Tuesday 3 October 2017

Hi, I'm Darren.
 If you're wondering where my  
YOUTUBE channel is, it's been 

R E M O V E D 
'cos I ​"severely violated" their rules! 
 It felt like a callous kick in guts.
 Apparently my videos harass, bully 
and promote conspiracy theories.  
W H A T ??? 
 Rather, truth is surreptitiously suppressed.

 Free Speech is becoming 
an increasingly fractious and 
privately interpreted concept.
 For all the obsession with truth 
ABSOLUTE TRUTH is firmly disputed,
considered fictitious or invasive.
DIVINE TRUTH treads on 
a lotta toes and bruises many 
P  U  F  F  E  D - U P  E G O's
A great many haughty MINDS block the  
TRUTH 'cos they think they already have it and 
any contrary upstarts are considered offensive.

People live in their own little Kingdoms
in which they see only what they wanna 
see and get real obsessive, even aggressive
at protecting their self-righteousness.
There's a blindside to
human nature that despises 
o t h e r s  revealing   tthe truth
about themselves and REALITY
that isn't of their own under-
standing or experience.

My channel was 
deleted 'cos my words cut 
too close to the bone.

  Ultimate TRUTH is the most ignored, hated 
and condemned yet it dawned on me by a wisdom 
of hindsight made starker by clearer L I G H T:  
L I G H T  more edifying than any illuminated  
mystic or self-exalted guru ever recorded.
 How do I know? Because I've been 
into all that and bought the T-Shirts.

 From my late teens I intuitively 
understood "Ancient Wisdom" and 
assimilated copious amounts of it.
But Alas! like billions throughout 
history I was unwittingly mislead.
Now I understand in a different way.

30 years absorbing new age, gnostic and neo-
beliefs enlightened me in a surprising way. 
 below is a link to my backup channel, 
where I'll be sharing all future videos:
Because of my style, shadowbans and knockbacks I don't 
expect to gain a large subscriber base; but it's put on my heart  
there are people who won't be reached except by me.
D O M I N A T E S 
my whole life. 
 I'm familiar with the FULL 
spectrum of beliefs and attitudes.
 As a lifelong "awakened" new ager walkin' "my own path" observing 
human nature I'm well aware people are extremely defensive about 
their beliefs (especially their feeeelings) so I gotta WARN you:
The intrinsic nature of what I'm into 
can be very offensive to those who aren't. 

 I don't like hurtin' feelings yet there are many 
factors tellin' me this is not a time to hold back 
because of a reluctance to upset people.
I refuse to tickle ears or play ball with crazy truther 
activism, faux numinous narratives or "woke" mentality. 
 I'm not impressed by  
charismatic spiritual narcissists.
 I can't stand the all-round secular 
and religious delusions of civilisation.

I've come to know the  
twisted nature of the mind and 
the corrupt state of the soul.
I see it everyday on the N E T
- in a wide variety of forms - and it 
makes me despair I can tell you.

 Because of my early spiritual curiosity coupled with an  
inner sense of the absurdity of the world (not shared 
by friends or family) from around eighteen onwards 
 I was affectionately thought of as WEIRD. 
I considered THAT a badge of honour.
I also grew up in a hard drinking culture
which - from my mid-teens - I embraced.
I'm a northern English working class plebeian
imbued with a native rude force endemic to our realm.
 We generally don't take any sh**
The thing is I unwittingly took it
for the majority of my "awakened" life.
 As an IMPERIOUS new ager I denied 
 my roots 'cos they weren't the real me:
I was a Cosmic Spiritual Being! 
There was no foolin' ME as
I'm sure there's no foolin'
I was a MASSIVE fool and if you're a 
new ager/gnostic/psychic medium/guru acolyte 
 or a psilocybin/entheogen psychonaut you too are  
being fooled to within an inch of your LIFE

Mine is a basic 1970's - 80's junior and 
secondary modern school education and, due 
to a lack of interest, I didn't get good grades.
If any of you highly educated/achieving pop spiritual 
celebrity influencers think any less of me because of that
you can go...
My childhood and early adult life tints my world-
view and often subtly clashed with the "cosmic" New Age  
convictions I'd bought into (like a dopey naive sucker)  
These days I'm glad of my upbringing because it 
helps me SEE REALITY for what it is and enables a 
down to Earth quality I used to resolutely deny.   
 I can't help but SEE the inherited beliefs, 
behavioural patterns and oftentimes infantile 
attitudes {{RESONATING}} all through society:
especially pertaining to spirituality and mysticism.
There's hardly any originality. 
Masses of haughty people nonchalantly plagiarise and 
wildly parrot-on the same old LIES AD INFINITUM:
ancient and enduring LIES that are ever so clever at 
adapting the higher thinking of any cultural time period.
I've been given BROAD INSIGHT 
which elicits not much kind affection but a lot 
of incredulity, scorn and DARK aggression.
My prime motivation for writing is a response to all 
that AND from seeing VAST multitudes of "awakened" 
dilettantes obliviously spreading progressive spiritual
 A H U G E misapprehension infects
hordes of spiritual seekers nowadays:
 that they're being guided truthfully. 

Sadly, a great many are not. 

As a self-exaltant new ager  
I thought I was being guided surely. 

 It wasn't possible to surmise otherwise.
 Turns out I was ever so strongly deluded.

 It's become apparent that very ancient and 
slyly duplicitous supernal (luciferian) beings  
govern our world - appealing to  intellectual and  
 spiritual pride and prejudice in all their  
Christians aren't immune to that whole ball of wax.
They're some of the worst perpetrators.

I'm sad to see modern 
Christianity chock-full of 
the subtlest deceptions

The entire world's being lead a merry dance.
Regarding ancient "wisdom" and gnostic 
theology I've garnered a lot of indignation. 
Founded - as they are - on spiritual mirages
I no longer subscribe to new age platitudes.
The earth is functioning at a drastically reduced 
level of Divinity from original creation.
 The masses gravely mistake 
 inverted spiritualities for authenticity.
 Regardless of modern opinions 
to the contrary spiritual E V I L 
 exists and ABOUNDS stealthily.  

We've inheriteddeeply 
defective psychogenic reality:
 Life (as we know it) is hyper
delusive and extremely tenuous

 (James 4:14)
  Conspiracy land 
is RIFE with twisted logic, 
fake news dressed as truth 
and truth mixed with LIES. 

 Despite the vainglorious hopes for planetary 
ASCENSION and a New Age of LOVE 'n' LIGHT, 
BILLIONS of unwitting, imprudent souls  
 obliviously teeter on the edge of an awful
(Isaiah 14:12-15)

I've anticipated the collapse of 
civilisation since the 80's; but what's 30 or 
40 years in the Grand Scheme of Things.   
It's lookin' more imminent than ever.
 This 'ere blogscape is tendered
in FIVE Sections, the first TWO 
of which are presented in THIS 
section under titles of 

The pressing matter of the BLIGHT  
of hindu godmen and their ilk (Bhagwans, 
Maharishi's, Swami's, Yogi's et al) is pitched
in depth further down; but regarding 
"the Great Awakening"
I've been as Enlightened as anyone.

I've meditated muchly and
zealously absorbed copious amounts 
of gnosis and "Ancient Wisdom."

I could tickle legions of ears, tell folks what they
wanna hear and endear myself to the masses.

It'd be very polite with multitudes figuratively 
patting my back and vigorously nodding agreement.

Many would donate
We'd all walk joyously, arms ALOFT
into the Sunrise in GLORIOUS
 However, I must use all my psychic resources to 
throw a Heavy Spanner into the vain and wholly 
presumptuous notions of a "GREAT AWAKENING"

Masses of people earnestly seeking truth 
fail to find because they're so easily led astray 
 by worldly logic (or wealth), sensuality, vain 
esoterism or specious mysticism.

I know I was.
 I'm an ex neo-vedantic  
(hindu roots) new age gnostic 😁 
(it's not as disparate as it sounds)
 I was an "awakened" galactic
variant for the span of 30 years.
For the most part I happily flowed with  
the lofty holistic course of pantheistic unity:
hinduism, buddhism, kundalini, yogi's, guru's,  
David Icke, Eckhart Tolle and similar "illuminated" sorts
and the streams of data proffered by channeled beings such 
as ascended masters, starpeople, angels, archangels et al.
 I was known on the merry old internet by 
the "cosmic" name Da-Renn with surnames appended 
o'er the years such as Da-Renn Zuvuya (riding the galactic 
wave to freedom) and the Brahman singed moniker:
 8 Years ago I was compelled to renounce 
all that and revert to my parental given name: 
 a gesture of humility that's right and good.
My soul changed subtly yet greatly 
with the dawning of a Blessed Clarity 
like I couldn't have believed earlier.
For a long time I really thought I knew something.
Now I know I knew nothing. 
Nothing of true and everlasting worth anyway:

(you noticed?)
It's insanely screwy on many levels.
 The realm of rationality is twisted and 
perverted to within an inch of pure logic.
The dimension of do-it-yourself/go-your-own 
way SPIRITUALITY is a complete mental ASYLUM.
 Most turn a blind eye and/or stick 
their heads firmly in either the pragmatic 
soil of science and psychology or the glittering 
(quick)sands of mysticism/NEW AGE beliefs...
... but I can't help but see the MADNESS everyday.
 It makes me ill sometimes.
From infancy onwards 
I intuited somethin' seriously 
 defective in human nature. 
I struggled to cognise and accurately assess 
the underlying reason most of my adult life. 
  In recent years clarity came by 
Way of Grace as to what's occuring
on such a GRANDIOSE scale...
... and it wasn't what I expected.
Though I'd always somehow suspected. 
 For all the high intelligence, innovation and 
artistic genius our modern world's founded on  
variations of ancient spiritual DECEPTION.
of human 
have   been 


  A lotta faked-out folks assume they're "Starseeds":  
exotic spirits incarnated on earth to help 
awaken and enlighten a sleeping humanity.  
 As a young new ager - elevated by a lotta spurious trance
channelings and visionary mystics - for a time I thought I was a 
an unwitting recipient of ancient spiritual  
inversion translated to the new age mindset.
And that's just a taster of the highly diversified 
spiritual absurdities currently assailing humanity. 
Yet the "freedom" we know is an illusion.

It's a FARCE really:
 ours is a culture where LIES are believed true, 
fake news ABOUNDS, sexuality dominates and 
the Power of Glamour reigns supreme. 
The cult of personality thrives and we deify each other.

