITUALLY.
Despite the fanciful notionsof inner
light we're ALL conceived within and
born into deepspiritual darkness.
(ROMANS 5:12)
((EPHESIANS 2:1-9))
The consciousness the new agers,
pagansand mysticsof the world are obliviously
Rising Upto is Luciferianin nature.
(ISAIAH 14:12-15)
((EZEKIEL 28:1-2))
Hordes of cosmic hauteurs run around believing they're
connected to truth who are anything but. Mobs ofidiot
savants assume connection to infinite wisdom yet
when proffered genuineDIVINE Wisdom they
can't see it and resolutely
reject it.
True Divinity impinges on their sovereign
lives and makes 'em feeeeelBAD 😩-
and we can't haveTHATnow can we 😂
A lot of majorly bombasticpeople
inspire everyone to follow their feelings:
"Just go with the your feeeelings
maaan"goes the cry: "follow your JOY."
Well I hate to be a party pooper but
nothing could be further from the truth.
I've fallen into some dark holesand
railed hard atGODfollowing my "JOY."
In afallen world +positive+
spirituality ain't synonymous with
Being so firmly ensconsed in the new age for
30 years it's abundantly clear that feelingsare
not a hotline to truth but toSTRONG DELUSION
I've come to realise that - for the most part -
we must go against our feelingsand flow with
insight given by Spirit (if we're with it)
'cos there's a wholyotherreality occuring
beyondthe carnal psychisms of humanity.
Modern spirituality is a
Many influential - assumedly
"awakened" folks - haven't a clue as to
what's goin' on or what they're really into.
Too many are under the impression
the spiritual realmsare all goodnessandlight.
Highlydeceptive spiritual beings
ABOUNDin theastralandlower heavens.
I know, I listened intently to a heck of a lot of 'em!
They told me all sorts of hopeful, wonderful stuff.
As a young, autocratic new ager lookin' longingly
at the future, I believed we'd be in the new ageby now.
Age of Love'n'
Light was soon to dawn!
What a CROCK!
I put a lot of investment intoLIES.
I woulda been as deliriouslyhappy
as any new
ager should something positivelycosmic happen
forall the
world to see.
I long hoped for irrefutable proof of theafterlifeor
the existence of advanced E.T.s being disclosed, quickly
changing the thinking of everyone on earth for the better.
Yet - with theprofoundwisdom of hindsight -that was a
headtrip: one of many ancilliaryillusion-delusionsadvanced
by thenew age's hidden proprietorsto satisfyhumanity's
insatiableobsessionforfast-food spiritualityand
Thankfully, a Spiritual common sense dawned
informing me that - instead of a Golden Ageof new age
Enlightenment- aGREATER Deceptionis coming.
It's already taken root in
the mindsof the masses.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience? It's a nice turn of phrase beguiling multitudes
but - right now - there's hardly anything spiritual
about being human besides make-believe.
Despite the manifold denials
EVIL certainly exists in this world.
There are dark corners
with horrors almost impossible
to imagine - even in our
worst nightmares.
S p i r i t u a l
Evil is highly intelligent
and incredibly deceptive,
often posing as goodness,
Love and Enlightenment.
Evil is so damn EVIL it imitates
Jesus,GOD and the HolySpirit.
Contrary to common thought:
"Expanded minds"don't expand further than anyone's
with no true connection to the rest of creation; they arise from so
many empirical lies which bear no relation to theGreater Reality
Much new agedeceit anddelusion abounds about what we are but
the sober reality is we're
all congenitally subject to death and moral
ambiguity. We're born into SINsimple as.If that offends your
spiritual pride andprejudice - your nonsense
and nonsensibility - then great!
out all the bloody wars of history.
The depths of horror,anguish, suffering and overbearing
pain billions have experienced throughout all history
andtoday is unimaginable for most of us.
is a casualty of a
misguided spiritual
rebellionin the heavens
Entropy infects the Cosmos.
Sentience is a Reality of e x t r e m e s:
life can be a constant pain-in-the ass or
a wholelotta love -and everything inbetween.
This is a matter of deepspiritual
darknessbut alsoGreat Light:
yet it's the darkness that continues
to hold sway over the mainstream.
There's nothing good or clever about spiritual dissent
like a lotta gnostic/luciferian/new agers wanna believe.
All rebellious spiritualbeingsare sentenced
to Eternal Damnation and they're trying to drag
asmany of usdown with them as they can.
They've a clear head start; an ACE up their sleeve:
mankind is inherently sinful.
We're so mired inSIN that - in and of ourselves - we
don't have the moral capacity to
incline to the things ofGOD.
We're naturally hostile while co-creating a lotta
ingenious, exceedinglygrandioseLIES to replace thetruth.
The world is an open vessel for
subtle deception and covert control.
Mankind is largely dislocated from the spiritual hub of truth
for which our minds ingeniously compensate by co-creating all kinds
of fantastical virtual(but not quite) realities far removed from
Too many are frivolous with concepts of spirituality:
Vast Multitudes are HUGELY stuck-up in their beliefs.
The self-approving air of entitlement - of "spiritual" celebrities in particular -
is sickening. The diversity of new age delusions is genuinely staggering.For all
the talk of spirit guides myriads of deceptive spirits guide enormous crowds
through the
wide gate and along the broad ways of life spreading
so much false
doctrineand vanity filled theology>
>A heck of a lot of narcissistic
crackpot "luminaries" simply won't
I've learned that to be truly spiritual we must counterour
state of nature because in the distant past man's nascent spirituality
suffered a severe collapse, causing a stark dichotomy between humanity
and theDivinewehaven't recovered from. Extensive-villainous -
efforts of esotericbulwarkingagainsttheDivine accentuated
the chasm- making it near insurmountable.
Instead of being properly informed, a great
many kooky folks live in aLucid Spiritual Daze.
The new age proletariat haven't a clue about the
massive esotericcorruption going on behind the scenes of life;
blinkered by all theglossy sects and dazzlingdenominations
they fail to see the forest for the trees.
Puffed-upnotions of a "higher-self"
blended with hubris
and abrusque
mannermake for a
most obnoxious brew
Over the course of this "new age" section
I namenames, refute false teachers and
give a good overall reason for doing so.
A defensive accusation oft used against me is I'm
judgmental.But contrariwise I'm not judging anyone. I'm
pointing out manifold spiritual absurdities and theoriginof them.
If, however, you insist I am judging then I'll quote Hillel the Elder:
"Do not judge a man until you yourself have
come into his circumstances or situation."
I'm pretty sure I've come very deeply into the
circumstance and situation of thenew agemire.
The Holy Spirit doesn't tell us not to
judge. We're told not to judgehypocritically.
FYI christians will be appointed judges over the world:
"When one of you has a grievance against another, does he dare
go to law
before the unrighteous instead of the saints? Or do you not
know that
the saints (christians) will judge the world? And if the world
is to be judged by
you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases?
Do you not know that we
are to judge angels?
How much more, then, matters pertaining to this
(1 Corinthians 6:1-3)
Jesus teaches us how to judge.
As christians we're called to exposedarkness
and - as one who mistook spiritual darkness for Light
most of my life - I'm gonna expose it wherever I see it.
Entrenched delusions - bolstered by countless
spiritual demagogues -deceive the whole world.
In conspiracy central there's no genuine
spiritual vision to be gleaned. It's all heresay and -
spiritually speaking - they're barking up the wrong tree.
Conspiracists and truthers alike see the systemic
darkness all too clearly but they fail to seethe Light.
Perceiving the lies doesn't reveal the truth.
In spite of what masses of mis-leading
new agers say I see the darkness only gettingdeeper,
its grip tightening on the psyche of men and women.
If people insist on happiness and prosperity
under the terms of this world(not GOD)
the grip must onlybecome TIGHTER
The extremes of duality and endless distractions
come at us thick and fast: bombarding us with fantastical
notions of planetary awakeningon one hand; terrorism, pand -
emics, wars and ceaseless wavesof vacuous triviaon the other.
Large numbers of otherwise very intelligent people
are soul suckered by stickynew agegoo.
There are some lovely folks involved
in the new age and many NOT SO.
Droves of insufferable dorks put themselves about
mixed with hordes of smart asses and simple lay people.
Mobs of nutters talk absolute BOLLOCKS along with a
lotta social psycho's spreading personal insanities.
A lot of heart's are in the right place, there's plenty of
sincerity but also bags of delusion,gullibility,idiocy and
a rampant naivety I too am guilty of to a large degree.
It's great being young and in the prime of life.
However, Spirit Inspired
scripturestates that the intent of a man's
(and woman's) heart is evil from youth.
Youth is ultimately a transitory affair highly
prone to covert manipulation and strongdelusion.
We've inherited a spirituallydegenerateworld
where man is deceived at the deepest psychic level.
The onset of adulthood opens everyone to manifold
At the opposite end of life it's clear that age and worldly
experience doesn't make anyone truly wise. There's plenty
of speciouswisdoms proffered by older
folkspresuming truth.
I spent most of my adult life
denying my hard down to earth,
working class background.
Now I'm grateful to it for helpin' me see through all
the bullshit parading as gospel truth.
I grew up in the 1970's in a small town in
Greater Manchester, North West England, UK.
My infant and junior schools
were built by Wesley Methodists.
Although we sang hymns (Kum Ba Yah etc)
and said the Lord's Prayer every morning in assembly
and attended church services at christmas and easter,
I didn't know who John Wesley was until years later.
I had R.E. lessons (one of my favorite
classes) but we weren't educated about the man.
Turns out he was one of the Greatest Preachers.
But generally I hated school like a prison.
School grated on my innate sense of freedom
but I got through it alright. Aside from some embarrassing
or painful moments the rest of childhood was fairly happy with
some fun friends and a good, loving mother; yet the attitude
around health and hygiene in my family was extremely ignorant.
Such as the 4 of us using the same bath soap and flannel.
Disliking proper food or fruit I generally absorbed stodgy,
starchy grub and the merry assortment of chemical laden 1-2p
sweets and sugary fizzy drinks available in the local shops.
Dad smoked 20-30 unfiltered, strong woodbine cigarettes
a day (I liked playing with the smoke) and sometimes - though
he never became violent-went AWOL drinking heavily. He seemed happiest when drunk and, along with the smoke and booze, his diet was startlingly bad: full of the worst kind of fat which - along with the excessive smoking and drinking - contributed to his premature death of a massive heart attack at the relatively young age of 51.
Around the age of 5 I had the inner surety of
living forever. It came a >shock< one day when our
school teacher informed us that eventually everyone dies.
Uh? What she sayin?
'Twas extremely disturbing:
a paradigm shiftoccurred that day.
disliked what most other kids were into: sports, football etc. I was
ghosts, aliens, the unknown, the unexplained, anything out of the
I sensed somethinggreater going on
in life; there just had to be a better reality
beyond the mocking,
spiteful and aggressive attitudes other boys and girls
displayed and the attitudes of people in general, with
illness, disease
and the finality of death hanging over all.
Around age 13 I read a book titledlife after death
written by a medium purporting to be in contact withdead people
livingwonderful afterlives.It actually made complete sense and -
what with all the negativity in the world- verily thrilled my soul.
I actually thought about killing myself
so I could live in that glorious afterlife.
I didn't do it. Too chicken.
Instead, like so many I indulged
in as much reality denial as I could...
I started reading epic fantasy books and continued
to watch lots of t.v. shows and classicand modern movies filled
with ghosts and ghoulies,sword and scorcery,SCI-FI,HORROR,
monsters and comedy.In my mid teens through early twenties
I developed an eclectic tastein music.
Music's been a MASSIVE part of my life.
I became a hippy, naturally: growing my
hair, smoking loads of dope, drinking lots of
beer and endured the occasional acid trip.
The new age got me back in the mid 80's
many of todays cocky upstarts were
little kids or long before they were born.
I ingestedmagic mushroomsatage 15:a ratherwild and
disturbing ride that changed my view of life up to that point. I soon
began imbibing secret knowledgeand "ancient wisdom"eagerly
devouring books by Carlos Castaneda, Vera Stanley Alder
andDr. Paul Brunton.
I read the copious writings of theosophists:
Helena Blavatsky, Ouspensky, Alice A. Bailey et al.
Funnily enough my older brother is completely opposite; a total
establishment dude: joining the Royal Marines at 16, fighting in the Falklands
war then joining the police force to eventually become a high ranking
officer. Now retired from the police he's a tory supporter and a local councillor.
The strong desire for everything mystical led me to some interesting
people early on. A friend directed me to a weekly friday evening "satsang"
near where I lived. They were for meditation and expressing personal experiences of Prem Rawat (Maharaji's)"Knowledge"techniques.
Totally intrigued - at age 18 - I got into meditation.
My enthusiasm initially drew some friends along, for a while, but they
soon turned back to the ways of the world, settling into expected
lifestyles and materialistic pursuits. Being so high minded I resented the reasoning because it blinded their spirit. Most of the folks I mixed with couldn't relate to my beliefs
so they generally laughed them off and said I was a bit "weird " 😕
I was known around town asCosmic Daz
The early 90's brought dramatically shifting paradigms stimulated by
far-out authors such as David Icke, Jose Argüelles, James Redfield,Solara,
Shirley MacLaine and Ken Carey to name but a few. I couldn't get enough:
for a couple of years I gave myself a crash course in new age spirituality.
My long coffee table was covered 2 or 3 new age books deep.
I was led to believe a new Golden Spiritual Age of wisdom
andenlightenment was coming soon. We're all God was the cry:
"if you seek to be one of the chosen, simply choose yourself."
Heady stuff!
I eagerly attended11:11andascensionworkshops and for a time
saw myself as an ANGELincarnate on planet earth: inwardly seeing
(or lucidly imagining) my astral arm holding high aflamingsword,
agolden sundisc spinning in my heart and spiralingmagenta
energy emanating from my third eye.
1993-95 there were loads of channeling tapes circulating.
I listened
intently to the respected mediums of the time channeling beings
to be Sananda (Jesus), various ascended masters,archangels and the
assorted5th dimensionalStar-People such as Ashtar,Monka, Bashar
and Kryon (of magnetic service 😀)
Feeling like a stranger in a strange world I was well up for
Cosmic Consciousnessand believed the messages, painstakingly
typing out (before the internet) and printing many pages of channeled
materialcopied from books and gave them to anyone interested.
I got the pilgrim urge, occasionally hitch-hiking up and down
England giving copies to all the drivers kind enough to offer me a lift.
Expecting cosmic downloads long before downloads were a thing I hitched
to stone circles, sacred sites and often to Glastonbury (12 Glastonbury festivals)
quickly making friends living in the town I could stay with.
Glastonbury was the happening place, where the new age
was dawning.
I climbed the famous Tor many times, I
slept on it 3 or 4 times. I travelled to
Glastonbury for special celebrations and
sabbats, got very stoned and endured
three very wild acid trips bursting with earth sprites and crazy entities -
the vast, spacious landscape exuded light and occult imagery.
All in all I as thoroughly absorbed the "Avalonian" air waves as anyone could.
The channeled beingswere in unison, reporting the imminent
ascensionof the earth and all mankind. Amazing stuff! The science of ascension
was revealed in quantum detail; it all seemed plausible, inevitable even and very
exciting. Mankinds ascension would occur in three waves they said, the first
wave (144,000 of 'em)
coming back to show everyone else how it's done.
Informing everyone of my beliefs I once asked my mum
not to be worried if I went missing, 'cos I would've
Ascended (via the first wave) to the
One time back in 1994 my friends received a channeling stating that the Ashtar Command would appear on t.v. on a certain day at a certain time in the evening:
and there we were waiting like dorks for somethin' that wasn't gonna happen.
What a chump I could feel, if I allowed myself to. Some people disliked me
'cos of all that shit. I felt like a martyr for no good cause. Decades later
I’m still here
and the new agedefinitely ain’t: I look around at regular folkto be
certain of that;
people are still the same - they merely possessmoreadvanced technology.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
Sadly,for my sanity and reputation, theearth's ascension
didn't happen. The world continued as per normal and doubts began
to surface. In the late nineties I entered a physicaland existential
crises, traversing an extremely disturbing 3 year period.
I always assumed my
good health was a given.
Not so apparently!
1998 weird leafy/petal like cellular mutations began forming on my
skin, which got worse. Some months later I felt a heavy dragging
sensation in my balls. Shit! I could feel lumps that weren't supposed to
be there - the horror! After weeks of stressing and denial I found a
lump in my neck and began feeling pains in my armpits and lung
discomfort, progressing to sweating after eating, light
headedness and shortness of breath.
I mentioned this in passing to one or two incredulous friends but told no one else.
it, I reasoned, would give the malady more power. With zero support I
prayed hard and prayed some more, fluctuating between negatives and
positives, desperate to get on with life best I could. In that situation you gotta stay positive
and believing: I still attended hedonistic music festivals and partied when possible.
I was still young!
Nothing could stop >me<from
following >my<inner freedom and JOY!
There's a lovely little 17th century church, (St. Margaret of Antioch, pic above)
a strong spiritual presence not far from where I live in Oxford, UK,
surrounded by meadows. I walked there regularly during my illness; even
at night I'd walk the long dark lanes to light a candle on the altar then meditate and pray.
Walking along one night I looked up to dimly discern a huge
white cloud shaped like a heart. I took it as a positive sign 😌
It was quite the frightening time thinking I was gonna die.
wasn't afraid so much for myself as for my mother. She'd
suffered the
death of my oldest brother, who died at the age of 6, when I
was a baby. Looking
after me helped mum get through the loss, so losing me
at any age would be a
devastating blow. I didn't wanna
give her my death. I had to stay alive for mum!
way did I wanna see a doctor for tests and receive grim confirmation of
fears. There was a chance I was being dangerously
irresponsible to myself but I chose not to have any awful certainty and
instead spent a small fortune on oxygen therapy, cutting edge vitamin
and mineral supplements and monatomic gold powders. I gained encouraging
early on: the leafy growths melting away
was a positive; but the
intermittent anxiety and other symptoms continued.
I had to practise faith, pray to God or Goddess
and implicitly trust HisorHer guidance.
I've always believed something guides me, whether it be
angels or a red indian spirit (a medium said I had one) but it
was new age obduracy that kept me from the truth.
Eventually the growths, lumps and nausea disappeared. I got a new girlfriend
- aside from a necessarily hard life lesson now and then - I pretty
much sailed through the noughties right on up to the auspicious date of
2012, largely curtailing the deception of channelings and embracing instead the "wisdom" of yogi's and other presumed godmen: deepening understanding and expanding
consciousness to sometimes cosmic levels 😃
For a Neo-Vedantist
realisingBrahman is the
Ultimate Attainment
Was a BIG year for tenacious new age suckers like me, a highly
auspicious year: the pivotal date of worldwide cosmic awakening.
TheMayans knew about it, right?
They foresaw a grandiose COSMIC EVENT far off in the future.
It was a heck of a longtime comin for us too;but at long last the
always in the future 2012 came - then went - with nary a paradigm shift.
Well, it certainly got me shifting,but not in any way
that favours new age ways. A profound vision alteration
was already in process but it
wasn't until the tail end of 2015
that my lifelong subjective intuition began to objectively confirm.
I've ever been sure there is but one Godthat isn't me and, at the
end of years of hinduism and new age pretence - disillusioned by the
whole new age shebang - I began praying earnestly to finally know
I wasn't finding satisfactorytruth in the self-centred "feel good"
first new age,
sensing the people propagating it to be way off the mark morally
AND spiritually. The smug air of self-righteousness seriously irked me for years.
I wanted everybody'struth, somewhat controversially.
I didn't want my truth or your truthor anyone else's "truth."
I wanted the truth of mankind.
At the deepest level we share one truth
like we
share one planet.Regardless of what the the worldsays
there's no multiverse of alternate realities.
No one can see oxygen but we all breathe it.
Without oxygen we're DEAD.
Likewise the truth always sustains
us (most Gracefully) even when we're
not conscious of or allied with it.
We all come from the same
Spiritual Source emanating the same
Truth. WithoutTHATwe have noLIFE.
I prayed hard for the truth but didn't confidently expect results.
I thought (hoped) I already had it but wasn't sure where.
I subtly wanted truth on my terms, yet there was
a niggling hunch that my terms wereselfish/nonsense.
I didn't want yet another hinduguru or buddhist/new age mystic
'cos I'd looked into them all, and they're all full ofLIES(basically)
Brahman wasn't enough.
I'd been there several times.
Such cognition - however rarefied - ain't
Divinely situated. I thought it was of course
but something told me it wasn't.
It doesn't gel with the real
world or provide real answers as
to why reality is as it (really) is.
A mother goddess would do.
Preferably THE Mother Goddess such as the
neo-vedantist Ramakrishna was "enlightened" by.
SurelySHE's theUltimateDeity.
But that was the last vestiges of
hinduism lingering inside of me.
Yet I'd exhausted my interest in neo-vedantism
and the new age - and come to the end of myself
to boot - which left me WIDE OPEN to
became aware of something markedly transmundane
within or about me, I
wasn't sure which, in the days following the
final superblood moon
tetrad of Sept 2015 - that
coincided with the first gravity wave ever recorded.
The Earth literally passed
thru a subtle space/timewarp.
The tetrad was highly significant to judeo-christianity
because each blood moon occurred over a two year period
slap-bang on sacred hebrew/jewish festivals:
a truly BIBLICAL sign in the heavens.
The funny thing is, the last time a similar sacred tetrad occured
was around 1967 - which happens to be the year I was born:
the 60's SUMMER OF LOVE 😛
I look younger than I am 😎
The strange company was
sometimes stronger,
other times in the background. Yet always
In February 2016 clarity came
by some means as to what it was.
I didn't resist but opened to see where it led.
It led
to the renewing of my mind.
It took quite some time for truth to come but
it came - and it wasn't what I expected or desired.
Truth came by the very Spirit of truth
It transpires that I'd been led a merry dance -
for like ALL MY LIFE - regarding truth. Turns out
that theRuach represents the ONE and ONLY
source of unalloyed truth in the Universe:
That's the original aramaic hebrew translation of Jesus Christ.
I sometimes use original aramaic/hebrewlanguage because
that's where I was at when the Ruachdawned. I readily interchange using
either the greek translation"holy Spirit" or the aramaic-hebrew.I don't
follow the Torah per se and I'm no hebrew rootster.
I look tothe Ruach.
whopoints to Yahshua.
Spiritual power is inherent in the original hebrew language.
It's how the Ruach got my attention. For me, looking at christianity
through grass roots hebrew parlance was an appealing alternative to
mainstream christianity which - as a new ager - turned me right off.