It's all so much human dross.
For all the obsession with 
psychological NARCISSISM we 
live in an extremely SPIRITUALLY
 N A R C I S S I S T I C  A G E.

 Spiritual narcissism is a grotesque 
personality trait which often goes unnoticed;
 but one of the HARDEST things in the world is 
reaching people through their sense of PRIDE.
Especially PRIDE in their WORKS: 
there's no EASY way through THAT. 
People live in private little kingdoms
ruled solely by their LORDLY INTELLECT.
Personal sovereignty and spiritual PRIDE are runaway  
scourges upon society and the all-pervading sense 
of entitlement is delusive and appalling.
We're supposedly living in a time of 
light, knowledge and spiritual activation.
 But au contraire folks:
it's an insidious mass produced fantasy
For all the awakening talk
billions of souls are fast asleep, 
dreaming lucidly and SNORING LOUDLY.

  Humanity currently slumbers in the 
deepest, darkest time of ALL TIME

 Fake News doesn't pertain solely to the  
news of the world but also to the new age.
The "new age" proceeds on the utterances of seemingly benign 
but actually malignant spiritual beings out to mess with our minds
 and further corrupt our already congenitally corrupted hearts.
 For all the talk of spirit guides hosts 
of dark, dissimulative spirits operate behind 
the new age and the law of attraction distraction, 
co-creating a quasi- cosmic reality designed 
to keep us all sound asleep and dreaming  
 L U C I D  D R E A M S
 Despite the earnest push for "unity" we're a  
spiritually divided even densely fractured human race. 

 Free will is largely misguided and almost universally perverted.  
😣 Vanity is off the scale! 😧
A great many take their wholly unreproved 
 spiritualities to lofty heights of strong delusion.
It's a complete existential mess clearly
reflected in the terrifying politics of our day:

it's like
Bedlam here in the UK.

It's like Bedlam on the internet too!
S h e e s h ! ! 😣
From childhood and all through my teens and for 
some years into my adult life there was no internet. 
I was a young new ager blissfully ignorant of 
the true extent of the craziness of our world. 
 Then the internet brought all 
the MADNESS into sharp relief. 
Instead of the
World Wide Web it 
oughta be renamed  
It takes the added ingredient of a certain SPIRIT to 
be able to SEE the MADNESS in all its splendour.

Unless otherwise stated all pics of earth and sky were taken by me.
All words and concepts generally arise from Spirit inspiration.
 I don't enjoy sharing insight into
dark spirituality 'cos the implications are 
so HUGE, the upshot so MASSIVE and the  
 popular resistance so very strong.
I'd rather not be
involved at all as it happens
'cos the world's so
 But I am involved whether I like it or not.
Ours is an age of faux love 'n' light in which we're 
not supposed to offend or judge anyone. But a lotta folks say and 
teach things that are clearly erroneous and must be squelched.
 I see so many puffed-up, pompous, terminally 
misguided "influencers" shooting their prideful mouths 
off promoting themselves and their vain theologies that 
I'm urged to try to pull as many folks out of their  
poisonous sphere of influence as possible. 
 There's a lotta conceited talk about our Inner
Divinity, but none of it's founded on absolute truth. 
It all stands on slowly sinking quicksands.
The Snooty self-absorption running 
amok in this MAD world eclipses the Divine.
Too many harbour inveterate  
ideas  about themselves and the Divine: 
the manifold numinous perversions of reality 
proffer many mixed messages and much spiritual 
For sure the upper heaven is Everlastingly Divine 
but not so on lil ol' Planet Earth: as above so below rings true 
only when realising the subverted populace of the lower heavens.
  The lower spiritual and astral realms  
are historically and currently appropriated  
by spiritual beings in staunch opposition to
Mankind is obliviously subjected to manifold 
numinous LIES, spiritual degradation and 
is utterly soul seared 🔥 by twisted logic
  and refined Egomanias conflated with
True  E N L I G H T E N M E N T

 In staunch opposition to prevailing trends:
 Divinity is not within unless it's
bestowed by GRACE from without:
in response to an acute 
overriding desire to know  
 Despite what any conceited spiritual  
"influencers" tell us, in our ruling spiritual  
climate we're not  Divine  and without the  
address of a certain  Spirit  we're 
nowhere near  the Divine.
For the most part Divinity - as conceived
by human minds - is RANK DELUSION.
Humanity is encouraged to use its creative  
powers and high imagination against Divinity in 
subliminal and open rebellion, co-creating end -
less insidious imitations passed off as truth. 
 After 30+ years absorbing new age doctrine 
and "ancient wisdom" propaganda my spiritual 
eyes were opened and it was quite the surprise.
You know the old adage: when the student is ready 
the teacher appears? Well It took over 30 years for my 
teacher to appear and - lo and behold - it turned out to be 
As a new ager I didn't believe in a literal 
Holy Spirit.
I thought it astutely engineered christian myth.
Or an aspect of the hindu Kundalini (serpent) spirit.

How wrong I was...
it's nothing like kundalini...
... it's a legitimate Revelation.
I took so darn long to realise 'cos I didn't think I needed an actual teacher.
I was teachin myself. I was my own guru. I'd all the data I needed from the recorded lives and words of the eminent mystics and gurus of the ages, bolstered by a 
mass of trance channelings telling me how great and COSMIC I AM 😝 
Turns out I was profoundly deceived and blindingly obdurate with it:
detached from reality and brimming with advanced spiritual duplicity.
It was almost impossible to find a chink in my 
"lightbody" yet - miraculouslySpirit succeeded 😁 
Holy Spirit ain't like any hindu guru
buddhist mystic or pop psychologist.
It's a veritable heart surgeon.
Mankind is in a spiritually degenerate state 
of affairs in need of some serious open-heart 
surgery to accurately comprehend the truth.

 Research is popular innit
but I'm not into dishing out facts and figures. 
 Too many leading misleaders do that already and 
really: a great deal of their findings conflict with 
While often very useful, research leads
countless witless people to many imprudent  
conclusions incompatible with the Truth.
 A lotta haughty folks tout their research 
as the truth and get real snotty about it:
"I've looked into it and discovered this 
and that and conclude the truth to be such"
 yet avid researching can lead people into the fields of the artful 
fallen angels - who's stealthy hand upon ages of thought is clear to see 
(with eyes to see). Following congenital mental patterns people easily float
off into airy fairy gnostic zones, assimilating any info that suits their bias. 
They consider their findings absolute truth  
without looking at - or resolutely snubbing -
They become wise in their own eyes: 

Don't we see a lotta 
THAT in the world today.

 My life is my research.
Many profess their life experience as truth but I'm in receipt 
of a certain SPIRIT which gives mine the proper perspective. 
I'm helping spread the most inconvenient truth:
even the one and only authentic paradigm shift all other  
purely conceptual shifts detract from or bastardise.
  The world system is set up to accommodate every  
sorta devotional chauvinism and rational sophistry:
the Earth's degraded electro-magnetic fields are infused  
with a soul noxious blend of ancient - come modern - psychic  
 Witnessing so much esoteric prevarication taken 
for truth is the spur of my vocation to help bring 
 the truth to those who may not otherwise know.
 I'm urged to assist the revealing of the dark heritage of 
the oldest religions and the modern new age* and compelled 
to serve the exposure of  so-called ascended masters, archangels 
and all other specious "light beings" doing the rounds these days.
 *I use the term new age loosely in reference to occultists, spiritists, mediums, metaphysicians, diviners, gnostics, breatharians, starseeds, wiccans, esoteric teachers, shamans, luciferians, mystical kooks, truthers, yogi's and new 
earthers: basically the broad sweep of everyone going their own way. 
 It's all smoke 
'n' mirrors folks:
despite appearances to
the contrary there's only
 One  Way  to  Divinity
In the first couple of years writing this blog I held off coming to the 
heavenly point 'cos I didn't wanna put people off. I thought I was astute 
enough to lead a seeker piecemeal to the Empyrean truth. Turns out 
I just confused some folks so - given the times we're livin in - 
 I can't beat around the 🔥burning bush🔥 anymore. 
 Spirit gives eyes to see and a heart to understand and 
with them we see and understand the truth in the Light of 

I'm sure I'll lose many haughty spiritual narcissists
and cosmic aspirants right here. It's par for the course.
The Word of God DIVIDES (Hebrews 4:12) 
Jesus didn't come to bring unity but DIVISION (Luke 12:5)
The closer we get to Jesus the less we have in 
common with those who want nothing to do with HIM.
 I know how the world thinks of (the real) Jesus Christ
 and - as an "awakened" new ager - I thought I knew better.
 If I'd seen this coming 15 years  
ago I would've got out the way! 


I'm so glad I didn't foresee otherwise I would've inadvertently 
stood to the side and my spiritual eyes wouldn't be OPEN.
As a new ager I thought my eyes were W I D E  OPEN
I naturally, haughtily presumed 
alliance with my "higher self." 
My eyes were wide shut.
My higher-self was a higher conceit.
 It became very clear following my conversion 
that JESUS is absolutely necessary because, despite 
all the conceited talk of personal Divinity, people are 
fools to themselves and everyone else.
 This ain't a Revelation many take lightly - with 
good cheer - but oftentimes aggressively denied. 
 Some folks beat their chest
 against me with such rabid vehemence 
 it's ABSURD, and the mockery's no better.  
But no matter:  
 If you stick around I've tons more to say about 
WHY I'm converted and will expound upon the wily cosmic 
 darkness I was previously immersed so deeply within.
   I make no apologies for the polemic manner of my writing,
the cause of it is just this: the more I see the all-pervading 
occult deception the more passionate I am in REBUKE.
 A swindling "spiritual" light has plainly
deceived billions throughout all history.

 After 3 decades absorbing those deceptions my mind 
adheres to the Spirit of truth allowing for a much 
needed spiritual clarity which doesn't require  
loads of deep meditation to acquire:
just an overriding desire to 
know the truth above all else.
Then holy Spirit can respond. 
 As a new ager I was deep-set in the
profoundest ignorance regarding Christ.
Then Spirit led me to the REAL 
JESUS and everything changed:
I was initially rather uneasy about

proffering this insight 
so I staggered sharing it.
 Now I'm FULL ON for the Gospel of Christ.
This is being Born Again and 
it's an ongoing surprise to me 😁
I experienced a  
spiritual sea-change  
I didn't know existed.
 Given how I was it's a  
MIRACLE I got converted.

 Prior to conversion I thought I could see. But I was blind. 
Spiritually speaking I was an ignorant pagan savage.
The new age tells us (via H.P. Blavatsky
that "there's no religion higher than truth" 
 Yeah Right!
 As a gnostic/new ager I didn't wanna believe (I was damn 
sure I knew better) but turns out Jesus Christ REALLY IS 
the Way, the TRUTH and the LIFE (Eternal)
just like He said, and HE wasn't lying or mistaken:
 there's NO deception in HIM

 Merging with our "higher 
self" or the raising consciousness 
lark is pure conceited moonshine.
Jesus was CHRIST at birth (Luke 2:8-11)

We've inherited ancient spiritual subversion:
the Earth is corrupted. 
"Morphogenic Resonance" is  
OUT of affinity with DIVINITY.
 Natural life hunts,  
KILLS and FEEDS on itself.
SIN is an ancient and abiding issue.
EVIL is SPIRITUAL and ABOUNDS stealthily.
Humanity is a spiritually perverted race 
highly prone to DECEIT and d e l u s i o n.
Frankly, we NEED a SAVIOUR and 
by Jesus Christ we have a GREAT ONE. 

I've always had a degree of spiritual vision 
askew of the norm but since it's been opened so much 
wider I'm aghast at the length, breadth, height and depth of 
 an ancient spiritual guile in full swing now I'm able to see it. 
I'd partially surmised a massive deception but 
wasn't sure if it was my own weird psyche messin' with me.
 Now I know it wasn't.
Now I see it it's right in my face everyday.
 I'm glad of the extra clarity but it ain't easy,
 witnessing the full EXTENT of the
 deception is most upsetting because it 
 MANIFESTS through so many people.
 The shady zeitgeist behind the new age is obvious with eyes to see   
and once seen it can't be unseen.  With an open mind - free of bias - anyone 
can research the dark origin of the new age, which just so happens to be 
the substratum of the current "great awakening" absurdity...  
Implicit bias and specious reasonings induces many 
unwary souls to submit to the sly rationale of fools.   
 Only those of worldly success and
wealth think everything's awesome.

  Only beguiled people believe "the universe" is 
guiding them to a Golden Age of Love 'n' Light on  
their terms.
We think we're so great and lofty with all of 
our intellectual achievements but our relatively 
short lives are surrounded on all sides by

Cultures have been FOOLED about 
the afterlife for thousands of years.
 WE'VE been FOOLED about 
spirituality since childhood.

+Positive Spirituality+ 
ain't synonymous with 
 genuine spirituality.
 I wasted a lotta life on +positive+ spirituality  
but for a long time it all seemed well and good. 
I never thought I'd be realising so much -negative- 
spirituality, and by that I mean counterfeit spirituality
posing as truth.
For over 3 decades I assumed there was only positive spirituality  
because - I reasoned - we're all ONE people living in a spiritual Universe. 
There was no evil. I wasn't a sinner.  
I was an intrinsic part of the Universe; 
a developing god if you please: 
a righteous being of LIGHT and said so to a lotta people!
Back then I said a lotta stoopid
things I avidly believed were true.
I thought it only a matter of time before the world 
came good; that a new age of love 'n' light would dawn 
and we'd all be enlightened and live in a free love Utopia. 
I'd taken enough L.S.D. and psilocybin to back up my confidence: 
I was sure the experiences in meditation, the ideas evoked by my deep 
daily musings, the fantastic data conveyed by channeled beings and the 
 lucid visions procured via psychedelics were part of a Greater 
Reality and  truth beyond daily mundanity.
   But I was full of 💩
 Ours is a flesh exalting
pagan world with added fancy tech
where the truth is a very hard thing 
to realise, let alone get to grips with.

In so many truth simply don't compute.

They prefer   
A lotta people think they're so spiritual with their  
fancy ass psychic faculties; but the lower heavens 
 are choc-full of advanced psychic duplicity.
 It's really all about JESUS.
The Holy Spirit testifies 
of a Glorified Jesus Christ: 
 The masses are pig-ignorant of 
the common spiritual reprobation: 
 Ancient Spiritual subversion is reflected 
in every historical and contemporary culture.
 There's a whole world of astute
psychic and energetic imitations of 
the Divine we must beware of.
 The intellectual and spiritual faculties of the 
ancients were commandeered by duplicitous supernal 
luciferian beings stimulating the refined psychic delusions
of hinduism, buddhism, Islam (sufism) and also
"mystical" christianity. 
Alarmingly, the practise of meditation
(on Self) is responsible for much of the high 
spiritual deception of deepest antiquity.   
Meditation is gaining a 
lotta popularity these days.
V A S T multitudes get all 
self-righteous about meditation;

SELF being the main preoccupation these days;
 but it's the catalyst for a myriad 
of historical and voguish spiritualities: 
 just a lotta ABSURD EGO'S 
blown way out of proportion. 
I believed meditation the way to my inner divinity but now I know 
 the inner danger, 'cos Spirit brings insight into the subjective malleability 
of the human mind and the twisted metaphysics behind the des nos jours of WAKING LIFE - the vast majority are utterly oblivious as to what meditation
opens their minds to or what the hell is occurin' on this crazy planet.
What will they care as long as they're mollycoddled 
by materialism and feel "peaceful" in a crazy world? 😏 
  They believe their peace affects the environment in a positive way.
Well it certainly affects their personal domain - more or less -
but in authentic spirituality only Righteousness elicits true Peace
and they're F A R from Righteous (in the true sense of the term)
They utterly fail to cognize the core
spiritual subversion of human nature. 
    True Peace doesn't exist without Righteousness 
and we're none of us Righteous in and of ourselves.  
Only Jesus is Righteous.
True Peace can't come to  
the Earth until the literal Second
Advent of the Prince of Peace
Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 26:3-4, John 14:27, Romans 5:1, Ephesians 2:14

Meditation ain't a hotline to Divinity
 H O L Y   S P I R I T IS.
Meditating on SELF don't show us GOD:

For sure meditation helped me feel peaceful, "happy" and buoyant 
sometimes - the Universe was (seemingly) my oyster - but in this world 
happiness is purely biological, often a fools paradise and - contrary 
to popular opinion - doesn't equate to genuine spiritual truth.
 By long-term experience I know deep meditation
fosters deeply misleading notions and reveries 
 which lead to a gamut of fanciful concepts avidly 
assimilated by BILLIONS of gullible suckers.
I meditated for years but it only garnered

S  T  R  O  N  G    D  E  L  U  S  I  O  N:

the sorta DELUSION I 
SEE manifesting in many
 criminal crackpot gurus 
and  mystics  TODAY.
The psychic and astral realms are replete  
with duplicitous beings advancing spiritual deception. 
Meditation - the far eastern way - opens WIDE  
the human psyche to occult skullduggery.

An ancient spiritual
mechanism of psychic duplicity
operates at peak efficiency.
 For all the talk of enlightenment

it's shocking to realise how far mankind

strays from genuine Enlightenment.
Our world is governed by advanced

perversions of Enlightenment by which 
the total deception of mankind is sustained.

The cabal rabbit hole goes deeper than most care 
to imagine: the reports of a world conspiracy are true

and the source of it is M E T A
  Holy Spirit gifts insight wholy at variance 
with any and all new age or mystical belief systems
and fully explains my concern and attitude towards
woke/new age spirituality in general
(mild outrage)
To the detriment of every guru, yogi or mystic ever holy
Spirit can't be acquired by a whole lotta yogic huffin' and puffin, 
mantras, visualisations or new age fads such as "living on light" 
breatharianism, psychedelics, a still mind or WTF... 
... but only by Grace...
... through what the Divine has done 
for us, not what we do for the Divine. 
Spirit sheds clear Light on a whole lotta new age and other related dodgy  
occult business taken as read by too many influential people. It's a long story 
but my personal - and quite final - leap of faith was a mad situation involving 
Such are the seemingly spiritual but actually  
elemental powers I was previously involved with.
 By the Light of Spirit all other WORKS
BASED religions and self-exalting spiritual 
systems show up for the self-delusional LIES they are.
 The oft voiced proclamation that paganism,  
hinduism and buddhism came long before christianity 
as if it's a valid point is invalid reasoning. 
The Biblical narrative records events occuring 
thousands of years before the dawn of buddhism and 
the oldest forms of hinduism. The notion that the hindu or
even Sumerian texts being written much earlier makes 'em more 
truthful clarifies the deep seated antiquity of our inherited delusions. 
The Bible shines Light into the ancient 
darkness clarifying the why's and wherefore's 
of the spiritual deception we're all born into.
 This ain't something I could understand 
as an IMPERIOUS neo-vedantic new ager.
I was into diverse spiritual luminaries  
ancient and modern, popular and peculiar; but 
the  Holy Spirit has no interest in any of 'em. 
Spirit has no regard for the likes of Shiva, Buddha,
Ramakrishna,Yogananda, Osho, Sadhguru, Alan Watts or 
the kundalini (serpent) powered sycophant Russell Brand:
 By the LIGHT they show up a
 strongly delusive as they always were.
And there's no tip of the hat to channeled beings:
O  N  L  Y

Knowing how they're so soul deadly  deceptive 
such a strong reaction is understandable.
Where once I was utterly enchanted by channeled 
spirits such as the Ascended Masters and Star-People:
 Turns out that they're ALL
spiritual imposters and crooks 
systematically twisting the truth 
in numerous and diverse ways
for thousands of years.