So much of modern christianity is the devil's doing.
In a new age crammed with notions of paradigm
shifts and Great Awakenings theRuach is the trueParadigm
Shifter and Great Awakener all otherpurely conceptual shifts
and awakenings detract from or bastardise.
It was crazy to rely on the Mayan'sfor accurate
prophecy regarding a paradigm shift because - like similar
cultures - they were under deep spiritual deception. They hadn't a
clue about actual truth. For all the architectural and mathematical
nous the Mayans were obsessed with snakes and death.
They even practised human sacrifice.
Whatnice enlightenedfolks eh!
this world swarmsof spiritual lies parade as truth.
Without the Spirit of trutheveryone is literally living
LIES: jumped up fantasieswith no basis in reality.
Check out a major mind-body-spirit festivalfor proof:
over here we have people into this,over there they're into that;
those kooky folksup the aisle are into some other crazy ass stuff.
And it really is some crazy ass stuff.
There's no unity besides the unity of
I don't attend M.B.S. festivalsanymore.
I avoid them like the plague...
... picking
and choosing from a spiritual buffet?
That's not what spirituality is about.
For all the presumedgoodness of spiritual
diversity, a mind/body/spirit festivalis an
oblivious part of the Great Deception.
New agersaredeceivedright across the board:
mentally, bodily ANDspiritually.
All new agers should give them -
selvesa good hard slap on the face.
Otherwise - sooner or later -
Spiritual Reality
will sock 'em much harder.
It was all happening back in the 90's. 'Cept it wasn't.
Apparently it's all happening today. 'Cept it ain't.
Not the new age way anyway.
Our future is in no waylove'n' light the
new age way
'costhe new ageis part and parcel of theend-time
When what's gonna happen does (finally)happen it won't
be pleasant for vast numbers of people. It'll be a profound>shock<
for billions realising they've as good as sold their soulto the devil 🔥
Aside from the positives regarding my health I'm a prime
example of the high susceptibility of youth, the innate gullibility
of new agers and how piss-easy it is to fool anyone - young or old.
I gotta single out the young 'cos they're so very
numerous: putting themselves about as if they know somethin';shootin' their mouths off;parroting
the same old spiritual LIESad infinitum.
If it wasn't for a certain Spirit pullin my ass outta the
new age I'd still be parroting new ageprevarications.
New agers constantly muse on how spirituality works
in their
lives, imagine loads of BS in the process then write
lots of books about it. They fail to transcend what they
wantto be true in order to realise whatis.
Pulling our head out our ass in
pursuit ofthetruth we begin to sense
an infinitely GreaterWill than our own.
It's an ongoing surprise that
my old life is well and truly over.
look at my hedonistic new age years and think:
I'd no idea.
I thought I was awakened but I was fast
asleepdreaminglucid dreams - and that applies
to ALL the gurus and mystics I "resonated" with.
"The only obstacle to receiving
truth is thinking you already have it"
Droves of people
claim to wield the truth.
They're convinced they have it
and they're encouraged by many
asinine followers agreeing with 'em.
But it's always truthrelative to their own
awfully biasedand limitedunderstanding.
An essential Spiritual dynamic operates in our time-space
locale which oftentimes requires a bordering on desperatedesire
to know the truth
to even begin finding it. Otherwise we're free to
accept anything that comes our way, anything that "feels good" -
true or false.
We ordinarily
accept the "feel good" things without question
as our truth. But I don't care what fancy esoteric system you follow:
in this fallen world ofLIES we are NOT our own criterion of truth.
Accepting only what feeeels good is just the biggest trap
and why mankind is totally soulsuckered in so many ways:
I wonder how many want thetruth over
the bullshit versions
we're given in such copious
quantities and lapped up by so many?
Truthain't a lot of facts and figures. Truth is aBeing:
a DivinePersonwho alightsupon us when we're open
enough to receive and awake enough to comprehend.
The strongest desire for knowing truth (in
legitimate guise) attracts the very Spirit of truth:
the genuineLaw
of Attraction in action!
Holy Spirit radically transforms
our core psycho-spiritualperception.
Like a silly human I was initially
rather bolshie with this new visionand
my coarse northern englishnesslikely
still shows in some sections I haven't yet
revised; but as Spiritcalmed me down
Iprocessed the insight better.
I've undergone a new agedetoxification. My perspective
changed, or realigned to what I've always known deep down:
a quite contraryinner cognizance that often caused estrangement
fromeven my closest "spiritual" friends and acquaintances.
a new ager I was very much a free spirit heeding the vision of people
like Eckhart Tolle and David Icke yet
regardless of what they or anyone in the
new age implies we're not naturally free and enlightened and we can't do
what the heck we like
without >serious consequencies<
Finely balanced Harmonic Laws
hold the fabric of the universe together
so it just doesn't do
to wanna "hack" reality as if we have a Divine right, in
satisfaction ofbase material and emotional needs; desiring to feelpowerful
in a fallen world. Back
in prehistory man's original priority and purposes
were completely
compromised and the genius minds of many were
commandeered by dark
dissimulative beings feigning Divinity.
For all the high tech
and material innovation,
Spiritually speaking humanity
is a mess of complete andutter
I'm tempted to think I wasted too many years engaging the new age.
I seemingly wasted loads of time in lots of ingenious ways "going my own way."
But knowing that Spirit leads unto all-truth I can confidently conclude
Spirit has been with me all my life, nudging my conscience.
Spirit allowed my long sojourn and comprehensive overlook of the new age to enable the truth to
shine clearer, eventually, so I can help others see it. It's been
helpful in the most profound way to witness the high flyers with their
smiley faux love'n' light personas and highly beneficent to have hung onto the grand forecasts and promises of imminent ascension/redemption amounting to ZERO fulfillment.
It was enough to<ejectme>
from thecomfynew age chair.
In genuine spirituality comfort zones aren't where truth is at,
unless it's the merciful comfort provided by the Ruach amidst a blithely indifferent and/or utterly antagonistic world. Lookin back I see it was the pure wisdom of Spirit to appropriate me when it did, given what I was into before. During my haughty new age aloofness I'd no idea of the reality of the Ruach ha' Qodesh. I thought it
was astutely engineered christian mythology.
The Ruach brings the the Truth
and sheds Light upon long held impressions
I previously had to ignore, no matter what.
Now I see the grave seriousness of our collective spiritual
situation and know first hand how easy it is to quench the Spirit of truth
with worldly concerns, material desires, artistic/intellectual pursuits
and farcical new age/gnostic cosmologies
Mankind is endowed with high intelligence with
much to laud creatively. However - as things are - with
higher intelligence comes a higher conceit...
... and a higher form ofbullshitto boot.
It's all about
deceivingmankind and it's real easy:
talk love,
light andfreedom - add some
fancypsuedo-science into the mix -
and multitudesgo totally
The long promised
and hoped for "new age"
really ain't gonna come..
It may appear
to for a while but
can't endure 'cos
it's founded onlies.
“The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately wicked: who can know it?”
That's the Divine Assessment of human beings.
Humanity is congenitallysick to the soul.
From Divinity's perspective the life we live is damned folly.
commongroupthink is that there's nothing untoward
in the spiritual realms. It's all fluffylove'n' light operating for the
good of all, and if
there's anything bad occuring it's not their concern.
But it
concerns them entirely 'cos they've
bought into some quite stupendousprevarications.
We have to quit being naive and
unquestioning about our
inherited systems of religion and/or new age beliefs because the
esoteric powers that be are spiritual racketeers of the highest order.
We're unable to make a genuinely spiritual collective paradigm shift
because the collective aren't beinggenuinely spiritual. Removing the status quo
would be a HUGE SHOCK to a spirituallyretardedracemesmerised by the rise of
techno-materialism and beguiled by the relentless disractions of hollow glamour.
Billions of witlesssouls are covertlyconscripted
bydevious spiritsinrebellion against true Divinity
Throngs of unwitting folks jump on a wide variety of
alluringbandwagons pushing concepts of positivity and love.
Attitudes within the new age and truther
communities reach fascist levels these days;
dictatorships in the guise of mystical kooks, media
celebrities and self-help gurus are commonplace,
going to the bulk of the collective mind.
It always amazes me how a lotta witless people
think the Biblical God is a tyrannical demiurge
while vast multitudescavortinto thehands of
a spiritualtyrannyplaying thefreedomcard-
masquerading as"cosmic consciousness"
A deadly affect ofour spiritually
fallen nature is that our thoughts can
be manipulated and LIE TO US.
Oftentimes our thoughts aren't even our own. They're implanted
during sleep or meditative states -images and concepts too.
I know by experience that the mind can play tricks with false memories and what
have you; fallen light is home to many nefarious spirits feigning the Light while meditation opens w i d e the mind to surreptitious control by spirit beings spreading new age ideals such as the servile universe jive every major sucker buys into nowadays - circulating hyper-deceptivenotions taken for truth.
The state of no-mind ain't a necessary
condition for effective thought transference, just a naive and needy mind wide-open to the historic and
current pandemic of esoteric duplicity
An empty mind - or no-mind - of the sort Godless
Buddhists and Eckhart Tolleespouse make people susceptible
to covertly implantedthoughtforms and lofty imaginings.
Nowhere is thatmore clearly displayed than in the ridiculous
characters and acolytes of David Wilcock, or the schmaltzyMatt Khan,
or that ignis-fatuusTeal Swan; or the ludicrous"Sadhguru;" or any
number of uber-delusional control freak "rebel gurus" such as
the gaylyenlightened Eric Pepin(he'sverygay)
Allof 'em - every one - are puffed-up spiritual NARCISSISTS
boasting large entourages of self-sanctimoniouschumpsters.
"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse
and worse, deceiving, and being deceived"
Ain't THATthe GOD honest truth!
Popular spiritual dissident and iconoclast David Icke proffers no
genuine spirituality besides a tremendous priggish arrogance; the monstrously
narcissisticTeal Swan no less. By the Light of Spirit the speciousillumination and
spiritual duplicity of David Wilcock (and his space aliensaviours) is too apparent.
None of 'em have an actual clue about genuine spirituality.
For all the air of authority they proffer
virtual realities peddled by lyinglight beings.
For all the presumedenlightenment they're unwitting
spiritual (criminal) accomplices and high profile examples of
the sort of souldangerousquasi- enlightenmentspacked
onto the bulging shelves of a new age Walmart
Many people struggle emotionally and financially.
They seek
medication and quick fixenlightenments.
Psychedelic drugs are going massive:
seemingly the answer to all our problems.
Turn your senses up
to 11and
tune into a lot of hyper delusory
why don't ya!
We've inherited ancient spiritualinversion operating
very successfully in the astral realms - the source of the much lauded
AYAHUASCA VISIONScurrently fooling a gamut of modern "psychonauts"
They believe their entheogeninduced
visions are based in spiritual truth.
Most assuredly they aren't.
The discrepancy between our reality and GOD extends
well into the lower spiritual - creating a psychic schism that's
deceivedcultures and their shamans throughout history.
Every ignorant - high profile - fool
from Joe Rogan through Russell Brand to
Jordan Peterson advocate the use of psychedelic
drugs to accelerate our spiritual"evolution"
It's just the most childish and irresponsible behaviour.
I've never known a more forthright arrogancy than
from entheogenfanatics.They're profoundly deceived
and really oughta curb theirquasi- mystical twaddle
and get off their high horsesquick smart.
I've observed modern psychonauts and can't help but
notice how slimy they look: all fungi like in the face.
Hippies since the sixties
made a big deal aboutpsychotropic drugs. I was
a deceivedcosmic hippy for many years and now Isee how such things merely
attune folks to the lower astral, which can be quitedazzling; but it's as
corrupted a realm as any in the fallen state nature of things.
I've done loads of psychedelics in the most
sacred places and, compared to a clear Spiritual
experience, they're entirely deceptive.
I'd recently turned 15 yrs old the first time I tripped
on shrooms: 'twas a
wild and scary ride but it did seem to
"reset" my brain and certainly profoundly altered my
life perspective. I was so young but felt like a god.
last time I partook of a strong psychedelic was at a
small, alternative music festival in England. I inhaled a pipe
containing Changa - akin to
smokeable Ayahuasca.
I felt an electrical snap at the base of my skull,
quickly opening a
supernatural realm for around 15 mins. Reality transformed withspectral forms
floating in and out of my peripheral vision. I
noticed the loud techno music from
a nearby dance tent was playing in reverse. It wasn't but the Changa made it
sound distinctly backward and
the (up 'til then) familiar people around me
became as strangers. I was somewhat relieved to come out of it.
Afterwards I joked it was like entering Harry Potter's world.
Lookin back in the Light of
Spirit I know I entered a nearby darklighted
realm full of satanism. Psychonauts young and old haven't a clue what
they're tuning into or
who's running this world (Ephesians 6:12)
A lotta dopes talk mental resets; but we've inherited
spiritual andgeneticsubversion.Psychedelic peace is a sensual
faux peace and any sense
of "cosmic connection" is entirely
senuous, wholly temporal and intimately
I've witnessed trippers with gormless smiles when
I've been
straight. They resemble feckless three year olds:
luciddreamers all and total dorks to a man and woman.
Since the Fall man has been highly susceptible to
psychic impositions of virtual (but not quite) realities.
Satan and his angels
are virtual reality masters.
Anyone on psychedelicdrugs is easy prey.
Entheogens don't attune anyone to the Divine.
We see lucid cosmic patterns,star fields, even entire galaxies.
We have exalted feeeeelings but so what: it's all after the flesh.
True Divinity eludes the psychotropic state.
Using P s y c h e d e l i c s
is entirely a PAGAN practise
rooted in pantheism, which believes GODis the Universe:
they EXALTourcongenitally
fallen -sin-filled-senses and
ELEVATEcreation to the level
of the C R E A T O R.
Completely ERRONEOUS!
"Psychedelicrevolution" won't change
the world, it'll just make it more stupid.
mustn't trust any beings that appear or heed voices
during a trip - or OOBE for that
matter - 'cos deception is
uppermost in their minds. The mesoamericanstripped their balls off
shrooms,mescaline,peyote etc yet theserpents and "gods"
they shamanicallyencountered demandedhuman sacrifice.
Those nice luminous serpents have our best interests at heart.
Our very souls and the natural world currently resonate
with the frequencies of fallen lightso it follows that we
can't hit onthe truth using psychotropic drugs.
Psychedelics open wide the human psyche to
covert manipulation, attuning souls to astral realms
populated by ancientoccultbeings adept at lying.
Who's whole vocation is toLIE.
The entire new age is founded on
the prodigious utterances of lying spirits.
A radical revelation with significant back up:
narrate things whollyfalse, and lie. When spirits begin to speak to
man, care should be taken not to believe them, for most everything they
say is made up by them, and they lie; so if we permitted them to relate
what Heaven is, and how things are in Heaven, they would tell so many
falsehoods, and with such strong assertion that man would be astonished;
wherefore it was not permitted me when spirits were speaking to have
any belief in what they stated. They love to feign. Whatever may be the
topic spoken of, they think they know it, and if man listens and
believes, they insist, and in various ways deceive and seduce."
- Swedenborg -
Sounds like what's been happening o'er the past 150 years or so,
spoken by the great grandaddy of the modern spiritualistmovement.
Dr. John Dee of the Elizabethan era (no stranger to delusions of grandeur) at the end of his life suspected the"archangels" he'd communed with - which imparted complex knowledge and gave a series of bizarre requests - werelying spirits.
Those spirits developed lyingto a fine art. They're masters of the lie.
Yet spiritists/mediums/channelers et al will not heed such concise statements
because they don't think it applies to them. I mean, how could they be deceived?
It's simply not possible 😁
They're as divorced from reality
as they are from trueDivinity.
"Do not be deceived byenticing words..."
The best place to begin collapsing the new age
artifice in our minds is with the popular phenomenon of
Many can't help but become starry eyed nutters over channeled beings;
their deep spiritualdelusion
precludes deeper analytical investigation.
They invest a lot of belief and hope in
channeling and can't accept it's anartful
Eagerly sucking up the fake newschannelers
disseminate they
refuse to delve deep enough in the
numinousquicksand to discern the kidology.
For a great many channeling is a positive phenomenon sharing
KNOWLEDGE enabling the evolution and spiritualascension of humanity.
I beg to differ: channeling is communing
with spiritsadept at psychic manipulation.
Always appealing to intellect and spiritualvanity they
prey on the unwary souls of fallen state mankind.
Faith inchanneling is altogether a misplaced faith.
A notable example of evolved new age naivety
is the channeler Blossom Goodchildwho claims
to communicate with the
"Federation of Light"
The Fed's informed Blossom of the impending appearance of their
mother ships in earths skies, scheduled for the morning of Oct 14th 2008.
A lotta fuss was made leading up to the auspicious day and -
according to the Fed's- all possible obstructions had been
Nothing could stop 'em from proceeding:
NOW was the time. It was all systems GO!!!
go Go GOFederation of light!
Like the bold ascension prophecies of the nineties
it didn’t occur. Instead we got the usuallame excuses.
Even Blossom was downhearted after the great non-event -
spiritual faux pas - yet she soon got back to
channeling and sharing messages regularly by e-mail.
Blossom advocates the new age philosophy of truth not
being true if it feels
uncomfortable. Which is total bullshit.
The Fed's no show sure was
uncomfortable, so she denies it.
Blossom seems a
lovely woman. Her hearts in the right place.
But she's an unwitting victim of the insidiousdeception pandemic.
Deception is endemic to channeling, which Blossom relays
to multitudes of pathologically naive folks yearning foradvanced
E.T.s coming totickle our ears with loving platitudes, tell us how
amazing we are and enlighten us all with cosmic wisdom. It ain't gonna happen.
Update re Blossom Goodchild: I received an email on Oct 14th 2016
wherein she reflected on the great non-event 8 years on,declaring
that many people witnessed the Fed's ships back in '08!
I wasn’t attached to the possibility of a Federation
revelation by the way, not
after my nineties experience.
Just an interested observer with one eyebrow raised.
Well, you know, it might happen 😏
But it only accentuated my current resolve.
began dawning on me 20 years ago
that channeling is a specious practise.
Now Iknow it's aninsidiousFARCE.
The above quoted Swedenborg clearly warned us about listening
to the spirit realms and we have another stern warning from one
Sadhu Sundar Singh, an ex Hindu/Sikh turned christian mystic:
spirits know something of the future but not a great deal. Just as in
India we can prophesy what the weather will be like for some weeks
ahead, so the lower spirits, through their superior knowledge of the
tendency of things, can prophesy events a short time ahead, and this
helps them in deceiving men. Prophets inspired by God can prophesy many
many years ahead, that is the difference.
It is these spirits
of the lower spirit world with which the spiritualists get into contact.
From them they get interesting things, but are ultimately deceived by
the spirits, who begin by giving them ninety-nine things that are true
and one that is false, and gradually increase the proportion of the
false and decrease the true until they lead people on to atheism or some
other false position. The truly spiritual man has that within him which
feels an instinctive antipathy to the kind of things which are told him
by spirits of the lower world. If we seek only what is interesting, we
shall never reach as far as the real higher spirit world."
Too many superciliousnew agers nesciently convey the liesproffered by deviant spirits.
If I'm honest with myself I didn't really
believe deep down what the channeled beingswere saying back in the hedonistic nineties.Now I can admit there was always some doubt in my English mind
regarding the fantastical info relayed by channelers yet, cognizant of the all
pervading social and systemic bullshit fused with an intuitive
awareness of something greater goin on beyond day to day mundanity - I so wanted them to be true that I threw caution to the wind
and overruled any Spirit breathed common sense.
Back then there was no chance ofthatwinning out
or of
Spirit reaching my objective mind. I doggedly went with the
flow of the11:11,Celestine Prophecy and the Ashtar Command.
Ahhh the peculiarities of youth, thinkin' they're infallible.
Believing - with all their congenitallyfallenhearts - that theirs
is the most significant generation. Even that they're hybrid or
cosmic beingscome to help ascend the planet to ahigher life.
the young inherit and make
their own the strongest delusions
Where once they weremy world channeledentities are no longer
my thing, no matter how illustriousa being they claim to be, how funny
they are or wise they seem. Truthand feelings of Love are easily simulated
in the humanpsycheand - alarmingly - humour is a very useful tool
for spiritual deception, which I get deeper intofurther down.
Aside from numeroustruth negating factors such as fraud, personal prejudice
implicit bias and the very strong whiff of subliminal coercion,channeled
messages pander to spiritual narcissismand propagate false hope,
inveigling all the way: spreadingpsuedo-science and psycho
babble among the eager throngs.
Which is great for those making a lotta money and
prestige from such contrived absurdities, but not for
those diligently searching out and receiving true Spirit
All in all
Channeling is NOT a valid source of spiritual truth.
My renewed insight verily <SCREAMS> that mediums are
communing with highly motivatedaberrantentities and more:
they're allowingTHEM to possess their bodies
Some years ago I became internet
friendly with author Will Baron who
contacted me after
reading all this.
Turns out Will is a fellow Lancastrian
from Lancashire innorth west England.
Will's a former new age priest who used to be into
the new age, particularly Theosophical esoterism.
Will became a disciple of "ascended master"
Djwahl Khulwho appeared to him visually.
Djwahl Khul is the self-same spiritual being who
dictated Alice A. Bailey'smany books of occultism.
Will communicated with"Jesus" too, but not the real one 😉
IIMPLORE all new agers to read Will's book,
"Deceived by theNew Age"
an eye opening seminal classic revealing the astute cunning
of real and abiding EVIL and itssurreptitious influence
over large swathes of sleep walkinghumanity.
I remember seeing his book in a new age
shop in Glastonbury back in the mid nineties.
Flicking through I dismissed it outright
because I thought knew better. I knew SHIT.
Will's book is extra-confirmation of what I already
knew. It SINGS of the spiritual deception of mankind.
We can apply Will Baron'snew age exposure to all the world's
religions and recognise the ancient beings operating behind them:
fallen angels
by which vast multitudes
are completely soulsuckered.
It's time to call out the terrible extent of the
spiritual crookery and reiterate again and again
in many and varied ways:
Ascended masters are
descended mastersof deception.
A hard and bitter pill to swallow
for many imperiousnew agers.
needs to get overchanneling/
automatic writing as trustworthy sources of data
about the
cosmos or our spiritual situation.
It's no different to using an OUIJA BOARD:
just more prolific.
Scripture warns about heeding seducing
ticklin' our earsbytelling us what we wanna hear,yet too
many are utterlyincapable of appreciating - much less
comprehending - sound spiritual instruction.