 Channeling and/or automatic -
writing is RIFE with DECEPTION
Imitating Jesus and GOD - à la 
Conversations with God and A Course in 
Miracles - are THE prime real estate for building 
and selling the most EPIC spiritual LIES.  
 Jesus ain't affiliated with far eastern religions.
The only sign of authenticity in a text - or faith - is 
the Seal of Holy Spirit, which the above don't have.  
Ignoring all the biggity talk of Love 'n' Light
mankind is in a DEEP state of spiritual tenebrosity 
preventing many from understanding JESUS. 
 Gnosticism is popular these days, chiefly because of 
the mystical undertones and denial of true christianity.
  It's also seriously considered by the hyper-
delusive intellectual influencer Jordan Peterson.
 I used to {{RESONATE}} with gnosticism. 
I thought the REAL Jesus was a gnostic who got 
His knowledge from hindus and buddhist mystics. .
As a young adult new ager 
I read all the gnostic texts several 
times. Some of 'em many times. 
But it was a waste of time! 
The original gnostics were under as deep a spiritual
 deception as the masses today - differentially expressed. 
It's come to Light that there's no inner 
"gnosis" involved in knowing the real Jesus.
 Gnosticism ain't synonymous with the Spirit of truth. 
 Jesus is wHoly other than gnosticism. 
Sans holy Spirit there's nothing 
in us that naturally knows HIM
Contrary to popular beliefs 
 Holy Spirit comes to us from without -
bringing an exclusive and essential  
Revelation of JESUS Christ.
 For all the obsession with esoterism and  
"going within" Jesus is quite EXOTERIC:

F  R  O  M   W  I  T  H  O  U  T.
cloud study by Constable
If anyone finds it amusing to seriously consider 
Jesus' Return, well, the Holy Spirit came like Jesus 
said He would. So it follows that Jesus will Return
- just like He said He would (Matthew 24:30)
 I find it amusing how anyone thinks that anything other 
 than the Return of Jesus can sort out this bat-shit crazy world.
 A prophesied Supernatural Event is already occuring:  
- Isaiah 60:2 - 
 For those with eyes to SEE, that darkness 
is the ignorance and evil permeating this world;
but I'm aware that it'll happen quite literally in the end-times.
Although it appears light here it's a sham light,
the purpose of which is to constantly deceive. 
The antidote to the darkness is JESUS.
HE is the true LIGHT (John 8:12)
If you're not responding to HIS LIGHT or find the 
idea His Return laughable then the gross darkness
certainly fills your soul and deceives your mind.
 Jesus' First and Second Advents 
are prophesied all-through the Bible,
often seperated by just a comma. 
For Example, taken from Luke 4:18-19:
 And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah. 
And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written,

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to 

preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, 

to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set 

at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord."


And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down.

Jesus purposely stopped reading at the 
comma written in Isaiah 61:1-2 which precedes:
"and the day of vengeance of our God."
At His First Advent Jesus came as a suffering 
Servant, at the Second He's a Conquering KING.  
(ISAIAH 9:6)
In truth there's no alternative. 
People are so full of themselves they don't  
realise the sick, twisted nature of a world
where darkness pretends to be L I G H T. 
A future day of replenishment is coming - a Great Reset if 
you please - and if you don't believe there's a God in Heaven 
who's gonna make things right (eventually) and pay back 
those to whom payment is due you're D E L U D E D.  
 There's gonna be no true and 
lasting new age on human terms.
Aliens/E.T.s aren't gonna save us.
They may appear to (for a while)
but E.T.s certainly aren't who they say.
They're super-intelligent yet highly deceptive 
the deviant sons of God of Biblical 
fame and their abominable HYBRID 
or synthetic A.I. fabrications
(men in black, the Greys, Reptilians,
Mothman, Sasquatch etc)

The "great awakening" multitudes long for on their 
terms will be terrifying for a great many people.
 Desiring "your best life now" is
ill-preparation for what's comin.
The Power of Now is powerless before 
the L I G H T  OF  S P I R I T

  The sham light illuminating a 
great many witless people - and the long hoped 
 for new age "great awakening" - is sourced in 
That's not something easily digested through the emotions and
outrage many feel - fueled by movements such as QAnon and popular  
"truther" videos. Well I'm sorry I don't toe the party line or follow move-
ments but the cabal rabbit hole goes far deeper than most care to realise.  
The FAKE esoteric battle of light and dark 
is being engaged by willing and unwitting folks everywhere.

David Icke comes to mind here.
I used to think David was the business:
a welcome BLAST of fresh Aquarian air! 
Now he's no business of mine. 
Now he BLASTS the foul stench of luciferianism.
Like any sharp luciferian David Icke sees the 
darkness all too clearly but fails to SEE the L I G H T.
(John 8:12)
Sadly, he DENIES that LIGHT.
David gets a lotta things right 
while interpreting them dead wrong:
we live on a PRISON PLANET alright.
 For all the magnific "freedom" talk humanity 
is stuck fast in a durable atmosphere 
of strong psychic confinement.
 For the most part people don't know 
what they're doing or what they're into. 
Without the Light of Spirit everyone is 
quantumly entangled in spiritual darkness.
David Icke's entire ministry began with him heeding the
beguiling fictions of channeled (luciferian) spirits, the same ones 
who guided HP Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey, Rudolf Steiner, Aleister 
Crowley and a great many witless new age channelers since.
Whether he's aware of it or not they still guide David today. 

I talk more about David Icke in the NEW AGE section of this blog. 


20 years ago I woulda welcomed the current surge for cosmic 
freedom and ET disclosure but over the past 10 years a lotta sharp ex  
new agers have awakened by the Touch of Spirit just in time for the 
"great awakening" - which is really a bolstering of luciferianism 
pushing the end-times deception to a nefarious conclusion.
Regardless of the air of self-sanctimony, the abundance 
of smiling faces and the smug joviality there's nothing good 
about luciferianism: it ain't a means to a glorious end.  
Anything that detracts from, twists the truth 
of, or mocks Jesus Christ is thoroughly evil. 

The roots of the new age are deep in 
stealth luciferianism which is satanism
by any other name and full of lies.
 As a new ager I never thought myself a 
luciferian much less a satanist; But I was.  

💥 It's come to Light that a heck of a 
lotta things aren't as I previously thought 💥  
Leading new agers, pagans and mystics are blithely
unaware that they're imperilling vast multitudes of souls with
their peculiar brands of psuedo-spirituality and psychobabble.
To my renewed mind the air of self-sanctimony is
nauseating and utterly absurd: just a lotta pretentious
people regaling everyone with their

 In the Light of SPIRIT so much 
strongly advocated high spirituality 
shows up as high corruption

Take the mad kundalini craze for instance.
 Kundalini isn't any sort of true awakening
as the hindu mystics would have us believe.
 A lotta witless people equate 
kundalini with the Holy Spirit but 
Holy Spirit isn't kundalini nor is it analogous 
in any way, shape or form.
Kundalini activation is indicative of the lunatic
naivety of myriads of spiritual aspirants easily fooled  
by the sensual uber-delusions of the flesh.
 Serpent Power ain't a natural factor of our innermost 
psyche laying dormant. It's a psychic INCURSION by deviant 
spiritual powers imitating the holy Spirit and feigning 
spirits come in and deceive us
when we OPEN UP and send out psychic signals
via our exotic meditations and visualisations.
 We obliviously INVITE psychic vampires 
into our souls which proceed to commandeer
our hearts via telepathic Glamourings.
It's serious stuff folks. I'm not messin' about: 
 the Serpent Powers POSSESS our psychic 
proclivities instilling influential minds with 
they proffer the GREATEST 
DECEPTION of all by impressing 
the 🔥DENIAL🔥 of
The difference between the 
Kundalini spirit and Holy Spirit is:

KundaliniEXALTSitselfthrough people.
 Holy Spirit EXALTS JESUS.   
In SPIRIT there's no 
room for Self-Exaltation:
only JESUS is worthy 

Highfalutin kundalini powered activists such as David Icke
and other eminently puffed-up "awakened" folks have to 
renounce and/or utterly deny the truth because they're
pig-ignorant of the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ. 
They've no recourse BUT to ignore Jesus' REALITY
by reason of their vain illuminations and High Theosophy.
 Bouyed by all the sophist knowledge on earth
I used to think like them. But now I see a world in 
the throes of an ancient spiritual deception
Our high intellect and innovative skills are 
exploited for co-creating a system built on esoteric lies. 
Cosmic chumpsters like David Wilcock reckon they're at the 
vanguard of a consciousness revolution; but by the Light of Spirit 
they're senseless recipients of ancient spiritual INVERSION -

a thoroughly heinous SUBVERSION
that's about confounding mankind
in matters of TRUTH.:
J U S T   
"i l l u m i n a t e" 
an influencer and 
the rest is history. 

cloud study by Constable

 look back at my earlier new age persona  
and think what a lot of dumb arrogance.

belligerence. What 
spiritual darkness!

I thought I was living the truth. BUT T'WAS A LIE. 

 see my previous attitude operating at the 
 same level or higher in a wide variety of ways 
and means in a great many people today.
 Too many are seduced into believing cleverly devised fables.
I used to believe we are Divine beings who can do 
whatever we like as long as we're not bothering anyone 
else. But I've learned to unlearn everything I learned from 
hinduism, buddhism and the entirety of the new age: 
specifically the new age of the passed 40 years.
 For all the high intelligence mankind is wholly subservient 
to supernaturally astute overlords operating through an array
of seemingly benign guises such as lightbeings, starpeople etc 
and together we've co-created a reality divorced from Divinity.
A lotta folks live in their own sovereign kingdoms. 
 They think they've discovered somethin' profound 
and blurt it all out in books or over the internet. 
 Multitudes ply their divinatory trades and spread delusory
narcissistic credo's in a manner utterly estranged from Christ. 
It never ceases to amaze and concern me all the inventive esoteric 
methods, non-secular ideologies and mystical fabrications people cook up 
in ever more strident efforts to make intellectual and heartfelt sense of a  
spiritually divorced planet - even an astronomically deranged world  
wherein many falsehoods reign
and cabbalistic strongholds prosper.
 The Earth is oversouled by  
occult  luciferian beings for whom  
the world powers are mere pawns. 
 Rather than an oncoming 
Golden Age of Enlightenment

and despite all the talk of  

p a r a d i g m  shifts 
masses of mystics, new agers,
yogi's and psychonauts are 
heading full-tilt-boogie to a 

    Too many are joining hands with systems of antichrist 
 clothed in spiritual garments (QAnon) which include using
 the name of *Jesus Christ.* Don't fall for them. If anyone talks 
 about unity and tolerance at the expense of actual *truth* you can 
be sure that person - or movement - ain't serving the true GOD.
Regardless of the plentiful proclamations of personal  
divinity this world is gravely out of tune with the Divine.
  We absolutely need the Holy Spirit 
to even begin to properly realise the truth. 
But that sorta data is met with much incredulity and disdain.  
O'er the past 7 years I've had a gamut of facebook 
unfrienders. They simply don't wanna listen, so self-absorbed 
are they in their own vision and works. They refuse to believe
they're unwitting purveyors of ancient spiritual DECEPTION.
 It's simply not possible.
They can't SEE that they're being
systematically deceived en masse; their
haughty attitude of cosmic entitlement -

resolutely denies it. 
  They believe what they wanna because it feeeels good -
because they "resonate" with some LORE in particular. 
 The Universe gives them the truth  
AND conspires to give all they desire;
 but the difference with my angle is 
 I didn't choose this path, it chose me; but it ain't because I'm 
anything special. I'm a terrible sinner. I surmise it's because I was 
so long in the new age I can help expose the deception.
 I see things different to regular christians. 
 30 plus years in the new age enabled a wider perspective.
 Spiritual corruption 
is more subtle, wily and wide-
spread than most people realise. 
Affecting christianity too.
As a new ager I thought christianity a complete deception
and I still see deception in a lotta presumed christianity but I also see 
the veracity of authentic christianity as inspired by the holy Spirit
 Yet, for all that I'm sad to say that christianity 
is as fractured and infiltrated by darkness
as anything in our perverted world.
 As ever PEOPLE are the problem.

 Christianity has been subtly  
invaded by paganism, mysticism 
and new age philosophy. 
 P R I D E and SELF-
LOVE are highly prevalent.
  As a new ager it was the self-righteousness of 
 new agers which (eventually) put me right off and,
unfortunately, I'm the same about many christians.
 "Mahatma" Gandhi had this to say:
 "I'd be a christian if it were not for the christians!" 
"I like your Christ, I do not like your christians.
Your christians are so unlike your Christ."

With implicit hindu bias Gandhi failed to realise 
who Jesus really is yet - for the most part - I have 
to agree with the sentiments 'cos (to be honest)
I don't like a lotta christians.
I LOVE some of 'em though I completely understand why 
some folks leave the christian faith. Christians can be a real turn off. 
I can't stand american christians in particular; they so easily 
fall back into patriotism. It's brainwashed into 'em from childhood. 
As an Englishman I'm alienated and rather nauseated: 
for all the talk of holy Spirit anointing their minds are unrenewed.
As christians we're not of this world (John 17:16)
we hope in the sure Second Coming of Jesus Christ not 
Donald Trump. We look forward to the Kingdom of 
Heaven NOT make America great.
(1 John 2:15-17)
As a convert to the true faith I see the same forces at work in 
christianity as the new age. There's plenty of mild mental illness: too 
many bring their hang ups, grudges and narcissism into the faith. 
Droves of professed christians proffer wild speculation and 
no little perversion. Popular youtubers being a case in point: many (not all) 
exude a slimy me, me, me evangelism; twisting scripture to conform to their 
limited vision and obvious greed for money. More is never enough.

Some "christians" make a lotta dough from youtube
ministry. They got their rummaging snouts deep in the world's
stinking money trough, raking in $$$$ prophesying, sensation-
alising and their many supporters can't see past their own noses.
 It's wrongheaded and plum crazy to boot:

A right mind elicits IRE not love.
 I'd be exceedingly vexed if I didn't 
know it's all coming to a (God)head.
 I'm sure a lotta popular preachers are anointed by Spirit 
but oftentimes it ain't driving the vehicle. Spirit so often 
takes a back seat to the blight of PRIDE
The great danger of christian ministry and pastorship is when
we take over. When we make our will substitute for God's Will -
and mistake our plans for God's Plans. 
SADLY there's a lot of that in christianity.  
 Much of professed christianity 
is rank deception posing as christian. 
 It's abundantly clear that it don't matter how long anyone's 
been a christian, the spirit of lies can make significant inroads 
into the more mature christian psyche in the subtlest ways. 
Satan operates right across the board in the
young and old, sowing seeds in unsuspecting minds. In 
some they quickly germinate, in others lay dormant.

As acutely disturbing as it is, all the mighty  
christian BS don't stop me being a christian
 because I know Christ is REAL and said: 
Regardless of the painful fact that many christians 
are closet new agers following themselves (their hearts)  
it's the wisest thing in the world to follow Jesus.
 We're fighting a spiritual war against corrupt powers and principalities  
manifesting through massed ranks of haughty hearts and lordly intellects 
locked in high conceit, rectitudinous spiritualities and no little arrogance. 
Multitudes of asinine souls are higher strung and 
tetchier than ever yet all are soaking up supranatural 
 lies dressed up to the nines as spiritual truth. 
I look on youtube and twitter regularly and see 
hordes of stuck-up folks thinkin they've a hotline to truth
talkin' so much fanciful bleedin' crap it's incredible;
and somewhat heartbreaking:
I'm mildly mortified to see sooo many 
stuck fast in the deception I'm set free from.
It's an utterly dreadful state of spiritual affairs. 
I'm lightly grieved by the wide diversity  
of delusion and occasionally sympathetic,
until I'm reminded of the insouciantly obdurate 
arrogance that oft accompanies "spiritual" folk
Then I just wanna stick the boot in 😜

"Panpsychism" is trendy nowadays innit.
Popularised by cloyingly self-approving celebrities 
such as Russell Brandamong others - it's another term 
for pantheism. Which is paganism by any other name.
    As we are (sans Spirit) our minds 
 exalt the flesh and worldly things:
 the urge for paganism - for nature 
worship - is STRONG in our lives.
 If we resonate with notions of  pantheism  we're  
pagans guided by deviant nature spirits and worse: 
our feeeelings are paramount 😢
If we follow our feelings (new age style) we're carnal  
not spiritual: following the ways of the flesh not Spirit.  

A lotta folks believe in mother earth.
But there is no "mother earth:"
GOD takes all the credit and the GLORY.

 The "Gaia" mind theology and modern climate change 
concerns are paganism by any other name, all wrapped in 
a highly pervasive and very persuasive sham light.
Ignoring that climate change is a natural process,
the earth's electromagnetic and morphogenic fields aren't operating 
at the frequencies of original creation. They are in fact in a fallen state,
which usually falls on stone deaf ears because hosts of pagan folks 
are enamoured by earth magik and their own psychic faculties. 
So beguiled are they by the elemental forces of the earth - which they 
take to be "spiritual" but are entirely deceptive - that they can't accept an 
eminently contrary view. They won't consider that they've inherited
and unwittingly propogate ancient spiritual inversion.
They're immersed in a psycho-
genic darkness pretending to be Light
 They feeeel they must intercede on behalf of 
nature; but any magikal meddling or psychic hacking 
 only causes severe problems in the long term. 
Not least to their Eternal souls.
 Paganism shows up in the overt body consciousness 
of charismatic celebrities, self-empowerment gurus and 
climate activists such as Greta Thunberg. 
None are in the Light of Christ,
Truth is obscured by nature worship. 
  Climate change activism is pure paganism:
the focus is on the world not GOD,
on creation over CREATOR
  The pagan Greta Thunberg skype 
sessions the Godless Dalai Lama.
 If Greta  
gets her way 
we're in for a  
disturbing future. 
Paganism is a LIE foisted upon  
our souls from birth to the grave.
I was a pagan for a looonnnng time and considered myself 
properly spiritual with it. I've had spiritual friends who didn't consider 
themselves pagan, but they were through and through. I've had loads 
of pagan friends and know how hard - if not impossible - it is to 
reach them with INSIGHT borne of the Holy Spirit. 
The truth is that genuine spirituality ain't in
the slightest bit pagan. It's not of this world
(as we know it)
By the Light of Spirit paganism is spiritual darkness.
 When Jesus said 
"if thine eye be single thy whole body shall be full of Light"
He didn't mean in a personal sense. 
He wasn't implying a mystical experience of a far-eastern 
persuasion. Life - as we know it - is a spiritual inversion: 
the practise of paganism and self-absorption fills 
billions of souls with false light. 
Jesus spoke to every disciple then and after. He speaks to 
the body of Christ on earth, the church. The church has to be 
united - of singular vision and purpose - to be filled with Light. 
The fact that mainstream christianity is 
failing miserably right now doesn't negate the truth. 
God ALWAYS has a REMNANT that aren't visible.
The true church - the Elect - are largely hidden from popular eyes. 
Both individually and collectively we must keep our eye 
(heart) single and fixed on Him who is the Light of the world.  
In contrast the illuminatus "all-seeing eye" is pagan and the
whole body of paganism is full of a light that's actually darkness.

I mentioned how my Spiritual conversion involved 
fire, destruction and DEATH
 One day I threw out some ornaments I owned: a large gold buddha head 
and a dancing Shivapagan idols by any other name - and over several weeks
came under psychic and physical attack: the guy living above me for a decade was
already somewhat unhinged but went
progressively crazier. I hadn't told him of
my conversion but he'd secretly hoarded steel jerry cans filled with diesel and
petrol, and on Valentines day blew up the 3 storey block of flats we lived in:

killing himself and destroying the entire building.
💥 The rubble blazed like an INFERNO 🔥
I lived in the ground floor flat being 
consumed in the midst of the flames.
I used to sleep right there.
A BIG HOLE was blown into the side of 
the house with the windows hanging off.

It briefly made the national news.
I was over a hundred miles away at the time.  
But I could've been there. I was going  
home that day but delayed to the next.
 The inquest presumed it an accident 
that could've happened at any time. 
Hindu/pagan/pantheistic energies are sweetness and 
light when we're "in resonance" but reject or go against them 
and they become positively demonic and try to KILL YOU.
But they can't actually touch you because 
the Grace of the holy Spirit is sure and true.

 This prologue to the main bulk of this rather 
lengthy "blog" got to the poisoned heart of the pressing 
matter of the universally corrupted spirituality of mankind.
I offer no apologies for throwing any 
wandering secularists or curious spiritual 
neophytes in at the deep end.

I offer no concessions to the more seasoned in spiritual affairs,
or those under sway of a grandiose guru, or those channeling specious
or those who only build on evidence, or the hordes under the
influence of one of the most heinous of modern deceptions:
the Law of Attraction Distraction
Spirit doesn't ingratiate the arrogant egotism of a 
David Icke, the imprudent wisdom of the eminently Stoical Eckhart 
Tolle, the philosophy pilfering Alan Watts, the quasi- cosmic craziness of 
David Wilcock, the smarmy schmaltz of Matt Khan or the pig-ignorant blather 
of the singularly narcissistic faux philanthropist Russell Brand with his 
penchant for believing in - and copiously proffering - 
ages of faux enlightenment.
I used to love those sorta characters but now I'm repulsed 
by everything they say. They consistently pull the wool right over 
everyones eyes because their own eyes are so very woolly. 
 And they wear trendy new age  
magenta tinted specs over 'em too.

Those "luminaries" are spiritual perversions beguiling millions  
with fashionable platitudes and spoon-feeding legions of witless
"spiritual" chumpsters with sugar-coated esoteric fabrications. 
For all the talk of Awakening 
they unintentionally propagate

  Many ingenious methods of fathoming reality are formulated,
which - clever as they are - nevertheless lead people far from the truth.