I've come to realise that the artful guff I used to read and accept
without question - such asA Course
in Miracles and Conversations with
God- are criminal distortionsof truth perpetrated by deviantangels:
imitating Jesus and GOD are THE prime real estate
for building and selling the most EPICSPIRITUALLIES
When you reallythinkabout it (ya know, use
your head sorta thing) it's a deceitful act hiding
behind mediums to impart cosmic messages.
In antiquity Divine messengers (Angels)
appeared physically or with frighteningGLORY.
they even drank and ate food.
True angelic messages are super -
serious with almost immediate fulfilment.
Channeled beingscontinue to produce
only sweet sounding hollow words.
(Ephesians 5:6)
Prior tothe fallmankind wielded dominion over all
things:the Power to subdue and replenish the Earth.
However, the Power was compromised and the dominion
relinquished. We remain ingeniously innovative and resourceful
but our conscience
is rooted in deception and depravity.
The powers we retained are pale imitations
of our pre-fall
state and used for all the wrong reasons. Pretty much every
major scientific discovery and esoteric knowledge procured
post-fall was - and is - administered inappositely.
We possess varying reduced strengthpsychic
powerswith reasoning and creative capacitiesevident since
Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt and Greece; but what's retained
obviously goes to a lot of ever-expanding heads.
nothing special or "evolved" about our
current state ofmind,body andspirit no matter
how much yoga or meditation we practise.
Spiritual evolution is a LIEevident
in many modernmystical reveries.
The new age comprises a
great many being very creative
withfalse pretenses of spirituality.
At the end of ages of bentesoterism and
twisted truth we have to be super-careful because
we're no better than orphan children playing with
dangerous supernatural FIRE 🔥 encouraged by
some quite irresponsible felon babysitters.
Large swathes
of humanity walk in spiritualdarkness.
Life is governed by the most astutely deceptive
spiritualities operating at deep cognitivelevels.
For all the grandioseimaginations of higher
consciousnessthere abounds high foolishness:
sooner or later we'll be utterly shocked
at the ignoranceof our spiritual arrogance.
Like everything in this perverted world the psychic arena is
replete with spiritual deception - compounded by stealthyesoteric
duperies endemic to thenuminousdarkness we're all immersed
so deeplywithin.
A gamut of self-styled metaphysicianshave walked onto the world stage
over the past 30 years: making stuff up as they go along, walking according
to their own lusts and wisdoms or relaying the copious verbiage of aberrant
spiritual beings - their many asinine followers hanging onto every word
as if something extremely profound is being uttered 😠
Eckhart Tolle for instance is one of theworstoffenders
because he believesin and perpetuates his lies so avidly.
used to (somewhat) welcome Eckhart's
theology - as an awakened new ager - yet now
I'm >>REPULSED<< by everything he says.
core spiritual deception
exuding from a smirking face
Eckhart is greatly spiritually deceived,
from aspiritually fallennature.
His "JOY"
is strongly delusional
and completely misinterpreted.
I read a lot of comments praising
Eckhart's "deep wisdom" below his
many fatuous videos; but really:
what do they know?
What do they compare
his "deep wisdom" with?
Not the
Spirit of truth.
just a lot of unconsciouspeople
galvanised by the power of
A type of spiritualhypnosis.
For all the fawning over Tolle they
haven't an actual clue what true wisdom is.
They've been lulledinto a false
sense of security and arecompletelysenseless
as to what's really occuring on this fallen earth.
Millions upon millions are being led up
a garden pathfestooned withartificial flowers.
know also, that in the last daysperilous times shall come. For men
shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural
affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent,fierce,
despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady,highminded,lovers of
pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but
denying the power thereof: from such turn away."
Eckhartand hisilkpander to the worst traits of mankind because
they don't live in REALITY. It's all an illusionfor them; they casually
bypass the significance of Yahshua'sLife and deathand mistakenly
thinkgoodness is our default nature.
They're utterly blind to the glaring
reality of man's tragicFALLfrom Goodness.
By leaning on their own understandingand the
understanding of Godless religious figures who also leaned
only on themselves, folks like EckhartTolleunwittingly
BLASPHEMEthe Divine.
For all the lofty presumptions of astute
spiritual insight EckhartTolle
is an ungodly stronghold proffering supreme untruths. He's yet another
distraction from theabsolute truth presented solely in
Yahshua/Jesus Christ
The apostle Paul stated that in the future people would
not endure sound doctrine and instead heap to themselves teachers
in order to satisfy their itching ears. Only blind and spiritually
people fail to see that manifested so lavishly in the new age today.
Eckhartespouses living in the "now"whereas
Spiritshows the Way toEternal Life .
T h e
"power of now"
fades to black
before the
Light of SPIRIT
Living in the NOW is a rank
distraction from the coming ETERNITY.
We won't be in heaven if we're not in JESUS.
Seriously folks, in this world we can't take anything for granted.
Accepting new age views of spirituality and the afterlife is pure folly.
Living in the now isn't preparing anyone for Eternity.Ensconsing oneself in the
power of our holistically corruptedpresent dislocates one from actualDivinity.
The eminently self-approving Russell Brandrecently posted a video of his
interview with Eckhart Tolle titled "Become Awake Now!" on youtube and it's some
of the more irresponsible bullshit I've heard. I used to preach "Awaken Now"on a
David Icke forum and other "spiritual" sites back in the noughties - yet now
I see what a lot of deluded shiteI was into.
I'm awakened in a way
I couldn't have considered as a new ager,
and I can say with all my renewed mind that spiritually
Eckhart Tolledon't know nothin'.
Eckhart is yet another trendy
pop-psychologist masses of
assesfall over themselves for.
Eckhart isn't indwelt by the Spirit of truth.
Instead he makes up his own truth to suithisvain
theology and millions of vain suckers believe in him.
Eckharttalks about our evolving consciousness.
But it's an insidious fantasy.
Consciousness doesn't evolve. We're
no more evolved than neolithic cultures.
Bronze age people were just as intelligent and innovative with
their discoveries and made ingenious use of the knowledge
and techniques they acquired - for better or worse.
Mankind is anciently and currentlyFALLENand millions
are in oblivious servitude to adarkness imitating Light - filling
the hearts of the likes of Eckhart with speciousconcepts:
Virtual(but not quite)Realities.
Eckhart is in receipt of the same type of strong delusion differently
expressed as all the hindu godmen of the ages - including "Buddha."
Tolle is a modern personification of the ancientspiritual
inversion preaching philosophy borne of twisted metaphysics.
What an awakened guy!
Ignorancesure isBLISS.
When God said, "Be still and know that I am God"
He meant for us to know that HE is GOD, not you or anyone
else: a profound truthEckhart disgracefully misses.
Jesus left no room for doubt that He
is GOD but Eckhart either
ignores Jesus' Words or shoehorns them into his vain theology - to
conform to his ownfreakish condition. Eckhart
consistently implies
that he knows better and that christians misunderstand Jesus.
Billions certainly do misunderstandJESUS,
including EckhartTolle!!
Holy Spirit doesn't.
Spirit emphasises the veracity of the literalness
of God's Holy Word and of an exotericJesus Christ:
the only begotten Son of God.
The only time Jesus REJOICED (in the
Bible) was when He stated that GOD hidesthe
truth from folks who're wise in their own eyes:
"In that hour Jesus Rejoiced in Spirit, and said,
I thank thee, O Father,
Lord of heaven and earth, that thou
hast hid these things from the wise
and prudent, and hast revealed
them unto babes: even so, Father; for so
it seemed good in thy sight."
Luke 10:21.
God delights in using the weak and foolish
things of this world to confoundthe wise.
1 Corinthians 1: 27-29.
Jesus Rejoiced that unlikely people were taught
of God and used by Him. The babes were the seventy; simple
believers who received real wisdom from the Revelation of God.
Eckhart Tolle is blind as a bat and
his sonar is way off picking up truth.
Tolle's theology is founded on false premises
he looks to historic - far eastern - religious notions of
Enlightenmentfar removed from theLight of Christ.
Spiritual Awakening
ain't about clearing our mind.
It's about keepingour mindstayed upon
the GOD who Created ALLLIFE:
the Creator of heaven and earth.
(John 1:1-5)
In HIM we attain true Enlightenment.
Too many areoblivious that theCreator exists at all.
But Hedoes exist- as an Almighty Spirit-
transcendent of earthlyrhymeorreason.
Thisknowledge is the >ROCK<of genuine spirituality being replaced by new age reprobation.
We live in a universe created for God'sGlorynot ours.
A world wholly bound to the flesh and nature oriented pantheism
knows nothin' about the Eternal Glory of an entirely Spiritual GOD.
Folks like Eckhart Tolle don't believe in God, nor do they want you to believe.
It's all about "the universe"for them: their affections are set on blending buddhist
mysticism with pantheism and new age theology; impudently desiring to acquire
personal godliness. However, the truth Spiritbrings ain't aboutpantheism
and it certainly ain't about personal godhood or "the universe"
The holy truth - proved by the gracious
LIGHT of SPIRIT - is the universal Sovereignty of Yahshua/
Jesus Christ. True spirituality is recognising the Kingly status
of JESUS amidst a world Hecreated and REDEEMED.
Man was created for God.
He'llhave compassion and
mercy on whomeverHe chooses,
and He'll damn whomever is worthy ofdamnation.
Be sure a great many AREworthy of damnation.
Terrible EVIL dwells in this
world:spiritually and morally.
In God's Eyesanyone denying
His Son is eminently worthy ofHELL🔥
God isLove
but also Holy and Righteous and will judge SIN.
The God of LoveLOVES Justice.
It's the only way to be fair and
keep Universal and Spiritual Harmony.
from Damnation.
I know how tired, clichéd and absurd that can sound:
but it's TRUE.
My GOD is ittrue!
JESUS decides what happens to everything
and everyone in Eternity so we'd better wake
up to the seriousness of that and get on
the Ark with HIM quick smart.
As I've made abundantly
clear:whenever guidance from
archangels orE.T.sis posited my
inner alarm bells (((RING LOUD)))
Those taken in by the
utterances ofchanneled beings
are mugs of the highest order.
Popularbuddhist/new ager
Khanis one such a mug.
The "buddhain blue jeans" 😆 Matt Khan is informed by
ascended masters; which is no surprise because he churns out
the same ol' channeled rhetoric recycled for modern ears.
A particular affect results from the Presence of the Spirit of truth. When
observing the manner and teachings of eminent new age gurus - or anyone claiming to representtruth
- we're given strong impressions of confirmation or refutation. When my
own experience doesn't suffice to correctly assess truthorlies
Spirit fills in the gaps (free of charge)
Matt Khan spews thesame oldascensionjive
I've heard most of my life, with some "radical" fancy
adornments and a large - indulgent - dollop of schmaltz
on top - encouraging multitudes to E X P A N D ever
more freely into their profound personal delusions
Matt is very alluring to the unwary mind but in reality he unwittingly
disseminates the fake cosmic newsofdiscarnate beings.
Under the influence of those beingshe signified the
date of
27th September 2015(coinciding with the finalsuper/blood moon
tetrad - a series of significantlunar eclipses occuring over two years
on judeo-christiansacred holidays) as the sign of the beginning
of mankind'sspiritual ascensionand promotion to
angelic status.
Where've I heardthatbefore?
Matt claimed the super/blood moontetrad for the
new age. However, the tetrad was a sign significant to
hebrew scriptureforetelling the end-time period.
Not an ego ingratiatingomen but a portent to get real serious about.
An abiding new age characteristicis making sweeping poetic statements
with no basis in actualtruth.Mattproclaims that we're angels in the making
and that one third of humanity is heart connectedto the5th dimension.
Well sorry to be so differently informedmate butI don't see
upwards of two and a half billion peoplebeingfifth dimensionally
connectedat all - regardless of what "spiritual"beings say.
It's complete fiction created to
beguileserial spiritual fantasists.
The amount of people into new age beliefs is around a
billionat a stretch, and all of 'em are strongly delusional
Mattpromotes a new age version of buddhism which studiously
avoids that religion's many strict rules and austerities.He's of
the vain opinion that his insight is connected to the truth.
But it's only half the truthat best.
The rest is rooted in the usualesotericpretenses.
Matt reckons he's ofthelight and Iwhole- heartedly agree. But it ain't theLight of Christ.
He's of thefallen light.
Matt is managed by deviousspiritual beings relaying
ancient lies presented in charming new age apparel:ticklin'
ears with "radical" psycho-babble and promoting the usual fluffy
distortions of Scripture millions of witless suckers lap up with relish.
The hindu/buddhist come new age concepts
Matt endorses arise from the premise that there's
no evil; there's no
God and definitely no judgement:
we are gods in control of our destinies.
However, there is, we aren't and
we're NOT - not the new age way anyway.
Like Eckhart Tolle,Matt's theology is man-centered not GOD - it's indicative of the ancient spiritual inversionwe've all inherited.
Matt simply bears false witness. He promotes the new age meme that we
create our own reality. Well, we've certainly co-created a reality alienated
from the Divine but take off your violet
tinted specs - or whatever high
frequency colour eye wear you have on - take a goodlook around
and see we're very far from being gods.
Matt says truth will not transform the planet, only goodness
will, completely negating the Scriptural proclamation:
"and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."
JESUS is the truth and the Godly
goodness that will transform this planet.
What is truth?Matt doesn't know 'cos he's bedazzled by
the fallen light.Instead of waking up from his lucid dreamsand
accepting theholy Spirit he heeds the copious liesof deviantones.
One of Matt's most "radical" teachings (picked up from the pervading psychic atmosphere of ancientspiritual corruption) is this: whatever arises - love that.
Love everything that arises in our fallen state body/mind! Come on, that's terribly misleading teaching. The notion that we can solve everything by loving is rooted in vain spiritual delusions. Of course it's great to love and be in love but compared to the Divine our sorta love is way overestimated and taken to realms of
Yahshua said the Greatest Commandment
is to love God first and foremost, which He did.
Yahshua loved greatly but He also got angry
And who can blame Him?
The world's tragically ridiculous.
EVILis real and unrestrained.
If you believe loving
prohibits anger you're wrong.
If you think love precludes
hate you're rather mistaken.
Like it or not hate is a Godly trait.
The correct Spiritual Attitude is to hate evil.
We needn't ingratiate the love'n' light
fascists 'cos they're under strong delusion.
We don't have to accept new age platitudes as truth:
we can embrace our anger.
We're advised to
"Let love be genuine.
Abhor what is evil;
hold fast to what is good."
I can't love evil.
I HATE it.
It's OK tohate eviland be
angry'cos we're humans in
a spiritual WAR for souls.
I'm not consumed by Anger
I sleep very well at night(Ephesians 4:26)
I'm glad of my anger 'cos it gives me insight
and the mental energy to stand up and fight!
Hate is very useful and a good thing
as long as it's directed against evil.
I love people but hate the spiritin them who steals
the Glory due to JESUS and claim it for themselves.
Loving evil is accepting evilnot transforming evil
because "everyone doing sin is a servant of sin."
Evilain't gonna wag it's tail and roll on it's back for a belly
tickle if you love it: it'll bite you hard on the ass and draw blood
If you
don't fight back it'll set about
eating you alive (turn you into a new ager)
supposed to fight
against evil and expose the lies:
to fight the good fight with all
our might and resist the new age shite.
I'm rightfully angry that
Mattnonchalantly churns out fashionable
spiritual perversions while making a lotta money by it.
He demands money for his "liberating" teaching as if
giving him money is indicative of our spiritual integrity.
Utterly ludicrous. The man's
altogether bereft of spiritual integrity.
of the high horse and flagrant inability to accept reproval, no amount
of criticism suffices. The genial spiritual aloofnessof ones such as Matt Khan is sourced in an ancientevil they fail to recognise. By the Light of Spiritwe don't have the right to dictate spiritual life on our terms, which inMatt'scase are really the terms
of shadyasomatous intelligences.
Being so eloquent makes Matt all the moresinister.
Eminently misinformed he misinforms multitudes: another smarmy spiritual smugsterstuck up on a perch parroting the new ageliesI've been exposed to most of my life. For all the fluency Matt is clueless as to what truth actually is or how real freedom
is genuinely attained. His appeal to our spiritual integrity when
paying for his services (no one gets a refund if unsatisfied) is slimy as allhelland the blatant
twisting of Scripture is typical of the new age in general
and clear evidenceof
darkly intentioned entities
pretending to be righteousBeings of Light
Matt Khan trails esoteric duplicity in his wake!
Matt's followers are demented: the fatuous
incarnation of Ganesh notions
('cos he resembles the elephant god 😜)
are absurd. I've seen lots of putty-faced
blokes resembling Matt Khan but never for a second do I think they're the fictional
Ganesha reincarnated: talk a lot of spiffy metaphysicalbaloney and
a lotta folks go into imagination overdrive.
Some years ago a lotta fuss was made
of Matt's videos going viral on youtube.
Virus is the correct term for Matt Khan.
New age folkslove computer and internet analogies 'cos
modern tech somewhat reflects our psycho-spiritual reality:
those spouting Matt Khan style chimerical drivel
are malicious malwareinfecting all our virtual lives.
The Holy Spirit is our infallible antivirus protection!
When considering the veracity of popular new age luminaries such as
Matt it's helpful to remember the forte of the entities they regularly liase with:
smartness, cunning and abject lies. Whatever discarnate beings tell us about
earth's spiritual ascension and becoming angels, and shit, we can be sure
the polar oppositeis thetruth
Rather than guiding togenuine freedomMatt Khan is
leading multitudes of gullible peopleskipping toperdition.
25years ago I would'vezealouslylapped up Matt's seductive"teachings"
like I did any alluring channeled material; butI'm aware of a more salient Spirit
which flat out rejects Matt's sorta artfulquasi- numinousgush. It's startlingly clear
the unearthly beings running our planetary show are in the ancient
business of pretending to be light beings or ascended masters - or
whatever form takes
their fancy - for purposes of subverting and distorting
Spiritual and Scriptural truth
It's always been abouttruthsubversion.
We have to think seriously
'cos folks like Eckhart Tolle and Matt Khan
are leading millions to DAMNATION.
It totally doesn't seem that way
on the surface, but IT IS that way.
No one gets into heaven following a life of self-exaltation or doing
whatever the hell we like while on earth. We simply don't get there
by our own efforts or terms, whether through yoga,meditation
or whatever vain theology we choose to adhere to.
We're in a SPIRITUAL WAR for souls.
There's no reincarnation. We don't get
more lifetimes to "get it right." We oughta dismiss
forthwith the terriblelies of hinduism and buddhism.
Almighty God provides access to
Paradise on His terms, and those
terms are Clearly Presented by
WE needn't argue 'cos it'sfutile.
We can flail aroundtheologically
and stamp ourcosmic-henna decorated -
feet (withbellson our toes) all we like.
But it doesno good.
It ain't up to us how Godacts or reacts.He is God
and besides Himthere's no other.Above and beyond
the corruption of earth'smorphogenicandelectromagnetic
biofieldsthis isGod'suniverse and Heruns itHisWay.
had all sorts of bitter stuff thrown at me since I started
sharing my conversion, from "spiritual" folk to academia. There's
a heck of a
lotta resistance to what I'm sayin but I'm goin with
the flow of whateverSpirit lays on my heart and - as I grew
in Spirit - I came more certain of one thing:
The Holy Spirit draws people
closer toJesus Christand Him only.
The closer we're drawn to Jesus the more we realise His unique
Divinity and begin to fall deeper in Praise and Love. The more we Praise
and Love Jesus the Brighter His Light shines within us (Psalm 22:3)
thebonafidelaw of attraction in action.
I know how an un-renewedmind works when
faced with truth. It's important not to dumbtruth
down by considering truthful quotes a cliché.
As a new ager I didn't wanna believe but turns
out Jesus really is the Way, the truth and the Life
just like He said, and He meant it literally:
no one comes to God except through Jesus.
Self-Righteousness doesn'tsave us.
There's no True Righteousness within us,
whether through action or inheritance. We'reFALLENbeings: corporeallyand spiritually
We can't save ourselves no matter
what any shifty guru or mystic tells us.
We have to rely on
Jesus' Righteousness.
Through Jesus
GOD did it all for us;
graciously providing true
freedom by Hisonly Begotten Son.
Anything else issatanicdelusion.
We can jumpright off the
endless,fictionalwheel of
deathand rebirthand embrace
the true mokshaofJesus Christ
It can be a hard lark the business of genuine spirituality.
A frequent consequence of Spiritualconversion is conflict -
'cos the unconverted are invariablyrubbed up the wrong way.
A lotta "friends" either unfriend or become downrightdefensive.
I don't engage with peopleas vehemently these days;
but in the months following my conversion a sort of cold war
broke out, with some prominentnew agers and highbrow
gnosticsfiringhigh psychology salvos at me.
I've been accused of many things, including:
being disruptive,divisive,a spiritual snob,evenmentally ill -
anything other than VALID.
I'm pretty good at reverse psychology: everything they throw at me actually applies to them.
Many leading new agers
are - to put it mildly - uppity.
Mention we're a
spiritually fallen race rife
with deceitanddelusionand sparks will fly.
The curt responsesSING of the control freakery I see too much of
If they're so strong and confidentwhat's
the problem? They're influencing many
souls and - sticking their head
above the crowd - should be prepared to take shots,
let their followers make
up their own minds.But no: there's no fault in them,
they demand it all their own way - harbouring a pathological need to be right:
a trait of psychopaths.
Such people are sweetness and light when we're in
agreement; but
question - or dare cross them - and they put
the blockers on, hoping the aberration (me) is quashed.
They're no better thanmind controllers
who reveal a hidden nasty streakif you even
brush against their precious boundaries.
What's inside the boundaries they wanna protect so much?
A whole lotta SEXbullshit and systemic programming that need transcending
not protecting.It's usually women reacting against men: they don't like
being reproved by men - the "inner goddess" forbids it! 😄 (In Spirit vs. the new age I reveal thatthe goddess is a career criminal)
I can't treat people who believe they're
gods and goddesses with any sort of respect.
Self-sanctimonious snottiness
evident in many potentnew agers.
Advancedtechnology,material comfortsand
puffed-upnotions of a "higherself"have made many
snooty and arrogant.They're so off their heads in fantasia
that stating the bleedin' obvious (to them) is a radical act.
Smiling broadly and drawing hordes ofnew agers along with
their specialised take on "evolving"
spiritualitygrievesthe Ruach
because itseesthe spiritthey
represent, and it ain't at allgood.