 As a new ager the fact (or nonsense) of enlightenment and mysticism  
of any sort was a subject close to my heart for nigh on 30 years. 
I was interested in every major hindu guru or buddhist mystic 
 of the last couple centuries - some minor ones too - and for all the proclaimed  
enlightenment they exude the deepest ignorance, the most deranged mentalities 
and indulge highly immoral behaviour. It's all about self-exaltation - which ain't 
at all good. Rather than accepting Jesus - which credits them for righteousness -
they're wholly self-righteous and harbour dark thoughts and emotions aplenty. 
They live according to the flesh not SPIRIT. 
In the face of so much preposterous spiritual tomfoolery 
I'm helping share insight which shows all the new age proprietors for 
what they are: utterly deceived and ultimately futile. Swayed by popular 
mysticisms and psuedo-numinosities many parade a once noble and 
Divinely situated spirituality turned upside down or back to front.
  In the next "Spiritual Realisation" 
section of this blog I go much deeper into 
 the Cause of the spiritual perversion of humanity.
In this "Hindu Godmen" section I address the symptoms.

 Hardly anyone is tackling one of the MAJOR religious
head on with experience and insight and so - with 
a sense of reluctant fortitude - I'm helping expose some really 
quite duplicitous belief systems, personalities and their 
ridiculously convoluted spiritualities.
Here we go, hold onto your hats!
"... when we have no one to grope towards, no devil to lay our blame upon, no Personal God to carry our burdens, when we are alone responsible, then we shall rise to our highest and best. I am responsible for my fate, I am the bringer of good unto myself, I am the bringer of evil. I am the Pure and Blessed One... I have neither death nor fear, I have neither caste nor creed. I have neither father nor mother nor brother, neither friend nor foe, for I am Existence, Knowledge, 
and Bliss Absolute; I am the Blissful One, I am the Blissful One. 

I am
 not bound by either virtue or vice, by happiness or misery. 
Pilgrimages and books and ceremonies can never bind me. 
I have neither hunger nor thirst; the body is not mine, nor am I 
subject to the superstitions and decay that come to the body, 

I am
 Existence, Knowledge and Bliss Absolute;  

I am the blissful One,
    I am the Blissful One."
 Swami Vivekananda -

That's precisely the sorta uber-deluded bullshittery permeating 
this perverted earth from deepest antiquity to the "power of now"  
Mesmerised by hindu thought waves and hypnotized by a variety of  
vain affirmations and perfidious mantrasused to think like Vivekananda; 
but now I think the polar opposite. Turns out my former ways of perceiving and 
reasoning were founded on a primeval and prevailing psychic equivocation.
By the Holy Spirit in me I must
resoundingly rebuke
anyone so 
blatantly identifying with
The more I read such brazen self-assessments - verily going viral 
these days - the more hideously pompous they appear. What spiritual 
arrogance excretes from Vivekananda! What belligerence! 
That's where hinduism can lead aspiring souls: 
the rarefied heights of metaphysical PROFANITY.
 Contrary to popular opinion being older doesn't make a religion better 
situated in truth. Far from it as it happens: seemingly unbeknownst to multiple 
historical and contemporary "gurus" spiritual corruption is very ANCIENT.
Hinduism ain't exempt from spiritual corruption and 
neither is buddhism. They're essential to its maintenance. 
Vivekananda is indicative of the loftiest delusions 
of grandeur an infringed psyche can conjure. 
"Swami" Viv's vain ass-sumptions aren't a 
result of spiritual enlightenment but of deviation.
 So many are living spiritual reality fabrications  
that are rank perversions of the truth. 
REAL Spirituality ain't about being GOD.
It's about humility before GOD.
There was zero humility in Vivekananda:
just a really quite obscene megalomania.
I well understand the prophet Jeremiah's assertion that it 
ain't in men or women to direct their own steps; they just lead
themselves and everyone who follows into strong delusion.
Don't we see a lot of that in the world today

 An eager participant of the pagan Roman Catholic Church sanctioned  
World Parliament of Religions in 1893 Vivekananda gained posthumous success 
promoting neo-vedantic hinduism, which paved the way for a gamut of 20th century spiritual criminals - and I don't say that  lightly - such as Osho, Maharishi, Adi Da Samraj and "Sadhguru" (to name just four) to rise up and appoint themselves mediators between God and man, initiating large swathes of humanity into their  
exotic sense based mind-control CULTS.
 People are fools if they think "gurus" or Yogi's represent anything good or 
elevated about mankind. For all the psychological nous there's nothing 
Divine dwelling in them; they're living mockeries of the Divine.
I used to consider neo-vedantic detachment endearingly 
eccentric and most enlightened. Now I know it's illumination by a 
very different light than the Light of Spirit. Now I consider it a deep 
corruption of the heart; even an inbred psychic madness endemic 
to the spiritual retardation of the ages.

 So called enlightened ones are spiritually perverted folk  
carelessly perpetuating an ancient human-Divine dichotomy.
   Vivekananda's brazen uber-delusion arose from a
spiritual misapprehension all too prominent these days
 and a clear display of primal spiritual subterfuge.
Seductive yet irreverent by nature nothing of truth or Divinity can be 
gleaned from such impudent self-assessments; they're reflective of the fatuous 
"I Will" decrees of an ancient self-exalted Cherub - the self-same perverted entity 
possessing kings, "holy men" and mystics for millennia - and latterly through the 
self-obsessed new age, neo-vedantism and all offshoots of the theosophists.
(Isaiah 14: 12-14)

Long before neo-vedantism I was into theosophy for a time, when I was much younger, insomuch that I read all the literature and was predisposed to seriously consider theosophy to be in touch with the Supreme Truth. Back then I eagerly absorbed as much "ancient wisdom" as I could find - generally from the local library (well stocked) - but now I see theosophy is one of many at variance cosmologies imposed upon the naked psyche of mankind for millennia. 
The elemental "I Will" intention behind 
Vivekananda's "I Am" proclamations continue to fuel the 
new age's blasphemous perspective on enlightenment.
 It transires that there's no actual Divine truth in  
Vivekananda's blatant God complex. His entire bearing 
projects subliminal rebellion against the Divine 

 We live in an eminently egotistical world 
brimming with haughty self-absorptions, over
feelings and psychotic religious fervour. 
 "spiritual" people talk such a lotta spiritual BS
and much of it is extracted from channeling.
Vivekananda's sort, and many mystics besides,
channel the uber-delusion of a deviant Cherub. 
      (Channeling is a nuanced 
yet highly deceptive practise
I talk a lot more about in the
New Age section of this blog)
That Cherub's nefarious dark light flourishes within  
hindu godmen, buddhist mystics and new agers everywhere. 
It's no coincidence that the cult of Theosophy arose in 
synch with the neo-vedantists of the late 19th century. 
Proffering a fresh spin on hinduism by astutely morphing vedantism into neo-vedantism, the lofty Vivekananda's foremost intent was negation of the despised influence of  christianity in India back then, which - in concordance with the duplicitous spirits initiating the Theosophical society - helped set up the 
final surge of luciferian anti-Christ Supremacy in the end-time period.
As it happens the here and now period.
In stern rebuttal of theosophical and by turns new age 
theology: the whole order of nature doesn't evince a 
progressive march towards a higher life because - as it is -  
nature isn't at all natural. 
Life is fundamentally corrupt at its core vibrational level.
 The world is in a state of advanced spiritual collapse:
Nature largely functions in violation of Divine Laws

 The business of God realisation is a very
desirous business for many influential poobahs
 Following in the footsteps of the haughty Vivekananda we have in 
our day one Deepak Chopra - ex disciple of the Beatles' guru, the facetious 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - making similarly ostentatious claims:  

"In reality, we are divinity in disguise, and the gods and goddesses 
within us in embryo that are contained within us seek to be fully materialised. 
We must find out for ourselves that inside us is a god or goddess that wants 
to be born so that we can express our divinity."

  What a lot of high-end, plagiarised, vain speculative bollocks. 
  Too many are besides themselves with
eagerness to lap up ear-ticklin' porky pies.
Pantheistic notions of personal godhood arise 
from a primordially perverted core spiritual nature. 
Deepak ain't livin in 
REALITY. He lives a hindu/
pantheistic DELUSION. 

 It's frightening to consider just how many 
spiritually reprobate minds are fooled by similarly 
alluring sound bites then make them their own.
Vast Multitudes certainly aren't awakening to the truth 
and definitely aren't rising to the "highest and best" of themselves;
but to the worst of haughty self-appraisals and misapprehensions.
Viv and Deepak's ego-enchanting spiel infects the hordes of 
theology dilettantes, idiot savants and alpha geeks running amok today: 
those diverse and most vocal troops of purely 
beguiled ones who presume to know what spirituality is 
yet know nothin' outside of the power of suggestion. 
The more I look at Viv and Deep's blustering proclamations 
the more unawakened they appear. Their conceited theology is
rooted in an ancient prevarication still twisting itself around and about 
in ever more strident efforts to radiate a hallucinatory sheen of truth.
It's time to realise that they don't speak for the 
actual truth of our spiritual life situation but SING of 
the theological belligerence and esoteric criminality 
multitudes of unwitting spiritual racketeers propagate. 
To pagan eyes hinduism appears deep and spiritual.  
But with Eyes to See it's a monstrous fabrication. 
 Pantheistic notions of personal godhood arise 
from a primordially perverted core spiritual nature. 
As a hindu roots new ager the pantheism of hinduism, that every-
thing is ultimately God - made it stand tall above other religions.
I thought it the unsullied source of ALL religions. 
Turns out the opposite is the case:
there's nothin Godly about hinduism.  

Like pretty much everyone in history the migrating
indo-aryans were spiritually misinformed.
The oft remarked notion that people have meditated for 
thousands of years means nothin' besides revealing the 
really quite MASSIVE extent of subtle psychic coercion 
and the attendant spiritual delusions rooted deep in 
the psyche of all cultures since deepest antiquity. 

 Around 2012 
I'd exhausted hindu and neo-vedantic 
theology and - lookin at all the increasingly absurd  
new age folks - somethin' urged me to reject monism. 
At the time I was scrutinizing historical vedanta 
schools and their luminaries to see who 
I could find and what I could glean.
In the years leading to my conversion I identified with the  
Dvaita (dualism) teachings of Madhvacharya and his "realist viewpoint" which - with hindsight - set up the transition to the Light of Spirit relatively smoothly, allowing the rejection of all that I believed before fairly easily.

I found Madvhacharya interesting 'cos he 
debunked the 
monist views of Advaita Vedanta, even accusing one of its leading 
founders, the renowned Adi Shankara no less - and Advaitins 
in general - of being deceitful demons  
Why would one steeped in the lore of the Vedas, the Upanishads etc
and an honoured self-realiser himself, be so bitchy? Nevertheless I'm
convinced he was right 'cos - sans Christ - no religion or state of
or no-mind) is free from spiritual deception.
Although an outspoken maverick and a radical realiser Madvha 
was erroneous, harbouring the usual delusions of grandeur endemic 
to hindu thought waves and "self-realisation" in general: 
He thought he was the son of god. 
The son of the god Vishnu in his case, called Vayu.
Madvha reckoned himself the third avatar of Vayu!
   After 3 decades of meditation, new age and Brahman  
I confidently conclude that hindu and buddhist approaches to  
God and/or moksha/nirvana are rife with the strongest delusions.  
 I know those paths don't lead to Real God.
Actually, they lead very far from Him.

The Real God hates 
pantheistic theologies 
and convoluted methods of liberation simply 
because they deny the unique Divinity and 
simplicity of Yahshua/JESUS CHRIST. 
All self-exalting creeds channel 
the aberrant spirit of lucifer/satan.
Famous classical and "neo" vedantists
were highfalutin conceited fools 
- simple as.
The reason comes into sharp relief in light of the 
scriptural statement that the heart (sans Spirit) is deceitful above all things. 
But of course it is: a heart left to it's own devices conceives all manner of 
deceptive thoughts which go on to find genius methods of expression.
Hinduism is a religion which a few headstrong, self-willed 
ancient hindus AMPLIFIED to such a pitch of madness that it still 
seems highly spiritual to the unguarded and unrenewed mind. 
On the surface India's gods and mythology seem unique; but they're intimately connected to Greece and Egypt and therefore rooted wholly in paganism. The hindu trinity of brahma, vishnu and shiva derive from the sons of Noah, which are - along with their children and grandchildren - the template for every god of the ancient world. It's said that "Sama,'" "Chama,'' and "Pra Japeti'' are born of every "Menu'' (also called ''Ish Nuh," "the man, Noah") and that these three were the human names of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. "Sama," "Chama" and "Pra japati"  
are Shem, Ham and Japheth.

You can dive deeper into the knowledge of the 
origin of all the pagan deities behind hinduism,  
buddhism and the new age by reading  
The Worship of the Dead 
by John Garnier, written around 1908. Link below:


"True spirituality - a noble and sublime attainment -
now suffices in tantalizing and ostentatious display"

 It's sobering to realise that amidst the clamour of the many imposter 
gods and goddesses, the hindu's hadn't an actual clue who the real God is. 
So much falling out over truth occured because they didn't have the truth! 
They were so full of themselves, and their own works, they couldn't perceive 
never mind receive. For sure they would've heard of Yahshua/Jesus Christ 
but they were so enraptured by their presumed enlightenment 
 that they were utterly blind to the truth

Oh the irony.
The "godmen" and buddha's arose out of humanity's 
constant struggle with morality, passions, deeds, intrigues, 
evil, compassion, ambitions, subjugation, power struggles and 
class wars, racism, faithfulness, deception and of course:   
They were as wrongheaded as any modern new age 
persona because their enlightenment emerged from a 
drastically reduced level of native spiritual awareness. 
That really quite drastic reduction of original cognition is still 
the default setting of our minds, and the psychic space around us
is severely psychically polluted. Pretty much everything man 
has discovered and achieved over thousands of years was 
procured and administered inappositely.
  Contrary to popular persuasion spiritual EVIL is 
very real and only spiritually deceived hearts deny it.
 Realising the extent of the astute cunning of EVIL is so disturbing 
that most resolutely ignore it and indulge instead their dreambodies. 
Considering reality an illusion (in the hindu/buddhist sense)
is quite the trendy thing; but it's the top-tier expression 
of ancient EVIL converted to the modern mindset.
 Reality is not an illusion per se: 
 collectively - with the help of swindling supernal entities - mankind 
has made reality what it is and we have to deal with it realistically, not revert 
to practising meditation under pretenses of connecting with our "higher self" 
'cos such things merely position ones head firmly up ones arse while 
exacerbating personal delusions. 
It's time to hit the illusion-delusion where it hurts, with a large shot of 
 Spiritual Reality sobriety. Reality (as we know it) is verily saturated with deep-seated deceptions upheld by a regnant spiritual artifice all of the distinguished hindu yogis and buddhist mystics were subject to yet completely oblivious of. 

The ancient rishis termed it māyā (sanskrit माया māyā) 
literally meaning "illusion" and "magic" which is only half  
the truth and very misleading, giving people all sorts of turgid 
ideas arising from the profoundest mercurial applesauce.
The renowned rishis of ancient India - the founders of hinduism and by turns buddhism - weren't exempt from the subtlest psychic coercions; they were as spiritually deceived as anyone can be. They were wide open vessels used by supernal spirits messin with their subliminal minds. For all the deep self-absorption and fancy ass rhetoric those rishi's never actually transcended māyā; they viewed reality through a very different light than the Light of Spirit and failed to see the perverted state of the world much less their own congenitally corrupted psyche.
The great and terrible irony is they were unwitting 
channels of māyā and subject to the extravagant lies of 
deviant spirits and rebel angels posing as good.

Those wayward spirit's still operate behind the scenes of everyday life,  
channeling through chosen ones, guiding enquiring minds seeking answers, 
and messin' with the fabric of māyā for their own ends. David Copperfield, 
Dynamo et al are rank amateurs compared to the dark magicians 
mankind is constantly confounded by.
 Another significant player - not sittin idly on the bench but 
in active play - is right here within us. Known in hinduism as  
"avidya" or personal delusion and cognitive limitation: 

"the entrenched misunderstanding of ourselves 
and the world. The effect of avidya is to suppress the real 
nature of things and present something else in its place." 

Basically that means we view 
the world through our own highly 
malleable psychic bullcrap.

The awful paradox of the ancient rishi's is that
 they failed to realise that the world is fundamentally 
corrupt and ruled by luciferian powers and principalities.
  Yoga arose out of the spiritual 
perversions of ancient India.

 Yoga is union with "Brahman," which is a specious 
energy field in resonance with deviant angelic natures.
Yoga evokes "powerful ideas" sure but they arise 
from aberrant entities exiled from the Light of Spirit.

      You know why yoga is so much spiritual BS?

A lotta vain, rich celebrities practise yoga!

Their sense of entitlement knows no bounds:

they desire all the world offers  
AND Eternal Spiritual Security.
But real Spirituality don't work that way.  

No one gets into Heaven after doin' 
whatever the hell they like while on earth. 
The myth of the source of all yoga is based on an illustrious character: 
the original yogi - lately endorsed by popular indian guru decepticon Jaggi Vasudev (the ridiculous Sadhguru) - was inspired by the supposed first "adiyogi" Shiva. It's all very convenient for the gullible yogi's of the world but turns out Shiva is a stylised depiction of a particular regnant spirit working hard to push an insidious agenda all it's own: that ol' cherub known in aramaic-hebrew as  
 We've inherited a planetary paroxysm of hatred 
of true Divinity; even a degradation of spirituality in favour 
of the debased philanderings of faux Godmen and over 
the top spiritual quackery all too apparent to my renewed mind.
 In Light of Spirit the hindu luminaries I used to love and respect 
turn out to be dead wrong. Spirit is completely at odds with hindu/buddhist/
pantheistic ways of perceiving reality. It transpires that hinduism was concocted 
by the same deviant beings who initiated the theosophical and new age beliefs 
of today, and are indicative of the manifold occult subversions imposed 
on the psyche of mankind for millennia:  
a prodigious spiritual ruse billions have literally fallen* for 😵  
*The Fall is a tragic universal affair addressed more
in the next Spiritual Realisation section of this blog.
Vivekananda, Maharishi, Osho, Adi Da Samraj et al were steeped 
in ancient spiritual deceptions reinvented for the neo-vedantic mindset.  
Lookin closer at the wide range of hindu "masters" and self-realisers, hyper-delusion clearly reigns: sexual immorality is rife, perversion profligates and even pedophilia is present in the minds of yogis, maharishi's and bhagwan's heinously feigning wisdom and holiness; fooling millions with highfalutin charismatic spiritual narcissism. 
There's nothing "Holy" about yoga. 
Hindu style god realisation isn't realising real GOD,
 it's inherently idolatrous pantheism/nature worship. I no longer 
subscribe to pantheism 'cos it considers GOD identical with nature.

The original metaphysics of human cognition have been 
compromised and we've inherited the consequencies: 
a world divorced from Divinity.

  Hindu's and buddhists violate man's native spirituality.
The millions of perpetually stoned 
indian "holy men" - or sadhus - for instance... 

Yeah those idiots: 
lotta misguided folks think they're practising advanced spirituality 
and/or mind over matter. The gnostics began under the same 
impetus: they proclaimed matter to be essentially evil. 
Even something to be set free from.
 Sadhus believe they're in a state of full power >SHIVA< 

Sadhus represent the sort of sly spiritual 
travesties I talk a lot about in this 'ere blog.
what a grand show of spiritual misrepresentation. Not to mention rank idiocy.  
Sadhus are obsessed with death, covering themselves in the ashes of the dead  
and what have you. It's ridiculous, disturbing and not at all spiritual: 
with eyes to see Spiritual death dwells within so called "Sadhus" 
They are gross perversions of humanity and 
highly symbolic of the darkest spiritual subversions which 
hinduism, buddhism and by turns the new age represent.

It's all so much bad to the bones baloney.
Hindu "holy" (sic) men 
and all souls who follow. 

    For all the grandiose statements and numinous fireworks  
hinduism is a deeply misleading faith. Instead of providing productive
anchored in the Harmony of Divinity it deals out the 
deepest spiritual delusions and is a major contributor of 
ancient esoteric subversion.  
Hinduism is firmly rooted in esoteric duplicity 
obscuring truth from all sides of the human psyche. 
Hinduism provides no clear answers or practical solutions to the 
why's and wherefores of the extremes of historic and contemporary 
human suffering; intead it proffers abstract concepts such as "māyā" and 
a huge cosmic cycle we're expected to blithely accept without question.
Hindu's skate around the big issues and never address 'em head on,
decoying instead to yet another grandiose faux cosmology
(among many available today) populated by
 freaky hybrid beings


In the face of the crazy caste system and spiritual madness of hinduism

it's startlingly obvious profane spiritual forces run this planet;

we live in the midst of a darkness pretending to be Light:   

high deception posing as spiritual enlightenment.