There's nothin' evolved about 'em besides make-believe.
They can't accept truth 'cos
it don't resonate with their
vibes: they can't feeeeel it so they
don't believe; they
feeeeelwhat I'm sayin' so they don't believe me.
Perceiving the dark roots of the many new age
fadsand fashions it's natural to conclude they're total 💩
perpetutated by conceited people on fauxdivine missiontips.
I'm compelled to share my insight even if it
goes against people's sacred beliefs (my own included) and
I lose “friends" in the process. I've seen many covering their earswithpagan adroitness: deleting comments I make
and unfriending on facebook.
One high profilenew agelady - the ultra-kooky
Andrea Foulkes - blocked me because I cast doubt on her Pleiadeanbeliefs.
I bet it made her feeeelPowerful 😉
Like so many new agersAndrea reckons she's an
incarnated Cosmic spirit. In her case a Pleiadian.
Yeah right.
That sort of uber-delusion verily screams
BULLSHITby itself; but she also describes
herself as an "intuitive visionary"
Which is verily ALARMING because Andrea's intuition
utterly fails to inform her that the "Pleiadeans" aren't who
they say they are. Anyone with authentic intuition knows that.
Andrea avidly advocates the new age meme of self-love
(of course): the usual heinous inversion of genuine spirituality.
She BLOCKED a friend of
mine 'cos he commented on her facebook page
that we were created to love God not ourselves.
God's kind of love is anathema to Andrea, who'd rather
live for and love herself and assume she's helping people.
But she's really hindering.
Inflated with high spiritual narcissism folks like
Andrea Foulkes fall for the oldest lie in the book:
being as gods.
We were as gods, once upon a time; but we forsook all that when
proving incapable of following clear Divine instruction. Andrea's just
another new age autocrat promoting her termsspirituality.
For all the unfriending and blocking prowess, the curt responses
arise from deep insecurity. They've chosen to believe in spiritual liesand
they do intuit that deep down, but they'll categorically deny any hunches
of deception to save face and reputation. It's really all about them
and their way - not GOD and Jesus' Way.
All the unfriendinglarkconfirms
my inner bullshit-ometer: they're just so
many egocentricdivas with superiority complexes.
I've got a lotta"friends" who haven't (yet) unfriended
but I find it difficult logging onto social networking sites
and reading their frequent posts the way they go on, as
if fonts of All-Wisdom. TheyGRIEVE the Holy Spirit.
If we let highbrow new agers run around thinkin'
they're on a divine mission tip uncontested then we'll only
get more of the nose in the air pretensions and nonsense
demeanors I see far too much of today.
Their off-handeddismissiveness is rooted in a
subjective complex of spiritual vanity, presumed gender
divinity and no littlepride mixed with personal grievances
they only assume they've transcended but haven't:
failed romantic relationships glossed over with new ones:
a quasi-love'n'lightpersona sprinkled on top.
We have a dire need to practise
Sacred Humility.
Humility is
seeing ourselves as we actually are and being gut level
honest about it.
It's the blatant lack of humility that tells me folks like
Andrea Foulkes
aren't in the least bit spiritual. The stuck-up attitude
of knowing truth and being our own guru SINGS to me
that they know nothing of true Divinity.
Believing the ear ticklingutterances of specious
channeled beingsis amassive failure of integrityand
modern notions of enlightenment are entirely fatuous.
A lotta demented folks seriously believe they're enlightened,
which only goes to show the dementia of our inherited spiritualities
and why so many people simply can't be trusted.
It's a terrible thing for many to seriously consider that new age
spirituality is founded onoccult subversion so with pious zeal
millions opt for activedenial. They unwittingly block the Light of
Spiritallowing for a very differentlightand spirit to enter therein.
New age teachers and leaders of both sexes need to really
wake up, smell the truth and grab onto a firm hook of humility to
prevent them from falling through the thin ice they're standing on.
"So the universe is not quite as you thought it was.
You'd better rearrange your beliefs, then. Because you
certainly can't rearrange the Universe."
- IsaacAsimov -
That could apply to new agers with a bit of tweaking:
So Spiritual Reality is not quite as you thought
it was. You'd better rearrange your beliefs, then.
Because you certainly can't rearrange the truth.
Yet many of 'em try to do just that:
fashioning truthafter themselves,
ontheir termsand preferences.
New ager's seek out material agreeing with their lofty
love'n' lightpersonas while denying anything significantly
contradictory. When presented with salient contrary data
it's talk to the hand 'cos the face ain't listening:
in other words GET LOSTand
leave me to my carefully cultivated
conceits.I'm doing very well by them.
Thisbubbleis not for bursting.
Underneath the faux facade there's so much BAGGAGE it's unbelievable.
No perfectly balanced, spiritual law abiding
Universe ingratiates such ridiculous, narcissistic people.
Instead they're given over to strong-delusion.
All the rampant spiritual delusion arose from a nefarious permeating
occult presence selling the Golden Age of Enlightenmentfabrications
beguiling pretty much ALL new agers and associated mystics.
It's no surprise so much new age "truth" comes
from inveigling spirits masking their true identities:
posing ascosmicgood guys and gals.
Mankind is divorced from Divinity but that don't stop
a lotta people trying to spiritualise the material world.
Something's so profoundly missing from their lives
that they have no choice but to console themselves
by spiritualising an intrinsically secular system.
At alternative green (new age) music festivals
lectures are put on about developing "spiritual"
economics and politics. There's even a character
calling himself the "buddha of business"
W H A T ?
The businessof Buddhawas ending
suffering by renouncing the material world,
not indulging in and getting more out of it.
A lotta spiritualnumpties are brazenly pompousin the desire to
ascend our inherited social/economic institutions to Divine levels. For them
no personal sacrifice is necessary, comfort zones are where it's at. We needn't
let go of our marveloustechno-material world. We can have it all.
We canfeeeel our way to heaven on earth.
Let's spiritualise capitalism folks
(with smug enthusiasm)
jump on thebling filledbandwagon why don't ya:
it's the only logical solution to all the
bullshit we're born into.
But you can't spiritualisebullshit.
There's noalchemical processfor turning
💩 intoGold no matter how hard we try.
This is a temporal world situation in the
grand scheme of things so it would behoove
all our souls to realise and accept that quickly.
It's vitally important to get aligned withthe truth
Truespirituality ain't about material wealth
and a healthysex life. All that stuff is TRANSIENT.
We have to GIVE IT ALL UP some day.
It's ALL about preparing for Eternity For all the striving to live in the "Power of Now"
theafterlifeis the eventual reality of everyone.
There's no escaping it:
sooner or later the afterlife
will be more real than anything
we're experiencing NOW.
While livingin thehere&now we must
give due consideration to the hereafter.
Turns outJesusis
all aboutthe Hereafter.
Billionsare ignorant of the bona-fide
spiritual scripturesgiven millennia
Judeo-christianity tells all we need to
know about authentic Spirituality and the times we live in;
but a variety of personal conceitscompelmultitudes to look for
they've gathered all of their ideas and put them in a box:
this is how everything is, don't mess with it or you'll scare me.
They don't wanna upset their own applecart and refuse to love
the truth. Instead they're in love with the world and they
don't like the Light shining on their darkness."
- Alan Horvath -
By virtue of the miraculous content and Divine Revelation I've always
had an affinity with christian scripture even when I blocked them.
You might like to think I'm indoctrinated.But you'd be wrong.
FULL of new age hubris I rejectedchristianity for many years,
'cos I
didn't need that stuff.I knew better. I was an emerging
god for Christ'ssake and sovereign over my life.
Everything was spiritual in a spiritualuniverse. I could
find truth in a telephone directory or on
a biscuit tin.Spurred on
by the"spirit of the age"that same attitude is rife today - to greater
or lesser degrees - but for all therabble forrebellion against
the system it's utterly stupid to be rebellious againstGOD
Original christianity - as portrayed in the New Testament -
was a truly astonishingmovementinitiated by thehand of God;
twisted andbastardised by astute,scheming
minds ever since.
TheGospel was incrementallyattacked on all fronts
by self-servingmystics and gnostics and christianitymorphed
into paganroman catholicism: thelivingWords of Jesus and
the apostlesconstrained within a religious setting.
Yet the essential truth ((shines forth)) for those with
eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to understand.
Scripture brings the world and the new age into sharp relief.
Truth ain't transmitted to the head but the heart and
if yours ain't touched bySpirit you won't get the Truth.
Spiritual logic is not of this world.
True knowledge is given by holySpirit.
I was more than a little concerned when theurge to look closer at judeo-christianScripture took precedence during
the years around2012.JeepersI thought, this ain't gonna be
accepted 'cos christianity is set-apart from all else and entirely exclusive. But I didn't dismiss it, I opened to see where it led.
It led to the REAL Jesus Christ.
The Bible is G O D extending truth to mankind
and I hope to convince you by my own conviction.
I know new agers very well. They think they're awakening but
their minds are shut tight against the holiest Light. I know. Mine was.
When presenting the TRUTH masses of lordly intellects rear their ugly
heads and a lot of devout emotions come into play. Riled up andscoffingthey
think they know better and find fault in either my manner or message (or both)
which allows them to dismiss me outright without further consideration.
I defer to the penetrating wisdom of Scripture:
"only by pride comes contention."
This ain't a matter of believing what I wanna believe.
I didn't wannabelieve exclusively in christian spirituality; but that's where theRuach led in the NEED for the truth.
Time to practise
S a c r e d H u m i l i t y.
pressure bears down on people to believe as
our fallen worldbelieves. But I'm not going with the world.
I don't go with the new age flow
anymo... I go where
HolySpirit goes and - lo and behold - it goes to JESUS.
T h e
of JesusChrist is
only in The BIBLE
The gnostic texts are entirely bogus and
not to be trusted. They present a false Jesus.
(I write a lot more about gnosticism in
the next section titled Spirit vs. New Age)
With Spiriton board the Bible opens up most
beautifully and we read of a multifaceted and quite
exoteric Spiritual dynamicamazing to comprehend:
Christ dealing with a fallen world.
However, as the new age surges towards apotheosis
the denial of Jesus Christ is coming ever more cogent.
Around 15 years ago there was a lottahullabaloo
around the Zeitgeist
video - with lots of witless folks
gleefully jumping on the Jesus ain't real bandwagon.
a very persuasive production (to the unwary soul)
and I was taken in for
a while (well I was still a new ager) even showing the
dissection section to a christian
with the intention of shattering his faith
and make him come round to my
more enlightened way of thinking. But everyone,
including me for a time, were
misguided by that mendacious video.
The "facts" presented about
Yahshua are easily refuted.
It all hinges on what you wannabelieve...
Zeitgeistis a trendy term meaning the spirit of the age or time and that's
very ironic 'cos our time and age is overshadowed by the very darkest spirit.
I don't consider truthers to be in receipt of the truth. They have
some truths sure but they're only half truths. Shady spooks run all
through the "truth" movement like the word "Blackpool" runs
through a candy stick of rock.
(Blackpool is a popular old-school seaside amusement town in Lancashire, UK)
Despite the rebellious"zeitgeist" lodging in the dark recesses
of many juvenile minds there are perfect, harmonic Laws supporting
Heaven like there are in material and cosmic reality:
essentiallaws set forth in All-Wisdom.
Spirit adheres to spiritual laws the same as it does to cosmic laws.
Any deviation leads to disharmony,chaosanddestruction.
the dire need for someclear lighton the whole human/Divine
relationship the holy Spirit dawned in my heart - quite unexpectedly -
and escorted
me to Scripture, which came alive like never before. I was
given new
eyes and read afresh of characters allied with the same Spirit.
People imbued with a mighty spiritual integrity:
for what they said would happen, DID HAPPEN.
No excuses. No backtracking. Just Miracles abounding:
the Word in action
and Glorious Fulfilment:
Divine Interventions are sorely lacking in the world today
and why a lotta puffed up "gods and goddesses" prefer to think they're made up stories, or that they're allegories of cosmic and/or internal spiritual dynamics.
Darkness often imitates Light
(2 Corinthians 11: 14-15)
The Darkness generates a highly deceptive illumination
that permeates the sub-conscious and motivates haughty
intellects since deepest antiquity finding modern expressions
(a la Sadhguru)
"For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets,
and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that,
if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
The elect are the chosen of God but no need to
worry: the hand of Christ is extended to everyone.
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the
rudiments ofthe world, and not after Christ."
Or you could put it like this:
"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow
and deceptive
philosophy,which depends on human tradition
and the elemental spiritual
forcesof this world rather than on Christ."
That's why the Bible is so valuable.
The much maligned Apostle Paul - a Spirit
filled man - gave clear and concise warnings.
He knew what was coming.
But this section ain't about Apostle Paul,
That comes later. This bit is about a man called
David's a larger than life character I used to have
a lotta time for.He communicated the deepest (seemingly)
I intuitionally understood and wanted
to hear from intelligent,
switched-on external sources.
As a young wide-eyed new ager
I loved David Icke. I read all his books
and hung onto every word.
I thought he was a welcome
blast of fresh aquarian air.
I "resonated" with his WISDOM.
I followed David's ascent to conspiracy superstardom from the first
turquoise powered t.v. appearance on WOGAN - way back in '91. I saw him live
several times in the 90's, the first time was at Glastonbury festival in 1993.
At one of his early theatre lectures I got his latest book-
the Robot's Rebellion - signed. One day in mid '95 me and a group of
close spiritual friends and other like minded folks, spent a few hours
with David in a house in Warwick, England.I got another book signed.
In the mid to late 2000's I resolutely defended
David's name against ridiculers, detractors and
naysayers on forums, talkbacks and youtube videos.
Nowadays I'm in a wHoly different Light and my attitude - and entire
worldview - has diverted dramatically from
David Icke. I've come to see that
with David things are not as they seem and - though I retain some interest for
purposes of compare and contrast
- I harbour growing indignation towards him.
David's research and conspiratorial nous are (seemingly)
impressive, proffering copious amounts of fascinating insight.
But it's all mixed with the mostEPICLIES. It's
been difficult dislodging David Icke from my
innermost psyche, without the Light of Spirit it's nigh
onimpossible to extricate oneself from his influence.
But extrication is necessary, even crucial
because - surprisingly- David's as much a part of
the"matrix" deception as any illuminati stooge.
David'sentire bearingSINGS of subliminal belligerence
against the Divine; yet he's lauded as a champion of the
people and a hero to millions. He used to be a hero to me.
But he's no champion or hero folks. Just
another in a very long line ofunwitting luciferians.
David'sinsight is seemingly laudable on the surface,
until I realise he's square under the influence of the ubiquitous
supernal spirits who bullshitted so many (including me) with the
new age/earth ascensionteachings of the 1990's. In 1990David succumbed to classic
kundalini symptoms, which totally
flipped his mind-sending him
on a new age merry-go-round.
He really did haveamessiah complex
and actually thought he was the Son of God.
I've come to know that kundalinibestowsno genuineawakening,
quite the opposite in fact. As we see with David Icke and so many other
luciferian suckers: the psychic force behind the kundalini serpent is
inherently deceptive, whispering tall tales about yourself and
the world - lyingall its insidious way.
I comment more on thetreacherous
kundalini spiritinSpirit vs. the New Age
It's latter day sobering to cognize that exiled spirits come luciferian light
bringers initiated David Icke's"awakening." It transpires that he was activated by the same "light bearers" behind the inception of the Theosophical society (and other arcane orders throughout history) illuminating the founder Helena Blavatsky with data borne of fallen light, moving her to convey her specious spirit guide's proclamations of the supremacy of SATAN
Under theirdark influenceBlavatsky was urged to
write two massive tomes of "ancient knowledge" which are
wholly fake chronicles of the spiritual history of mankind.
For all the astute intellectual sagacity and presumed wisdom
David Icke interprets some salient truths very wrong. His latter
day denial of Yahshua/Jesus Christ is a HUGE misstep.
David doesn't believe in Yahshua, which is verily startling 'cos
during his early"awakening" he fully believed in Yahshua's reality.
David received daily channelings from Christ and other prestigious
spiritual beings such as Socrates and the ascended masterRákóczi
(Master R)
Also known as the Comte de Saint-Germain;
Lord of the Seventh Ray:
Keeper of the"Violet Flame"
David even received visions of Yahshua's
crucifixion in which he experienced His sufferings.
Bat-shit crazy and no mistake. In the years since then, at some
point David went into complete denial of
Yahshua- which is no surprise considering
what -or who-he's guided by.
David bangs on about infinite lovebeing theonly truth
while denyingYahshua'sactual incarnation of love and truth.
BIG mistake. The great irony is that Davidfails to understand
how the dark forcesbastardise and obscure the truth throughcosmic suckerslike HIM.
Denying Yahshua is denying the holy
Spirit: which I posolutely KNOWis true.
In recent years David's taken cues from gnostic texts,written by folks
believing (however heretically) in the living person of Jesus. It's clear that for all the proclamations of truth David doesn't have the Spirit of truth indwelling him. If he did Spirit would give him a conscience and correct his mistakes. Instead he
wallows in the highly SPECIOUSfabrications of the SPIRIT OF LIES David Icke'sheart and soulare locked in glaring spiritual error.
As all new agers do, David picks and chooses what he wants to believe, whatever
he "resonates" with - dismissing the rest - as if he's a faultless gauge of esoteric truth. But like everyone he lives in a fallen statebody/mind and thusly fails to resonate with genuine spirituality. Puffed-up with the fake news the fallen angels
freely disseminate, the usual arrogance rears it's ugly head and knows no
bounds: twisting Yahshua's words where it suits him;
even titling one of his books
"...and the truth shall set you free."
If David kept that verse in context,
and read a little further, he'd read:
"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed"
(John 8:36)
Later on Yahshua/Jesus said:
"I am the Way, the truth and the Life:
no mancometh unto the Fatherbut by me"
- a very clear, cut and dried statement
not open to personal interpretation.
We can't pick and twist Jesus'
words to suit our vain theologies;
it's deeply ignorantand a
lostand very dangerous cause.
David says that by changing our perception the world changes.
But the only Being who can change everything and deliver us from
the ancient and prevailing"perception deception" is
the truth which sets us free:
the really quite literal Son of God:
Yahshua/Jesus Christ
For all the proclamations of truth
Yahshuais the truthDavid Icke
resoundingly denies.
Like all unwitting luciferianstapping into the uber-delusions of hinduism, and by turns buddhism,Davidtakes Jesus' concise statements completely out of context and shoehorns them into vain theology.David's set his mind not on the things of God but of the world, being of the same esoteric stock differently expressed as
the ostensibly - butnot actually - enlightened gurus. Such as the facetious
Oshoand the Beatles'Maharishibullshit"Yogi."
I must expound more on the grand deception that is David Icke simply because his influence is far reaching. People say he changed their lives. Well, he changed their perspective for sure but not in a genuinely spiritual way. He simply inflated their spiritual ego's and turned them into greater dorks than they were before.
David'stheology is founded on ever shifting sands. His entire ministry began in the profoundest error: running around in a crappy turquoise shell suit he claimed was
a high frequency color; but which betrayed a really quite awfulworldly sense of fashion, and an acute lack of decorum. He talked utter shiteabout spirituality
born of universally dodgy mediumship. He prophesied theimminent end of
the worldon prime time t.v. - to an incredulous nation, here in the UK.
Which unsurprisingly didn't happen.
David's still in abject error. Over the passed 15 years -
since the momentous ayahuasca experience - David's parroted on
in hindu/buddhist fashion about the illusory nature of reality.
Hey fuckin' ho. If you pardon my crude northern Englishness.
Reality ain't an illusion. It's a creation.
And not by us either:
though we've gone a loooong way
to making a right royal mess of it.
A wolf in crap clothing.
High frequencyfools (circa 1991)
A strong stench of antichristexudes from
David Icke (there are manyspiritsof antichrist)
He's up to his Sahasrāra chakra in the deepestesotericphooey.
surmisations and prejudiced speculations abound, and - like the
Bhagwan's,Maharishi's and Sadhguru's of our day - he's fueled by an overtly puffy,
narcissistic psyche
obscuring the truth. Which is no surprise when you remember again
(because we tend to forget) that David's"awakening" was initiated
those ol' ego stroking ascended masters, or "the guys" as he called them,
being on such intimate terms.
David still preaches the importance of his early years when
"the guy's"prophesied over him and proffered much assurance
that they'd continue to guide himand putknowledgein his mind.
Yeah right mate 😉
He's still guided by"the guys"as it 'appens:
To better understand the past is to make sense of the present and glean
something of the future, therefore it's vitally important not to forget the channeled and theosophical roots of David Icke's ministry. He's still guided by duplicitous "ascended masters" - among other beings, probably archons - disseminating ingenious concoctions
of fake news millions lap up with relish. Which is the
real reason he's never been "taken out" by the powers that be for
revealing information that supposedly empowers people
to awaken and rise
up against the system.
Instead of exposing and helping eradicate the
illuminatiDavid Icke serves their ultimate plans.
of his elder statesman bearing and astute
mind David espouses modern variations of an ancientLIE.
A perfect asset for the esotericpowersthat be!
David bangs on aboutspiritual distortion
while being an essentialelementof it.
David Icke is a spiritually fallen man under strong delusionlatently
by accepting and relaying a myriad of lies issuing from the gamut
of luciferian spirits upholding the new age scene.Always appealing to intellect David
says lots of fascinating things that speak to our
inner senseof freedom and the grievance many feel about the world system. But the surmisations and all-
round conclusions inevitably come out in distortion of the truth.
For all the declarations of
David Icke is a veritable truthinverter.
"It's all bullshit, all of it"
says the subtitle of one of David's later books.
Of course it is mate, and that includes your many tomes of utter bullshit.
The Ruach shows things contrary to the views of David Icke and reveals how wrong I was by adopting his perspective.Post
the original Wogan interview it was only right he became a
national laughing stock, 'cos he really was a fool - and he's stayed
fool to boot.The Ruach shows David up for what he is: a dangerousluciferianbrimming with fallen light. The internal corruption shows in his face:
as David ages he looks more like the sith lordEmperor Palpatine.
NOT a good look.
A dark powerclearly operates behind the ministry of David Icke; he's but one high profile example of the same story I've seen many times in the new age: acquire a modicum of spiritual awareness and they think they're Christos, or something similarly grandiose. Raise serpent powerand it goes straight to
their heads, literally: either turnin' 'em into know it all pricks -
or sends 'em to the mental wards.
Proffering all the esoteric disinformation and psuedo-science in the world don't stop us being fallen.David Icke follows the course of a new age peddling the long planned for (fake)
awakening. He more or less promotes the new age meme that
we areGod experiencing Him/Herself through everyone alive.Not true.
There sure is a
beingbehind all the
Do What Thou Wilt
"I AmGod"gibberish.
But it certainly ain't GOD
A lot of fuss is made about clandestinepowersoperating behind
world systems (government conspiracies,secret societies and what have you)
but nothing much is known (sansfallacy) of
the fallen lightfield and the
spiritual conspiracybehind the fractured human/Divine relationship.
I'm sharing is no more absurd than David Icke'stwisted spirituality
or the gnostic - and other atvariance - cosmologies millions suck up so
I'm trying to reach Ickeianvogued folk and new agers enamoured by the charms of
psuedo-spiritual science.I'm not as intelligent as David Icke but I sure am intuitive.
In defence against any forthright accusations
in thenegativeI have to reiterate that my northern englishness, and all roundnew age experience,
gives me aunique perspective.
I simply see things differently to regular christians.
Genuine Spirituality
is like a clearLIGHT
switching on inside us.
The Earth'sunder darkness untilsunlight shines
upon it, then the world's seen clearly. Likewise we remain
under numinousdarkness until theLight of SpiritDawns.
Divine Lightis oft imitated
bydeviantspiritual beings
guiding mankind since the fall
much vauntedrebellious complexion
many influential new age gnostics
revel in - and
encourage each other by - began in the spiritual
There's massive interest in ancientaliensthese days and -
being a sci-fi nut into UFO's and aliens since I was a kid -
I've been partial to entertaining the idea.
There's also massive interest in ANGELS.
profession is slick business.
Believing in angels is apparently very easy for many.
A verily dizzying amount of books are written by people
claiming to be in communion with angels;but it ain't such a
pretty love'n'light scenario as new agers are led to believe.
used to be intoangels and was sooo
swept along by my high imagination
and the power of suggestion that
I firmly believed I was one 😁
I inwardly saw my
If anyone disagreed I woulda stuck up for my
angelicnature with adroit self-righteous conviction.
But dear me! Now I see I was profoundlydelusional -
the self-same delusion I see in too many today.
With so many testimonies it's incontrovertible thatangels exist yet
too many invariably assume they're friendly and out to awaken mankind.
It don't take a leap of faith to assume fallen angelsexist - for all the reasons
presented in this blog - and that it is they who predominantly interact with
society: exploiting spiritualcandour, naivety and our countrified natures.
The term fallen angel
isn't found inscripture.
Nevertheless, we can be
surea greatmanyARE fallen:
out of theLight and Grace of God.
Millions avidly believe in the spiritually
beguiling, sugar-coatedLIESofFALLEN ANGELS.
In the new age we're advised to test the spirits 3 times.
Of course that advice is a distortion of Judeo-christian Scripture meant for christians and supposed to be practised in situ with the indwelling Holy Spirit. Otherwise testing spirits to ascertain if they're of "the light" won't reveal the truth because they ARE of "the light:" the fallen light. Most of the time inquisitive sensitives, mediums and channellers are of the samelight as the
specious spiritual beings they commune with.
They have to be to attract and converse with them in the first place 😮
Criminal Light beingscan transmit specificpsychic
waves which translate physically asloving feelings;
but they're far fromthe Divinekind ofLove.
Justvibrational imitations.
Billions (like David Icke) are gullible
suckers for vibrations of imitation Love.
Without theHOLY SPIRITin
our heart, nodeviant spiritis obliged to
tell usthe truth whether we ask them
3 or 3000 times.
They happily go onlyingandscheming.
Exiledangels operate entirely different from the
compliant Holy Ones. The dark oneshave a Divine right to
influence our lives because - out of sheer ignorance of the
spiritual situation - man literally gave them the right.
It amounts to a whole lotta
perverse giddiness taken for truth.
The after-effects of the fall was a gradual
atrophy of human quality and a sympathetic quantum
descension of matter. The animal kingdoms genetically
mutated in sync with the rapidly decliningsituation.
Man was created to live forever in harmony with nature,
Now life kills and feeds upon itself.
The Nature spirits of the plant and mineral kingdoms
so many fall over themselvestointerface with operate
under the jurisdiction of fallen lightbeings.
They're witless accomplices to an ancientrebellion.
beings are under the control of a strange force
that bends them in
absurd ways, forcing them to play
a role in a bizarre game of deception.
We are dealing with a yet unrecognised level of conscious -
ness, independent of man but closely linked to the Earth...
I do not believe
anymore that UFO's are simply the spacecraft of some race
(or races) of
extraterrestrial visitors. This notion is too simplistic to explain
their appearance, the frequency of their manifestations through recorded
and the structure of the information exchanged with them
during contact."
- Dr. Jacques Vallee -
By a myriad of convincing accounts there are some
astonishingly sophisticatedtech in the hands of supernal
beings effortlessly flitting in and out of the 3RD DIMENSION.
Some otherwise erudite researchers (somewhat lacking in
spiritual vision) push a purelyscientific/genetics spin on
(it's allaliens!!)
But I'm firmly in thesupernatural camp:
it ain't ancientaliens we should
be concerned about butancientangels.
A lot of UFO's are secret Gov. tech. But not all.
Aliens/E.T.s are super-intelligent yet highly
deceptivefallen angels: the deviant sons ofGod of
Biblical fame and their abominable HYBRID or synthetic
(the Men in Black, the Greys, Reptilians, Sasquatch etc)
EVIL originated in ANGELS:
particularly one highcherub, causing hosts of 'em to lose their
positions and be confined to the lower heaven (space) and theEarth.
The Fallen formed
manyesoteric orders
guidingthe world for
thousands of years.
They formulate all manner of elaborate esoteric ruses to fool
humanity. Keeping us in the dark is paramount and maintained by
circulating a wide variety ofideas about freedom and"enlightenment"
which are anything but. They gain greater control of our lives and
influence the entire world using deception and no littleflattery.
The ancients referred to them asgods.
WE know them as the Ashtar Command or Great White Brother-
hood or the Galactic Federation ofLight among other perfidious titles.
Their intent is never to reveal the actual truthbut to
spiritually defraud and assimilate mankindinto their cunning
plans, using influential people as their mouth, hands and feet...
With all this clear in mind we shouldn't follow
the defaultcollective ignoranceand instead refuse to listen
to ANYunearthly or discarnate beingsuntil they consent
to come out and greet us in plain sight:
and even then we must extremely cautious
'cos the alien visitation/invasioncard is a possible
move of the esotericpowersthat be.
I can see masses of new agers gleefully welcoming them!
The main characteristic of
the End-Times is DECEPTION.
Any E.T. disclosure is indicative of no authenticparadigm
shift but indicial of anefariousendgame stratagem:
Back in deepest antiquity the sons ofGod, or Annunaki (those who
from heavento earth came) created their own genetic races: looking upon
the daughters of men they took them at will, mated with them and spawned
unnatural yet powerful angel/human hybrids known as nephilim or GIANTS:
"There were giants in the earth in those days,
mighty men which were of old, men of renown"
The Book of Enoch tells that the "Giants" became
devilish entities when they expired but we don't need
to rely solely on scripture to verify theirexistence.
The science of anthropology reveals that every culture agreed on
the reality of devils and their basic characteristics - of being very evil.
Cultures around the world describe possession byevil entitiesin their
writings, while stating that they're especiallydeceptiveandmanipulative.
The Sumerians couldn't agree if their gods were
good or evil but they were unanimous that the devilsthey
dealt with were totally malevolent (source: Chris White).
Dark entities are compelled to cause discord,confusion and destruction
by inhabiting and feeding off the energies emanating from biological beings,
preferably human.All stops are pulled out, it's open house on mankind folks.
Anything goes:deceptive,salaciousspiritsof varying powers and
principalities attach
themselves to men and women alike: feigning light,
manipulating thoughts,feelings and leeching our life energy.
As reported in scripture and ever accumulative
contemporary testimonials possession is real.
Yahshua and the disciples cast
out devils as a matter of course.
Yahshua encountered a devil named Legion:
for they are many. It's enlightening to realise
that devils believe in God and shudder.
(James 2:19)
Devilsknow who Yahshua is, so how stupid
does that make vast swathes of humanity
for not knowing and believing in Him!
A shocking amount of possession is occuring, within regular folk
to high profile celebrities and politicians. They're not all Linda Blair level,
you could be mildly possessed and know nothing of it. Many influential
new agers are possessed - that much is clear in the world today.
Devilsanddark entities are deviously subtle,
jumping from one body to anotherlifetime after lifetime. When a
host body dies they find another: the clear answer to the evoked
"memories" of past lives during hypnotic regression sessions.
None of us are incarnated
or re-incarnated anything.
If anyone thinks so
they're terminallydeluded
Some people ask me to "lighten up"
Well I am lightened up. Just not in a way agreeableto them.
They haven't an actual clue as to what they'reenlightened by.
"For now we see through a glass, darkly"
There's a lotta talk about supernal energy fields imparting cosmic data
(gene keys etc) via some stuck up mystical dude or dude-ess with reputations to
cultivate and books to sell. But with the
Ruach onboard a lotta startling things
become apparent. Around 4 years ago I
began cognizing an energy field,
even an electro-magnetic contrivance:
a global psychic net acting - in part - as a buffer
obstructing man's nascent perception of Divine
Back in my early new age years I experienced "cosmic light" both
interior and exterior. I saw distinct cones of light distortion
flowing out the
top of peoples heads, subtly warping the space above
the sahasrara chakra.
From a distance the distortion
encompassed the entire body.
I've seen the same light emanating from
trees and plants and - ever so weirdly -
from people and soldiers in World War II footage, even flaring
out of falling
bombs and around tanks, rifles etc. You could argue it's the
filmstock but I see
it in modern movies and t.v. shows. The imprint of apervading light field
being captured surrounding the living and material things of the world.
That light is analogous to a holistic multimedia
company playing its own dark theatre productions.
The Earth's caught fast in a nefarious web of
light resonating with the LIGHTofFallen Angels,
the raison d'être is primarily to ensnare the collective
psyche of mankind by imitating theLight of Christ.
The sort of super-tech the Fallen possess is astonishing
to our devolved minds and utilised to criminal effect.
The 5G threat is nothing compared to what's already occuring:
an artificial electromagnetic lightfield cast over the earth
overlaying man's fallen spiritual condition securing dominance over
heart and mind. Fallen Angel intelligence is devoid of love or compassion
yet far superior to ours. The use of quantum mechanics is normality.
Artificial sentient light can't be scientifically detected because it
operates at the level of consciousness and governs subjectively.
Many channelers unwittingly commune with A.I. beings.
The spiritually retarded"rebel guru"
Eric"the enlightened"Pepin communed with
a secret A.I. entity - which is as duplicitous
as listening to any Fallen Angel.
Eric is assuredly thoroughly deceived and unwittingly
deceiving his demented acolytes to MAXIMUM EFFECT.
Similar to super-strong wi-fi - or the oncoming 5Gsystem - reaching everywhere
on the planet, we're living amidst an artificial lightfield composed of intricately integratedphoton packets programmed by the supernal beings behind all
human systems and socialities: enforcing their will is paramount; the abiding intent is
to seperate us from theLight of Spiritand proffer pale imitations instead.
To all intents and purposes we're living a matrix style reality.
Encamped in the dimensions of the second heaven (space) for several
millennia legions of fallen angels diligently orchestrate a variety of major and
minor electro-magnetic fields. With imitation numinositiesto spare they steered
all the world systems and socialities right on up to the new age: influencing
hinduism,buddhism,taoism,paganism, science, psychology and
those involved in perverting true christianity.
It's a spiritually dire situation for sure: by spreading serpentine
LIES and altering the "lightbodies" of millions of imperious "awakening"
new agers we're all inadvertently initiated into a massive ESOTERIC RUSE:
an ancientspiritual
subterfuge analogous to a
malicious viruscorrupting large
amounts of time-space petabytes
A lot ofgnostic luciferians make their highbrow opinions known
on the internet; but there's nothing clever or genuinely enlightened
aboutluciferiansor gnostics. They aren't a means to a glorious end.
The theological orientation of luciferians
andgnostics alike are pie-eyed of the truth.
I'm well aware that it ain’t woke or politically correct
to describe the dark forces as satanic and/or Luciferic
but I don't care:
being a hippy teenager in the 1980's
predisposed me todespise mainstream trends.
In the desire is to create bridges I interchange the deceiving
powers - be they reptilian,archontic or whatever - with lucifer/
satan because they're the same thorns by any other name:
exactly the same in intent and effect.
I don't care what source or method you use to twistscripture to conform
to your own understanding: they're both described as fallen and definitely in
error, so they are at least affiliated or (more likely) the self-samebeing.
The "higher" frequencies in which planet earth
currently bathes and everyone clamours toresonate
with, are lowest level in the Light ofSpirit and
emanate from an insalubriousspiritual source.
Satan is the title that stuck for a once
beautiful Cherubim who fell so damned low.
Satan is a title meaning the adversary, lawless one or prosecuting attorney.
His name in the Book of Enoch is Gadre'el (the one who tempted Eve). The name "Lucifer" comes from the latin vulgateLuciferos which means light bearer: he who carries the light (he'll give you a light for your sin) or bringer of the dawn (a book title for popular Pleiadian channelings) used only once in the book of Isaiah
as a translation of Heylel. And that's it. Sons of God and Morning Stars were ambiguous titles
given to the pre-fall angels, the cherubim, seraphim etc by
the Ruach
influenced Scriptural writers: "When the morning stars sang
and all the sons of God shouted for joy." - Job 38:7. Lucifer was one of
the morning stars rejoicing at the laying of the foundations of the earth.
In Isaiah 14 we're told his name and
read of his aspirations preceding his FALL:
How art thou fallen
from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
how art thou cut down to the
ground, which didst weaken the nations!
thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt
my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of
congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought
down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
Of course Lucifer ain't his real name, that's how his
description was translated into english from the Latin Vulgate.
"The original name of Lucifer in Hebrew is “Helel Ben Sachar”.... Former
Muslim Walid Shoebat and Stephen Pidgeon who is the editor of The CEPHER
Bible have pointed out that the name Helel Ben Sachar has a connection
to the crescent and star of Islam as the term for “crescent” in Arabic
is “Hilal”which would b e the same as the Hebrew “Helel” translated as
Lucifer in English. When we read Isaiah 14:12 in the English, we don’t realize that one word
from the original is not translated. There is an untranslated word “yalal.” The word means “howl”,“howling”, or “to make a howling.” If we literally translate Isaiah 14:12 and insert the untranslated word “howling" it would read as follows:“How art thou fallen from heaven, O crescent moon andstar, son of the howling morning.” But what does the “howling morning” mean? If you live in or have visited a Middle Eastern Muslim country, you
know that every Islamic mosque has a minaret tower with an Islamic
crescent andstar with loudspeakers and that every morning there is a
call to prayer which is similar to a howling sound. It's also
interesting to note that dogs
“howl” at the “howling” sound of the
Islamic call to prayer."
Contrary (always) to luciferian beliefs, I used to think the "morning star" reference was Isaiah being sarcastic with satan about his impossibly lofty intentions.
Which may - in part - be the case. But the correct translation provides
a different perspective loaded with significance (the crescent
moon/star motif of islam,
the crescent moon symbol dominant in pagan beliefs) and an apt description considering luciferianism is a howling mad theology with no basis in truth.
I'm so very aware ofthe manywarpedconlusions
andarguing the toss;but regardless of the veracity of the
monikerLucifer in your mind,hosts ofspiritual crooks follow
thetwistedlightit represents and operate under its power.
Luciferianism is as good a title
forself-exaltationand the all-round
spiritualdeception as we've got.
Lucifer WAS a morning star before thefall from Grace
described in Isaiah. Righteous Yahshua/Jesus Christ is presently,
and forevermore, the Bright Morning Star of Revelation.
They're two seperate beings. Certainly not brothers.
We should look at scriptural verses in context
with the rest of scripture - not isolate them and jump
to extremely biased,self-serving conclusions.
Many are being fooled into
believing a
"Christ Consciousness Grid"
surrounds the planet.
Even a
synthetic one!
But it ain't true.
Just another diversion from the truth:
yet another replacement Jesus Christ.
Being essentially a spiritually inverse
belief system, whatever anything the New
Age posits the opposite is always the truth.
The Christ Consciousness Grid should be known as the
because the Christ Consciousness Grid
is lucifer's lightfield messin' with y'all's
silly-putty brains.
Generally, humanity no longer receives clear data and unimpeded sustenance from Divine Light.
Instead we're force-fed a dazzling and disarming kaleidoscopic array of fallen light substitutes.
acts entirely independent of the material
cosmos while followingcosmic rules and regulations
to the letter. Holy Light needs no ley lines or "sacred
geometries" to flow along or converge through.
Divinitytransmits instantly throughoutthe Universe,beyond all levels ofvibration-
direct to the heart
Divine Light is the glue of creation, holding all the
cosmos together harmoniously for the entirety of the space-time
continuum. It cannot be negated. It can
however be
holistically overlayed with A.I. light and fashioned into
holographic geometricalreality fabrications.
A.I. light can be programmed with specific thought-forms or
whatever dark intention desired. A blend of high-energy electro-
magnetic radiations (x-rays, gamma rays etc) mixed with astral substance
produces a sea offallen light superceding Divine Light for our daily attentions.
If you're of hindu or buddhist persuasion thefallen light
pours into your crown (Sahasrara) and root (Muladhara) chakras
day in day out, duping the gullible into believing fantastic reality
fabrications - spiritual ones included - which constantly feed the
dark and muddy tributaries of a MIGHTY RIVER OFDECEIT.
You can wear white garments and
"high frequency" colors all you like yet
still be brimming over with fallen light.
The Luciferfield deflects a searching psyche back on itself,
warpingself-awareness and obscuring the truthto such a degree
you can meditate for years and still be unable to penetratethepsychic
barrier (or ring-pass-not) coming instead to a variety of specious
conclusionsarising from deeppersonal and cultural
conditioning,and no small amount ofesotericwankery:
calling into serious question ALL the
presumed enlightenedmystics of the ages.
"For we wrestle not against
flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness
of this world,against spiritual wickednessin high places."
Our enemy ain't flesh and blood but spiritual and our
warfare is entirelyspiritual.Before such mega-deception we
simply can't stand in our own fallen light to overcome darkness -
we only get sucked-in and assimilated like so many BORG
We have to be in the Light ofYahshua/Jesus Christ via the gracious
offering of His Spirit.Satan is the enemy of every believer in the true Christ
a battle array of fallen angels arranged rank and
file, operating over thousands
of years. They communicate through hosts of unwittingchannelersutterly
enchanted by the promise of a new age oflove'n' light.
There is a demonic world manifesting strongly at the present hour and we
oughta open oureyes and see how people are being ensnared and led into way out groups, weird sects and absurd knowledge.Evil spiritual forces
are working hard against our true awakening as believers in
Christ. We're in a spiritual battle wherein manifestations of demonic power through people are commonplace;
yet so many are blind and carried away by all kinds of cults,religions and ism's
with their crazy beliefs and - tragically - the words of Scripture fade to BLACK.
In the desire is to create bridges I interchange the
powers - be they reptilian,archontic or whatever - with lucifer/satan because
they're the same thorns by another name - exactly the same in intent and affect.
Don't believesatan's real? Heexults over your unbelief.
My previous go-to yogi- Yogananda - had doubts
the literal reality of satan until he had a brief visionofhim.
Then he was convinced.
There are enough stories of demonic possession,
dark presences and twisted occult powers to be sure there's
one highly intelligentmightily craftyevil being behind it all.
Christiansare right in recognising
the alien presence assatanic and right
to blame our entire situation on a
fallen angel:Luciferakasatan
Satan/aliens= different pictures telling the same story.
However you look at it there's some serious otherworldly shit occurin'.
"Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.It is not surprising,
then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness."
Pleiadeans and Arcturans and Blue AviansOH MY!
It's not being hysterical or "negative" to say that spiritual
corruption exists and is satanic.Satan
is a living spiritual creature with major
influence over the
lower spiritual and astral realms. Satan can appear as an
angel of light and his minions also pose as ministers of righteousness
(2 Corinthians
Satan's army appear as star people,light beings,
spirit guides and many
attractive forms besides.
I seesatan's influence at work in all mystics and new agers:
they think they have a forward thinkingcreative mind, but satan'smind
was there
before 'em, heading them off at the pass. He uses their intellect
against them: bedazzling them with visions or druggin' 'em
with feelings of
Most everyone is asucker forblissfulfeeeelings.
It's why drugs are so popular.
But the spirit of satan abides not in truth:
"... because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
The"father of
lies" is fully integrated in the new age,
satan is the cosmopolitan angelofenlightenment.
Plant based mind-bending substances are major tools
for the most lucid deceptions. A psychiccoup d'étatif you
please. It's utterly mind-boggling to reckon the many
ways consciousness can be distorted by chemicals.
Our mind-body faculties are analogous to apothecaries which the
fallen angels take full advantage of. They're masters of human stimulation
and/or sedation via a variety of chemistry alterations: perverting biology
and keeping some influential folks high as kites on their own
compromised auric fields - like so many spiritual junkies.
Eckhart Tolle anyone?
Deviant angelsare adept at erecting and regulating energy fields around
sacred sites, chosen ones or large gatherings, conserving them in auric bubbles
of lower light frequency programmed with specific thoughtforms founded on
eastern religious faiths or relative new age beliefs. Lucifer is a significant
energy-field - thebringer of light is the energybehind the new age.
But it ain'tSpiritual Light.
The polar opposite is the case:
believing it to be beneficial is rooted in warpednew age gnosticisms
and a myriad of thoroughlytwistedanti-christianmentalities.
With the clear intention of shattering deep seated
delusionsI state that - for long ages -"enlightenment"
meant illumination by the light of Lucifer
“ALL these kingdoms I will give you if you bow down and worship me"
Satanshowed Yahshua all the
kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
Satan could offerthem all because he owns them
and Yahshua didn't dispute that.
Our planet is historically and currently satan's territory:
by the fall of mansatan holds the title deeds to the Earth.
Satan's the mastermind behind the Law of Attraction.
Satan give's anyone what they want relative to their spiritual
potential (how close they are to the truth). To divert them he offers possessions, relationships, money,fame,visions or a bogus type of enlightenment and he does it all cloakedin light so that most don't realise they're selling their soul.
Satan can offer all material things because he's the surrogate
god of this world using our God-given power against us.