Earth's psychic climate is manipulated by  

deviant angelic beings exiled from Divinity.


Hinduism was created by pagan "gods" by any other name:  

once Divine now fallen beings using earth as their principality,

promoting themselves as gods and goddesses.


There is a mind,  a self styled god, behind the myth of 

the first yogi: the aforementioned adiyogi otherwise known as Shiva

currently idolised in a grotesque 40ft graven image by the abominably 
smarmy arch deceptor "Sadhguru" - sitting pretty within earth's electro-
magnetic fields, running the spiritual show and the people behind it.

That mind is entirely hostile towards true Divinity,

methodically deviating man's innate spirituality by fooling 

billions into believing MASSIVE esoteric perversions.


That "god" dwells within the minds and hearts

of deceived hindu luminaries such as Vivekananda. 


That spirit is the guiding light behind

all "enlightened ones" and mystics 

right on up to the present NOW.  


That mind, god

and spirit is known

a s
  S  A  T  A  N



A great many struggle

to believe in a
 literal Satan.


I certainly did. 



I thought he was a christian myth;

an allegory of internal spiritual

objectified by an imposing christianity.


Like a good gnostic allegorically is

how I used to think of the Holy Spiri
t 😁


But there's no allegory of internal spiritual 

dynamics on offer here. Zero gnosticism is involved.

  Our exoteric LORD Jesus testified of a literal satan. 


Satan is as objective as JESUS.


Denying his reality suits satan down to the ground 

because he doesn't want you to believe he's real.

With anonymity he exercises a great power 

he wouldn't have if exposed


As a new ager I wasn't convinced

but by the Light of Spirit satan is real, 

highly active and diabolically clever.


We're all subject to satan's  

slick influence one way or another

because he's dominated the earth

since deepest antiquity:


"... that old serpent, called the Devil, and  

Satan, which deceiveth the whole world."

(Including hindu's and buddhists)


Satanism (self-exaltation) is the hidden foundation 

of far-eastern religions and new age spirituality.


You may've heard the argument that since nowhere in 

the Bible is it directly stated that Lucifer is Satan, maybe he’s not.

However, reading scripture by the Light of Spirit we
see that it says so indirectly. Begin in Isaiah 14:12:

"How you are fallen from heaven, 
O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cast down 
 to the ground, you who weakened the nations."

Now compare that declaration with later 
clarification in the Revelation of Jesus Christ
Chapter 12 Verse 9,

"So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, 
the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; 
he was cast to the earth..."
Lucifer is that old devil, Satan!
Luciferianism is the initiator and guiding 
power of the new age and all political affairs.


Satan bewitches in crude ways but also in artful fashion:

bedevilling the minds of billions with ornamented 

spiritual and religious fabrications.


 Not only is satan able to deceive the self-exalted

(yogi's, bhagwans, maharishi's, buddha's and bodhi's

but also those who walk the christian faith. 


"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly,

that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, 

giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their 
conscience seared with a hot iron."


  Billions fall for the 

seductions of false beliefs. 

Satan has the uncanny ability to 

make people believe in lies passionately


Don't we see a lot of THAT in the world today.  



A particulary potent argument used by unbelievers  

swaying many unwitting folks to their line of reasoning 

(atheism) is that GOD is responsible for all the evil 
in the world because He created Lucifer. 
 The twisted logic posits the picture of a demented God
getting some sort of sick thrill at all the suffering and death.
 They persuade so many to believe that the Biblical God 
ain't the One True God but an imposter and our enemy. 
He's mean and quite insane: 
prolific killer of civilians and children.
Humanly speaking it's an affective defense, because -
like so many demagogues - they appeal to our emotions.
They take their Biblical examples 
and isolate/interpret them way out of 
context to suit their blinkered worldview.
They utterly fail to see the rampant paganism 
and blind demonism of the ancient world. 
They don't realise that the Creator of Life has the  
Sovereign Right to take life just as much as He Gives.
They insist on God displaying human level 
morality while pig-ignorant of the congenitally 
perverted nature of life on earth. 
 Scoffers and mockers hate the whole notion of a Divine and  
Righteous God of Justice who SEES things from the perspective 
of true Holiness - so they throw Him out the window.
As an "enlightened" new age gnostic 
luciferian I was prone to believe the lies
attacking the Biblical portrayal of God; but by 
the Light of Spirit the machinations of atheists 
and unbelievers are glaringly obvious
God knows and sees everything beforehand 
sure, and He knew where the Gift of Free Will 
would lead certain heavenly beings and mankind.  
 No two ways about it, God Given free will 
leads to an ungodly mess - sooner or later - because 
extreme duality ensues with so many choosing to 

REJECT a Creator  wherein

true Harmony Reigns.

It's the way free will goes, so GOD provided 
a Glorious solution (JESUS) right from the off.
  1 Peter 1:19-21: "But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb 
without blemish and without spot: Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, Who by 
Him do believe in God, that raised Him up from the dead, and gave Him 
Glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.”
 Because of God's foreknowledge, Jesus Christ’s destiny was pre-
determined long before He ever became a man, and long before there ever 
was a creation. Nothing in His earthly life occurred fortuitously; even His miraculous birth and graphic death were in the Godhead’s Eternal plan. 
What a Plan! Glory to GOD!!
“Lo, I come to do thy will,” - Messiah Jesus, 
quoting Psalm 40, told His Father at His incarnation 
(Hebrews 10:7-9) 

Atheists and Luciferians simply cannot see past 
their own noses. Their lordly intellects and deluded souls are 
firmly under a dominion of darkness twisting the truth to suit  
satan's amenity and ensure our damnation. 
(2 Corinthians 4:4)
 I write more about this in 
the Spirit vs. the New Age 
section of this blog.


  I really hope you can now see 
how easy it is to spiritually DECEIVE 
mankind on such a MASSIVE SCALE. 
If you think you're a progressive radical following your own spiritual path to  
God, satan's mind overshadows you, implanting thoughts and ideas, using your psychic abilities against you for his nefarious purposes. Legions of spirits secure our cooperation by whatever means necessary: appealing to intellect, stroking egos, deceiving with astral glamourings or coaxing people with feelings of "bliss" 
(like so many spiritual junkies); inducing manifold quasi- mystical  

 Hindu style "neo-vedantists" and theosophists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were occupied by a resurgent dark power they were either privy to or completely unaware of. The terrible irony is that those who vehemently consider themselves (or others) to be awake or enlightened are anything but: they're fast asleep dreaming lucid dreams. The "light" they shine is a form of darkness 😧

The oversoul or "higher self" of this world is satan allied with a conglomerate of maverick spiritual beings hostile to the Creator and His original purpose for mankind. They manifest as angels of light or ministers of righteousness, gods and goddesses or artificial intelligence, or some trippy hybrid deity suiting the belief system of whatever aspiring soul or culture; tapping into subjective, romantic and spiritual ideals 

"Ramakrishna" was a major pawn in that respect

Ramakrishna was Vivekananda's revered guru from whom he received instruction and his blasphemous spiritual ideals. Rama held fast to the romanticized belief that all paths lead to the one true God: the all religions as one scenario. Which seems innocent enough on the surface but there's a seriously shady causality behind it it. 

 Rama was brimming with kundalini/serpent power  

which obviously rendered him completely mad: 

a madness some bum-steered folks consider Divine!


There was nothin' Divine about Ramakrishna.

He looked retarded to me, which I now know he was. 

Rama's an example of luminaries unwittingly waxing lyrical 

over ancient esoteric corruption, and the strong delusions

induced by hinduism's pantheon of "gods and goddesses" 


Below is a stylised depiction of an old photo of Rama  

giving the "Karana Mudra" hand signal of tibetan buddhism. 

 We know it as the hail satan salute. Which it is.

It goes to show that for all the "enlightenment" 

men like Rama failed to cognise what they were really into.  

  There he is saluting, and exalting, SATAN in his heart and - via his disciple 
Vivekananda - securing a great many unwitting souls in the 20th century 
by the deception of neo-vedantism still saturating new age theology. 
 Rama's obviously returning a gesture given in 

visions of the "mother goddess" he so venerated.

 It's no accident one of the 3 or 4 decent pics 

available of Rama caught that for posterity.
 I used to be enamoured by characters 
like Ramakrishna. Not anymore.

It's no coincidence Ramakrishna used the  
Karana Mudra/hail satan in his daily devotions.
However benign the meaning has become in our modern mind
(universal with hard rock/metal fans) it represents obeisance to the 
(presumed) Divine superiority of satan. A belief also proffered by the 
Theosophical society, which, coincidentally (not) was created in Rama's 
time by the same dark power active since deepest antiquity.
 It's no coincidence the darkly overshadowed Nazi party used 
the swastika under pretenses of national pride and unity, and then killed 
tens of millions over a relatively short amount of terrestrial time. 
Rama offers the mudra under pretence of  
religious unity which spiritually slays billions over a 
longer amount of time - stretching into Eternity.

 There's no use rationalising away Ramakrishna's hail satan anymore than 
it's useful to dismiss the nazi party's use of the swastika because (we're told) 
it's a benign symbol denoting goodness and "well being" used by Hitler for evil purposes. It isn't benign or good, it's a pagan/tibetan buddhist symbol of sun worship with all the pantheistic spiritual perversions inherent therein.
The prevalence of the swastika/pagan sun symbol in olde  
tibetan buddhism denotes the dark presence behind that religion's 
inception. Rama using the Mudra betrays the same secret  
dark force at work in his spiritual life.

Serious shit folks!
For all the presumed enlightenment Ramakrishna  
hadn't an actual clue what he was really into:  
Hindu style guru's - whether Bhagwan's, Yogi's or Maharishi's
are clear indication of nefarious esoteric powers which have 
made a monumental spiritual conspiracy.
The likes of Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and "Sadhguru"
arise from an ancient spiritual subversion utilising an  
endgame stratagem fast reaching apotheosis 

This is but a prologue to the rest of my blog 😁 

It's necessarily very lengthy 
and presented in 4 sections: 
Hindu Godmen
Spiritual Realisation
The New Age
Spirit vs. the New Age 
 If you resonate you'll acclimate.
 If you don't you won't.
 In the following section titled 
I divulge WHY life is so spiritually perverted.
 click on the link 
Youtube channel: 
Email address: darenn3@googlemail.com