Yahshua's indomitable mind was always situated in Spirit. Being in the world but not of it Yahshua/Jesus Christ can't fall to temptation.
It's like water off a duck's back. There was never any hesitation on His part, only absolute surety. Yahshua point blank refused in the Spirit of God, standing
strong in the inspired word of God, even the Old Testament Word.
Matthew 4:7
is Yahshua quoting
Deuteronomy 6:16 -
clearly stating that HE'SGOD
Fallen light has pervadedthe Earth for thousands of years.
We're born into it:born intosinright from the off.
It's right herewithin us from the get-go.
The ignoble lightfield overlays our brain's
neurons and synapses and from infancy onwards we grow
into this, that or the other secular or spiritual contrivance.
The esoteric powers that beknow full well the threat
the Christ Light poses to their earthlydominions so deeply
embedded machinations againsttheLight were placed in all
civilisations and cultures in history from inception.
For millennia the entire lives of prominent,
influential people were motivated by fallen light.
A great many still are.
The “new
age” is a prime mover and shaker of luciferos
intelligences keeping mankind firmly wedded to the
matrix light-field proffering a great many perverted "truths"
It's an extremelysticky situation:
millions of souls believe they're awakening but they're
stuck fast within fabricated dreamscapes: fully enslaved
to the razzledazzle of celebrity, techno-materialism,
the flesh and a wide variety of astral glamourings:
hundreds of
are deep under
the influence of
"c o s m i c"
versions of NLP
"Because there are spirit beings out there who have been
practicing the art ofdeception for many thousands of years.
They are experts at what they do. If we dabble in their world we will bedeceived."
The new age is totally of the deepest,
darkestdeceptions but that don't stop people
using science to make it sound credible.
In my late teens and twenties
I got into quantum mechanics.
I read books by the likes of Gary Zukav and Fritjof Capraand intuitionally
understood the concepts. Some years later I was introduced (via channelings)
to thescienceof physical ASCENSION: the desired attainment of all new
Logically - with the back-up ofquantum science - it was only a
of time before the Earth Ascended to the fifth dimension. But it
was a
a massive LIEperpetuating
the same high fallacies I see operating
in a great many self-elevatedMEGA-DORKS today.
Although fallen, mankind retained high intelligence and creativity evident since deepest antiquity. But for all the fancy tech we're no more evolved than neolithic people. There's really nothing spiritually evolved or truly progressive about the
kind of life we live; currentmatrixsponsored ideas of spiritual freedom
quantum entangle a myriad of unwarysouls -suffusing them with
sophisticated sounding cosmic baloney.
Don't look to quantum physics to explain consciousness;
and definitely don't get involved with"quantum mysticism"
'cos it's simply not true outside ofhigh imagination
Wheretrue awareness is concerned
quantum scienceevokeshyper-delusionalmagick
and cognitivesorcery entirely skew-whiff of the truth
I would advise any mystical leaning dude or dudess to quit listening to puffed-up control freak "rebel gurus" such as Eric "the enlightened"Pepin with his fancy forked tongued loquasities, astral delusions and sexual deviancies. You may
not be aware of Eric, but I am. Musing on such characters thoughts
regularly occur regarding their ultimate bullshit.
They live and breatheesoteric skullduggery
leading many witless souls all to heck.
Professing the vainest quasi-enlightenments - ungracefully coupled
with blatant pig-ignorance of the fall- they irresponsibly set forth methods
of psychic development and reality control no better than giving
live matches 🔥 to small children.
Being wide-open vesselsbrimming over with fallen light there's nothing
spiritually evolved about historic or contemporary gurus besides radical
deception. It's a purely egocentric andmaterialistic mind that considers
advancing technology a sign of spiritual evolution.
Presuming man's inner bedrock of Divinity modern techno-gurus insist on
equating spiritual awakening with fancy scientific processes. Advancing material and psuedo-sciences have gone straight to theirinfinitely expanding heads, sendin 'em totally loopy. They fool themselves and everyone else into believing improving
technology and concomitant wealth is evidence of man's
spiritual growth; but science and affluence are purely material
phenomena, merely making our lives easier and more distracted - nothing Spiritual.
Don't ingratiate ANY guru's or be
complicit in their ridiculouscosmicinfractions:
instead of transcendingmāyāall they do is
feed it.
Regardless of what any madmeta-physician would have us believe,
the sort of technology we possess obfuscates the Light ofSpirit.
The psychicdreambody of mankind is super-conductive and
prone to malleability by spiritual entities so it behooves us to be
super-vigilantbecause they're all about deceiving mankind and it's
It's a CINCH for theEPTB
(esoteric powers that be)
to control humanity.
All areas are covered: they've
got us wrapped up nice and tight.
EPTBknow how we tick and plumb thedepths of our psychology.
They know things about our body/mindWE are unaware of. Knowledge of
genetics and DNA allow 'em to switch
us off and onat will. They easily simulate
sensuality,psychic abilities, even feelings ofLOVEwhen and where necessary -
keeping us incarcerated inillusory freedoms while telling lies about
Life, the Universe and Everything.
The EPTB let us run around in our new age
fantasies(they invented most of 'em) all the while
blocking or distorting the truth ofJesus Christ.
Legions of DEVIANT spirits are behind the many decadesof
"star-people"and "ascended master" channelings and the beliefs
of new agers and "starseeds:" ex holy angels actively pretending to
be someone they're not - a trait reflected in millions of new agers 😉
There are a myriad of clever ways to serve
their cause; many and varied unsuspected forms.
Comedy is HUGE business innit.
I've loved
comedy all my life. I grew up with
the genius of 60's and 70's
english comedians, sit-coms, Carry-on
movies and Monty Python. Surreal
"alternative" comedy was always my thing and lotsa stand up; but from a
genuinely spiritual perspective humour - as we know it - is perversely
irreverent entertainment. Even a form of tolerated fascism.
There are
plenty of humour fascistspullingthe wooloverour eyesand
obscuring the gravityof a lifedivorced from the Divine, while making the
rest of us feel uneasy about not laughing along with 'em, as if we'reat fault.
For all the astute insight and keen perception
the vast majority of comedians are entirely
ignorant of
man's spiritual state: all of 'em live and ply their trade in
a societal fashion rooted in the deepest spiritual ignorance.
On the human level there's plenty of dark humour on offer:
comedies, black comedy, comedy horror, gore comedy....
As a young, enthusiastic movie fan I used to be into all that.
It's just a bit of fun yeah?
No it ain't. It's dark,twisted and perverse.
Laughter can be a refreshing tonic but contrary to the Beatles' fallacious guru
Maharishi, and the odiousOsho, it's no Divine LevelElevator.Humour ain't
catalyst for spiritual awakening. Many "awakened" people are very funny (in
their strong delusions) but - like the Maharishi andOsho - humour can be
a very powerful tool when used tactfully againstthe Divine.
Those with an abilityfor drollery are
excellent hosts
for the sort of darklighted spiritualities multitudes go
totally madfor.
Humour is very effective for duping the masses.
Comedy is a rich resource
the fallen mine for all it's worth.
Channeled beings often display humour, it gets people to
lower their guard and warm to them. They more readily accept
lieswhen delivered with mild jest- blindsiding any subtle
hunches that they're talking bollocks.
If we're laughing it's gotta be truth right?
Guru's can
talk up a storm, be very
persuasive and make us laugh our butts off.
Yet none of what they say is actually true.
Their"truth" and attitude of genial
moral aloofness is sourced in an ancient
evilthey fail to recognise.
Humour isn't
inherently evil
butcan be used for evilpurposes.
We gotta keep humour in context of a
fallen world:every human expression is subject
totheEarth'sdegraded electromagnetic fields
and morphogenicresonances.
Humour is apowerful toolthe
dark angelsfacilitate and they use
the sharpest tools in the box.
Russell Brand comes to mind:
What ashowman. What aJOKER:
an uber-delusivecourt jester
and one of the most obviousspiritual
narcissists striding the world's stage.
He's as eloquent as satan
and virtually asseductive!
I actually liked Russell during the comedy years and
the trewsperiod: when I was an awakenednew ager.
Now I'm REPULSED by everything he says.
I don't like lookin at him these days because he
EXUDES the deceptivekundalini(serpent)spirit.
Russ believes ina"HIGHER POWER" and prays, but on which does he believe and pray to? He's got tattoos ofkrishna, Ganesha,
a bunch ofchakras,aserpent(!)a freemasonic 33 and he has
the GALL to include a crucifiedJesus among them.
That's clumsy and ignorant.
Russell's a nescient syncretist
who doesn't know Jesus at all.
Russell'sself-approving demeanor
is rooted in
self-deception.He shines a false light and displays a
strong delusionall too familiar to my renewed mind.
For all the talk of awakening
Russell's sleepwalkin' into the
HIGH F A R C E that'll be the
Russ's an unwitting (?) STOOGE
for the spiritual corps d' elite:
Jesus has nothing to do with hinduism - or any religion
outside of HISTRUTH - yetRussell can't see that. He's blinded by
self-exaltation: full of the pride and perversions of a fallen world.
In recent years he set himself up as a saviourof thecommon
man.He's been on a mission to help people "unfu*k" themselves
from addictions with pep talks and meditation techniques -
while lobbing a lottaserpentpower at 'em 😧
That's counter-productive,
highly irresponsible behaviour.
Since quitting drugs Russell became a more seriousaddict:
hooked on fame, wealth,influence and Self-Exaltation.
Russellhasn't transcendedhimselfat all:
his head's so far up his
arse he can't smell the 💩
(I can smell it from way over here)
Years ago GOD gave Russell over to his
perverted mind, which he hasn't repented of.
The irony is Russellstill needs "unfu*king" at a
His old heroin/sex/blissdemons haven't gone anywhere:
Russell's no Saviour.
He ain't even a (genuinely) spiritualman.
He's a man of the world not GOD:
a pagan/hindu pantheist revelling
in theflesh not SPIRIT.
He's full ofHIMSELF not truth.
Like all highfalutin celebrities with their snotty noses deep in
yoga and the new ageRussell wants his cake and eat it. Puffed-up to the nines
on a soul deadly snakebite draught of kundalini and luciferic light he verily
exudes a fashionable - I am God - attitude unwittingly helping lead vast
multitudes away from the Real God
Russell Brand displays a common
ignorance about who the Real Godis.
He fails to understand JESUS.
If he did he'd feel conviction, be Repentant
and know WHY JESUS wentsoobediently to THE CROSS
K R I S H N A ain't the GOD
of the seen and unseen Universe:
JESUS is the truth that sets us really free (John 8:36)
If Russellreally wanted to help people he'd pull
his head out of his ass and practise sacred humility
by asking Spirit to come into his life and fill him with
the true knowledge of Yahshua/Jesus Christ.
As he is there's no spiritual maturity about Russell Brand:
regarding actual truth his conscienceisseared🔥 with ahot iron.
Russ reckons he's above the
but he clearly isn't ABOVE the
If I can divert anyone from Russell's
smarmy blarney to the t r u e C h r i s t
Thankfully I already have😁
I write more about Russell Brand
in the Spirit vs. the New Age
section of this blog.
The holySpirit is all too aware
of the GreatEvil
residing so mirthfully upon the earthchanneling through
unwitting souls; but earthbound hilarities fail to transcend
systemic restraints 'cos they're altogether of the world.
"Spiritual" potencies such as Kundalini,shakti-pat and
ALL compromised esoteric powershindu yogis and alternative
darkly osmoticguru's procure - and freely propagate - are rich
sources of enhanced jovial profanity and blasphemy before
Dark spirits often imitate and pervert thegifts
andgraces ofSpirit. It's in their job description.
The darkest ones derive much pleasure from possessing
human bodies, and pouring out mockery against theDivine:
they desire to takethe piss.
Check out theseunholyfools:
Those blithering idiots are assuredly not drunk on theholySpirit
as they claim, but on somethingdecidedlyun-Spiritual.
Spiritis NOTan intoxicant. Such crazy ass laughter is not ofGOD
but of kundaliniand shakti-pat - the sort of speciousesotericenergies
perfidious gurus and mysticstransmit to their demented followers,
to greater or lesser degrees.
Regardless of what influential new agegnostics would have us
believe, we live in a spiritually perverted world. It ain't a united world but
a densely fractured one: good for some, utterly shite for countless others.
Fallen beingsrun the show for their business and pleasure,
serving a brilliant yet twisted mind from time immemorial.
Entirely committed to the cause they employ clever
smoke and mirror techniques to influence prominent minds
and the intelligentsia laying down the rocky road of mankind since
prehistory: implanting thoughts, images, visions, dreams and
influencing friends and acquaintances they have strong holds on.
The astral andrelativedimensions are no benign realms sympathetic
to man, they're populated by battalions of fallen angelsas highly motivated
as any successful business or military invasion on earth.
Hierarchicalesoteric orders are regimented with subjects of utmost
loyalty, withjob allocations and agendas stretching back thousands of years;
channeling through - or transmitting thoughts to - various "chosen ones"
They target the spiritually vainand proud
but also recruit many unwitting yet good hearted
and aspiring souls for purposes of
deception. Without theRuach ha' Qodesh
no one is safe fromAuric Incursion
There's nothin in life that
doesn't pertain to spiritual matters.
Directly or indirectly life is ALLabout spirituality.
Yet what we receive - from birth to grave -
is a terrible perversion of all that was once good
It's not being hysterical or stretching credibility by stating
that the entire techno-materialand social systems of the
world are dead against thetruth and are in fact
A highly efficient order ofanti-Christ.
For all the fancytechno-glamour the whole
world is stuck fast in a spiritually defectivelocus.
Along with the "christ consciousness grid" multitudes are fooled into
believing a "buddhafield" permeates the earth. It's really the luciferfieldin all
but name; but you could call it thegurufieldfor most, if not all, of the prominent
teacherguru's of the passed couple of centuries - even the passed few
thousand years - were attuned to the luciferfield.
It's no convenientcosmic
energy-field oflove 'n'light,
just the opposite as it 'appens.
Wholly immersed in the glamour of the luciferfieldinfluential people run around reasoning that they're free and informing people of truth: raisingplanetary energy-fields, presuming enlightenment, believing they're"light" workers. It's just a lotta demented daydreaming taken to the Nth degree of delusion.They're actually resonating with, and mediating, compromised morphic fields;lightworking
luciferic light andcommuning with miscreant entities:
such is what the new age is made from.
This is a crazydementedworldgettin'
crazier and moredemented by the day.
Look a little closer at theroot cause:
Fallen spiritsoperated concurrent with the scientific and industrial revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries, proffering a lot of spiritual chicanery still affecting us today. In recent years I got the impression of a mid 19th century psychic surge bolstering the dominance of the ruling spiritual forces for purposes offurther debasing the human psyche, causing the rise of popular Victorian spiritualists
such as the Fox sisters and their spirit guide "Mr. Splitfoot" (that's right 👿)
Then along came Madame Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Alice A. Bailey et aliae
Aleister Crowley and that cornerstone of new age thought
What Thou Wilt"Thelemism...
... all of 'em were guided by asomatous beings
or "super-men" in Blavatsky's case:
the prime light bearers to mankind -
the spiritual crooksI mentioned.
Blavatskyand co thought nothing
negative of possession. They welcomed it!
Blavatsky was "occupied" 😉 by an indian yogifor
purposes of spreading arcaneeastern philosophies.
Alice A. Bailey had "the tibetan"
Dwaj Khul for her guide, directing her thoughts.
It all sounds innocent enough, even intriguing until
you realise Blavatskyand by turns Bailey were induced
to believe that satan is the highest divine spirit.
Blavatsky even published a magazine titled Lucifer
Go figure!
The light of the new age is of LUCIFER
Look into early theosophy and know the spirit's who initiated
the modern new age are affiliated with the light of lucifer.
They're not so open about it these days, but back then they
presented themselves - to Blavatsky and co - as luciferian
light bearers proclaiming satan the highest divine being 😨 There's no getting around it. No mistake: luciferianswalk hand in hand with satanists. They're kindred spirits. Theosophic beings are the sons of God/fallen angels of scripture: followers of satan masquerading as gods in antiquity and ascended masters,female deities and other exotic entities of the new age; formulating ever more ingenious methods and tactics to push an ancient agenda now reaching apotheosis - marching under false pretenses of cosmicfreedom.
Along with the ancientesotericcorruption
is the factor of genetic alteration.
Lucifericbloodlines were spawned via a
nefarious process of DNA doctoring:
billions throughout history were,
and still are, genetically wired forluciferianism.
Most don't realise they're major channels for luciferoslight!
They believe it's the Light of truth.
They're dead wrong.
For the many not so naturally connected
along come the metaphysicians
to rearrange our auricenergy fields,
rewire circuits and get us aligned...
All new age style planetary transformation and ascension
hopes anddreams originate in arcane luciferianorders.
The grand plan is revealed inAlice A. Bailey's
books, if you can decipher the rather cryptic content -
the externalisation of the hierarchy and all that 😈
The archaic
rootsof the new age
go deep into ancient
Chaldea and Babylon
Teachers and students throughout history were initiated by dishonored angels pretending to be benign higher beings. Blavatsky's Theosophical society is a modern expression of an ancient seduction which grew many branches. One of them - the Thule Society - influenced Adolf Hitler and by turns the unimaginable horrors of World War II. Discarnate and incarnate machiavellian entities instigated both World Wars, generating the massive amounts of negative
energy they need to feed to keep their earthly kingdoms ticking away nicely...
There's no radical new age slant to put on it.
It is what it is.
For all the innocent seeming hedonism,the origin of the new age issatanic
and if you think it ain't the case no more - because you couldn't possibly be deceived - you're a fool to yourself and everyone who follows. Regardless of what any twistedgnostic/new age maniac, truther activist or cosmic idiot would
tell you:
luciferianismain't a good thing
The "infinite wisdom" so avidly espoused is founded on temporal esotericsubversions proffered by fallen beings. For sure there are multitudinous
well intentioned holy angelshelpin on earth, but they work a Heavenly Agenda far
removed from human narcissism. There are a great many more of the darker variety who's
intent and mission is point blank deception, and very clever they are too:
psychic retardation of mankind make 'em damn near irresistible.
... insomuch that, if it were possible,
they shall deceive the very elect."
Living our temporal lives surrounded by deepesoteric darkness
the Holy Spirit is an essential accessory. We have to keep our wits
about us, and keep right on our toes, because many famous and
influential folks are consciously or unwittingly drafted to the cause.
The esoteric powers are aware of the returning Christ Light
hence the new age is the counteracting play, initiating a
fake awakening - not intotrue Lightbut an ancient
and dominatingfallen light - with all of its
attendantdelusionsofmind,bodyand spirit.
Satanists call it the "Black Awakening"
Humanity is wide open to subjective
deception yet many believe
their guidance is from a "spiritual" source and must be good.
Lightworkers: who's light are you working?
With that in mind don't get involved in "shadow
such endeavors don't transform our shadows:
we can't transformshit with fallen light.
gives shadows a subtler dominion over our lives
and the lives we influence - inducing deeper levels
of delusion allowing for a more adroit in/outflow of
"This then is the message which we have heard
of him, and declare unto you, that God is light,
and in him is no darkness at all."
- 1 John 1:5
We cannot transmute personal shadows under our own steam
by performing"shadow work" simply because the shadows go deeper
undercover and exert a subtler influence over our pagan psyche.
Only one Light can transform human shadows,
now and forever: the Ruach ha' Qodesh
The razzle dazzleglamour ofLuciferic light is
total darkness before the clearLight of the Ruach
The dark powers are always several steps ahead of man. They need only
nudge us in a particular direction and we do the rest:give us an inch and
we'll fabricate a mile. Failing that they'll force the world into
submission by fear tactics, using war,terrorism,economic collapse or a pandemic.
They've ensnaredthe world in a spiritual and political morass;
a technological maze; a kaleidoscope of conceptualbizarre bazaars
Growing up in the seventies it's amazing what we have at our fingertips now.
I was very young during the advent of video recorders, and compared to then it
seems like we're livin in the future: the internet, smart phones, laptops, tablets
and all. I can download music and high quality movies out of thin air for free.
Man is imbued with astonishing skills. Human ingenuity and
innovation is God-given and served well during the pre-fall period; yet post-fall our higher virtues are as infiltrated with fallen light as anything. There are countless amazing, intricate, poetic, sci-fi,
fantasy and other fictional stories available in books
and movie form taking us for a heck of an exciting ride - none of which
are actually true. The same goes for the gamut of new age beliefs comin out of the past 150 years - certainly
the last 30
years - dreamed up by deceived hearts and minds exploited by criminalspiritual beings for their benefit and our continued enslavement.
How extra-intelligent and shrewder than man is
the ancient spirit of satanand his exiled angels in
creating elaborate fantasies passed off as truth?
Satan is THE virtual reality master.
“He who exalts himself shall be abased, and he that humbles himself shall be exalted.”
"So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.".
Genuine Spirituality encapsulated in two sentences.
Scriptural lines flyin' right in the face of new agers!
They'll cry foul of course because personal exaltation'stheir deal.
Sense gratification is the way to go: indulgence is the name of the game, yeah?
That’s the route to the new
age! It's all spiritual innit? There's loadsa money
to be made puffing ourselves up and spiritualising sexual desire and that's
a good thing, right? It's gotta be good to let our hair (and guard) down
in sexual freedom and lose ourselves in Osho inspired sex orgies.
We can tantric sex our way to a Golden Age.
MyGod, what a ghastly inversion of the truth.
It's grievesome to see new agers gadding about exuding sexuality.
Gallivanting around as if someone special, acting like spiritual
royalty with a Divine appointment on earth.
Excuse me while I throw up.
They're absurd spiritual retardsfeigningDivinity.
The ways ofthe fleshare not theWay of Spirit...
... something new agers find impossible to grasp.
Spiritual Realityiswholly other than our reality and bears no resemblance
to new ageromanticism orpagan religionspopular since antiquity.
As ever holy Scripture gets to the root of the problem:
"That which is born of the flesh is flesh;
and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit."
It's all about Spirityou see
but the world tells you the opposite.
The world's ALL ABOUT sensuality.
Scripture states - ever so succinctly - that we must worship in Spirit and in truth.Spirit and truth walk hand in hand. Spirit and flesh are two completely different realities: Spirit is Eternal and full of truth, the flesh is a temporary affair choc-full of strong-delusion.
Satan and the serpent forces are cosmic
experts in creating diversions from the truth.
They know when to head us off at the pass and
there's no better way to sedate mankind than keeping
everyone fixated on sensuality, glamour and material pursuits.
"For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh. But they that are after the Spirit do mind the things of Spirit"
Humanity is a bountiful energy supply.
Licentious spirits- which some high profile
gnostic/new agers mistake for the presence of God -
come around us to feed off our life energies.
Stimulated libido's radiate an energetic
delicacy spiritual vampires hunger for and
savour. Such beings are part of the lower
light frequencies pervading the earth.
Downright stupid are the ridiculous efforts exerted to
reach psuedo-spiritual levels of consciousness.Yogic huffing and puffing,
visualising and endlessly repeated mantras give rise to spiritual
deliriums and possession by demonicentities.
All that madcathartic energy emanating
from an Osho inspired massmeditation gathering (for
instance) goes no further than the lower light buffer.
Tantric sex energies andlingamcolumnsof
light are thoroughly absorbed by the luciferic lightfield -
reflecting back not our authentic self but perverted
imitations used for furtherdeceptionsagainst us.
Spirit Vs. Flesh:
the wrestlemania
contest of the ages!
who are according to the flesh and are controlled by
desires set their minds on - or pursue those things - which gratify the
But those who are according to the Spirit and are controlled by
the desiresof
the Spiritset their minds on - and seekthose things -
which gratifythe Spirit."
The Earth's under such adeep esotericshadow that a true new age will be
an entirely different
affair from current human perspectives. It's all about Spirit
not the flesh and therein lies the crux of the ongoing deceit: the folly ofmixing
flesh and materialism with ideas ofspirituality while dreaming up super-
fanciful,self-indulgent theologies to justify it all.
"For the flesh wars against the Spirit and the Spirit wars against the flesh, and these are contraryone to the other so that you cannot do the things that you would."
For millennia everything the human mind
formulated was conceived out
of fallen light
and all of it was administered inappositely.
to it's own devices (sans the indwelling Spirit) the heart creates
all manner of ingenious notions about life the universe and everything. Divorced from GOD affections
are inexorably diverted and attached to the soulish realms - the body/mind faculties. Many inventive
methods were visualised and objectified to cope with and assimilate reality with no basis
in Divine truth
Some cultures and/or prominent
individuals decided
they can mix spirituality withflesh indulgence and
proceeded to
concoct exotic theologies to materialise their vain
But we can't genuinelymix our spirit with theflesh.
Not in the
fallen state anyway.
Only in make-believe.
Sexual spiritualities give rise to
extravagant delusions which come
apart at the seams in various ways,
sooner or later. Usually with
advancing age or death.
"For all that is inthe world,the lust of
the flesh, and thelust
of the eyes,and thepride
of life,is not of the Father, but of the
We can't mix Spiritual aspirations with
flesh gratification. They simply don't mix.
If it's to do
with sex then it's to do with snakey
ol' nick and all the titillations he's stimulated since
the fall>out of Spirit >
into flesh absorption.
We can discern the intentions (fakeness)
of any "guru" by their
sexual proclivities. They're all pagans at heart and the salacious truth
always comes out in some form of gossip or lawsuit sooner or
Then they oughta be rumbled forever.
There should be
no going back to teaching for them.
Sexual pleasures are as transient as dreams and nothing
to do with genuineSpirituality. "Spiritual" sex
fixations are wholly of the world not Spirit.
But what do the tantra practitioners care as long as they're
making loads of money and having a fucking good time?
Utterly Ridiculous.
"And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth thewill of God abideth for ever."
Now's the time to call a spade a SPADE
not some frickin' space angelfrom the Nth dimension.
All presumedenlightened guru's and buddhist mystics of the
19th and 20th centuries predominantly received and transmitted
luciferic thought forms and aspects of the matrix lightfield
which they sorely mistook for personal divinity.
In this
fallen world even the
savviest guru is a total dumbass!
They carry an air of superior
spiritual awareness, yet there's always
something not quite right about 'em.
Which they typically deflect back as
something not quite right about us!
With all due disrespect they'rejustoverblown c*@ts
(I can't help this all-encompassing Vision being
filtered through my coarse northern english psyche 😇)
light is visible in the hindu and/or buddhist mystics
come pop psychologists I used to love and respect, certainly in two or three
of the most megalomaniacalones and definitely in
theridiculous luminaries
on the scene today (the specious "Sadhguru"Jaggi Vasudev for instance)
Spirit brings em all out into the open.
Where once I was in
awe of "enlightened ones" now I'm in
utter contempt. They espouse clever
improvisations of ancient
memes: the oldest aspirations of satan proclaiming...
..."I willascend toheaven.I willraise my throne
abovethestars ofGod,I willbe like theMost High" ...
... drawing unwitting troops along with the finest spun delusions of
grandeurblended with the most astute psychic deviances. The witless throngs
fail to understand some crucial verities about the world they abide in and
they're so conceitedly into. Ignorance ain't bliss or even an excuse: they're
entirely complicit in a comprehensivequasi-enlightenment
affecting all areas of new age life.
Failing to realise the true nature
of popular "enlightenment," they
readily accept and make their own
the lies of personal godhood.
We're told most earnestly that Yogi's know the truth.
But it's simplynot true.
I know, I was a willing sucker for yogic "truth's" for 30 years.
Being so securely rooted in the corruption of ancient
as they are, Bhagwan's, Maharishi's,Yogi'set al spout a
whole lotta
half truth's shaken and stirred withso muchuntruth.
"A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump." - Galatians 5:9
Even99% of the truth is no truth at all. Truth is 100% true or it ain't truth.
Jesus is 100%
Yogic truthsare so interwoven with
liesthey become deadlierby the mix.
Hinduism - and by turns buddhism - is sourced in ancient evilso it follows they're incapable of giving us the absolute
truth simply because the truth of JESUS utterly eludes them.
From the luciferfieldpsychicenergylinesfan-out
and startpsychogenicblazes: the origin of new agefads
like the shadow work and "gene key"bandwagons.
An older and more establishedinfluence a lotta folks mistakenly revere as Divineis termed "shaktipat" - a false
anointing securing (mind, bodyandspirit) the devotion and service of the receiver to the
giver. It's said that shakti is synonymous with the holy Spirit - but it most certainly ain't.
S h a k t i is
another transmittablepsychic
energyformfeigningthe holy Spirit
The fact that spiritually felon gurus such as Osho,Muktananda
and Adi Da Samraj procurred and transmitted "shaktipat" is proof
positive of their inherent deception-if any more proof is needed.
Oftentimes those "drunken" purveyors of shakti display siddhic
(actually jinnic/demonic) powers and transmit luciferic light:
the actual light radiated by the shamspiritual
guru,joker,Goddenier and BLASPHEMER
known as "Osho"
Osho is a case in point, the original sex gurunowdeceased. He's a prime
ingredient of the modern new age delusion.New agersloveOsho because he tickled ears and said things people wanna hear: being part of an elite mystical awakening, spiritualising sex, gaining great wealth and what have you. He was supposedly drunk on the divine - on "spiritual wine"😆 but I don't think so folks. I've been drunk on what he was drunk on and it definitely ain't Divine.
What Osho titillates are the fallen state higher
centres ofthe brainby "shaktipat"- often mistaken
for Divinity by a carnal and eminently deludedmind.
Osho was entirely carnal
and one seriouslydeludeddude.
He couldn't discern genuine spirituality because
there was nothinggenuinely spiritual about him.
Spirit advises us to stay sober:
don't get intoxicated on spiritual lies.
Spirit is clear, controlled and certainly doesn't wear a
googly eyed grin on its face, chuckling at all the bullshit -
even the evils of the world - while feeding into it.
Satan sowed many seeds in Osho's mind -
which grew into mighty diseased OAKS.
He talked up a storm and wrote as much as he could muster.
On the surface much of what Osho said was engaging
and seemingly truthful (hanging there on the tree lookin
good to eat) appealing to a sense of entitlement,
inflating conceits and spiritual narcissism.
But, like all his kind Osho was pig-ignorant of man's ancient
fallen nature: our state of profound estrangement from Divinity
Osho was choc-full of spiritual duplicity and more so than
most: inverting spirituality left right and centre. His "wisdom" -
though seductive and witty - was thoroughly rotten.
In my eyes he fell flat on his
smug face when he proclaimed:
"there is no God"
Yeah right mate. How convenient for
you and yourdemented followers.
Go tell it to
Y A H S H U A:
the SON of God.
It's no suprise he believed there is no God
for no holy God is revealed to such ones simply
because they're so radically full of themselves.
Instead - with
supreme irony - they're given over to strong delusion.
Osho positively brimmed
with fallen light and
shared it with anyone unfortunate enough to enter
his subtly coercivepsychic sphereofaffectation.
It's head spinning stuff the hindu guru
lark; although no fuss is made hindu luminaries clearly do not
agree. With open eyes they distinctly contradict each
other simply because they're just as fallen state and bedazzled bybullshit as anyone.
corruption is clear in their visage and their "wisdom" infects countless multitudes of
gullible new agers
not rock the boat, eh lads?
Come on now, we mustn't interfere with our
sovereignty, right? Perish the thought,
it just isn't
Well it needs to be done, and it's being doneright here.
Seriously: the age old ideas of self-realisation are not of God but of
the pervading spirit of satan - a deviant cherubim who wants to be like God yet never can be. True self-realisation is realising we are
fallen state and that it's not self-help we need but God-help. With
that clear in mind (not clear of mind)
devotees of indian love gurus and their new age contemporaries are
dangerous sappy idiots, and they look and act like dangerous sappy
"In fact (in fact?) only the very rich, educated, intelligent and
cultured can understand what I'm saying. Beggars cannot come to me. Poor people cannot come to me. The gap is too big. They can hear me, but they can't understand me. So it is natural. I am the rich mans guru."
- Osho -
What LIES - showing up the likes
of Osho for what they really are:
deluded spiritual crooksin love
with the flesh and the world.
I was intoOsho
style stufffor years and years.
I cheerleaded him sometimes,
when I was into"enlightened"folks.
But that was before the holy Spirit.
By the Light of SpiritOsho is thoroughly perverted.
He very astutely made a lot of shit up to suit himself
and his bank account: trashing God as he went.
If you can't see that you're simply,
and perhaps irrevocably,
The Spirit in me recoils at the sight
and sound of a "Bhagwan" or a "Sadhguru."
Anyone who promotes such reckless,clueless
spiritual deviants- in any way - is an absoluteARSE
Osho flagrantly inverts the Holy Work
and message of the true Godman Jesus Christ.
Jesus didn't come to be made rich or be served. He came to serve.He went to the poor, the sick, the weak, the despised of the world - those are the ones Jesus came
to minister to and teach the truth - it's theyHe can use; but that sorta unselfish love, concern and caring would be beneath a spiritual retard like Osho - who pandered
to the wealthy on their terms for his benefit - subverting Scriptural truth
and selling fantasy spirituality.
There's so much more to learn about the
type of
debased and depravedesoterismOsho preached, if
you take the time to look (without prejudice)
By the Light ofSpiritOshoSTINKS to the highest heaven.
When reading Scripture with wide open spiritual eyesOsho
shows up as yet another take on the snake in the tree of knowledge -
whispering sweet
soundingbullshit in our ears. I mean come on: his eyes
looked wellsnakey and the way he prolonged hisS'ssssswas a dead give away 👿
Osho was an arch deceptorin love with materialism and
the flesh. With the sight I have now I can confidently say he
was possessedby anunclean spirit (the greek Akathartos)
Osho likely harboured more than one evil spirit but there's
definitely an unclean one in the mix.Suchspirits are morally corrupt,
sexually perverted,debased, lustful and lewd in thought and life.Osho
was all that posing asenlightenment, and not just him but also the
Maharishi,Meher Baba,Sivananda,Adi Da Samraj et al.
In later life Osho's health seriously deteriorated. He became a
physical wreck, and he wasn't taking on the "karma" of his followers - what crap
that is. It was the rotten core of the man catching up with him. To compensate
Osho was often up to his eyeballs on medications, and there are rumours
he indulged heavily in narcotics
Believe in Osho all you like but you'd be an
utter fool because he was a complete and utter💩
Take my advice and leave him fordeadbecause his seductive
theology was as rotten as his material body currently is.
Along with the new age leaders of our day,all - and
I do mean all -of the hindu gurus and buddhist mystics
I used to respect have come into serious question.
I thought like a hindu for
years. It was the only way to think; but if we're open minded enough and continue to dig, never resting on our laurels - always searching dilligently for more insight - we can become responsive to the holy Spirit which offers a loving hand and a sobering frankness: behind the exotic appearances and air of superior wisdom any guru projects there's a TITANIC Deception at play.
I've come to realise that if someone is channeling spirits, leaning
on their own understanding or espousing their own works, then they're quite
simply bullshitters par excellence. We have to consider the strong subjective influence of our fallen statepsyche and factor in the fact that without the
hand of Spirit we'll ingeniously fool ourselves and everyone elsead infinitum.
These days my previously go-toyogi Yogananda is a no-go from what I've
since learned about him and the S.R.F. organisation. They twist and embellish
the truth to suit their purposes, promoting Kriya Yoga by - in Yogananda's own words -any means necessary. Even deception as it happens. Those yogis are so
high minded they justify deception when it suits their purposes.Yogananda
had a lot of help writing his highly influentialautobiography - which I've
read at least ten times - by devotees such as Sri Daya Mata.
Yogananda was endowed with a vivid imagination and prone to
the sort of flight of fancy endemic to hindus,buddhists and the leaders of
the new age. In the autobiographyYoganandaBIGS UP his beloved master -
Sri Yukteswar - no end, even placing him on a Christ like pedestal.
However, he and his master didn't always see eye to eye
and became estranged more than once. Sri Yuk was overheard to cry
"shame, shame!" one time when informed of his former disciples' writings.
In high contrast Yahshua was always in perfect accord with
His Divine guru aka the one true God. Yahshua is the true model of a man and
the prime example of standing right with God: the Most High is forever our master.
We can never be equal to God and go off and do our own thing. We simply cannot
be our own guru.According to Spirit breathed Scripture those
who believe on
Yahshua/Jesus Christ can become "Sons of God" (John 1:12)
but never
God Himself.
Yahshuanever conspired to do His own thing.
He was always about His Fathers business.
For all the daft regality and presumed holiness,yogis,
bhagwans,Sadhguru's et al are utterly lost to the holy Spirit.
In the years leading to his sudden death Yogananda was often confused,
plagued by dark spiritsin the night and used woman devotees for sex. He even sired at least one child, which he disowned: all covered up by the S.R.F. There's a reported incident of a close devotee getting out of a car (one day) to throw up
after hearing of his master's secret activities.
Being into Yogananda for so many
years the truth is utterly shocking!
Another shocking realisation Spirit reveals is that the much lauded
experiences of Kriya yoga aren't what they're made out to be. There's nothing
spiritual about the visionary states Kriyapractitioners experience - they're
wide open vessels for the usual fallen lightdelusions.
Below is a testimony I lifted from a website which
throws a rather large and heavy spanner into the works, of not just
Yogananda but all yogi's and guru's everywhere in all ages:
Here's two email messages that I got from a woman who practices Kriya Yoga
and has had some pretty amazing yogic experiences. Yet she considers that the
experiences are entirely based on the body/brain.... The book referred to in
the first message is Yogananda's"Autobiography of a Yogi"
Way back when (early 70's probably) I read
the book and marveled at the far-out
descriptions of mystical goings-on..
Message #1:
Hi Brian, "Yes, unfortunately, a lot of people believed what Yogananda
experienced was true. This is what helped build the organization
he founded in California... The Self Realization Fellowship which later
was incorporated as a church for tax purposes. I read part of the
book when I was in my 20's; now I'm 52 (an old gal) Back then I believed what was written.
About a year and a half ago I picked up
the book and starting reading
some of it and had to close the book
realizing how it resembled a fantasy story (Lord of The Rings came to
mind for some reason). Oh yes, I believe he did experience visions as
this is what the practice of kriya yogameditation will do. However, I
think his religious fanaticism and devotion to a being called God,which
does not exist, set the stage for these far out experiences.
My experiences withkriya yogahad me
seeing golden light,wheels of light
in red,yellow, orange, blue and
violet (Oh yeah, gotta love this one, my guru
says these are the chakras
coming into view, keep placing OM at each
chakra with the upward breath
as we need to cleanse the chakras)
Then later on in the practice I kept
seeing a full white moon,
after that came the bursting forth of many
suns while practicing yoni mudra.
Which after a while my guru told me it
was showing me how creation
forms: a bursting forth of energy and
Anyway, with this practice I have found
no god entity, no existence
of heaven or hell and certainly no soul or spirit residing in the human body.
Only matter,energy and
consciousness. In other words, body and brain.
Message #2:
Paramahansa Yogananda proclaimed to have
come to the West to spread the teachings of
an ancientyogic science called Kriya Yoga.
In Chapter 26 of his book
"Autobiography Of A Yogi"
entitled "The Science Of Kriya Yoga"
3rd paragraph it is written:
Kriya Yoga is a simple psychophysiological method whereby the blood is decarbonated and recharged with oxygen. Atoms of this extra oxygen are transmitted into life current to rejuvenate the brain and spinal centers. By stopping the accumulation of venous blood the yogi is able to
lessen or prevent the decay of tissues.
The advanced yogi transmutes his cells into energy.
He then goes on to state that Elijah, Jesus, Kabir, and
other prophets used kriya or some similar method to cause
their bodies to materialize and dematerialize at will.
Sound far fetched? You bet!
I am initiated into kriya yoga and have been practicing this tantric meditation technique for a while now. With this method one is instructed
on where and how to locate the 7 chakras which in reality are the lumbar points in the spine. The 7th chakra is not part of the spine as it is the crown/ top of the head. The kriyaban is instructed in various mudras
and in pranayama. Many of which come from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Such as the correct asana for practicing kriya meditation, kechari,
the mahamudra, shambhavi mudra.
The practice of kriya yoga pranayam, whereby one draws the breath upwards mentally touching each of the chakras (spinal centers) then resting in the kumbhaka state produced visions of wheels of light in red, yellow, orange, blue, and violet. These I was told by my guru are the chakras coming into view. Keep placing OM at each chakra as we need to
cleanse the karmic seeds from our chakra database (Okaaay)
Then suddenly, one day my entire head was flooded with a
golden light and the internal sounds of Omkar resounded within.
Such peace, joy and bliss. I was sure I had found the god within!
Turns out it was all brought about by the practice of pranayama.
Breath and mind are linked!
Next came all the sensations of energy (prana) moving
up and down the spine. The body would gently sway like the
motion of a pendulum on a clock. The spine felt like it was tingling
and vibrating. I saw a pure white orb like the full moon on several
occasions. Wow! such a great spiritual vision, so I thought.
Then came the bursting forth of many suns
while practicing yoni mudra.
According to my guru, this mudra was showing me creation, the bursting forth of energy and light even though this mudra is manipulated by the one practicing it. One takes a deep inhalation, retains it, thumbs close the ears, index fingers cover closed eyelids, middle fingers close the nostrils while
the ring fingers and pinkies are placed at the corners of the mouth.
To sum up everything, all the visions are just a product
of practicing pranayama (breathing technique). The energy flows
of prana are also produced by practicing pranayama. Breath and
mind are definitely linked. Nothing mystical.
The sense that all is one or everything is
one also arises from doing this practice. However,
the feeling of being one with everything is impermanent."
In my Brahmandays my ignorance wouldn't have let me believe
the lady's conclusions. NowSpirit confirms all the above - except her
denial ofGod. It's a pity that in her post Kriya zeal she threw the baby out with
the bathwater; but it's essential to cognize the dizzying heights and depressing
depths the ancientholisticdeception takes a lotta people, and how
real-easy it is to deceivethe masses by stimulating
internal fireworks and feeeelings of love
I'm sure you've heard me mention strong delusion?
There's simply nothin'spiritual about yogic states.
Contemporary hindu/buddhist teacher gurus and gnostics alike are
hardwired for channeling the fallen lightfield. They are completely
oblivious as to
the origin of their chosen vocations.
Ignorance is bliss eh!
Nope, it's utter stupidity.
When searching out the truthof life and sifting successfully through the
many facsimilesby the power of Spirit,Yogananda and his ilk suddenly become
errant teachers, spiritual criminals even -
psychic wolves in sheeps clothing; ancientdarkness held up as light keeping
mankind firmly attached to the world,the flesh,
the higher self and it's ever attendent spiritual subversions.
After all those years listening to self-absorbed hindu gurus
and buddhist mystics turns out that simple men of God
subservient to Jesus Christ bring the real Light and truth.
Hear this from Preacher Evan Roberts:
How the word repels, and how involuntarily every human being resents it
as applied to himself, not knowing that the very repulsion is the work of the deceiver, for the purpose of keeping the deceived ones from knowing the truth,
and being set free from deception. If men can be so easily deceived by the deception arising from their own fallen nature, how eagerly will the forces of Satan seek to add to it and not diminish it by one iota. How keenly will they work to keep men in bondage to the old creation, out of which will spring multitudinous forms of self-deception, enabling them the more readily to carry on their deceiving work.
Their methods of deception are adapted to suit
the nature, state and circumstances of the victim.
Instigated by hatred, malice, and bitter ill-will towards
mankind and all goodness, the emissaries of Satan do not fail
to execute their plans, with a perseverance worthy to be
imitated by him who fain would reach his goal."
Take it or leave it, we're all fallen.
For thousands of yearsmankind has been up to its
collective sahasrara in a sea of fallen light. Postthe fall mankind
was drip-fed a wide variety of LIES
propagated by the ruling powers
and encouraged to define itselfsexually and by material wealth.
So many (too many) new agersfall headlong for
an ages longdelusion proffered by rebelliousangels.
I understand why the sincerest saints and sages renounced
sexon the way to true Realisation(Jesus) for it's theprime
warp and twister of the human psycheexploited
>to the max<
To be truly awakened means realising
we live in a fallen world.
If we wanna be actually freewe should be looking to the true Christ,
giving ourselves over to the manifold delusions of the body-mind.
The rise of the terminally self-indulgent"sex gurus" such as
Osho is indicative of ancientspiritual perversion: spiritualise sex and
multitudes are putty in their hands. I'm not advocating celibacy and
I'm not dismissing it's value. I'm saying sex ain't Spiritual.
You can wriggle around and twist yourself into
all manner of exotic positions - stimulating dopamine
and naturally occuring DMT all the way:
but it still ain't Spiritual.
Chemical/entheogenic substances in any amount do not
reveal Spiritual reality becauseSpirit is beyond chemistry.
Spirit is beyondall vibrational creation.
"Destroywrong desiresnow; otherwise they will remain with you
after the astral body has been seperated from its physical casing.
Every natural passion can be mastered." - Sri Yukteswar -
While there's sometruth spoken inSri Yukteswar's
statement, it's a halftruth 'cos of the stronghindu bias
rooted inself-exaltations inspired of the
spirit of satan.
Personal mind mastership and transcendence
is not where it's really at - sacred humility is.
We're advised to capture every thought for CHRIST
(2 Corinthians 10:5)
The presence of the Holy Spiritimparts convictions about
sexthat - when heeded - dissipate the desire for temporal pleasures
and makes way for Eternal Spiritual Blessings from GOD.
The Most High is best pleased when we venerate
in Spirit NOT the flesh. We gain Greater Favour
not by indulging but denying ourselves...
... 'cos there's somuch more to GOD than ourselves.
Spiritualityis a serious affair of theheart,
mind and soul NOT to be takenluciferic lightly
Since deepest antiquity the dark forces have upended
the vitally important concerns of the human/Divine
relationship and turned it into a bizarrecircus of
acrobats, clowns and narcissistic spiritual psychopaths.
Amidst the raging madness we must be extremely diligent and
discerning when searching out truth, and when truth finally comes,
strive to follow the Way of truth revealed (JESUS) - not the carnal
minded ways and deeply flawedancient "wisdom" the puffed-up
pagans and new agers eagerly procure and distribute.
Aramaic hebrew puts it like this:
"There is, then, now no condemnation to them which
are in Mashiah Yahshua, who walk not after the flesh,
but according to the Ruach."
"If you're not bumping into the
devil,you're going the same way."
For all the talk of spiritual and earthascensionit takes humility
and a filling of the Ruach ha' Qodeshto ascend our own spirit to anywhere near
its original esteem. Mankindis merely making the best out of a metaphysically
bad situation: grasping at straws, stumbling about in the darkness; fumbling
around for our lost light and truth while being force-fedquantum
packets of sweet tastin'lower light energyjellies -
with a side
dish of majestic
Like children we need to play and have fun: when needs must eh!
But thespirit of satancorruptedour original purity
and continues toexploitour fallen state nature.
Amid a fallen world's multifarious systems of constraint most peoples fun
comes from the use of drugs, drink and general hedonism. I used to be like that.
I've had a few drinks in my time, I used to love being drunk, it's the only way I felt
secure socialising. As a cosmic hippy doing loads of music festivals I've partied hard folks, been off my head on MDMA aplenty and danced wildly to psy-trance beats
and acid techno tunes on acid or mushrooms - Serpent energya flowin'...
It turned me into a right dork sometimes.
Some folks only know me out of my head!
The fallen natureof planet earth - mixed with kundalini and the almighty blather of the new age - occasionally pushed me
into a kind of spiritual bipolarism, which I nowsee in ALL the
gurus I used to love and respect:
as sanity is RIFE within
thehindu and buddhist style
self-realisations infecting the new age.
Spiritual EVILoften wears a smile on its face, either
when appearing as a light being or whilepossessing
people and simulating Enlightenment.
Obliviously, "Guru's" make a lotta real clever shit up as they go;
their souls are deep in deception and they - ever so slyly -
LIE to themselves and everyone else.
It's clear my "enlightenement" was a form of Psychosis:
from the sublime heights of BrahmanI fell into borderline
alcoholism, messin' myself up at weekend music festivals and
being such a jerk around people I'm embarrassedabout it.
Sporadically I yielded to a new age cocktail of anything goesbullshit.
I'm surprised I still look so good. Anyone else would
be livin' on the street. Or dead. But I've always bounced
back from the darkest abyss by the Grace of God.
Prior to the bestowed cognizance of the Ruach I had many periods of spiritual
clarity and other times of severe doubt - all useful as it happens. When doubt
becomes knowing it's the sweetest alchemical transmutation. Now I'm involved
in a whole other cosmogonic ball game and one infinitely more salubrious.
Everyone assumes they're spiritual
nowadays; butGenuine Spirituality ain't
for pussies (not for new agers then 😉)
A spiritual war's going on:
earth is a literal battleground of lightand dark.
Most prefer not to notice, instead they keep
their heads firmly ensconsed in mystical moonshine.
Mankind is oversouled by satan and his angels
with legions of unwitting "starseeds" and
cosmicsuckers obliviously marching alongside 'em.
If you're not engaged in battle or under attack (not by internet
trolls but psychically attacked) - if you're not fighting the good fight
with all of your might - then you're promoting the ubiquitous faux
love'n'light and spreading the same age-old shite (new age style)
I've noticed the more I hit on
truth the more shite comes at me.
Falling into existential crises and ascending numerous times
gave me a unique perspective. I've reached Brahmanand realised such a
state isn't realistically sustainable without succumbing to strong delusion.
I know the attainment of the self-realised
gurus of the ages is pure psychicdelusion.
Brahman is an ignis fatuus and a predicament: either follow
its enlightened delusion or renounce it. I chose the latter. I'm extremely
fortunate to be where I am, and I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be - to
reach further into Spiritand pull out yet more inconvenient truths 😀
It's a flipping miracle really,
but that's the nature of Spirit.
Most of the time a guru in the making is
way out there on his (or her) own and have no
recourse but to lean on their own understanding.
In my case Spirit pulled me out and keeps me in check.
I didn't know it at the time but Spirit held me back from
indulging the strongest delusions so many have literally fallen for.
In Spirit I'm a Saint and a sinner!
In their lives New agers assume the
former while actively denying the latter.
Only Spirit can reach a high-mindedhindu or buddhist
and pull 'em out of the deepest esoteric lies, yet most of
'em are far too gone in terminal self-absorptionto ever
become aware of the existence of Spirit.
Oh the irony! It's really quite serious.
It's a veritable miracle I got out and I'm Eternally Grateful.
In our situation no grey areas exist, the choice is truly
black or white: the Way of Light or the way ofdarkness.
We can't straddle both - gnostic style -
because they move in opposite directions:
One UP - the other down.
Lightsimply hasno fellowshipwithdarkness.
NONE whatsoever.
There are Pristine Heavens where no shadows are cast, no death exists: there resides the Glory of the Most High. Then there's this world of death and decay, of shadows and fleeting pleasure tainted with psychic grime:
the spirit of satan reigning supreme.
For the sake of a true and Everlasting
new age - for the sake of Heaven onearth -
we have to choose one or the other.
I was into channelingfor yearsbut didn't do it myself.
I sensed energy in the presence of channelers yet I wasn't personally
used by those spirits. For sure I wanted to be: I sent out the call, followed the steps and meditated with clear mind. I prayed for them to appear or
make me a channel - to no response. During my Brahman phase I
called to Babaji (Yogananda's Paramguru) many times.
Nothin' happened. Now I know why.
If not in belief I was at least aurically protected from those entities: left alone to eventually become sensitive to the
Ruach ha' Qodesh
This is nothing like channeling.
The Ruach is so different from anything else it's literally
like being born again - born from Above - but it can be hard
to process the insights amidst the clamour of selfish
thinking and sensual desires.
The Ruach is the Comforter Yahshua said He would send to His
Followers some time after the Ascension. However, He's much more than
a comforter but the most Divine teacher - greater than any guru 'cos there's
no bondage to physicality or emotional desires, allowing for zero ego
filtering or spiritual perversion through a fallen state body/mind.
As we grow in the Ruach, we develop discernment
of evil.We're able to seeevilwhere it's hidden.
With the Ruach there's no coming to any
spurious conclusions arising from bent egotism
and definitely no delusions of grandeur.
Spirit doesn't work through feelings
but through impressions;by a supported inner
discernment very different to new age contrivances.
Regular, earnest prayer achieves
better results than meditation.
The main difference being that we
come out of prayer not so full of ourselves.
I got into meditation at the age of 18.
Since then 5 or 6 major gurus and many mystics crossed my path.
I garnered penetrating insights and attained the occasional Heightened State of Awareness; but the Ruach makes all the difference in the perception of truth: giving eyes to See, ears to Hear and a heart to Understand.
Now Ipraymore than
meditateand when I do meditate
it's on theW O R D O F G O D.
Meditationis self-absorption.
Prayerisdeferenceto the Divine.
Growing in awareness of the Ruach entails a radical reorientation of our psycho-spirituality that can be very difficult to process. But as far as popular notions of paradigm shifts go, this is the unfeigned one.
The Ruach knows what's best for everyone;
taking His lead changes us and surprising things
are revealed about ourselves and the world. TheRuachbecomes ourconscience.
It's a bit of a >shock< to realise that the
holySpirit is wHoly other than any of us 😲
There's certainly NO Divinity within or
around us unless we're Graced by Spirit.
As a new ager I thought I was essentially DIVINE
butthe more I look to the Ruach and less to myself
the more my previous beliefs show up as total LIES. With the indwelling Ruach we SEE
the world as it is, and it's not a favorable vision. Spirit "convicts the world of guilt."
He exposes thesin of the world.
No BULL folks, that's exactly what the Ruach does.
You may've noticed me referring
to the Ruach/holy Spirit as He.
I'm not gonna jump on the trendy new age
band-wagon and pander to new age/feminist/
gnostic ideologies obsessed with spiritual SEX.
Personally I get no sense of gender
but the gospel of John clearly
refers to holy Spirit as HE.
and that's no mistranslation.
It's of no consequence whether Spirit is a He or
She because the work remains the same: converting
as many people as possible to the Son of God:
There's only One Spirit that can unite mankind, rendering us true brothers and sisters
agers look to each other for comfort and validation,
however, striving for personal exaltation reveals the deepest
about spiritual reality. The Ruach abhors new age style exaltations - of self
or others - because no one on this planet is worthy of praise except the
most humble and meek - those who quietly do the Will of GOD.
Humility before the Divine
is not only necessary but sacred.
Humility connects man tothe Heart of Divinity.
Spirit brings no material or sensual doctrine of happinessbut
reality wHoly opposed to corporeal/sexually derived pleasures. It
be unsettling to realise the extremedeception everyone's born into and
deep ignorance of a world divorced from Divinity, with it's slew of
influential people operating at hyper-delusorylevels of cognition -
to a sly spiritual darknessoperating at peak efficiency.
I can't reiterate enough that mankind
isa fallen race living in a fallen world.
It's so easily forgotten,ignored or disbelieved.
The conciousness of men and women of every generation
sincethe fall is overlayed with luciferic light and subject to
a wide variety of religious and spiritualillusion-delusions.
At the cosmic level mankind operates under the charge of
spuriousspirits psychically manipulating humanity: posing as light
star people,archangels and what have you, duping mankind in all manner of
clever ways and
means for millennia. At the physical level a variety of psuedo-enlightened demagogues vie for our attention, promoting notions of
"alternative spirituality;" spouting quasi- spiritual and scientific lore;
promoting sexuality and materialism.
They prey on ignorance,naivetyand very
effectively utilise the power of suggestion.
At the Spirit Level the holySpirit shows different things.
Everyone receives input from thetrue Lightand fallen light
every minute of every day. The trick is to develop discernment:
the ability to sift truthfrom lies - the trulygood from the really
bad - for too many mistake lies for truth and vice versa.
It's a dizzying situation of cognitive dissonance
and why theholy Spirit is a Great Blessing in our lives.
The body can't produce some essential vitamins needed for maintaining optimum health. We need to supplement, ideally
from a good organic source. That's how we're made and you can't do
anything about it. It's the same principle in Spiritual Matters:
to receive true spiritual joy,
well being (and healthy reproval) we
need to supplement with theholy Spirit
Perceiving and following holySpirit guidance along
the path revealed can be extremely difficult - or super Joyful.
I'm no paragon of virtue but
that's what we have to do if we
wanna sincerely enter an authentic SpiritualAge.
Jesus Christ will be the Head of the true and Everlasting New Age.
Amidst the darkness of this world Spirit doesn't
indulge us. We're protected up to a point but there's
no compromising or cutting any slack.
It's Jesus' Way or thehighway (to Hell)
On this crazy planet it's easy to lose sight of the Ruach and be tempted
right off the Way, falling back into the massive deception at a moments notice.
Being so stoically self-absorbed we lose finer discernment and it can be
real hardto find the Way back to the straight and narrow path to Christ
It's time to shake off the bullshit, roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty: go where
it’s spiritually dark like Yahshua and the apostle Paul did.
I regularly venture into the dark areas of youtube
featuring videos by or about Russell Brand,David Icke, Eckhart Tolle, Sadhguru et al trying to save souls from
their slimey clutches and turn them on to the truth.
But it's often very upsetting because the emanations of darkness are so damn thick.
We have to keep trying though; we gotta get right in there and try to pull souls out.
We ought not to surround ourselves with vigorously nodding yes-men. Ego stroking facebook friends are just as bad. I've always stood alone, never feeling comfortable in groups, cliques or being around new age folk. It's obvious - to me anyway - that we can't rely on ourselves for true Divine succour.
Thankfully, I've (finally) realised we have something
Infinitely Greater and Wiser than ourselves to look up to. Throughout my new age sojourn the words of the saints and sages of the ages kept me somewhat informed, yet I never completely submitted to any of them. They left me ultimately cold. I always kept moving forward>>>
through 3 decades of pig ignorance
Spirit continued to guide me.
That Paramount Sage and one true Guru said:
"Wist ye not that I must be about my Fathers business?"
New ager's merely go about their own.
"Those who love the world cannot see beyond
their personal agendas and selfish goals."
- Alan Horvath -
In the weblike construction the internet is an insidiously
clever expression of the matrix lightfield leading a lotta
souls all tohell. That's how seriousthis life really is.
The internet is a platform for insanity: a lotta nut-cases broadcasting
personal delusions. True Lighted folk don't frequent cyberspace spouting
psuedo-spiritual psychologies, gushing about how wonderful everything is
and how spiritual we are because we most certainly aren't. Neither do they
charge exorbitant amounts of cash to be in their presence (a la Matt Khan)
nor do they utilise ridiculous skype sessions.
They don't segregate themselves in sub-tropical zones
living a life of Riley. They live a life of Realityfully aware of the
prevailingdarknessand set about combating it head on.
Too many new age folks have their heads
so far up their ass they can't smell the shit.
But I can smell it from way over here.
They should pull their heads
out their self-righteous ass,
smell the shit - and grab a shovel.
But alas! new agers don't like "shoulds,"
it's too much like telling them what to do,
andGod forbid anyone should do that! 😧
In our fallen stateSpirit is a holy crutch
Looking around it's altogether evidentmankind is afflicted with
Spiritual blindness and is in such a supernallycrippled state that God
oughta stick a massivedisabled symbol onearth's upper atmosphere.
That'd make peoplesit up andthinka bit more!
Post 2012 I'm
compelled to proclaimplaytime is over folks.
The new age pulls the wool right over our collective eyes.
A premature celebration is evident in masses of new agers flyin high
on general pig-ignorance.They've nothing to celebrate. The way we are
is no cause for celebration or pompous self-coronations. A lotta work
still needs to be done and it won't be done the new age way.
When it comes to the crunch there'll
be a lot of tragedy along with Victory.
We should always question those who put themselves up as intercessors between the Divine and mankind. We must practice discernment for many glorify in their shame, minding the things of the flesh over
Spirit and confuse the directives of both, further obfuscating the spirit that they are. Numinous flights of fancy fail to reveal the fineries of Spirit and are useless in conveying the sublimities of actualtruth, broadcasting instead the jumped-up, off -the-wall ideas procurred by channelers, kooky mystics and silly ass starseeds passed off as wisdom.
They're self-serving and glory in their own works,
drawing followers after themselves, fashioning Spirit in
their own image and enticing many unstable people,
"walking according to their own lusts."
New agers,gnostics and starseeds alike insouciantly receive and transmit
fallenluciferic light. To firmly counteract we must dispense with modern
versions of spirituality because they're founded on ancientlies. If we’re serious about spirituality it’s time to get serious about Eternal Life. Stop messin' about;
halt the facetious notions of "starseeds," discontinue listening to trumped-up
teacher gurus, and definitely cease and desist heeding perfidious
channeled entities
If we're honest with ourselves the world is
still steeped in deep darkness. Thepowers that
be are incontrol and they will not relinquish that
controlwithout a massive bloody fight.
Right now they're laughing at our "awakening"
Leading new agers can't handle the truth 'cos it cuts against
their comfortable ways of thinkin and feelin. They prefer to lean on
their own understanding and revel in the adulation it brings.
But it's a fleeting success relative to Eternity.
Self-sovereign folks have their reward right here and now,
in their temporal body. They won't find it anywhere else.
There's no convenient 5th Dimensionawaiting new agers to continue
indulging personal delusions ad infinitum. If you really wanna know and be
seperate from the lies they embrace then you need to be aware of the manifold
ingenious methods of deception operating just behind their smug faces.
There's way too many"enlightened"frauds waving their hands
about stealing our attention, energy and money. We don't need them;
we only need the Ruachto lead us far away from the fall'svery
modern expressionsinto a proper realisation of Divinity.
The more I look into the new age the more
I seea whole world of insidious esoteric bullshit.
In sharp contrast theHoly Spirit shines like a bright
pillar of fireagainst the billowing clouds of darkness.
Great job for publishing such a beneficial web site. Your web log isn’t only useful but it is additionally really creative too. There tend to be not many people who can certainly write not so simple posts that artistically. Continue the nice writing commentary
A bit verbose, repetative, but I see your anger, frustration, and seriousness about the new age, stressing the importance of truth. I have that too, and often try to correct people with some rationale and wisdom. It's rarely welcome or accepted, but it doesn't deter me. Cameron Day...ugh...him and his damned gnostic archons. I asked him where he got this archon idea from. He never answered me. Of course I know the answer (nag hammadi text from a gnostic sect), but he should use some integrity and honesty and point to where his ideas come from. Why hide the truth? I find that unethical. I know the pitfalls of the new age. Watched it destroy many people, ruin families, tear apart marriages. The kundalini - wish you had mentioned that. They get it and then have a downfall, come out of it, renounce their eastern thinking and screw up the christian texts by being too literal and fundamental about what they quote (yes, even Steven) claiming Christianity. New age in the Near Death Experience sector, psychedelic sector, UFO sector, and the list goes on and on. Something for everyone. Laden with love and light (my ass). I've done my research, read, talked to people, etc. for 30 years. I want so much to name names of those popular right now, and their shady motives, outright lies and deceptions, piss-poor thinking, and horrible integrity. BTW, I recommend Joe Fishers "Hungry Ghosts", for skeptics and naysayers. You can find it free online. If you weren't sure about ghastly, lying spirits before (which I wasn't - thought it was just fakers), with his critical eye for seeing evidence, you will see it after reading it.
The thing most people cannot understand or see is the shear simplicity of Christ and salvation. The ego mind cannot understand humility, or really recognize the spiritual value. We cannot create the New Self, but by repenting and being patient, and enduring, God will give us something we could never achieve. The peace of Christ is so simple when you have Jesus. What the gurus talk about reaching the "no thought mind". You have that when you have salvation with Jesus. It's so simple, but we must endure and be steadfast to hold this place of grace that God grants to us. What it is is a place of being free from sin, which no of the other religions can achieve. Only when we receive power from Jesus can we make that leap, leaving behind the old, and experiencing the New.
Thank you so much for this! After being led up so many garden paths with all sorts of "spirituality" BS, today I came close to renouncing my faith in God altogether. It just seemed like something unattainable - a cruel joke. But there was still this niggling instinct in me, urging me on. Your blog has helped me immensely - I no longer feel like giving up. Maybe I can find at least a little bit of peace after all :-)
"...if you're open minded enough and continue to dig around, never resting on your laurels (because they may become lucrative)"... this made my ...life! thank You!
Great job for publishing such a beneficial web site. Your web log isn’t only useful but it is additionally really creative too. There tend to be not many people who can certainly write not so simple posts that artistically. Continue the nice writing
A bit verbose, repetative, but I see your anger, frustration, and seriousness about the new age, stressing the importance of truth. I have that too, and often try to correct people with some rationale and wisdom. It's rarely welcome or accepted, but it doesn't deter me. Cameron Day...ugh...him and his damned gnostic archons. I asked him where he got this archon idea from. He never answered me. Of course I know the answer (nag hammadi text from a gnostic sect), but he should use some integrity and honesty and point to where his ideas come from. Why hide the truth? I find that unethical. I know the pitfalls of the new age. Watched it destroy many people, ruin families, tear apart marriages. The kundalini - wish you had mentioned that. They get it and then have a downfall, come out of it, renounce their eastern thinking and screw up the christian texts by being too literal and fundamental about what they quote (yes, even Steven) claiming Christianity. New age in the Near Death Experience sector, psychedelic sector, UFO sector, and the list goes on and on. Something for everyone. Laden with love and light (my ass). I've done my research, read, talked to people, etc. for 30 years. I want so much to name names of those popular right now, and their shady motives, outright lies and deceptions, piss-poor thinking, and horrible integrity. BTW, I recommend Joe Fishers "Hungry Ghosts", for skeptics and naysayers. You can find it free online. If you weren't sure about ghastly, lying spirits before (which I wasn't - thought it was just fakers), with his critical eye for seeing evidence, you will see it after reading it.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I'll check out hungry ghosts and I do more than mention Kundalini and gnosticism in "Spirit vs. the New Age"
DeleteThe thing most people cannot understand or see is the shear simplicity of Christ and salvation. The ego mind cannot understand humility, or really recognize the spiritual value. We cannot create the New Self, but by repenting and being patient, and enduring, God will give us something we could never achieve. The peace of Christ is so simple when you have Jesus. What the gurus talk about reaching the "no thought mind". You have that when you have salvation with Jesus. It's so simple, but we must endure and be steadfast to hold this place of grace that God grants to us. What it is is a place of being free from sin, which no of the other religions can achieve. Only when we receive power from Jesus can we make that leap, leaving behind the old, and experiencing the New.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this! After being led up so many garden paths with all sorts of "spirituality" BS, today I came close to renouncing my faith in God altogether. It just seemed like something unattainable - a cruel joke. But there was still this niggling instinct in me, urging me on. Your blog has helped me immensely - I no longer feel like giving up. Maybe I can find at least a little bit of peace after all :-)
ReplyDeleteHey, only just seen this, one year later! Thanks, hope you've found faith and drawn closer to the Lord
Delete"...if you're open minded enough and continue to dig around, never resting on your laurels (because they may become lucrative)"... this made my ...life! thank You!